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  1. Forge is not useful in team pvp?

    I understand the shields because of the extra resistance for squishy's but I thought forge and thaw are must haves...

    Let me know cause my stone/therm would love to get a couple more powers.
  2. I don't think you defeat good MMs, you just avoid them...
  3. Sinistar6000


    Ya im excited to have powerboost and a single target blast. Thats a nice build though.
  4. I like justice PvP.

    MikeKilla, frozen Burrito, illrad taught me lots and triox started there on a db/regen. He was twix before twix.

    Hope all is well.
  5. Sinistar6000

    /EM or Mental

    I think powerboost effects the heal in hoarfrost, I will test tonight.
  6. Sinistar6000


    I have earth therm and the build is so tight...

    In order to have both shields and acro you will need to drop one of volcanic gasses or earthquake. Just something to think about if you plan on going that direction.

    The other problem I have with earth/therm is in reference to dual builds. You can either decide to have both builds PvP, (a small team/1v1 PvP and a big team PvP toon (maybe phase) or you make 1 of the above and a PvE build (earth is fun to proc out)

    just giving some info on the earth/therm vs earth/rad debate.
  7. There is a hot invul build that reaches the defense cap with 1 enemy in range. Problem is you only have room for about 3-4 attacks and have to six slot taunt.

    Rage (instead of buildup) is a big accuracy boost for an extended period of time that is why sstrength hits more. Hurl boulder also gives you a heavy ranged PvP attack.

    Think about Flurry.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    but obscene ammounts of defense (Sr) or resistance (granite) are no longer so immensely overpowered it's just better to wander off and find something else to do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  9. Just as a side note, Gravity took a huge hit when the Whirlwind fix/nerf went through.

    The old whirlwind would allow grav users to use powers (ie propel) without being rooted.
  10. Well Bill... not sure if I have an Agia Phys X card, but I do have that setting in control panel, so I would assume yes.

    I have an ATI 9800 Pro (256) and either the game fixed itself or updating the Phys X drivers did it.

    I have been problem free since I posted.

    My symptoms were hard lockups in game, sometimes followed by vertical pinstripes on screen. Most problems happened in RV and once in Pock D. Anyone that has hard lockup problems in RV, I would suggest giving this a try.
  11. Hi all, I seem to have solved my problem. I was locking up in RV, problem seems to have stoped after updating the AGEIA PhysX drivers.

    RAD 9800 Pro 256- CAT 7.10 drivers
  12. Also defensivley, If you hear a blaster pop BU and AIM and dont have a way of negating the oncoming onslaught (cage/phase) head for the hills with your tail between your leges and come back 20 seconds later.
  13. they need to give servant fearsome stare back!
  14. wow sounds fun. Never even considered ill/sonic but running around invisi with mez resists and -resist powers to your psi damage seems like a dream.
  15. PvP. CoX has best engine on market and if PvP was addressed (like balance issues and an easy to play interface) it would be a ton of fun.
  16. Of course you realize that if regen had a better teir 9 power it would only increase the disparity between itself and the rest of the field. I will say that it sucks to work all that way and not have a markee power to play with.
  17. also I would just like to say in my opinion life drain is underrated. The intangibility from blackhole lasts 6 seconds in PvP, so it sucks.
  18. Well the devs have confirmed that it will be fixed and is not working as intended. Thanks castle.

    That being said I really liked that power and I dont have a character that can get it. In my opinion CoX needs more powers like this. Peeps act like its non-resistable, however if you pre-emptively eat a bf you have no prob. I like the fact that this was a hold that, if you slip and dont have mez resist, there is going to be consequence other than eating a purple pill and retoggling up. I also like the fact that this power was something that heros look at and say "Wow I wish I could have that power", like I do for so many of the heroes epics. I agree that it is unfair that corruptors and stalkers can get it, when in its current form it would validate the dominator archtype. A big reason I say that is I have a 43 dom and no high level stalks or corrupts. Im not saying the devs shouldnt fix the power (because it is not working as intended and invalidates the other patron choices), Im just saying that a power that acts like that is cool and different.
  19. In PvP soul storm causes effected opponents to spin around, and while in this stasis they can not use a bf. If they use one before hand they will not be effected by either the hold or the ariel acrobatics. I just want an official word or link about this power.
  20. guys controllers pay a huge price for their mez protection. Mainly they miss out on some of the gems in the other epics (mainly powerboost, fireball/fireblast, hibernate). Everyset besides mellee based has no mez resist. Those corruptors that can easily hold you can also easily be held (unless bub or sonic) and if they are bubles or sonic they are losing offense and defense the sets contain (like heal and debuff toggles). We must all realize that we are biased towards our own wants and that their is 2 ways of looking at a situation. The grass is always greener.... The glass is half full... Dominators lack damage... Seeds of confusion is to powerful...

    just to edit those pets in out patrons are not "usual" pets. For one they dont die when you die, and a corruptors fortuna was hitting my dark defender for 183 points of damage with mind blast! That is with 1 damage slot in fortuna and shadowfall 3 slotted damage resist! What I am trying to say is that we jump all over the patrons before we actually see them. I would suggest taking the set with powers you have not seen before.
  21. fury isnt really that great in PvP. Well let me revise that, Its great if someone stands there and lets you get your attack chain off cleanly every time. So therefore its not great in PvP.
  22. I do well in PvP with my dom, however doms get the gimp tag because as a previous poster stated we dont do eye dropping damage. I have to emphisise hopping around and spaming holds and blasts until I either drop a toggle or opponent makes a mistake. I have to do this because if i engage in a "fair" fight and stand like a noob infront of any other archtype except defenders im gonna get dropped. So playing a dom in PvP isnt as easy as playing a blaster/scrap/tank/troll/brute, because i dont just run in and pwn peeps. Being a set without buffs, not having that kind of explosive power is why most people stick the gimp tag on it. I was hoping for self and team buffs in the patrons to work with the powerboost. Is it hard work gaining non-team reputation with a dom...yes. Is it worth the headache of 30 levels of grinding to finally drop domination on that pesky enemy and watch him err get arrested...yes!
  23. Great Guide!

    The only thing I have a problem with is this:

    Tactics: Not as worthwhile as before since you can’t realistically slot 5 ToHit Buffs anymore. Also, ToHit buffs are Type B enhancements now, making them only worth 20%. If you did 3-slot with ToHit Buffs, the base 12.5% would go up to 20% +Accuracy. It’s not bad but it’s not to enough to allow you to take Accuracy SOs out of your powers.

    I think the defender version of tactics is a must in a set that lacks aim.

    Hey great job though!
  24. My take on the tohit debuff change...
    Defenders-AIM and tactics biggest buff
    Controllers- lowest attainable accuracy of any hero

    Brute-leadership? Do they get a pet to enh accuracy
    Dominator-screwed except thorns
    Stalker-up ships creek
    MM-more attacks mean more chances of hits but still f@#$ed

    Tanker slotted 2 acc sos in attacks-meets storm defender with ubercane -tanker misses so he puts on focc acc and still misses but finally hits
    Brute meets stormy- brute gets debuffed and is screwed if they dont have insights

    Accuracy debuffs already give like lvl heros problems (RI, HURR, Darkest Night) and they have the highest attainable accuracy. Just imagine what those same debuffs would do to villians and their non-accuracy enhancing Patron Powers.