Shadow Wail

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  1. Can I get some data on the options? I also just rolled a Spines/...a Spines/SR and I was wondering how much damage will kick from the fighting pool do at 50 compared to Barb Swipe at 50?

    I also have the two vet powers Sands of Mu and Black Wand.
  2. If the Dev's change PSW's dmg... ima be pissed
  3. Shadow Wail

    2nd Uniform

    whats up with your tailoring screen? why so different?
  4. wait, are they saying i15 will be out in july?
  5. Well If you take Firey Embrace and have Terrify slotted for dmg and rech then I dont see the prob or If you have your STH/STI are slotted for dmg and rech while you still have Firey Embrtace I dont see whats so wrong...I am not a vet to you all have made it clear... but I think that since psi damage is not so resisted a 68 percent boost to the dmg would be awesome...maybe its me?
  6. Shadow Wail


    How well would an Earth/Ice work? I have one and while he is ok,I am thinking of deleting her since I am not feeling the /Ice. I mean my first dom was a Mind/Psi and PSW made me gigle in my pants...I just cant find something as great...would be interested in rolling an Earth/Fire
  7. Yay!!! more speculation....

    -- level 60 enhancements will be available

    --Desdemona will be the contact to alter your moral-o-meter from red to gray to blue

    -Malestrom will be the contact to alter your moral-o-meter from blue to gray to red

    -- the only way to actually get into Praetoria will be through a larger Portal Corp building, Galaxy City, Atlas City, Mercy Island, Cap Au Diable and maybe Pocket D since it is in a different dimension itself

    Can we get some real info from marketing can they say yes ust do it leak something...
  8. /Speculation

    --A hero will have to become a Fallen Hero and a villain will have to be a Redeemed Villain.

    --A FH or a RV will have to start as a one side and travel to Praetoria and begin investigating the problems in Praetoria. Everything we have seen about Tyrant makes no sense when it comes to Emperor Cole, His name is Marcus Cole but his evil name is Tyrant. Rogues will be brought up in Praetoria and scale to being a villain or a hero based on the missions that they do which I do not think is based on morality but based on missions regarding Tyrant and his Praetorians.

    --Praetoria will have Infamy and Influence but it will equate to the same thing

    --The final penalty for a Fallen Hero/Redeemed Villain will be that they are kicked off their SG's that makes the most sense.

    --You can have a rogue super group for people that do not have a specific alighment, those grey individuals have acess to both sides of the game traditionally.

    --The devs have not said anything about level 60 Enh's or a level cap. I think its going to be just more content for 50's and a goal for players to get to. I personally wouldn't mind a new ten levels of stuff...

    --If bases get a teleport for the Praetorian zones it will have to be through a Portal Corp type teleporter that can be installed in your base, since the teleporters do not and cannot teleport across dimensions. Bases will have to get minor love to install a new teleport room and it will cater to Praetoria.

    --The PPP/APP problem might be resolved by the fact that you can only take one at the time of your alignment, by this I mean that if you were a level 1-40 villain and decided that you changed your mind, you will do the missions required to rescale your morality and become a hero for level this time you will be able to keep your powers and choose the APP and keep going till 50...if you want to rescale again to redside you will keep the powers learned but cannot pick them as a villain. If you picked your first two APP at level 41 and 44 you cannot become a villain and pick your level 47 power. I also feel that in order to do this all over again the devs might be sadistic enough to just force you to become a hero again and respec yourself to get the chance to pick the PP you want.

    --In Praetoria there must not be any super-powered citizens aside from Tyrant and the Praetorians we have fought in CoH since I would think that they are either in hiding from super powered genocide and Cole is making sure that he and his crew are the elite and have control. Why else would Desdemona mention that it looks like a paradise and have good old party-pooper Statesman say that looks can be decieving. I feel that Tyrant is far more villainous than the original content tells and this is why the going rogue expansion is going to elaborate.

    --I do feel like there is a Praetorian Recluse but instead he is a ghost like Ghost Widow, why else were they in the same video.

    Excuse the lack of proper punctuation and some spelling, I am trying to go home from work
  9. I think that is why we have dual builds, one build will have to be auto sided for villains and one for hero...when you transfer over to a fallen hero or a redeemed villain you will automatically be active built to the corrosponding morality.

    I feel that a ton of the masive new ideas that the Devs have added are just a prep for the GR Expansion...

    I wouldnt mind being a redeemed villain to get psi torando on my Mind/Psionic...
  10. Set up a tranfer bid on WW/BM.

    I set up something like an inspiration on either the BM/WW and make sure that no one bids for the item or that there are other items for sale, I usually buy the entire lot of inps just to ensure that it is mine that is being sold.

    I place my item in the auction slot and set the bidding price really high, what are the odds that someone else is trying to buy a purple insp?!

    Then I log on to the side that I am transfering money from and place my bid. I also make sure that if there are any other new items I buy them back up, that is why I use inspirations. Once I am sure that it is only my item on the BM/WW I bid my amount and transfer my money over as a Point of Sale.

    It is risky to do but if you have good control over the BM you shouldnt have a problem, I do it with heroes to villains and villains to villains. I havent had a "mishap" in a year and a half but it can happen

    The day we have universal account banks I will be one happy beaver...
  11. If I start in Praetoria as a dominator...complete enough heroic Praetoria missions and take my side as a redeemed heroic Dominator...when I hit level 41, do I take APP or PPP?
  12. Will this expansion bring in a new set of levels or will I just get a new starting zone and move freely between primal earth and Praetoria?
  13. Can we get the ability to remove enhancements and move them around at free will, it sucks that I have to delete one enhancement to replace it.
  14. Oh btw... BAB's...can you make the witch sleeves accessible when we use regular sleeves, I love the flared sleeve look!

    ::Makes Puppy dog eyes::

    -- Magic Bolero and the Cloaked High Collar:
    Are they supposed to be combined?

    -Magic Bolero: Is the inside customizable?
  15. the lightning one can be paired with the cyborg pack... electro-Voltron costume change....
  17. Nevermind... and presto change-o IS FRIKKIN SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. you guys will not belive this... you know how I was timing when the pack would come out and I would get my extra 4 gigs of RAM... they came at the same time.. I just drooled on myself
  19. ma bad sunblaster.. I was joking... is it out?
  20. is 1pm in NYC and I want my pack...
  21. we have to wait for the devs to tell us its chow time?
  22. my tummy hurts I am so anxious...So anyone have a funny story to share?