Those Uber Builds...




Given the recent turn of events in our gaming community, and the time we have left together, I thought now might be the perfect opportunity to turn over the buried collections of "Uber Builds." I know many of us have that one build we hold truest to our hearts and never want to share it, but it only seems right that now would be the time to give them a little fresh air and maybe let a few others take them for a test ride in the last waking hours of game-light. I'll make a separate post like this over on the Stalker Forums to keep Scrappers/Stalkers apart in the listing; I wont be doing a Brute one though as I've never much cared for the AT and don't have anything stored for the class. Although, heck, I might travel around to the Controllers with a few of those I have, who knows.

And, don't think I'm doing this to show off builds, I encourage others to share their "Uber" stuff too.

My namesake: John Printemps, Claws/Regen - Build is Live. I consider it my "Unkillable Scrapper" as he's been put through nearly every possible situation I can imagine and walked out the other side with a grin on his face.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65934B4F135114C7EF74A6D696F22805CAA32F8AD0F7D 0F2306E84854005695|
|2687467C808D77660D2D6B6065DFA15DCB8F22BF81DDCFAFC 1AC644F1B17157CFCC|
|F9034D3A49F33BF7DCF33EBDE5175BFE77A5579B4219B9671 99DCE51F5B86DB45AB|
|2ED2E1B35F358D0A7ED35EB0D0F0913977747656949A993C3 792772A5DC924F65A3|
|23F54359930DD936BA66B311D86DD4655B36BAFAA5305A693 62D7D5F1A27B2DDA99|
|B2D9F73AEB6A43C1976C41DB356EF9A8DDA109F2CFB38B3DD 328FF56AD7B0CE2851|
|B5F9DC3A2A1B9DAE6CBF9CA6BA32F433ED029DAFA78AAFAA1 0454DB83E809F98DA8|
|970B865DB2A8EAD261E2A8E6E7C9798D444F480CFE93D3EE7 E7D977DB0317F251C2|
|881761DE888271E6CD1873877C54CEA3A8AF5D8EAEF886794 6776ED4EB7E66D7E51|
|5BE73A6FF2EDB4437398E45B61EC565DBBA3D5F90E323D3F7 99E93FE5DEC6927C8E|
|A79801F2F5720D2EEF24F736B26E6F551563E002D90C712D6 2C8CBB94BA41BC68C8|
|6D1D708FA9E42DFD3E87B1AFDDE279F51E41AC55C2730CFA9 3B9C2B413601CC2490|
|E59AC7C15DBA0BE22E18222142FE39BE53E86E12F39AAC101 29A98AD32D307CCCC2|
|15325DB10C751431B765E2166C1F006D7115EE19A4FC97686 E3BA67B2DC7B3CC39C|
|4F8229E6421A7C4F0CD2FEC9770EFDCE61B6517BA61E9A296 66B3F9C08E2478AEC7|
|FAB00E6994B3AB8CC4CE6B8B616F9C6F09F8BDD466DABA869 0D31D6E1B3C20C924F|
|02BB4CBCE53AF748B788388BD8E5127698C64E73D8651EBBF C4648214E6A9677F0C|
|F2F4496754A36C0FDE6D0F777B2D7B11FFD2FD7B27C01FE06 FF30F7A99E02DBBA0A|
|59FECF171FD8793DA2887861ADEF3D63DF19EC39873DE7B1F FFD6B5B21F25C6B45B|
|B7AAF42E9D12762DAD5ABEF79C7E865F26DAFE2B3FB61F971 9FFCA44FCEF46770A2|
|150634C501CDEA80666D40F383B2280AEA44ED17D73A97F28 8E791C47BCA6CF0BBF|
|8D9EF9762BF5FFDBA38EB0E820474510A5DCBFF01A1B8DAB2 |

