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    Why give players the chance to make there own missions and let them play how they want only to turn around and become all high and mighty about when they dont like whats being made?

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    Well, think of it as like being given a gun licence, or a driving licence - you can do whatever you like with your gun/car - but there are rules of use that you mustn't break.

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    Ok show me in the rules where it says that players cant make a farm mission. And those words to the letter as abuse can be used for anything not just MA

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    That's covered in the "unintended statistical advantages" bit.

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    Rubbish, wouldnt stand up in court a good lawyer would walk all over that.
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    Why give players the chance to make there own missions and let them play how they want only to turn around and become all high and mighty about when they dont like whats being made?

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    Well, think of it as like being given a gun licence, or a driving licence - you can do whatever you like with your gun/car - but there are rules of use that you mustn't break.

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    Ok show me in the rules where it says that players cant make a farm mission. And those words to the letter as abuse can be used for anything not just MA
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Read it again, what was "lose access to chars leveled this way" or whatever it was he said.

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    Simply means if you've completly taken the [censored] with the MA system & leveled a toon 50 levels in a matter of hours.

    I seen the warnings, there was a warning before it was even released that the MA system wouldnt be allowed to be used for creating "perfect farms" etc

    I don't like the idea & I hope the lose access to the toon is something permanent rather than a temp suspension thing...& I hope it then can't be deleted so it takes up one of the slots permanently

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    But why blame your players for using a system that was given to them, if they didnt want farming in MA they could have done more to stop it BEFORE it went live.

    Its just once again the devs not seeing that hey have done it wrong.

    What company in its right mind blames its customers!! thats the fast way o loose them.
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    Im not saying i agreed with what was happening and if this is the stance they want to take then thats fine, but dont start talking about "back dating" punnishments.

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    It's not back-dataing - there was a clear warning in the MA patch notes that exploiters would be in trouble.

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    How can anything be an explote when the system was given to us by the devs, there is nothing stoping you from making a whole map full of EBS now this isnt moaned at as PL its just part of the MA sysem.

    Why give players the chance to make there own missions and let them play how they want only to turn around and become all high and mighty about when they dont like whats being made?

    What posistron is saying in a nut shell is do it are way or get stuffed, what he forgets is its the players who are paying his wages each month!!

    As for trying to make balance and making it a challanging cgame christ the guy must play a dufferent game to me as its far from challanging thats why i made missions full of AVS toi give me someting hard to fight.

    This is just a joke and i so wish he would bring his sad self over to this side sometimes to answer for his crimes.

    Bad move pos, you need to get some direction going in this game very soon as you have lost not only the plot but any direction the game is going !!

    Where does his kind of thing stop? where is the line?
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    There is no need to deny that farming, or more accurately the consequences of farming, is an issue right now. It shouldn't be one for much longer though but we need to iron out a few things before we can make our stance public.

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    Watch out for incoming nerfs to the whole MA system, sorry but history with the devs in this game has shown me that they dont sort out small problems they destroy the whole thing.

    Look out for empty MA building s coming to a zone near you,
  6. Problem is yes they will do something about it but they will take there normal road of nerfing it to hell and messing the whole thing up as per the norm for this game and it will end up as yet another waste of time. If for example they take away the xp from MA missions what you will have is a very small amount of people making arcs and even less playing it.

    On another note if players are making farms using this MA then it just goes to show you farming is popular and wanted by some, so all those who for years said farming wasnt the way the devs wanted to go were wrong they gave us the best tool ever to do it.

    How did anyone ever think this wasnt the way it was going to go? if the devs dont want us to farm take away the MA its the only way to stop it or why not take a real radical road and make us some good new content.
  7. Good god things must be bad for this to happen, so long FFM i wont be asking for your stuff as i gave the game until i15 to come up with something good so think i will be right behind you.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    "We love the way PvP currently is"

    It's official from that i think. It doesn't matter what your paying customers want..... they will get what they are given.

    That to be honest is absolute bull [censored].

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    The guy doesnt seem to get it does he, looks like thats it for pvp then
  9. Hero side today was loads of fun loads of GM spawns and AVs also loads in the zone fighting......villain side 3 GMs and 4 AVs but half the number fighting and the worst lag i have seen couldnt even move.

    So hero side great no lag and fun villain side rubbish
  10. Lord does that suck....... New super heroe MMO coming out very soon and they tempt us to stay with that!!!
  11. Ah its me, if it was to be 1pm on sunday 12th not sure if any of the murder lot could make it, just fyi
  12. Shockwave_EU

    Most inf!

    two billion, most now spent on dead pvp toons.
  13. Yep give us a date mcx and myself,london, rhi, cooked etc will turn up.

    We dont play much now but will pop back on for this for you
  14. Sorry but i have a natwest account and i know for a fact that once you pay cash into your account it is there right away.

    There is no waiting for cash to go through any kind of system.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Jeeze with all the doom posts in this thread I wanna break out some leonard cohen records and gouge my eyes out with blunt spoons or something

    wake up people. A FREE update allowing you to customise content cannot be bad for the game!

