Silver Gale

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    None of you are mad that they decided to take away the ability to fight +2/+3s in SFs and in Ouro?
    It's kind of annoying, because I have a bunch of Ouro badges left on my MM badger and I was hoping to put a decent dent in the next Infamy badge at the same time, but eh, I'll live. It'll take me a while to do all those Flashbacks and there might be other changes in the meantime.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by clave_dark_5 View Post
    i think devs is a pretty cool guy. Eh publishes cox and doesn't afraid of anything...
  3. Silver Gale

    What, no cake?

    In the old forums we got cake. I demand the old forums back, just for today.
  4. I think what *did* hurt the newer three movies was not new CGI techniques, but George Lucas having Protection From Editors.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    I kinda miss 'Epic' badges
    I kinda don't.
  6. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
    And how you interpret the EULA is opinion as well. In fact this entire discussion is nothing more than opinion since as far as we know no court has ruled on this specific subject. To claim what you say is fact and not opinion is just plain dishonest.
    See, a skillful lawyer (working for NCSoft) could easily argue in favor of TonyV's interpretation of the EULA, therefore it is unarguable *fact*.

    A skillful lawyer (working for someone who isn't NCSoft) could just as easily argue in favor of any of the other interpretations of the EULA, but that doesn't count, because as we've already established, TonyV has presented nothing but facts.
  7. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    I.E. the City of Villains release, which resulted in both a graphics upgrade and a major game nerf?

    Yeah, that was a HUGE loss for the company... Especially when they decided to release CoV to the entire playerbase, therefore upping overall strain to graphics hardware (albeit by a very small amount by today's standards), as anyone who has a lower-end system will tell you when they try to play villain-side content.

    No, that can't be right... Where's was that graph showing overall player subscriptions when that graphics improvement was implemented? Oh, that's right... In this very thread...

    Soo..... What if GR has a graphics upgrade attached to it as well? Will you be another one of those DOOM-sayers that will "prophetically announce" that the new expansion will "kill the game as we know it?"
    1) Neither CoV, nor any of the "graphics creep" that came afterwards boosted the system requirements for the game overall. I'm on a crappy old computer right now, and most of CoH plays quite well (with the settings turned way down, can't even afford anti-aliasing). Only Grandville, Cimerora, and a few other places have any noticeable slowdown. A graphics engine upgrade to make CoH on par with MMOs released this year would definitely put it out of reach of this system.

    2) CoV had more than just new graphics. (And, if it does include higher requirements, so will GR.) New zones, new stories, new ATs, all these are things that help existing players justify the cost of an upgrade. I was talking about a situation when CoH rolls out an entirely new graphics engine, and nothing else.

    3) I didn't say it would mean "doom for the game". Just "overall net loss of subscriptions". Going from 130k to 110k doesn't doom the game, but it's still a loss.
  8. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Just like any "major release" title that's come out in the history of "graphics engine" gaming?

    I fail to see what's wrong with consistently pushing technology forward into the future.
    I fail to see how "Newer games have higher system requirements" has any bearing on "If you upgrade the engine of an older game in a way that boosts the system requirements, a certain part of your playerbase will stop playing".

    No, it doesn't matter whether they're actually poor or just too lazy to go down to the store (or fire up and grab a new graphics card. It is still a loss of customers, and thus loss of subscription money.

    Unless you can *guarantee* that for every person who goes "I can't play this game on my current computer so I will stop playing it" there will be *at least one* person who goes "I wasn't going to ever play this game but now that the graphics engine is upgraded, I will", the result will be a net loss for your company.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    If the answer to these questions is merely 'Because it looks cool', you might think back to the kinds of effects used in the original Star Wars movies. They were there because they advanced the plot, characterization, or setting, and used pretty sparsely.
    I object. "Because it looks cool" is a *perfectly valid* reason to use anything at all in movies and also games.
  10. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    • That Change Y will lead to a mass exodus days after it goes live.
    Well, if you upgraded the graphics engine to something that looked better but only ran on cutting-edge hardware...
  11. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
    The listing fee is 5%. The gross loss at sale is 10%. That's a net cost of 5% at listing and 5% at sale.
    Only if the item always sells for exactly the same price that you listed it at.

    Example: You get a purple recipe. You put it up for 1000 inf.

    The listing fee is 5% of 1000 inf, or 50 inf.

    You see in the chatlog: "You spent 50 influence in the Consignment House".

    The highest bid for that recipe is 20 million inf. That bid is higher than your asked price, so your recipe fills that bid.

    The sale fee is 10% of 20 million inf, or 200 000 inf.

    However, the 50 inf you've already paid is deducted from that.