Corvus Albis - Kinetic Melee/Super Reflexes. Build is Live. My second Pride and Joy of Scrapper Builds. I started working on this KM/SR shortly after KM was released and fell in love with the way the character moved and flowed. Had Energy Armor been ported then too, I probably would've rolled him as such, but I have absolutely no complaints otherwise, and love playing this toon. He showed how much of a raw powerhouse he could be, and I took his planning all the way to Incarnate content and beyond. His floor-plan build was one that a few players (Arcanaville) called "a work of art." I took it a few steps beyond that and made him as top of the line as I could. He functions amazingly, and is one of a few toons that I have T4 (Hybrid Included) Incarnated.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65935B53525114C7F7B99072E7048AA6C8C514043989F 55C539A4D2585624E6|
|94A27D8E249069873B0D1C7BE422F3D39534D99BDF4624D7D 86AE9FA4CB7B175A9C|
|B504673803F3DBFBBFF7BAEEBDB33BB3AE37571E5D608267A 6A29966215F34B47A9|
|D1BB6AC56D68B0C3EDF4CCD78B86D46F42543D72A6664BA07 C4D0D1BE4296573857|
|AFEB55DED08B858B8D8656DC0AB75767F906AF9A5CCD6FB76 68B7CA3C277B8A95CA|
|D6E7283571BEAD1C09DABD52AEA9C5EDE6CE8D5B2D79ACD73 ADC40D7353AF3BAC79|
|BECE79C975B454877DCAE5BA5E542FD54ABB85AC6636B8B13 B00B9A9F0BFA330FA9|
|A36F649622C2333F13352FE823C5562164712388F6CE13CDB 2A50205B0F0C327626|
|3A9027DCC85EAF60ED75B8903E27EA2B0A9982ADF00DFD3AB E52BC8FC8118E71226|
|56494E2DF80B812C59528AE4C7103146FC049A4B8C36EE42A C4B559919B36DB0BD1|
|D25C2F45CBD6B38F3CF98A7880EB81D7C89B10B707E30A3D7 DE8AF37807173B066C|
|77A983D8AF98AA039497336E16312286E540477102C4332F3 4C63550BB0E625EF5E|
|F2EE0B20D7216B85BAA5FCC66C46FF204FFF25FE233691E30 CFD2E825F3FFA65FE3|
|4662683D6471DECA3CEF553C7FAA96371EA58923A3C499D55 C03688B66290F29CF4|
|E39EB40F791B921DA47C0753984F34899C9820C6890964924 E370FFE87A80F43E47|
|F98BA5C00BF21F42B859ED3AD7C864C3E454EEE21EFC1DE30 E5105E01C4E126AD22|
|C7EF12D790F1756201B90439C4A8C618D5344AB98C522E6BE 07F8C4E77EC01D6B00|
|42524484BEC81E697D93E1C780A7D49A9F378E6E928D69A7E 8276996B82157759C2|
|57097B65F510EB38F396F88EF81E99F9808C41AE53D4AFA91 4B372CB1087E5F6EB8|
|65FEB0686E5F69B6D26BB56A7BA944C9772B64B39D7A5CC77 2939B9FDDE99602976|
|1F6BDD502B93EF0E58A53B2AD01DFDD9D14461197BEF5A404 66F217F1CB74BA0DDA|
|F8E2608D4DF138F916B8E968A31EF1F1BE78E8D5301D84AE3 797F677CD81A53BED6|

