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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    Anyway I disliked the snipe changes because they were both too powerful and too limiting. You couldn't skip snipes in sets that had them after the change, and blasters became even more insp reliant than they were before.
    I can kind of see your point. If in a teaming environment though, I imagine there would be a few more folks running tactics.

    Solo... Well, am sure it would have made sense to try and get to one insp. away from the required number, much like folks do to get to softcap. I dont know if that is any more reliant than before, or just shifting priorities.

    For the record, I wouldn't have been against lowering the required number for blasters, but that has f all to do with flavor.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
    My builds will die with the game
    Mine won't. Mids is a mini game all on its own.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Effigy View Post
    What the balls? I had a thread on here that just got deleted out of the blue...

    How very odd, I didn't think it was offensive, but perhaps I was wrong.
    Was probably cause you linked nude pics. Check your pm's. Anytime I get modded, I get a complimentary pm to go with it.

    btw, they were nice work.
  4. SinisterDirge


    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    Back when the Vanguard accolade boosted KB on the Nemesis Staff veteran power. (Which was back when it was a veteran power.)

    Where'd tsoo go?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    You're well in your rights to disagree but this is as far as I'm willing to debate/explain something that is utterly irrelevant at this point.
    Fair enough. Although your post wasn't the first in the thread to mention the snipe change, you did pick up the discussion with me. I really was hoping to come to an understanding on the subject, as it has confused me since it was first raised when the blast changes were announced. I guess I will never get an logical explanation, and will always remain a "cause I wanna" request.

    So be it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    *sigh*, differentiate the snipes... not the Blasters. It goes without saying that the ATs are already different from each other.
    And why pray tell do snipes need to differentiate at all besides AT modifiers. Wait, didnt I ask that 3 posts ago? Do any of the other blasts in the sets differentiate for flavour or otherwise? I am not sure if the sigh is meant to make me feel as though I am being thick or not, but your position doesn't really make any sense to me.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    I am aware of that; hence the desire for a little differential for Blasters...

    For flavor; something that Blasters could call their own (this to help quell all the shouting done about the snipe changes not being Blaster specific - which created a perception that the comparison between the ATs was back to the Nuke and Sustain power changes; which was, in turn, doing little to nothing to balance Blasters against the other ATs (as I was interpreting those arguments)
    Wait, but wouldn't the new sustain powers have been enough to differentiate blasters? Wasn't that the point? Having the insta snipe and nuke changes be unique to blasters would be like asking for the Fiery Embrace change to have been for only (State favorite AT here).

    Was the sustain mechanic not enough to differntiate blasters? If it wasn't, why wern't people focusing on improving that instead of focusing on things that were not AT specific?
  8. The snipe change was a change to snipes, not blasters. It was a change to make snipes an viable power selection option for all AT's and not a skipable power for most, regardless of the AT.

    Why would there need to be a differentiation between the AT's for that beyond the AT damage modifier? Or am I mistaken, and all the AT's recieved blaster damage level snipes with this change?

    As for OP, no idea really, all I know is that blasters were no fun to me, and so I didnt get one past 32 in spite of multiple attempts. Mez was definately a part of the frustration, but I have never whinged about it. I was looking forward to i24 so I could give it another go.
    • Remember when fire tanks couldnt get teams because they were too squishy?
    • Remember when the same folks that refused to take you on a team when you were below 18 would beg for invites when you were in PI?
    • Remember when Gauntlet was introduced and all tanker st attacks became aoes if the mobs were stacked right?
    I pled with my burn tank. not to actually pl, but to feed my need for larger spawns as it was the only way to increase spawn size at the time.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    This is true, but if powerleveling is a game killer every game out there should be dead. Without PLs being available I probably would have left this game after the 2nd run through of the envoy of shadows arc, or world wide red.
    Agreed. Saying pling killed the game is like saying badges killed the game. Its just a different subset of the playerbase, and sometimes, they even overlap!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mantic View Post
    Power-leveling existed prior to AE, and there were worse exploits, such as bridging.
    Yes, it existed, but there is no tool more useful to a pl'er than the ae besides maybe the ssk system. The ssk system not only removed the need to bridge, it is far, far superior.

    This is before exploits. There is a reason I will still use ae to self pl even if double xp is running. The rewards are just that efficient.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I never thought I'd say this but I miss the mods.

    It bums me out that COH's memory will be tainted by a bunch of people who want to have physical relations with video game characters.

