592 -
Quote:But I don't think its necessarily right to award a badge for getting here before everyone else. What about the people who just signed up today? They'll never be able to get that badge, no matter how hard they try. Plus, like I pointed out earlier, the previous badges for the Winter Event, like Scrooge and Cold Front, are now available as a purchasable reward, so the point of those badges has essentially been removed.I still don't think those attendance badges should be made available retroactively either. The point of them was to show attendance for a particular event. Making them available after the fact kinda kicks the point in the nads a bit.
I'm fine with exclusives powers, costumes, or what not. But badge collecting is a hobby that some people really get into and being told that you cannot have a badge because you didn't get here earlier seems kind of unfair to me. -
I think they should make those kind of badges purchasable with Hero and Villain merits. We are able to get past badges for the Winter Event via Candy Cane salvage, so why not do the same with anniversary badges? Add a badge tab to the Crucible and Fort Trident shops, and slap a 30 merit price tag on those suckers.
Yeah, 30 merits might be a bit too much, but I think that players still would have to "earn it" to quell the "I got here first!!!!1!!!eleven!" crowd. -
I'm not going to sign up or anything, but I'm just going to warn you. If you find enough team members, it would be really smart to organize and set-up dates and times privately. Freedom is one of the only servers that still has semi-active PvP, especially in Recluses Victory. If some jerk came in and saw your thread announcing when you were bringing your team, he might just bring his own team of l33t PvP players and destroy you.
Just thought I'd let you know. Though you probably already knew that. -
Same thing happened to me, also on the "Find info on Quatrexin" mission. Except with me, the giant Malta Zeus Titan guarding the Protector completely annihilated the ally with his missile AoEs. Mission was rendered impossible. I /bugged it afterwards.
The game will be free when the development team decides they don't want to support the game anymore. In other words, when the game dies.
Quote:Since you can turn off XP now in the options menu, you could just lock your XP at the level of your contact and keep running until finished.Yeah, but I'd like the option anyway - especially since it's very easy to blow past stuff that's fun to run. I don't see anything inherently wrong with a powerful hero getting down and dirty with low-level villains either, and Ouroboros would still present the opportunity to run it again if you want, even if it did list all the non-arc missions the contacts give you, especially combined with the reinvent-with-remembered-contacts option.
And I'm not saying high level heroes shouldn't go and stop that petty thief stealing that purse, the point is that there are way bigger fish to fry, so to speak. So while you're stopping those little hellions, Nemesis is busy trying to take over the world, Crey is probably doing something illegal, and Malta is probably off assassinating some important political figure. So it's like the contacts are saying "Let the lower level heroes deal with the Skulls, I think you should go and stop the Carnival of Shadows from sucking out the minds of everyone in the tri-state area!" -
I think you missed this part of the post.
I think Zombie Man could be right. It may be counting online time only. I'd definitely /bug it. -
I hardly participated at all in the winter event. The whole thing is just way too grindy and monotonous. "Here, go run and save Baby New Year fifty-thousand times for all the candy canes and badges, then go open two hundred presents, then go defeat one hundred snowmen, then etc..."
Ugh, no thanks. I just wish it would end already so that I could have an easier time forming teams and such. Right now everyone and their grandmother is partying it up in the Ski Chalet and they won't come out. -
I agree with a lot of these suggestions. The 1st one in Missions and Contacts I can't really get behind though. The idea is that your hero or villain has simply become too powerful, and said contacts missions wouldn't be challenging at all. It would be weird to be level 50, then to call your first contact and go "Hey, you got any Hellions I can arrest?"
Besides, what is Ouroboros for if not for re-visiting old content? Plus you can get badges for doing it! -
Wow, you're like the umpteenth employee to leave in the last couple months. What the heck is going on here?
Sorry to see you go. Your moderating style was a blend of comedy and seriousness that cannot be replicated. You will be sorely missed by me and many others.
PSST, quick, someone /jranger a post in the suggestions forum! -
Man, if there's one thing I love about these forums, it's how easily a thread derails into a completely unrelated topic.
Just going to re-iterate for the OP, everything you have, all your characters, booster packs, and other purchases, are stored on your master account. You can completely wipe your game and switch to a different computer, buy a new install disc, or whatever else, and you'll still have all your stuff when you log in. -
While giving you a list of everything changed would be endless, I'll just list the Issues and the Major changes they brought.
Issue 11: Dual Blades and Willpower powersets, Weapon Customization, and the "Flashback" system (Ouroboros) which allows you to replay old story arcs again or ones that you missed.
Issue 12: Villain Epic Archetypes, Co-op zone (Cimerora) for levels 35-50, powerset proliferation, and the Hollows got revamped.
Issue 13: Pain Domination and Shield Defense powersets, Multiple builds, Merit Rewards, and full access for villains to the Patron Powers (You aren't locked into only one anymore.) Also, PvP was "revamped," and has become a touchy subject. I personally never liked PvP, so you're better off asking someone else about that.
Issue 14: Mission Architect. Yup, that's pretty much it.
Issue 15: A real "mini-issue." All this really added was a revamp to the Dominator AT, two new Task Forces, and the 5th Column re-appearance.
Issue 16: AKA, the bestest issue evar. Added power customization (you can color your powers now), more powerset proliferation, a rehauling of the difficulty system (seriously, check that out, it's awesome), and super-sidekicking. (Sidekicking and Exemplaring have been done away with. Everyone automatically scales to the level of the team leader. Also, players who exemplar may gain XP while exemplared, and they can keep powers from 5 levels above their exemplared level.)
Issue 17: New "Ultra-Mode" graphics options for high-end computers, new contacts for heroes and villains, revamped Positron Task Force, Silver Mantis Strike Force no longer requires a mission computer, and "doppleganger" tech, utilized in the new story arcs.
