1218 -
FYI: 3 hours left before the Steam discount on City of Heroes Architect edition ends.
Um, well, as I've said for tha last two months...
...See ya in GR... or more likely SW:TOR!
EDIT: Wow! Just logged back on to the forum. Either it's really, really, really broken or there's been basically 0, zero, siiilschhh posts the last 24 hours. Either way, I find that seriously disturbing in a very disturbing way.
Oh, well, got 10 more Google Wave invites, so who really cares? No, you're not getting one!Well, rabbit might if I get piieee!
Well, right now it's not even worth logging on to moan in #Defiant Events or just random chat with folks. Sort of put my plans for a perma-dom and a running hero granite on hold. Oh well, got Band Hero for the PS3 yday, so I'll have some good laughs until the weekend...
...then what? :-) -
I know, but anyone care to guess what next issue will do to the ol' war walls?
Great idea to remove them while we're facing the biggest invasion ever, and "the storm" approaching. Oh, wait, that's the excuse not to bother getting rid of it!
Anyway, getting a team for the red MoBades was another epic fail. I thought ppl would be back from "that other" game by now. I know they've left "that other" game, so they must be stuck in some void! (Notice no smiley!) -
Epic Fail comes to mind! The servers are dedder than the middle east peace process... -
Well, GR looks good enough (if that gfx is in the missions as well) but it will come down to content. I've never ever played as little as I'm doing now and none of my old regulars are left and I doubt they're coming back since GR is just way to far off. They've forgotten about the game and moved on by then. Basically they're waiting for me to un-sub so we can move on, while I'm waiting for them to find another game. ...and CO sure wasn't it!
As for the forum. Well, if it worked the way it's supposed to it'd be ok. I like a lot of the new stuff, but it's so bloody bloated it's hard to see if there's any new interesting posts. I do spend more time on the forum than on the game, but that means I spend about 1 hour a week.
Been on regularly during hell-o-whiiners. Most people online redside: 54!
Couldn't even get a Master of 5sf or MoITF going despite announcing it a week ahead and repeating it. Apparently more people blueside as usual, but I just can't enjoy blueside even if I really, really try. Apparently it's still going well in the states(?) so I guess the game won't be cancelled at least, unless GR goes TR on us. ...or as swedes say: 7177135 up! (Bet that won't be censored) -
Oooh, remember that one. Rather happy you're still standing strong, but the channel's sort of dead apart from the odd times I log on and get people started!
Also glad your sig reminded me I've probably got a "huge" amount of MA rewards waiting for me. (wonder if anyone's bothering with MA anymore... sigh...)
Do you people rememer when people actually used the coalition chat?
Nowadays it's DefiantEvents, or noone will hear ya! (Oh, well, there's the Arena channel. he he! The Help channel is somewhat fun as well...) -
Indeed, If I where to get in to the game today, I'd go for an US account, but if I had done that way back, back in the middle ages, I wouldn't have met all the fun Euro ppl so I can't say I'm sorry. Also, I almost bought SW: Galaxies instead!
Btw, I watched the youtube clips from Hero con, but couldn't quite hear: Is the new ULTRA mode for missions as well? Does look rather nice, and no war walls! It would be a pity if it fails, but I am getting scared... again... Too many left after hearing about the no-content I16. Redside is an effin' desert (let's face it, there's not a whole lot of NPC's redside either) -
Yup... Bloody pointless with the current population...
Hope there'll be a few more on tomorrow. If not I'm through with this bollox, never even started on GTAIV so might finish that one off instead, and force unleashed, infamous, mass effect etc. Oh, just realized, they look great and they're rather fun. -
I was planning on ding the Mo5sf and MoITF this evening/weekend on Defiant, but realized the last few days I've actually been on, even at peak hours there's been a max of 65 villains on.
I could cry d000m of course, but the new reformed(?) me asks instead: How's the population on the other servers and blueside?
While GR definitely looks good with the graphics update it's quite far off, and there's no info on any new issues and it's becoming evermore clear to me that the people that left before the last issue isn't coming back and I myself rarely find reasons to log on except to harass #defiant events!
Is this the beginning of the end, instead of the end of the beginning? -
Sorry I missed it! Grats B!
I'm taking the biggest break from the game ever. I usually log on every day, but lately I've been gone for up to 8-9 days and I don't miss it for a second. With my current work load I don't really have time either. Unless there's some funky new set in GR I can't see myself doing another new toon.
I'll stay in-game, upgrade characters and do occational ITF runs etc, so I'm not leaving. No good bye thread yet, but I'm gonna be one of those legends people talk about: Yes, it's true, I saw Sing Star in Cimerora yesterday, he really exist!
"Yeah, I remember I teamed with him once way back when the game was only five years old!"
Doing the Master of badges this weekend, I hope. Would be fun to team again for it. -
I'm most likely going for the two new Master of badges redside this weekend. With the smurfs trying out Champions I've got lot's of room in the team(s).