    Why is this sketchiness being perpetuated?
    Of all the crap being thrown around the forums lately, talking about sex with bits and bytes is the last thing I am worried will taint my memory of the forums.
  12. Purchases made after August 26, 2012 are eligible for a refund I believe.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    It really did, especially because it drove a great deal of good players who were ALSO good roleplayers from the game. Here are a few of my fondest memories:

    -The Grav/Cold who kept using Wormhole to pull an entire second spawn onto the team while fighting our first, only to Dimension Shift them (which usually killed any characters who had armors powers that relied on enemies in melee range).
    -The AR/Energy Blaster with Bonfire who dropped Bonfire every spawn and thought Power Push was a great idea when trying to fight a Boss.
    -The Plant/Psi Dominator who kept yelling at us for breaking his AoE sleep and had almost no powers from Psi.
    -The Invul tank without Unyielding "because it had crap resistance".
    -The Claws/Regen Scrapper who said Regen was too endurance heavy and refused to use any power other than Shockwave
    -The countless masterminds who didn't purchase the Upgrade powers "because they cost too much end to use and the pets always die anyway"
    -The FF Defender with no bubbles and a constantly-on Repulsion Field/Force Bubble
    -The Fire/Kin controller with no Flashfire and Repel always running

    Teaming was impossible.
    How is this any different then the winter lord crap. Back then, they didn't know how to play, and they begged for influence.

    Winter lords killed the game.

    I tell you what. In 5 years, I won't remember the teams where everything ran smooth, but I will definitely remember the teams where the **** disastrously and hilariously hit the fan. I will remember it, and I will smile.

    My global friend list went grey long, long before ae was released.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Star_born View Post

    Come bring your High-Level toonz to Freedom server,use a Server Transfer before you can't.We are trying to gather as many as possible still playing CoH to come and join forces with THE STARKINDRED our Coalitions and STAR RAIDERS Raid Channel friends as we take down the mighty Hamidon Creature.We have been regularly Raiding for 3+ yrs with great success and fun! It's become very hard to form leagues lately so we are reaching out to the other servers and anyone on Freedom to join us Blueside 45+ Hive Sunday 7pm EST.

    Hamidon Raid Teams:

    -Yellow Taunt Team (6) Tanks with Strong KB-Protection and Taunt
    -Yellow Melee Team (8+)
    -Green Holds Team (16+)
    -Yellow Hami Nose-Tank and Heals Team (1 Tank with Taunt and 7 Heals)
    -Blue Ranged Team (8+)

    You don't have to be a Vetran.You just have to have a cool head,be able to follow simple instructions,have a great attitude and want to have fun.

    If we have lots of people show up we will endevor to do more than one run



    Our Website (

    Youtube site with Videos of our SG in action:
    Classy. Do you sell influence and power leveling services too?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    Selling CoH for any amount of money, short of hundreds of millions, makes no sense for NCSoft. Imagine this: Someone buys the game, and makes it 2, 3, or even 4 times as successful as it was before (dollar-wise, anyway). That would be damned embarrassing. They'd be the laughing stock of the MMO world.
    Yeah. Better to be hated than laughed I believe is how it goes.

    I think it is a really stupid philosophy. If I sell a restaurant that I am not interested in investing in anymore to someone that makes a better run at it than me wouldn't embarrass me at all. I was done with it.
  16. Cot. Not because they were tough, but because I hate the bloody orangebagel maps.
  17. Some poor cyber emo goth chick is missing a pair of earmuffs.

    Also, nifty.
  18. Well, guess I can get this for me nephew for christmas, pretty sure I got him the first one. Or maybe platinum. Crap, I forget. Can't tell the difference anyway.
  19. SinisterDirge

    The preference.

    I'm sick and tired of everyone assuming I am just another white American male. I'm a white Canadian male and I will be sure to point it out from now on whether it is relevant or not.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Guess you forgot about the insult part and really shows and prove the point that No Remorse pointed out. Anyways, have fun while you can because in a little less than two months, whether you want to or not you'll have to face the world without this game being a crutch for you.
    Yeah. Imagine what she could do with all that spare time. Create an infinite energy supply or something boring like that, while you do exciting things like watch people die.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    And people wonder why I would watch people like this die. Probably better for the world over all without them.
    You would watch The Fonze die?

    I wonder why you have such an interest in watching people die, you've only mentioned it a few times in the last day or so. For someone that professes to not give a **** about what people think, you sure do give a **** about what people think.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
    I thought I would wake up and get on here and be banned. I was a total a hole last night. I got smashed. Sorry to whoever I was mean to. Thats not me.
    Sorry to you. I think I set you off when I jokingly corrected your grammar.
  23. So Evil Legacy doesn't feel left out, its you're.

    Also, wasn't this scheduled to be finished long before you posted about it?

    Unless they are still down and all...