Which is more Potent: elec/therm or elec/kin




which corrupter do you fear the most? elec/term or elec/kin?

I'm trying to decide which one to make - clearly I want to sap end (hence elec), but I also want to have fun as well anjd elec/kin seems more fun. But, I may just make my decision based not on what is more fun, but what is more dangerous.




Kin doesn't have any -recovery. So I'd say therm.



Yes Therm is the right answer



Therm also has the capability to actually be useful for a team. Kin doesn't really apply there.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



I thought speed boost was beloved and that the /kin's heal was nice.

I definately have to make a pve and pvp build if i go elec/therm because i don't care about half of therms' powers (all the ones that buffs my teammates but not me) for pvp.



Not really. SB doesn't boost speed anymore and a kin's heal is targetted AoE, meaning it's of no use to anyone who knows what they're doing in this game.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Elec/Therm is better, and yes, you definitely want to take advantage of dual builds. While for PvP you don't really need anything except the first and last two powers of Thermal, seeing Shieldless/Forgeless Therms in PvE makes baby jesus cry.



Kin doesn't have any -recovery. So I'd say therm.

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elec has plenty of -recovery.

if you are talking 1v1, i'd prefer the kin. thermal is pretty useless imo, compared to i12 i just cant stand to play mine anymore.

team pvp is dead to me, its basically boils down to multiple concurrent duels anymore.



I don't fear any corruptor.
My defender kills corruptors (and stalkers).
Sure I get my butt handed to me as well...but when I get my shot on a stalker of corruptor, I can kill a corruptor or stalker with about 4 shots.
AM resists -end.
AM boosts damage.
AM resists pretty much everything...except fear.
With 2 Dam/Range HOs and 4 Devastations in everything (single target attacks)...pure ownage of loudmouth, know-it-all villain scrubs in the pvp zones...muhahahaha.


btw, I use power sync to suck out peeps Endurance.



Kin doesn't have any -recovery. So I'd say therm.

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elec has plenty of -recovery.

if you are talking 1v1, i'd prefer the kin. thermal is pretty useless imo, compared to i12 i just cant stand to play mine anymore.

team pvp is dead to me, its basically boils down to multiple concurrent duels anymore.

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Elec's -recovery is not very reliable, comes mostly from the hold and short circuit (neither of which do any significant damage), and they last a very short time compared to HE.

If therms are useless then what can we say about kins?



. thermal is pretty useless imo

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lol wow.

There's a reason why elec/therm is currently one of the top 3 dueling build, and elec/kin isn't even ever mentioned.



yea im still bitter about i13



Join the club



Got my dominator to lvl 26, took it to both bloody bay and sirens and was horrible disappointment by my performance, or lack thereof. I'm not considering deleting my toon.

I don't know what AT to play anymore.



Doms are really only good at level 50.



Doms are really only good at level 50.

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ok u say this, but i thought i13 really killed doms cause of mez's and not being able to perma dom.

the reason i ask is because my highest vil is a dom i started a long time ago. grav/elec assault. I know I know grav, but like i said it was one of my first vils therefore my highest. my goal after i found out bout doms was to get it to 50 (cureently 35) to get a veat.

what are some of the good dom sets now?



Forge is not useful in team pvp?

I understand the shields because of the extra resistance for squishy's but I thought forge and thaw are must haves...

Let me know cause my stone/therm would love to get a couple more powers.

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic




what are some of the good dom sets now?

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I13 made doms into blasters. They are not a control AT now, they are basically just a blaster with some controls. The best sets are still the same I think...
mind or fire / fire, psi, or elec....actually I think thorns is good too now