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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AWishForWings View Post
    I was thinking the same thing but then again, most of Regen powers are Toggle or Auto. Any suggestions on Dull Pain//Reconstruction?
    3 autos, one toggle. That's not most. You want dull pain to be perma (more health = better regen and heals), reconstruction to recharge ASAP and hit hard, everything else to recharge fast... or in short, RECHARGE!
  2. I personally dislike your build for a few reasons:
    1) it feels like there's too much of a def buffer, considering SR has capped def resists.
    2) You use body mastery, which basically means you lack a little in damage potential (granted with better end usage)
    3) A heavy focus in regen. (I personally prefer just getting first aid directly)
    4) Followup is rendered useless by your slotting: Not enough acc to hit, no damage.
    5) No -res proc on slash.

    Trying to keep your build focus while improving it, here:

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.92

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    Slightly less def. (still way past cap)
    WAY more acc bonuses.
    Better end usage (granted not by much)
    Followup slotted for attacking.

    And for reference, the build I'm working towards currently. (also, tips would be appreciated)

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.92

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    Different APP pool: Fire instead of Body
    Stealth and First Aid instead of Manuevers and Hasten
    Greater focus on recharge, lower def surplus
    Dropped Shockwave (dislike the kb)
    No travel power (ninja run + swift + quickness is already pretty fast)

    Fireblast would help tremendously in the DPS department, being pure fire (hence hitting better against lethal-resistant mobs) and doing more damage than focus or slash. Optimal damage chain would be Follow-up -> Slash (for resist proc) -> Fire Blast (for pure damage), and should beat AV regen if I'm not wrong. Swipe is just a slot mule in this case. (or as quick damage if exemplared under 30)
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novawulfe View Post
    Might I direct your attention to this?


    And in Mids it claims to have a mag 3 taunt effect on the 10 targets it hits, this plus Taunt, so how is the a poor choice for aggro management?
    The duration is a mere 1.25 seconds, taunt rate is every second. If the mob is away from the tank for more than a second or so for any reason (knockback, mob crowding, tank needing to punch that mob attacking a blaster while he's taunting more off the controller), the aggro from that taunt aura is lost.

    No other taunt aura has such a short taunt duration.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hejtmane View Post
    A lot of people can also pick access to a bunch of sprints so i can have one with stealth and one normal/ Can't remember which vet reward that is
    1 year reward. And I did mention that 7 posts above.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Protonic_Flux View Post
    Ok, rant thread time. Been awhile since I've done that. But here goes.

    Just failed a STF. Had a team of all vet players. Alittle melee heavy, but all in all it should have worked fine. Except for 1 thing. We could not defeat Ghost Widow.

    I mean, What the (insert F bomb here) We fought her for over 15 minutes before we just had to give up. It's total BS that 1 mob should ruin a task force that we were easily over a hour in to. We had no problems anywhere else in the whole task force. We even ended up fighting 3 of the 4 signature villains at once. Now that went a little rough, but we managed to take out Scirroco, Black Scorpion and Mako with fatalities, but we could do it.

    We could not even get Ghost Widow below 90% health. All because of the fact that we had too much melee? That is just rediculas.

    It's **** like this that turns me off of the game, after 81 months.....For the first time I am seriously thinking of going to another MMO. Just because of stupid BS like this.

    Now this task force is totally doable. I've done the Statesman's Task Force hundreds of times. More wins then losses, but seeing a team that's worked for over a hour end up getting denied anything on the next to last encounter of the task force because the team make up had too many people that needed to get close to Ghost Widow to do damage is just unforgivable.

    No more weekly task forces for me till it's off of the STF. (F Bomb) Ghost Widow too (The character, not the dev...)

    Dammit, this makes me want to play Champions Online for petes sake!

