592 -
On the ninth day of Rikti-mas my true love gave to me,
Nine 'porting gunmen
Eight 'ploding pylons.
Seven UXBs
Received: Quantum Laser. Quantity: Six.
The Honnnorrrreeeeee
Four Riders
Three Downed Dropships
Two Rikti portals
And a half-dead Rikti monkey -
On the seventh day of Rikti-mas my true love gave to me,
Seven UXBs
Received: Quantum Laser. Quantity: Six.
The Honnnorrrreeeeee
Four Riders
Three Downed Dropships
Two Rikti portals
And a half-dead Rikti monkey -
What keeps me from AE is the almost complete inability to find any decent stories. For every one good story it seems there are about a hundred other dumb stories. All I ever see are stories like,
"this is a farm!!!1!1"
"lulz I maed a storyz"
...and so on. Other times I see stories that have potential, but are bogged down by terrible writing and spelling errors, or just not understanding the system. To me it seems like you can only find a good story once in a blue moon. Plus the search system is just borked, and I can never find anything good with it. -
I congratulate you on not suggesting the same hundred suggestions as every new person who suggests stuff. "Raise the level cap!" "Merge the servers!" "Full Respec!" Get kind of tired of seeing that after a while.
Though you did miss once with the underwater zone. I mean, granted, it looks good on paper, but just the time and effort for something that will ultimately fail it's intent is not worth it. Not saying it's a bad suggestion, but it's one I've seen before.
Most everything else get's a yes from me, cept the 50 = new slot thing. People would get way to many free slots by exploiting farms. -
First I was like,
"Ugh, here we go again..."
then I was like,
"Holy necro-post Batman!" -
I think it would be funny if there was a badge for reaching the max height of any outdoors map.
"Believes (s)he can fly"
Description:Well, if you didn't know whether or not you could fly by now, you're about to find out. -
If you're not against Masterminds, I've had some tremendous fun with my Ninja/Storm MM. Despite the fact the Ninja's are considered one of the worst primaries, I performed well on teams and solo. I'll tell you, shoving that Elite Boss into a corner with Hurricane, then throwing Tornado, Snow Storm, Lightning Storm, and freezing rain on him feels so awesome. The you just let your ninja's go to town and murder the EB.
There should be a badge for actually trying to ride one of the hundreds of sail boats sailing around.
"Wannabe Sailor"
Despite your best efforts, you just can't seem to get a grip on the art of sailing. -
Quote:I'm a casual player too, and I read the forums a little from time to time. I pretty much had the Incarnate system nailed in all of five minutes from, you know, reading the in-game text.I'm casual, I scan the forums a little, I got the slot on my "main" I have an idea of what's next, but I'll need to take some time and research exactly what I need to collect and where to get them... the info in game is not crystal clear "Mr. Obvious" type stuff. It's easy to understand how people don't know what to do. I think this has all been pretty sloppy, lazy, and poorly thought out by the game designers.
Seriously, it's not rocket science. If you actually read all of the dialog that Mender Ramiel gives you after his arc, it explains everything. Heck, you could just do what Amygdala said; just look around the Incarnate window. It seems pretty self-explanatory IMHO. The only confusing thing to me is trying to remember which Task Force gives which Incarnate Salvage. -
I did about 3 solo story arcs and an ITF today; crafted my Spiritual Boost alpha power afterwards. Only took about 2 hours.
People need to stop whining so much. Getting your Alpha abilities isn't as hard as it seems. -
It's not a level bump per se. It looks like it will be like sidekicking, in that you are Combat level 51, but you're still Security level 50. So basically, your powers will get stronger, but you won't get any new slots, powers, etc....
Yup, the Curse of Weariness. Pretty nasty. First thing though, ignore the power box description. It's lying. What it suggests is far longer than how long it actually lasts.
As for the power itself, it's used by Vanguard Colonels, I.E. Captain Holtz. It only appears once in that arc, so you shouldn't need to worry about it again. But, if you haven't run Gaussian's "The Red and the Black" arc yet, Vanguard appears quite frequently in that arc. There's a temporary power called "Nectanebo's Curse Breaker" which can kill the power while it's still on you. You get it at the Vanguard crafting table for 50 Vanguard Merits.
IIRC, the power really only lasts about 3 minutes or so. When I get hit with it, I just pull up my browser and watch videos or something until it's gone. -
I found about 3 shards running solo missions set at +0/x3 in the course of about an hour. As long as you're fighting enemies that are Level 50 or higher they have a chance to drop.
Of course, Lieutenants and Bosses have higher chances of dropping them then Minions. Of those 3 I found, 2 of them were from Lieutenants and 1 from a Boss. -
Team two was just 16 seconds over an hour. =P
Very good run guys, it was a blast! -
No problem. Though I may not be there until around 10:20 EST, if that's okay. :P
I'll sign up with my Proto-Zero, DB/EnA Stalker.
If you still need a leader for team 2, I'll volunteer myself. =P -
you really just have to look at them closely and see which one supports your playstyle. For example, my Invulnerability tank isn't very durable solo, because I chose to focus on damage with my solo build. Darkest Night from the Soul Mastery pool is a perfect compliment for Invulnerability. With the +Res and +Def from Invul and the -ToHit and -Dmg from DN, all of a sudden I become nearly twice as powerful as before.
It's funny for me, because my Stalker has been sitting at 50 for a long time now. I play my Stalker semi-regularly, but have only received maybe one or two purple drops since they were introduced.
Then I play my Tanker, and I swear no longer than 15 minutes after hitting level 47 I get my first purple recipe. Pretty decent one too, sold for around 400,000,000 INF. -
You know, I'm actually kind of glad it's being delayed. First reason is we get to have a far-less buggy update. Second is that this gives me plenty of time to (finally) get my namesake Tanker to level 50 before the Alpha Strike!
Level 48... just two more levels... gotta keep pushing forward! -
I always felt that there should be a badge for defeating the Longbow Ballista who constantly spawns in St. Martial.
War Machine
One Ballista down... only a thousand left to go.... -
Thanks for the answers. I'm big on concept characters, and I like to have a reason for why I'm doing what I'm doing. The fact that I completely missed the dialog and I just pushed the equivalent of a "Vigilante Button" to change sides was a bit frustrating to say the least.
Thanks again. -
I tried looking on Paragonwiki for a list of the various tip missions, but I didn't find any.
Reason is, I recently went Vigilante with my hero. The mission was to go and defeat Ghost Widow while she was weakened or something. It involved doc Quantum doing one of his "Moral experiments" again. Anyways, you get there, everybody is brainwashed except Ghost Widow, and you have to fight through all the baddies to find Doc Quantum. Long Story short, I found Doc Quantum and after defeating him, he told me to talk to him. Except, he disappeared. I couldn't talk to him. Then I clicked the glowie, and I became a Vigilante. It's really bugging me, because I have no idea story-wise what I actually did to become a Vigilante because of some glitch.
If there isn't a list of tip missions, could someone just tell me what Doc Quantum says to you after you defeat him? It was the Vigilante Morality mission in the 45-50 range called something like "Defeat the nefarious Ghost Widow" or whatever. -
Quote:Aww! Now you see, this post was full of win up until here. Then it turned into a big heaping pile of fail.Hope the rest of the playerbase enjoys the result of my suggesting it in the first place, except Psyrene.
I do agree that, yes, all of these things are awesome; you trying to take credit for it is extremely self-centered.