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  1. SS/SD is an excellent offensive Brute, but lacks in the 'tanking/survivability' department when compared to other builds.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
    ...wait, people use Poison Gas Trap as a hold?
    I use it as a debuff primarily, but if the hold lands I'm not going to complain.
  3. Detailed info is usually correct, but there's always those oddball powers with @55-backwards mechanics that require a bit more observation.

    When in doubt, consult City of Data
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by seebs View Post
    * Poison Gas Trap is autohit, so accuracy is totally wasted on it.
    Only the debuff portion is (-1000% regen, -30% rech). The Hold portion does have a tohit check, however.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
    Melee range PBAoE = 10 targets
    PBAoE = 16 targets
    How is a "Melee range Point Blank AoE" (which is itself redundant) different to a "Point Blank AoE" ?
  6. Silverado


    I always interpreted it as W-Aggro aka Wife Aggro
  7. Re: Dual Pistols Underpowered?

  8. Silverado

    Pets and Sets

    Pseudo pets such as Tornado, Lightning Storm and Freezing Rain do inherit all +dam and +acc bonuses from the caster (and +rech too before the great i14 nerf)
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Ask something harder.
    That's what she said.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ricktu View Post
    Not even close to being true. On average I spend around the 300 mill mark to apply full sets to most powers. I will always buy recipes rather than crafted when available but it is certainly doable with that amount of money.

    Now this of course doesn't mean you can't spend billions setting out a character but you certainly fill up a toon with decent sets for under 400M. No purples obviously or the odd really expensive unique but enough to make most toons able to waltz through missions.
    400m can buy you a grand total of 2x Kinetic Combat triples and maybe an LotG +rech.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hejtmane View Post
    How has is the dps on that chain and what is the recharge required ?
    It's the second best possible DPS chain with Fire Melee, only marginally below the top chain, with significantly lower recharge requirements. I'm not sure on the specifics, but I can run it seamlessly with 89% recharge slotted on Incinerate (and every other attack for that matter), 62.5% global recharge and Hasten up.
  12. 400m is too little to seriously consider IO'ing a toon.

    Take those 400m, invest them on the Market and turn them into 2 billion, and then you can make a nice build with typed defense bonuses, +health, +regeneration and +recharge (in that order)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scirion View Post
    For the record, I have a Mids build sitting at a roughly 3 minute recharge for Force of Nature. (The accolade, not the power)

    Unless my math is WAY off. Which, given how horrible my math skills are, is possible.
    If you have FoN activated in mids, it'll show it as ALL powers being permanently affected by FoN
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    elusivity is something thats applied to all defensive powers of any AT, effectively making defense based toons half as effective in pvp, so 80% def normal including the elusivity in pvp would reduce that to maybe 30-40% (not sure exactly how it breaks down if someone could explain better)
    You're confusing Elusivity with Disminishing Returns, which applies/reduces all stats in PvP environments, not just defense
  15. It's not like any AT can PvP now.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady LoveDie View Post
    I dressed up as Super Woman and handed out candy to the neighborhood kids.

    That is a lovely superwoman indeed
  17. Silverado

    Which Farm?

    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Not true. Oroboros arc level 50 "The Code Merlin". You can restart over and over until you get fire types. 2 kill alls and then a kill the elite boss demon for 4 merits and arcane drops.
    No, you can't.

    What you can do, is reroll over and over until you score a toon with the "right" scientists
  18. Silverado

    Which Farm?

    Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
    Do 8 man tip missions. Not only do you work on farming at the same time, you also work on alignment merits at the same time for specific recipes. Win-win!
    Originally Posted by headhunter5050 View Post
    I shoulda mentioned ment solo farmming.
    Set your difficulty to x8 and run them solo
  19. Silverado

    Brute for RSF

    For tanking RSFs I recomend Elec and Dark armor. Dark Melee can also help you survive while tanking with it's self heal, and Kinetic Melee can deal -dam debuffs through your AoE attacks
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    How exactly does one mine for Chili?
    By being a miner and being from Chile
  21. Went to a Halloween Party last night, I'm the Chilean Miner (on the right) and my buddy went as his Facebook Profile

  22. Unless you're a min/maxer trying to maximize your DPS against AVs or GMs, redraw may only have a minor impact on your overall gameplay
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
    Better to have and not need than to need and not have.