    Rant is over.....*exhales* Let the flames commence!!
    1) Make sure your melee is softcapped to her acc-based heals
    2) If not softcapped inherently, use purples.
    3) After softcap, stock up on DAMAGE.
    4) if no kin or similar, use reds.
    5) if you have a tank, taunt, then stay out of range. (immob her)
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by xhris View Post
    Emm, when you slot a Stealth IO in a toggle you have to actually run the toggle to get the Stealth bonus. Some builds are so tight on endurance that can't afford to leave Sprint on in combat.
    Stealth IOs has to be slotted into a toggle regardless: there's no passive which can slot run/jump/fly/teleport sets. That leaves combat jump and hover (since you're talking about combat, I'm assuming the travel toggles which aren't useful in combat is out of discussion). Since those are used for defense, if you slot them there, and happen to need to escort something, you're screwed. Not to mention that you don't need stealth IO to be running in combat anyway, since it provides no combat bonuses, just turn off your sprint/stealth IO.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Malk_ View Post
    Hello friends. First things first:

    /em seduction



    I, a humble defender/corruptor/closet controller player, would like to try something different -- one of those melee thingers that run around slapping people whilst blasters find new and creative ways to die despite my very bestest attempts to keep them alive. I have him conceptually planned out but there are a few options available to me:

    Fire/SD scrapper
    SD/Fire tank
    SD/SS tank
    Fire/SD brute
    SS/SD brute

    I'm leaning heavily towards super strength, but fiery melee is also a conceptually viable option thanks to power customization. That said, the totality of my melee character experience involved rolling a stone/stone brute back in i11, getting all swoony over his costume for about three minutes, and then deleting him. I really have no idea which of these combinations are "the best" or if they're going to be slow going, painful characters to build up. Typically, I'm more of a solo player who will pick up a team from time to time.

    Any advice on which path to follow is much appreciated.
    Tank for more team focused and being harder to kill. Will kill slower than both scrapper and brute, but catches/holds aggro better. Do note that thanks to AAO, scrappers and brutes will still be able to hold aggro.
    Brute for an easier time (with enough fury, which should be easy to gather and maintain thanks to your taunt aura), though with a more GOGOGO mentality. Do note that shield charge will have less potential on a brute than on tanks and scrappers.
    Scrapper for those who likes to relax.
  8. I'm not sure what your intent is, but only having mudpots as your AoE does not a farm build make, and attacks are WAY too slow (even if haste is on.) I'm honestly not sure whether you're trolling, or whether you're really clueless on making a good stone brute.

    1) Make a separate character for farming. Stone Armor sucks for farming (compared to all the other sets except maybe energy). Stone melee sucks for farming (compared to all the other sets except dark melee). Stone armor + stone melee doubleplus sucks for farming.
    2) If you really must use this power pairing, drop taunt, take tremor and stone fist, rearrange slots so that you have more recharge instead of damage, remove assault and vengence, take Mu Mastery APP for it's AoEs, slot up brawl for acc and a little recharge, steal slots from buildup cause to-hit is the least of your problems, etc etc...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shisui View Post
    one of the two penalties could be removed. either remove defense suppression. or remove speed penalty. this puts it more in line with hover/cj as a pick.
    As far as I know, the amount of defense unsuppressed when attacked, clicking glowie, etc is the exact same as hover and combat jumping. Asking for the currently suppressed portions to be unsuppressed would make it have more def than those two, and identical to weave. No go.
  10. Signpost

    Lightning Field

    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    It's more important to have End Mod than damage-- especially because of the way that Fury dilutes damage. My Musculature alpha slotted DM/ELA just uses 3 parts Efficiency Adaptor and the Armageddon damage, which equals 88% damage, 115% End Mod, 26% acc, and 26% end reduction.

    Draining 6.5% endurance every 2 seconds is very noticeable with Power Sink. It should be even more potent with the sapping ability from your primary.
    Partially true. But it can also be said that by the time you have enough damage mods to make damage slotting useless, you're killing way too fast for the end mods to make any difference anyway.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mezzosoprano View Post
    That arc was definitely fun to try with my Controller! I finally managed (in bursts) to get my earning rate to a smidgen over 1M inf/min at +2/x8 with bosses. I'm not sure I can push it much higher, but trying will be fun.