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    Oh yes customising the already stale content we have is a huge plus,

    Look dont forget there is still a large base of players here who are not into RP and could careless about building there own missions using the same maps/bad guys what they want is dev created content.

    If the devs dont cater for all there player base this game will die simple fact, theres no point in saying it wont and running around with rose tinted glasses on.

    The game is alomst 5 years old and thats good going for an MMO but alot of games are folding or have folded or are shutting down servers ie conan.

    I dont want this game to die but i also dont want to be playing a game that has no life left in it. Some of you may be putting out the flags for this one but i have ended one of my accounts and the other will be going soon unless somethign good happens with the game.

    But either way even if you dont like me i dont care but the game is loosing another player who has been at it for 4.5 years and has sunk alot of money into it, and that is never a good thing.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Hi everyone -

    In regards to the recent restructuring changes, it is obvious that there is a lot of speculation going on regarding a potential message board merge. The details involved in doing this are being investigated. Unfortunately, no course of action can be committed to at this time. Rest assured, however, that all possibilities will be considered and as soon as things have been determined, you will of course be made aware.

    One thing we can assure you of right now, though, is that the game for our European players isn’t going anywhere and community support for you will continue. I’m happy to be able to inform you that to ensure that this happens, Avatea will be moving to the United States and going to work in the NCsoft Northern California office to work side-by-side with the City of Heroes/Villains developers. She will become your main advocate and is very pleased to have the opportunity to do so.

    So please know that the European contingency will remain alive and well and will continue to have quality representation!

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    Dam it i was hoping we were going to be moved to the usa servers and boards.

    From a company stand point i cant see why they would not want to run the whole thing from america tbh, maybe that will come later this year.
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    Oh the joy is to much to hold in!!.

    The main point here is does anyone care.
  18. Shockwave_EU

    Now What?

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    i dont post much on these like threads but if anything like a merger goes. ill continue as long as i get to keep all my charc names and charcs. ing badges etc. but tbh im keeping quite and just wait and watch what happens and let all u sad doom saying idiots speak ur mind.

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    Noting like sitting on the fence,

    The problem is most of what you call "doom" has happend or will happen,

    Get of the fence and join in with the real facts.
  19. Shockwave_EU

    Now What?

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    It seems that we have lost the EU staff and with that we are left in a limbo. The question is what will happen next? Rtaher then wait for NCSoft to make up THEIR minds. Lets make up OUR minds shall we? After all WE pay the bills here. As I see it there are a few options.

    Leave us alone you yanks.
    In this scenario, we moderate our own forum and play on the same 4 servers without a lot of support from the US. Until they decide to pull the plug.

    With a little help from our friends.
    Here we get a forum merge with the US but keep our 4 servers.

    Time to move.
    We merge completely with the US. They make place in their server racks and we and the americans get a lot more servers to play with. Plus we can start nagging them on the merged servers.

    A new apartment.
    Bye bye forum bye bye trusty servers. They make space for us on the lesser populated US servers and we try to pick up where we left.

    Fresh Start.
    2 months of free gametime on one of the US servers of your choic and everything else gets deleted.

    Destination Unknown.
    Time to move on bye bye NCSoft. I heard good things about Champions or DC or War or WoW.

    So which of these is what you think you will prefer to do?

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    Oh please oh please oh please move us to the usa servers and let us post on there forums,

    Less lag, loads more players and real red names posting info that we can get right away with out someone here linking back to the usa forums.

    I fail to see why anyone wouldnt want this.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    I guess its just me then who thinks this is a move for the better

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    *Psst, Seventy people lost their jobs this morning - probably not the best time to be calling it a good thing.

    (I know Its meant as your well-intentioned opinion for the potential future good of the franchise. *the aboves not meant in a slapping-down kinda way*).

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    So i lost my job but i look at it as a move for the best as it means i can move on to better things, 2 million strangers have lost there jobs in the uk now i dont know them from adam its just all part of whats going on for everyone at the moment.

    The forum/game will now move on for the better, id rather still have my game and some kind of forum than not and if removing the very small EU section that is left has to go to keep it then so be it.

    The game will move on as will those who lost there jobs
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    What? This?

    Is anyone actually surprised by such a move?

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    I guess its just me then who thinks this is a move for the better
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey folks,

    I've been hearing a few things of late about trouble brewing in Brighton again, namely staff shakeups, usually I don't take this type of thing seriously but this time round the sources are trustworthy....

    So GR can you confirm or deny this?

    And if it is true, what does it mean for us?

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    There all going to join Dc online, as for us it means we will all be sent to Dc online servers for free
  23. Shockwave_EU

    Cookie !

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    'I'm busy, leave a message. <eeep>'

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    Ok christ !
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Stop flogging that poor stillborn horse, Shockwave. Please. All it does is +1 your post count to absolutely no use at all - because there are those of us who understand that GR cannot tell us everything we want to know, because his contract expressly forbids him from doing so.

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    I wasnt on about any NDC or GR breaking it, i was on about the fact that this event is the same old stuff from the past four years.