Shadow Wail

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  1. If the midnight squad fell... How did it fall, what made it fall and where are the proper member?
  2. I might take a liking to Sonic/Ice/?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    A head start on an 8 year old game? lol
    Thats one small head start
  4. How important is TT:Leadership?

    I didnt take it on my Fort but my widow is a different animal...not sure.
  5. do you feel that double xp weekend was a bit of a cheat since it hasnt taken you 20 days to get to 47 but instead 14.

    How would your results change if you dodnt play during double xp?
  6. Shadow Wail

    level 1-10 raids

    Ok, so maybe get them at a different level range.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    Enhancement tray storage: very useful to me for marketing.

    Vault storage: I virtually never touch the vault.

    I don't even save salvage in my base, it seems a waste of time to me. I can store 30 pieces of salvage worth thousands of influence (or a couple million in the case of rare salvage), for which I need 2-5 pieces each to craft my IO, or I can store 100 fully complete IOs worth millions each... I just don't get base salvage storage at all. When I need salvage, I buy it from the market or from AE.
    I use base storage strongly throughout my alts. All of my alts are in my SG and it is my closet.

    13 racks for common and uncommon salvage
    1 rack for rare salvage
    2 for enhancements racks split between 10-25/30-50
    1 for halloween salvage
    1 vault

    when I level or get a random drop of rare salvage or even unload my 9999 AE tickets into salvage, I run back to my base and dump my stash into my racks.

    I dont want to effectly go to the BM everytime I want to slot or craft.

    What the devs need to add either in store or in game is a storage for recipies and to increase the base storage capacity.
  8. I don't plan to buy any of these. They are QoL things that really should be free to VIPs. If not fully free, some of it should be to start a thirst for them. Having to pay for them is insulting.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thany144 View Post
    I like the new Dr. He is querky
    Jack Harkness? I am a lil behind
  10. .... I feel like time is crawling.

    Since were in open beta in less than 30 minutes, will there be any surprises that might infuriate me?
  11. OMG, THIS IS AWESOME. I LOVE THIS! I CAN'T WAIT TO BUY THESE PIECES (What everyone wants to read)

    Leave well enough alone (My personal response)
  12. Shadow Wail

    level 1-10 raids

    Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
    I have to ask, what would be done with the regular contact mission that already has you doing this? Re-write, pull it, or have two of the exact same mission at different lvls?
    My scenario isn't exactly like the later storyline. many things can change or you can take the indirect approach. The future missions and the earlier missions complement each other.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jedrious View Post
    We've all been more concerned about whether they remember to relocate Jack Wolf from Galaxy City
    I dont play blue side enough to think about that. Would be awesome to find him confused yelling "Respec...who wants a respec" only to find out that the zone was destroyed.

    He then runs up to Numina and asks if she wants a respec and she sends a spectral messenger to War Witch where she em/Facepalms and Open beta is closed for one last patch that will unfortunately load a 4gig file...

    Just for a respec contact
  14. ok... What will happen to the old tutorial badges? I know that the Contaminated badge can be obtained by slowly killing the contaminated in RV when the zone is under villain control.

    What about the jailbird badge?

    Can the devs create an instance to obtain that badge temporarily access it on our older toons?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    FINALLY just updated the beta server so dont you dare go and patch something onto it tonight!
    With the NC Launcher I have kept all my servers patched and ready in case of The Coming Storm.

    My only question is about the other servers in the beta server...what are they for?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    It's actually a free floating, round button (movable by the player). It feels pretty unobtrusive to me.
    Much like the "Trial Account" floater?
  17. Welcome to Champ!

    Red Side or Blue Side?
  18. I don't want to throw in my two cents...but Freedom Friday shouldn't be a Q&A day since the questions we want answered are not going to get answered and if people read the main page, they can get those questions answered without asking them again and again.

    Freedom Friday should be a reveal day where they reveal something small to medium regarding Freedom...

    Just my two orange cents!
  19. Is anyone doing the NYC Comic Con this year? The devs have not said that they will be present but I wonder if anyone wants to go. I am getting my professional's ticket for $10 soon.
  20. The reason this was an atrocity to me was that the dev team as a whole thought we would love this change because they loved it.

    Posi put out his " guys DON'T like this?" statement that pretty much said we would like this because the devs loved it.

    The reality between what the player base really wants, expects and what was actually delivered was so on the mark that the arrow hit the cat on the post behind the mark.

    Several things bother me about this move. Since it is in closed beta and we can't see what was said yet, unless people want to give morbid hints and end their posts with a smiley face.... then we don't know what is there.