I'm most likely gonna shout in #defiant events at about 18.00 CET on friday and/or saturday. Might have to wait an hour to get those islanders back home (apparently England & Co can't keep up with the rest of Europe)
Since I'm sick of the game, I'm only taking people that know their stuff. (Level 50's that have done the 5SF and ITF before). I'm bringing my old, classing sonic/thermal corruptor as usual. No fillers. I just wanna be done with it, get it over and forget it ever happened!
EDIT Friday: um, ok folks... There's been less than 50 players redside for a couple of days, this friday is shaping up to be as bad. I doubt it's even worth trying to get team together. With GR very far away an no info on the next issue I could go d0000m in this post. Not sure it's worth paying for GR in 6 months(?) if there's noone to play with. -
Oh, well, concidering the amount of moaning I've been doing for YEARS on defiantbadgers and defiant events, I'd say those good, honest, cute mods do a great job not blowing a fuse.
That said, I also quietly left all the onion channels I used to be on a few years ago, not because of the mods, but the... other... people. (Not pointing a big funger att all onionites here, so don't go start a flame about it) -
Gratz to another 50 threads, don'tcha miss'em?
Yesyoudooo! -
Oh, I actually missed that one, since the forum still doesn't work the way it's supposedly supposed to work!
...and omg, there's still no post about the new hell-o-weeners badges in the badge forum. Wow!
...and you're f'course forgiven, it's impossible not to love ya A!
...and the HIGHLY annoying swine flu did give up, faced with my awesome moaning powers. I just dropped the Moan PBAoE Nuke and it was "defeated". Got 2 merits for it and the "NoNeedleNeeded" badge. -
Just too many bugs on the current forum! There's a lot of features I like, but the login bug coupled with the BLOOATED form just makes it hard to keep up.
I mean, even the +1 posts are (almost) gone, because... oh, never mind! See you in GR or I17.... or more likely SW:TOR!
...I'm off! -
...and of course I can't resist commenting on the fact that we have another patch today, yet again no patch notes!
It's all a Nemesis plot of course...
....but not everything is a Nemesis plot...
...or is it? -
...and as usual still no patch notes on the website either.
This is getting VERY annoying! -
Not when I posted, not for several hours, but...
And F! No! I will not "check friggn test server section" for patch notes, this is no friggn beta test.
...as for posting in this section, well, had to be somewhere and I'm still effin' cranky due to this effin swine flu. -
I wouldn't mind another funky "event" invention set. That winter slow resist thingy was farmed madly by yours truly I tell ya and it's awesome. No more fear or hatred towards council snipers. Also, it would be a fairly simple thing to add, since I doubt they'll add some real stuff while they're working on GR.
...and I don't mind. I'm pretty tired of tired old events being beefed up with "new" stuff like the Pocket D playground. Please god, no friggn new race down the ski slope, pretty please. (Mind you I've got 2 accounts with kins prepared to help out as usual). Time's better spent on real stuff.
...but... I'd like to add that I really miss those community events. The Sirens invasion, RSP tournaments, even the horrible RP dance parties in the old pre-PD monkey fight club. -
I've never concidered CoX to be an MMO anyway... It's a 1-8 man game where you select server ("missions") in a rather big chat lounge similar to a game world with some optional events occationally (e.g. miner strikes in Sharkshead ever 5 minutes).
The fact that there was real raids planned that never ever really made it to the game fully functional without exploits doesn't exactly support the idea that they can indeed make'em, but interpretations are like opinions - everybody has them.
On the upside, I'll have to admit that teaming and even mothership raiding with the arena chat works far better than most "real" raids in other games.
Unfortunately I see this game becoming more and more of a solo project for people instead of the other way around, and as far as I'm concerned, if I'm gonna solo a game I'd rather play something modern and fancy that requires skill and/or tactics (no, not the pool power).
Personally I'd rather see an aggressive posture, more team and/or SG oriented stuff and /signed, more teams working together, preferably not co-op although it might be necessary concidering the low amount of players we can muster nowadays. I miss the old hamiraids, not because they where easy, laggy or rewarding, but because we all showed up and had a good time. The MS raid isn't bad, but it's just not... fun...
Now, I know people usually go into a frenzy whenever someone says something like that, but let's face it. There's plenty of soloable stuff in the game, and I'm not suggesting "it" would reward something special (like HO's), I'm just saying that this is supposedly an MMO and I'd love to see more MMO stuff in the (supposed) MMO. Making people come together, getting to know each other is the best marketting they can possibly do. I'm still around solely because there's still plenty of good people I enjoy spending time with on Defiant. Most of the times nowadays the game's really just a chat room for me (done-it-all-itism).
If you enjoy soloing, that's fine. You pay your subs so I'm not gonna tell you you're wrong. ...but I don't get it! I honestly don't get it! There's so many good, funny games out there... Oh.. well! As long as you're happy!