Star Cruiser - Dark Melee/Shield Defense. One of the old pride-and-joys from my stable, this was planned to begin including changes we were expecting in i24 and prove that */SD was still a monster of a secondary.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65944B4F135114C7EF74A69496BECBAB3CEC03B1A5B54 30758F8405C8098221|
|8B4EACE9001AE74C2A434332DC2D2AFE042BF800FDCB8F15B F8DCF86063D49D9AF8|
|581A13534FEF396D493A69F33BF3BFE7DCF3B833B3B2B7E07 D7AF1CE7926F9E74DD|
|DB6D78A1B965EA970CB7559AFD62CDD6470858B55DD8ACF5B 35C3E6563C172F4CCD|
|B8408E367DD756B8C9B9BAA05BDB68C65A2B0BFC162FDB5C2 D960C6E6E366F43857|
|2895BBC5C559B866F7567C754178DAD52D5286F79C45DB1C2 F9664098CB5CDFE496|
|5D322A21715F28EF1AB6B16E9846753F7AA1626CA850A2B90 D098B3B35736D45B7A|
|BDCDA1F842273F0B71AD58AABEE645907639AC21C19620AA9 A48913C8AEB42CE8F1|
|419844B1730045665DC4EE3E49F874F7223D41E2007054613 D102B61AC222DE27ED|
|E02F112D2BF849CF8C7448C176264CA27DFC0FDFCD791C12B C4ABC84C1199BB8694|
|A04F27F6C99C434C6835D05CD4BB6B16EB0E6FE15AF814DEF 736B98D7A3FF5EE835|
|ADC580B7327702D099BF5A0E6E8C936B42ED64FD48832F8F8 A86F5F1E6B1B9C214E|
|23531A529BA21E2157400CABCE02944B817D42942B44B31EA 2190F459001888B508|
|D11F209415C1FC5F5913642712314771B7C06C4C1D6E58137 D86FEE39F10552BB87|
|CFC21EF846C514EBCEE803D48E3D243E223E46C60F884F904 1A86F98EA1BA6BE766|
|1AB513AA7510BFDF6418BD139C55E63FEF84B64E21591CE2D 41E73446E7F41590A4|
|D8A486FB8DE58939E4719538497C8B7B84A0BE718C55C6CFE 1DA8959E269E21964E|
|A2CF28F97B134C648699AEF44E3A03437FB0EB564714DCE7E 718867FAE427E267E2|
|47E437F055C9573D446DF23DF103F11D320C75E66966F929E C7B4469BDD7F0838BC|
|594D6DB5ACF74ACE63B14AD4399EE50663A94E50E6555A1B4 A048427107E13D46A5|
|FEC3D3FA0E30298773FFD5D66469098C14CCB080CCCCE1F72 393C03E7F1E8D4F63F|
|CEFB62649F7E97CEE22573D0D1573AF1FB16F1EB1FFF6832B D98791B6FDAC6153DD|

Rorik Nightingale - Spines/Dark Armor. Sadly, I never took the time to build this one fully as I never had the immediate funds for it. I often spent my influence on newer projects as I never really expected to revisit this toon as a serious contender in Incarnate content. Interestingly enough, his build is by-far the most on-paper survivable one I can build, and i24 would only have improved that. Much of what I learned in building this toon carried over in "Rogziel" (next in line).

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65944B4F135114C7EFED4C195ACAA3405B1068A13CDBC 240791863A28458342|
|A4D0A8DEE4C33C215268C6D9D9644977E05372E95045137AE FD0C3E371A4D14A32B|
|E5946A994CBAEDB46B1286C77DAD834D7193C9EB5826D6E0F 2E1596355805AA825C|
|5A5842E8AB3BA66595FA6ADE94B822F225A1A70C7B3BB7645 F2DD8FEB3F92D618B7|
|C59AF1ABE4CA160E92BC2289AF9CD56B9386D6E6E9561D55E DDDA107669CB2C7AE5|
|3A5B1462A377B968AEEBD9B2616D439D6C61C7CAA58D5259D 8377AA0AF38FCDF711|
|A944F45612F15C6922A1B7B427C8A1C37603BA9B198A3E5A4 0D8331AE326F941841|
|C68690773592B28A9BBFC03CAEE7C467C8A66B4E5E0F6B638 ACC3F74C2251987580|
|5EBB895DF2EA955FF10FF229BFE21DB2AC86186397721D64D 75DD7BB8E7BB47DC47|
|8EDC273E44C61F201310ABD1F9343A578CCE19A7734DD1392 741EB412DF79C04680|
|A8BCD620F41D86BC13D574B804BDF9130CE70EC3C6A42A069 C53E79EB7BAC3FF58E|
|087BED9CCB3EDA3B413FA0B28E10C6750491DDC7B0E61E68F D342B3FCDAA9366D54|
|9B3EAA65905695623342B1D62BBA8CF2EEA33B880797B881C 3401BA1F810C200AFD|
|AD22936BC42C52016D88F2851C03FAEEA1D98C3B5415A682A 69734BDD5D950AD61E|
|23468FA50A3F669D86B7F0BB11919F6D2DDF421FD10334079 07286F98F255B90F9A|
|08DD8DC82CCE62708E384F5C400E1D253E669251888DD2FB8 E26F0DE0E13E1B5B25|
|179DB2B6C3481FACFD0D604D66213BBE8FB02BE04CD32F1D6 25E733F99AF886F80A|
|F915B43A69F54FE89BFE483C207E40FEF23136437769E6B87 356284733E8576BDF3|
|7FCC1C3226AED2BAEC41B76671A3CC906CF5C8367BEC1B3D2 E0C9A8B55F04C6A5E7|
|9B173C9C3C5338A31F873E17BF8867683E47DFE0055C7FAF8 F9BC0B89F873ECE6FE|
|3BB6BBE85F47430E7C6CB1367BC8E02ED4B75B651675FAEB3 17BB2005D9FF01D407|