Issue 18: Accompanied by the new Going Rogue expansion (A must-have, it's seriously awesome) so a lot of changes only work with the expansion. Tip missions were added, and the Cathedral of Pain trial was brought back. Alignment missions via tips*, and new Hero and Villain Alignment lounges which offer rewards via Hero or Villain Merits*.
Issue 19: All monorails and ferries have been merged, allowing much shorter travel times between zones. Incarnate System introduced*, two new Co-op Incarnate Task Forces*, more new story arcs for both factions, Praetorian zone events*, and the Fitness power pool has been made inherent for all characters.
* Indicates that the Going Rogue expansion is required.
Hope that helps. Definitely read up on Paragonwiki for a detailed list of changes with each issue. I linked all the Issue pages on Paragonwiki for ya.
Oh, and welcome back! -
I'm just going to add one. My favorite movie has got to be Toy Story 3. Why? Because when a movie makes unattached movie-goers like me cry like I'm a little kid again, you know they've accomplished something.
Normally, I don't get attached to what I see in movies, because I know it's just a movie. But Toy Story 3 man... made me do this. -
A similar thing happened to me on a LRSF run I did a week ago. We pulled all of the Phalanx and defeated them all, but the TF didn't end. We went back to the platform and found a lone Longbow Flamethrower. I jumped to him and knocked him out with an Energy transfer and the TF ended. We all joked about how he was the toughest AV we ever fought. xD
Anyways, congratz on the victory. These high end TF's are just brutal sometimes. Like that absolutely miserable 3-hour Barracuda Strike Force I ran the other day. Guess which SF I'm never running again? -
On the eleventh day of Recluse-mas my true love gave to me,
Eleven Arachnos factions fighting
Ten Arachnoidssssss web ssssspinning
Nine missions with Becky The Tarantula Mistress
Eight Widows a'slaying
Seven Mu a'sapping
Six Arachnos soldiers
Five Aeon clones
Four Bane Spider henchmen
Three Efficiency Experts
Two flyer patrols beginning
And a crab spider on the half shell ♪ ♪♪ -
You better watch out... you better not cry....
you better not pout, I'm telling you why...
Santa Claus is coming...
to town.... MUA-HAHAHAHA -
On the twelfth day of TF-mas my true love gave to me,
Twelve Katie speed-runs
Eleven needlessly-complicated office maps
Ten more defeat-all missions
Nine bombs to defuse.
Eight spawned Babbages
Seven Phalanx contacts
Six falling swords
Five courier missions
Four silly cutscenes
Three defeat-all missions
Two Positron adventures
And a tower buffed Lord Recluse
(Did I mention how funny this game is? =P) -
On a more serious note, it makes me really sad to see you go. Even though I've only been around for a short while, seeing how open and vocal developers like you were made me know that this game is definitely in good hands.
Thanks for all your hard work, and good luck to you. May your future be bright.
Now, Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls. -
Another round!
On the first day of TF-mas my true love gave to me,
A tower buffed Lord Recluse! -
I also have a PS3, and CoD:MW2, and I do agree it's a fun game. But the thing is, Call of Duty isn't constantly expanding. They aren't adding any new campaign missions, or spec ops. No new weapons being added, or new options. They have added some map packs, but those cost money.
Now look at any other MMO. They are constantly adding new content, weapons, items, zones, enemies, and what have you. The "campaign" if you want to call it that, is different every time. There are multiple contacts spread throughout city of Heroes and Villains, and no two characters can really level up the same way.
That's the difference between games with a subscription and games without. With a subscription, you're constantly getting tons of goodies and items added. With games like Call of Duty, you pay a flat $60, and that entire game is all you get. Nothing new is added with the exception of patches to fix bugs and maybe some paid content packs.
And really, $15 is hardly expensive. I could pay the same price for a movie ticket and some popcorn, which gets me about 2 hours of entertainment. Or, I could drop $15 on this game, and get a whole month of entertainment on my own time. I understand you don't like the idea of constantly paying for a game, but there are reasons we have a monthly subscription. -
Sorry, nope. Any modification to the game client is deemed illegal by the EULA under section 3, I believe.
That's going to have to get a big fat no from me as well. The thing I don't think you understand is that this game is built to be very alt friendly. A lot of people, myself included, enjoy creating new characters and coming up with new concepts and power combinations. I only have two level 50 characters, and I do enjoy plating them from time to time, but I also like playing new characters.
Now, suddenly they decide to do what you're saying and start only making content for 50ies. Congratulations, guess which characters are now obsolete? Now I'm forced to rush to level 50 just so I can get to all the "good stuff."
And the F2P thing is just plain stupid. Now only does it attract a lot of unwanted players, but it also takes away a big source of income for the company. Then they're going to have to start charging us for thing we usually got for free. Do you want to pay for each issue? How about they take away all new costume pieces added for free and start charging us for them? Sure, now there's no subscription cost, but now everything else is put into micro-transactions. Sorry, but it sounds like a lot of "not fun" to me. -
On the tenth day of Hollow-mas my true love gave to me,
Ten Lost a'whining
Nine more Outcasts to defeat
Eight wardstones a'breaking
Seven Trolls a'drilling
Six Legacy obeying
Five CoT's
Four Pumicites
Three Skull girlfriends
Two icy slides in Frostfire's hideout
And one cop under siege -
On the seventh day of Hollow-mas my true love gave to me,
Seven Trolls a'drilling
Six Legacy obeying
Five CoT's
Four Pumicites
Three Skull girlfriends
Two icy slides in Frostfire's hideout
And one cop under siege