    What mechanism are people using in these AE arcs to get the waves of bad guys? Destructible objects that trigger ambushes?
    Yes, though you can only have max 6 ambushes attached from what I've tested. Also, I think they add mobs guarding the hostage, objects, and click-objective. And lastly, make sure that the "front-load objects, hostage, and clicky" put them all in front for the map you select. (some maps have weird placement positions)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ThugOne View Post
    With regards to "Movement IO's do the same thing":
    A lot of builds are slot-limited. Particularly with Inherent Fitness, you get more powers now without any extra slots. If you used to build for Stamina, you now have three "free" power selections. Use one of them to pick Stealth, and now your movement powers need one fewer slot than they used to.
    Why would you slot stealth IO on anything but Sprint (And especially those with 1 year bonuses, since you get 4 more sprint powers, all slottable). Save your slot options.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TankShock View Post
    Could you elaborate on this? What do you mean by "low AT mod"? Thanks!
    Basically, it means that the brute base attack damage is low compared to other melee guys like scrappers, stalkers, tanks, etc.
  14. Signpost

    Lightning Field

    Step 1: Slot for acc, end, damage.
    Step 2: Get high fury.
    Step 3: Stand beside mobs. The more the merrier (up to 10)
    Step 4: ???
    Step 5: Profit!
  15. Signpost

    New To Brutes

    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    From 1-20 on a Brute, you can go so far as to not slot damage.

    At all.

    Just slot accuracy and endurance reduction. Fury will take care of the damage and you'll be in the game far more than you would be with no end redux.
    Also if you're farming, not slotting damage is still an option, especially if you can get to a state where reds drop fast enough to keep your damage bonus maxed anyway.

    My priority in slotting:
    1) Acc. If you can't hit stuff, you can't kill stuff. Misses also waste your end. (x2)
    2) End. If you've no end, you can't attack, and thus hit stuff. (x1/x2)
    3) Recharge. Now that you can hit stuff, hit stuff faster. (x1/x2)

    Lastly, set brawl on auto-attack. (and throw an ACC on it so you hit stuff) It costs no end, recharges fast, animates fast, and every attack you can squeeze in boosts your fury further.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    And you don't see how that kneecaps the entire Incarnate system in the process? It may not be just for the NotW in concept, but RIGHT NOW, that's what it's primarily for. That's what they announced it as. It makes sense to keep it for this until a better method is introduced.

    I remind you of the original bank robbery missions in City of Villains before the advent of Mayhem Missions. Yes, right now they show up as regular paper missions, but before Mayhems, that's what you got at the end of three/five paper missions. They didn't leave it uncapped with nothing at the end, they put in a placeholder that they treated like a placeholder.

    The WTF was advertised as a placeholder for the I20 Incarnate Trials, but they're not treating it like such. They're treating it like an unrelated mechanic that just so happens to be where the Rare and Very Rare components are, but without giving any regard to this. Do you see now why I'm against putting in placeholders like this?
    I don't see anywhere which the WSF is advertised as a placeholder for I20 incarnate trials. Especially when considering you don't need Going Rogue to do the WSF, a requirement for the alpha slots.
  17. Admittedly I only use two powers: Grant invis and Invisibility. Mainly because I never keep invisibility on when I decide to fight (hence actually using endurance, so the end cost isn't an issue), thus completely overriding stealth on effectiveness. For my purposes (going past mobs and hitting glowies) Invisibility works perfectly. I still can see stealth working as it is though, being another cheap def power (at least, the amounts still unsuppressed in combat), and Phase shift has a few big differences with the situation regarding fly, namely that the temp power has to be crafted/cannot be bought from NPCs. Instead of treating the temp power as a substitute for the power pool, treat the power pool as a substitute for the temp power, one that never runs out.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    While that's true, one might have expected then to treat the WTF as THE way to get Incarnate content until they get another, better way. Even if it's just a placeholder, does it hurt to keep it to level cap TFs until I20?
    Yes, cause the WSF is not just for the notices. It's also for merits and badges, and to encourage people to play lesser-played TF/SF too.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
    As long as putting an IO up for sale or collecting inf for a sale triggers a character save, he keeps the IO and the guy who mapserved comes back to find the sale price still at WWs, or still in his wallet if he collected it before the mapserv.

    If using the market doesn't save a character, it could get messy. Which is why I assume using the market or trading directly to another player does in fact trigger an immediate save.
    I know that passing large insps doesn't. I can't confirm for anything else.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
    Over the years, multiple options have been introduced that accomplish the same basic thing as the Stealth power. Clearly, that diminishes Stealth's niche, thereby dampening its usefulness.