Rogziel - Titan Weapon/Dark Armor. I originally rolled this toon as a DM/DA back in 2006 and ended up puttering out on him by level 38. I loved his concept, but not his impact in-game. When Titan Weapons released I instantly rerolled him and powered him to 47 where I got distracted in other characters. Since then, I've not done much to complete him in-game, but even as a slot-less character I enjoy the heck out of playing him and find that the challenge of keeping alive without slotting proves the incredible strength of Dark Armor even without fancy IO's. You might also notice that his build was not updated after ATO1's. I never felt they ultimately changed him for the better, and left it out until something else came along to change that thought (i24).

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA75945B4F134114C767BB5BB02DB752A005CAB5406FB86 D0513AF1015351A9AA|
|0787932CD0A43BB52DB66DB07F1CD778D064DFC028AFAE277 F053F8A2F1D90BE8BB|
|977A76FF87D2D8B849F39B393367FEFF3367B7D97B4B1D6F2 F3E58144AD7B9A251A|
|DE656D72CA35291963B6BE4CD35418FE76A397FDF94C5F1B9 769A85F737E4B2B228|
|A57ECDAC19A5DC4D6954CAA5EA706371496EC85255EA4B86B 5993B63DD2D5BFE4BA|
|582B464A9A6EF0F7C2BE57251BF5034F3855A27C6F6D02CE5 BDCE6CB522E57AB733|
|5C96C6BAB4AA05B3E23F5F31D7F4B3E5F5AD5CD6A8D6A4B51 5225709FA3D0A0A7EE|
|A6EB149C868C27507D436C0AE3C385100674C306E97A638B9 9A38AA3831EF3C389A|
|061373E06C067C487A8AA2387ACAAE4B8811D2DB03B5CF60D 71730F2158C7E0313A|
|4A742CFADFE7439E71DFA05867E83E13F60A6CE14AAC3C7A4 EBE63ADD5C671BD7D9|
|C6750EFCA7CE2794DBCEB9ED2F58F72538BB031E7EC57CCD7 CC3EB94E88167C5730|
|45EA6526092D67C5873F9F8DE3AF8DE46F9DE7CB4A713DAA2 F3039F4DB16EE7E2EB|
|6A77AFEADC4DCF319A6A6A83035BF0BE4DDEFDECDD9F447E6 F821905FB6260240EC|
|EBC230634A1934E80FD05FAE1A7AF0FCCF4800AEDE9677FFD 757A844A9120B2D4A0|
|3D2077A105B84A306743883F257783EC6E903B3AC41D1DE28 E4E7147A7B8A351EE6|
|88A748691AB0CBF879BF04750A3B511763EC2CE47D9799C9D 3F23ED31D61E3B8DB3|
|C74F314F328F831327587B11DA9374FE2477753269DFB4474 4981E5A9BE61B99666|
|D3FC562EC27C6B1F83F7E56E9E824E72593E8DE0EB55EE73C 7D017796BA4C8C129F|
|C393181022CD79693E7BD76B7F658829119CF5FD20A62A37F 86DBBCE5FE91530358|
|1FAF69AF363C8FF71105314D6F66E839F828D7F827A586BFC A3D8537A23C6B483D5|
|44CB6ABA25926989CCB544E65B22CBCD110F7CAD682C6CD7E 1ECF2F408FBFD71BC2|

