Enhancement movement




Can we get the ability to remove enhancements and move them around at free will, it sucks that I have to delete one enhancement to replace it.

[/ QUOTE ]You can combine Non-IO enhancements rather than delete them, but you already knew that.

From the Dev's attitude that giving us the ability to pull (up to ten) enhancements out of a build during a respec and sell them was being "rather generous", I wouldn't expect this ability to ever see the light of day.

That being said, I'd be willing to do a lesser (easier, soloable) version of the respec trials to get a "Mini-Respec", where you can swap around enhancements completely (as per a regular respec), but cannot switch out any powers.
My idea for the mini-respec arc blue-sidewould be for a story arc (all timed missions) where you have to get the Shield Generators running before a seperate hero team goes into the reactor to fight the SkyRaiders/Freakshow/etc. and rescue a few of the reactor technicians. It would tie into the trial's story concept, but represent a lesser role and a lesser amount of radiation exposure, which would be the reason why your powers were not altered quite as much as the main team.



You do know =why= enhancements are supposed to be 'fixed', right?

Because expired enhancements could then be 'passed on' to other characters, affecting the 'economy' of the game somewhat.

Over on other MMO's they have the concept of 'soulbound' items -- once you touch it, it's yours, nobody else can use it, no other character, no other player. It's tainted and it's yours. Thats the way -they- stop trade in 'rare items people don't want anymore', forcing players to destroy stuff that they worked so hard to get.

Prior to the endless respecs all my characters get from veteran awards, I used to do Respec trials just so I could avoid the 'pain' of spending new inf on new enhancements, because you now get FULL VALUE back for your -old- enhancements during the respec process. It saves you money. With rarer enhanments like Hamidon Oriigin, or really expensive Invention Origin, you can set aside ones you want to 'kaap' (up to 10) in your enhancement tray during a Respec -- even THAT small window of opportunity is somewhat frowned on by the Devs, because it makes wealth more transportable, gives the market content that is meant to be difficult to acquire -at all-, rather than merely 'expensive' (since the economy gets richer and richer over time -- look at those people who gloat at spending $,$$$,$$$,$$$ on their characters these days).

How do you think they manage to acrue that money? By using enhancments until they upgrade them, then -selling- them back on the market.

Sure, they can only do 10 at a time. My Peacebringer (L50, I don't play him anymore) did this with his 12 or so Hamidon Origin enhancements, used a couple of respecs, kept the HO's, sold all the SO's for full value, then sold the HO's on the market for $millions each, and wallowed in wealth, he has more than 130Million now and doesn't need it, because I never play him. Fortunately it's a good bank for my alts, but that's beside the point.

If you allow people to freely move enhancements around without restriction, they'll finagle a way back on the market and cease to be a time-effort sink, and become simply an economic statistic.

Apologies for the garbled explanation.



Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.



Can we get the ability to remove enhancements and move them around at free will, it sucks that I have to delete one enhancement to replace it.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you no longer want the enhancement, for what purpose would that character want to move it? Consider it the cost of the enhancement.



Can we get the ability to remove enhancements and move them around at free will, it sucks that I have to delete one enhancement to replace it.

[/ QUOTE ]I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt, because the wording is a bit vague. "Remove" may be used in the wrong sense here, given the "move them around" part. So, I'll ask for clarification.

OP, are you suggesting that we be able to REMOVE enhancements from the character entirely, and then do whatever we want with them (reslot, trade, sell, etc?)

Or are you suggesting that we be able to MOVE enhancements around within our build, transferring them from power to power, but not actually taking them out and "recovering" them?

The first option is often brought up and shot down, though the second one may have some merit...



From the Dev's attitude that giving us the ability to pull (up to ten) enhancements out of a build during a respec and sell them was being "rather generous", I wouldn't expect this ability to ever see the light of day.

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Let me just state I am for allowing movement of enhancements WITHIN a power (enhancement clean up), but even moving them to other powers is still too much.

We can already create a second build. To me, that is sufficient character flexibility.



Oooo! Moving enhancers WITHIN a power would be SWEEEEEEET!




Let me just state I am for allowing movement of enhancements WITHIN a power (enhancement clean up),

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree this would be a nice QoL for the OCD people.