    You see in the chatlog: "You sold Purple Recipe for 20 000 000 influence", and then "You spent 199950 influence in the Consignment House".
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    But what isn't is people jumping in and hitting on your fight, and its worse when you've just got the boss/LT down to a small chunk of health, and then someone dives in and 'helps'. Helps themselves to the exp.
    XP is based on damage done - if you did 90% of the damage to the mob, you get 90% of the xp, regardless who did the other 10%.
  13. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Far as I'm concerned, the copyright clause in the EULA is designed to prevent NCsoft from being sued by players for using their intellectual property a lot more so than for NCsoft to sue players for using their characters elsewhere. Per chance NCsoft want to use player characters in promotional events or put them in their comic books, that's when trouble could occur.
    Ah, but in the very unlikely case that 1) you find yourself making a commercially successful property based on one of your CoH characters, which does not use any elements of the game's background, 2) NCSoft decides to take you to court despite the massive bad publicity this will cause and 3) they trow all their money and lawyers behind the suit in a specific attempt to shut you down, *then* you'll be sorry you haven't listened to TonyV!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    One of our programmers wrote a python script that parsed through power definitions, collected all of the animation/FX scripts associated with each power, dug in those and found all of the FX scripts and all of the particle scripts, copied everything over to a separate location (where they could be changed without affecting the original FX/Particle scripts), and renamed/relinked all of these things. That script alone made this feature possible.
    Wow, python really *does* make impossible things happen.
  15. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    *has nothing constructive to add, so just fangirls Arcanaville from afar*
  16. I've been running a Dark Melee/Fire Aura Scrapper (rolled before I16, powers have not been edited yet because I like them fine the way they are). Occasionally, after I use a Dark Melee attack on an enemy, the gold glow of Soul Drain's boost would appear on that enemy briefly. It seems to happen randomly.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
    And doing it too much in a group setting (like a supergroup) can destroy any meaningful significance of it. It's real sad if one guy dies. It's just ridiculous if people start dropping like flies.
    And this is a very real danger in a freeform GM-less environment - people experience a well-written character death, and think "wow, that was really emotionally intense and left a lasting impression on everyone. I'd really love to write an RP plot like that too." And in the worst case, it catches on like a fad, and before you know it the situation has gone from "we have lost one of our own, this is a really bitter reminder of our mortality" to " does anything ever get *done* around here?"
  18. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    And I guess this little back-and-forth is indicative to just how pervasive and compelling this myth is!
    I would agree that Creating commercial works based on your CoH characters will not get you into legally murky waters is a myth. But your "fact" explanation leaves much to be desired.

    It's like if you told someone "Be sure to always lock your car doors when you leave the car somewhere, because otherwise a slasher could hide in the backseat and slit your throat when you get back in the car". Good advice, somewhat dubious explanation for it.
  19. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    In other words, if the law in your particular area does not allow NCsoft to claim exclusive ownership of intellectual property, then they claim what rights that the law does allow. This is an international game, and some countries don't allow the transfer of intellectual property at all, or it's extremely limited are regulated.
    Which is entirely irrelevant to my point.

    The rights you are granting to them apply to "Member Content", which is "things you put in the game". Which means that if you, say, write a novel about your CoH character, NCSoft doesn't own it, unless you type all of the novel into the Architect.

    On the other hand, if NCSoft writes a CoH novel and puts your character in it, you can't demand they give you money or ask them to take your character out, either.
  20. Silver Gale

    COH Mythbusters

    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Myth: I can use characters I create in City of Heroes in other commercial ventures.
    Fact: As soon as you create any character or other intellectual property in the game or on these forums, according to the terms of the EULA, you are transferring all rights to that intellectual property to NCsoft. As NCsoft then has sole ownership, including all rights to publish and commercialize that intellectual property, legally, you are obligated to get their express written permission to use it in your own commercial work. It does not matter if you owned the intellectual property before using it in the game. This is another case of "they wouldn't enforce that!" Maybe, maybe not, but the fact is that they can enforce it if they choose to. Also, there have been references to community reps saying that the clause is there to protect NCsoft, not go after people. Again, maybe, maybe not, but community reps aren't lawyers, and it doesn't change what the EULA--the only thing a court would consider binding--actually says. Short version: Never, ever, ever create anything in the game that you might want to someday use to make money on your own.
    Um, no.

    Member Content. Members can upload to and create content on our servers in various forms, such as in selections you make and characters, certain additions to the game world, and items you create for the Game(s), and in bulletin boards and similar user-to-user areas ("Member Content"). By submitting Member Content to or creating Member Content on any area of the Service, you (iii) acknowledge and agree that such Member Content is the sole property of NC Interactive. To the extent that NC Interactive cannot claim exclusive rights in Member Content by operation of law, you hereby grant to NC Interactive a non-exclusive, universal, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sublicenseable right to exercise all rights of any kind or nature associated with such Member Content, and all ancillary and subsidiary rights thereto, in any languages and media now known or not currently known.
    They do not own your character: they own the particular costume selections you made when you created your character in their game, and whatever text you type into the boxes. You're giving them the right to distribute this particular image and name of the character, for example when they use their software to display your character on the screens of other players, or when they take a screenshot at a public event which includes your character and use that to advertise the game. Basically, you're using your ideas to add content to their world, and they don't have to pay you for it.

    Note also "non-exclusive". If you create a character with the same name and costume in CO, for example, Paragon Studios will not be able to sue Cryptic for copyright infringement.

    Now, this isn't to say that commercializing a character first created in CoH is a good idea, but you can just delete the character when you do that.
  21. I don't have it yet, but I was planning on getting the old Medical Specialist (10 million, just like new Empath) by playing normally. I'm up to 3.7 mil so far.
  22. I think Killed Off For Real is one of those tropes that you have to be very, very careful with. Done well, it can be touching and cathartic, but done badly, it can come across as cheap drama.

    I haven't done one of those stories yet. A situation where it would be a good idea hasn't come up, and I'm not inclined to go looking for one.
  23. Silver Gale

    I16 Real Soon?

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I have a suspicion that Avatea posts loads of secret info only on the French and German sections
    Well, it's not secret info, but the French post does add "Careful: the freespec tokens are not like the earned respecs. To use one, type the command /respec in game."