Insurance Policy - Fire Melee/Willpower. Build is Live. As the name might hint, this toon found a lot of humor in his teaming. I found that with proper inspiration usage, Willpower could walk through a lot of tough spots with only an orange here, or purple there. I never expected to do "stupid things" with him, but had many situations where he was "last man standing," and valued his abilities in that manner, but wanted to keep his actual build still simple. I've never much seen Willpower as more than a mediocre set, and kept his slotting as maxed as I could, within a very constrained budget just to have a mid-line Scrapper in my stable that could be used for exemping.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA85544B6F126114FD8619AC50DA823CFA8616FAE459A26 B4DB46A6ADA844A6D7|
|D3753F88431E330196AB44B131F51776EDCE8D6A51B35FA53 FC11B6BAEE062F730F|
|8584182721E7CE99735FE79B61E3E96AE0F3D5671784327CC 9D49BCDDD72C5D16D5|
|B3ADE0DBD6654045DC135ABF9D8D1AD8A9C29354CA3723040 E44447B7BB214D29F3|
|570CE91C70DC7DB42A1F48AB29F33B8669DA8D27D209AD597 5E9486B3FDF09864A8|
|D8649D9B5FABE61D5FCEE5DD996B23AE286EB52AF4AA75937 EC40E7DE265DE8B26D|
|54F2171B556AA937F7A9F518CD94A5DFF3F670EED5F28A124 152139E4D46ED3AA3B|
|FCC38F790B0A889629571BB9DABB8B9AA18A5605A13911B8A FB6C6E1358667C3100|
|29F551FED367167D16D1E726E5AADC4753517F18F587513F7 79EFBE7AE112E6A628|
|772BC98CD9B64EE541C38CB184B30BE222DDBD0D2067E70CF D3DF815F18035F19E3|
|DF186F51828FEB2BBE28CFB01C647C49CF06B99E18CCB05E2 16E88397508FB17B07|
|F01FBE7B0FF6DD28E28EDE22DCF08F60C62EFE016E36BD284 E067E8C8E3EE7EE610|
|F88B316262E6478C698BF10EE586317BF8BDC7E552EF18557 A16856F51F816836FC|
|BF0AD08DF34D28EB2D6330A0FC6C24078F18634E398731C7B 4F60EF09EC3DF58F73|
|BF4BB993A83F89FA53A8BB8C3E49D24C43330DAFE3C002F02 D6912982121999B418|
|F191DB8C7385BC10C75C610E526513F891952E89DC22CF749 338FF39E6FD125B654|
|21969851963E90B36172FF23E3277A0D32703803F7B338DD2 C4E3B8BB73A4595F3A|
|89C9F545D2E46DC0A4E6F0513152370473BF99AD5CED71C80 DB0B703B0DB713DAC9|
|D7DB4A77F3DAB7B4C14A1F53EC63CEF631E7FA98F55EC6C7D B1EFAA93177164A8E7|
|DFEDDE53CCA366FB3005716E0CA516FDE12E7FDE9E5E06649 3BF9AF110ADE015F90|
|FE43986B95FC6DEF38DEEB89EFF5C4C7314A43FC33DC8DE39 16EBC19EDC67F011CA|

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



*sigh* I never did figure out a non-Parry/Regen build that could manage 30% Positional Defenses (M/R/A) and still maintain awesome DPS

Now I might as well stop trying.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
*sigh* I never did figure out a non-Parry/Regen build that could manage 30% Positional Defenses (M/R/A) and still maintain awesome DPS

Now I might as well stop trying.
It really more depends on the Primary. M/R/A is three positions that each require individual focus, making them innately difficult to aim for when you're building from zero. S/L is an easier, and "equally covering" value that, based on what you're willing to sacrifice, can get impressive values. I know ClawsandEffect (if I'm thinking of the right person), has a Claws/Regen with 45% S/L Defense, but I personally never cared for the cost in other areas to get that, especially given how redundant it somewhat becomes when cycling around MoG, SM, and Rebirth/IH

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
*sigh* I never did figure out a non-Parry/Regen build that could manage 30% Positional Defenses (M/R/A) and still maintain awesome DPS
Pfft, fine. Although I don't have a ton of time to do builds right now, so it's incomplete and there are some weird slotting choices I probably would change as I finalized it. (Also it doesn't really need Agility Alpha, so if you tweak it a bit you should be able to use the much more logical Spiritual Core. Use Assault Radial and, sigh, I hate to say it, but the ubiquitous Reactive Interface.)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



I have a Claws/Regen build on live that is soft-capped to S/L with perma-DP. It's 2 purple sets or so away from perma-Hasten as well. (Apocalypse and Hecatomb are needed, donations being accepted. I'm broke now after building it )

I figured if I gotta go out, I'm gonna go out in style. Never bothered with purple sets, but I figured out a build that has the defense I want and can slot them still.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My builds will die with the game

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
My builds will die with the game
Mine won't. Mids is a mini game all on its own.



I'm thinking of zipping my builds and posting them on a file sharing site. I have too many builds to post up here.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread