935 -
But for power information surely you know what each powers does and what situation to use it in is if another player asked?
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You have no idea how much he sucks.
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Hope your not saying i suck? -
Im an Elitist and proud of it, i think my four and a half years of playing and 20 lvl 50s gives me that right.
[/ QUOTE ]Well it shows you like grinding, not sure what else really.
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Ohhhhh maxxxx iiiiiiiii invite you to bite me, but yes i do enjoy grinding so much its what makes this game great and you should know. -
I don't want to make this into some kind of rant but i really do think that some people in this game are getting more and more of an Elitist attitude.
Some think that because they've been here longer or played the game a while, it is their right to treat everyone else like idiots, Like they're lower than they are just because they don't play 7 days a week. I have a dear friend who is relatively new to the game and i'm doing my best to teach her all about it. However she is scared to death of teaming with some people because if she makes a single mistake or doesn't do something, they treat her like the worlds going to end and that she's a world class idiot, When really she's just new to the game and is learning the ropes.
It's not just in game either, on these very forums there are people that really believe they can dismiss any topic and tell people to get lost just because They have been here longer and therefore have discussed the topic before. We wonder why we get few new people and i for one believe it's for this exact reason.
I'm in no way intending to tar everyone with the same brush, i'm sure there are just as many good people out there who do their best to help others, I certainly try my hardest to help new players. I just feel like there are some that automatically think that Age = Wisdom, which i'm sorry is just not the case. A more understanding attitude would go a long way imho, to making this game better all round.
I just had to get that out before i go eat my Sunday Roast <3
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The problem here is they are right, they have been here longer they have played more so they do know more about the game.
Im an Elitist and proud of it, i think my four and a half years of playing and 20 lvl 50s gives me that right. -
Ok ... if you are not of the "slightly insane" persuasion, please skip on to the next topic.
After talking in a team tonight, I suggest that we replace the acronym TP with the word "cookie"
That way, we get to say for "cookie pls", "Anyone got a cookie so I can rez" and "I need a cookie to get to mish"
Obviously not a serious dev request, but would be nice to be in a team where cookies are requested
Perhaps something similar for SB ?
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Christ!!! -
I'm going to look back at this thread at the end of the year and have a good giggle.
I can vouch for what Ex Libris has said with regards the dev team having too tight a schedule to put in any new content for Spring Fling 2009.
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Now that is a shock!!
Same old same old, why dont we just get yet another dead horse out and flog it abit more.
Poor horse is nothing but bone now after years of flogging -
So the topic title says it all, when will the closed beta start?
I personally think that the "Official" teaser pages will be up this week or next with the Closed Beta starting on the 17th.
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Who cares it will happen when it happens, -
I think you may very well be a lost cause then Londoner there is basically no difference between a TF and Mission Arc other than the fact your not locked into a mission arc normally.
Yes TFs have some special things like Romy and his buffing nictus but dose that really add loads of replay ability?
As to MA doing nothing for you how can you say that and complain about replay-ability MA gives the potential for unlimited missions and im sure there's going to be some real gems amongst them
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Villains need more Sf thats a fact!!
As for MA giving more content thats just rubbish, imo its just an excuse for the devs not to do any work as they have ran out of ideas for the game and are hoping that a few players can come up with a new way to use freaks in a lab map.
Player made content will only work if the player is given the chance to build from scratch new enemy groups with new powers, new areas for the missions to be in.
With out this its just re-working what we already have and adding your own RP bits if your into that of course.
The devs need to start using there heads and get doing what there paid for coming up with NEW CONTENT!!!
And a lvl 45 villan SF would be a good start. -
Oh and by the way in repliance to Toerag converting the Pope to Islam is possible, people have changed religions before and it still goes on now, it's commonplace.
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God wills it -
Oh do shut up you total a s s , i bet your a right chav in RL or live on a council est going out with a girl called shaz, your a bigger waste of space than gorden brown.
Now jog on before i have to get real nasty with you
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Guess that will be one of your last posts before they ban your account on the forums for some time......
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I can but hope, the lesson here is though dont call me names on the forums or i will throw it back worse -
I loved to play CoX for a long time now and i always loved the diversity of powers, but lately its starting to get dull.
95% of all brutes are SS/WP.
There is really no reason to roll other combos apart from SS/WP, since SS is the best st AND aoe damg primary and WP is by far the best seconadry.
ALL other primaries and secondaries suck compared to those 2.
I am no fan of nerfs but SS needed a nerf a long time ago, like reduced radius of FS and non stackable rage.
Nothing comes close to WP in survivability.
Granite tanks/brutes have to deal with - rech, - dmg and almost no run speed to compensate the lvl of survivability.
WP has even better survivability with NO downsides at all.
I know ppl dont like nerfs but its a question of balance and reason.
IMO those 2 sets need to be toned down in order to not make others set meaningless.
P.S: I got a SS/Wp too :-)
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To much to read but this post i feel needs a comment so...
asking for nerfs is just so dum they need to put you back in your rubber room i think, if this game gets any more so called balance its going to fall of its scales and crash into pool of total c r a p
Someone call the police and tell them a nutter called Moghedien is on the lose -
I miss CoX being a game that use to have a challange to it.
I miss PvP -
I did very well thanks, got my new city on travian upto 379 pop after 3 days made a load more troops and did a very good raid on one of my farms...............oh oh sorry yeh cox i didnt log on so thought i would share what i did do.
What I don't get was the view that the Forumites had so called "special" privileges with Bridger, everybody had the same treatment off Bridger, unless you broke the rules, and even then you had to break them into tiny little pieces too small for the eye to see to get anything other than a warning.
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Think you will find views on this change depending on who you ask. but lets not drag up the past -
Didn't know it was a race
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Its always a race -
OOOOOOO some bodys in RV i may just log on my pvp villain for a laugh hes not been out since i13, c u there
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thats just pure evil
can i come to ?
on a another note you tried killing any type of ncp in a pvp zone lately. Bosses feel like avs so avs will be tougher than you expect with the new pvp restrictions.
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True thats why i shall be killing the heroes will save them the pain in the long run -
OOOOOOO some bodys in RV i may just log on my pvp villain for a laugh hes not been out since i13, c u there
That's it really.
Who's with me!
BTW love the 2 new adverts
I'm a hero, I'm a villian #2
I'm a hero , I'm a villian. I'm a sidekick.
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Oh for christ sake -
All move to the RP section pls
The greatest comedy pvp moment - i13
Maybe more tragicomedy.
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Oh dam it you got in before me -
Games dont mirror real life you know, if they did we would all be out of a job, watching are house value plunge in price, while we all sit around wishing we could buy something to cheer us up but cant due to the credit crunch and all the time watching gorden brown with his god awful gerbil faced Optimism telling us its all good while he earns a sick amount of money each year to get on are [censored].