    I believe, as a pool power choice, it should be more distinctive. As making it more distinctive would just be a benefit to the game, not really sure what the issue is?

    I'm also not sure how one can present:

    ...and... the same post, and not see the contradiction.

    No, to me, it's a case of presenting feedback and sharing ideas that could make the game better.

    I don't actually care much if the Concealment pool changes. I do use those other options when they make sense (and I find they often make more sense than using a power slot and a pool slot on Stealth... which I'd call a design flaw).

    I just think it'd be better for the game if Concealment (and other pool powers) got some developer attention. And I don't really see the point in attempting to squelch the expression of that.
    The usefulness of Stealth has diminished just as much as the usefulness of Fly (jetpacks everywhere! Ouroboros shortcuts! Linked train services!) But of the set as a while, each power has it's own uses. You may diss Stealth all you like, but there's 3 whole other powers, and stealth is still useful regardless.

    I still think of all pool powers, that Fly needs to be looked into. Jetpacks use just as much end as unslotted hover, fly has a such a low cap that even after slotting jetpacks aren't really as slow compared, group fly messes with powers from teammates...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
    I seriously doubt you could dupe items via a mapserv. Anything that had happened after the last time your character was saved would be wiped away, and presumably anything that saves an item somewhere (like loading a storage bin or making a market transaction) also saves your character... that would be a basic security feature I'd be amazed to see not implemented. So presumably you'd relog to just after the last thing you did that saved your character, which should include anything that adds or removes any item or inf from anywhere.

    (If the market server data is ever saved at different intervals than the character inventory, get coding on that... it's a potential source of not only duplicated items but also vanished ones.)
    True, but your view also has a flaw. What happens to the player on the other side who didn't mapserv? After all, he did buy the IO, and you can't just take it away.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    While that's true, it ignores a fundamental point that Lady Grey makes - that Statesman, Recluse and Hero One were all "simple men" when they found the well and gained its power, and that what sets up the player character apart is that he or she is already almost at their level before taking on the power of the Well. This is what opens the door to both not being controlled and gaining even greater power.

    The Well responds to "power" as said in the text, but this infers GREAT power, because what the well seeks is the strongest of all creatures irrespective of their morality. The well wouldn't and shouldn't be interested in menial tasks, and would most probably not be interested in self-imposed challenges, so much as acts of great power and progress. After all, what poses the danger of being taken over by the well for the Statesman is trying to increase his power beyond his already considerable limits. This, in turn, infers that where real power lies and where real danger lies, as well, is in surpassing your own limits, which isn't doable by imposing limiting rules.

    The entire spirit of the Incarnate storyline is "be stronger so you can be even stronger." In this, it's practically Dragonball Z (part of why I like it so much), and for that to be restricted to a much lower level is like putting Goku against Mr. Satan - not much is accomplished, not much is proven, not much progress is made.

    This is an obvious placeholder and a klude, but one would have at least expected them to run out of level cap content before they went down, at least until they implemented the "proper" way.
    Actually, I suspect that either the Well is having a multiple personality disorder, or there is something else other than the Well which is calling the shots. After all, the Well as we currently know wouldn't be the one who made itself dissappear so you have to take the long road (and not be a peon, willing or otherwise).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    They really should have a forced save whenever a character interacts with a global source.

    There's also the trouble of being able to grief. Just consider how much it would suck if someone decided yesterday that they wanted to chain crash IP.
    Not like someone wasn't chain-crashing Atlas Park (or at least it seemed that way).
  24. 8 am here. The weekly server downtime is during my prime time to play, so stop whining.

    EDIT: Granted today's Chinese New Year so I'm on holiday, so... meh!

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
    You know, I never thught of that till you just mentioned it here. Didn't think about dupin' rares!
    I did thought that it was a GLOBAL mapserv because of that. But anyway, even with these rollbacks, I'm going to make another assumption that individual transactions, even if rolled back, are still logged. This would quickly root out anyone attempting to (excessively) dupe via thsese mapservs..