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  1. SaintNicster

    Windowed CoX

    Go into the Options screen, Graphics and audio tab. Select the "windowed" option from the resolution drop down, hit apply, and then exit the game. Once you restart, you should be good.
  2. SaintNicster

    Tech Support?

    Originally Posted by Tathya View Post
    Not sure where to post this, since I can't find a "tech support" section of the forums or anything... but when I try to prepurchase Going Rogue, I get an error:

    We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners.

    Kinda frustrating since it's tomorrow already, and my wife in the meantime has prepurchased *her* copy with the same PayPal account I was using (and before people say something about time limits or whatever, I was getting this error both before *and* after she bought her pre-order)...

    Anyone encountered this problem? Anyone know if this should be posted in a different forum (or not posted on the CoH forums at all)?
    You should be contacting support directly via their site, not the forums. The tech forums are mainly players trying to help you.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by parabola_EU View Post
    Ok I'm losing it here. I'm trying to update mids to the latest version on vista (for my sins). I'm uninstalling the old version and reinstalling from a freshly downloaded file, when the install completes if i leave the auto launch ticked it boots up properly with the i17 database version. However if i close it down and load again it re-appears with the i16 database version ...

    I've even tried uninstalling and manually deleting every left over file and folder. Also searched my hard drive for every file with "mids" in it and deleted them all. Tried rebooting after this delete. It still restores to i16 every *&^%$£ing time. Oh and I'm running everything as administrator.

    The version numbers in the program are broken, and it the program keeps thinking that it is out of date. Just ignore the update prompt for now (until you notice that it goes higher than 1.706).
  4. SaintNicster

    Mid's Question

    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    2. When I try to add temp powers, all the vet powers are white. I can't add my Sands of Mu or Blackwand, etc. Is there a setting or some such that I need to fiddle with?

    Thanks in advance
    The reason they are white is because they aren't powers that affect your character. If you click a couple of the yellow powers, then toggle on the "Temp Powers" field via the green dot, then you'll see that those temp powers will affect the numbers in the "View Totals" screen.
  5. SaintNicster

    New Hero here.

    If you open up the map, there will be an icon/marker for the trainer.

    The legend to the map is located here
  6. SaintNicster

    Mids' for I17

    Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
    I'm having similar problems. I've downloaded it and can see it in the folder, but after I install it, it continues to run the old version, and I keep getting the prompt that there is an update available.
    Originally Posted by cieddyn View Post
    Am I doing something wrong?

    I have a vista OS laptop, I goto titan network, reach th utilities section, get to mids' selection, click it, get to the mids' page and click on the link.

    I agree with everything it asks for, but as the wizard trie to install the game, it gives me an error.

    I tried uninstalling the game, and then run..same error
    I tried uninstalling the game, save to desktop, and then run...same error

    Anyone can advise me?

    Thank you

    The version numbers are screwed up. There was a smaller patch that was rushed out an hour or two later, but didn't have the internal version numbers updated. Because of this, the version checker keeps thinking that it isn't up to date.

    The workaround is to just ignore that prompt on startup (click the "No" button). You can also disable auto-updating of the program, and then check back either on this forum or titan's forums ( within the next few weeks.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    OK, for the guinea pigs willing to try this thing and see if it works in a system other than mine, install ActivePerl (some of you might already have it, DropStats uses the same scripting language) and then download here. Unzip it in any folder, preferably one that has no files already in there, and double click it.

    It will use the Internet Explorer cookies for login information, so if you're not logged into the boards from IE, you'll see this:

    Getting the forum user ID ... ERROR: Not logged in?
    Died at C:\Perl\ line 68.

    After you log into the boards using IE, it'll go more like this:

    Getting the forum user ID ... OK: 375909
    Searching for new posts ... OK
    Getting reputation for post 2843123 ... OK
    Getting reputation for post 2843108 ... OK
    Getting reputation for post 2841769 ... OK
    Getting reputation for post 2841458 ... OK
    Getting reputation for post 2840360 ... OK

    And it'll create a file called coh_reputation.html in the same folder, which will be the one I put a screenshot of above.

    I used Internet Explorer's cookies because everybody in Windows has access to it, so it's not an endorsement of the browser (I use Google Chrome). If anyone here uses a flavor of Linux I can make it use Firefox's cookies.

    Note that the search returns only the last 20 items in the first page; for me that's not a problem because I post only a few times a day, but if you post a whole lot, you'll want to run the script at least once every 10 or 15 posts to make sure all your posts are found. If you post that much you'll also want to increase $chkposts in rep_comments.ini

    By default the script includes all your posts in the HTML, including those without any rep, so you can make sure that it's searching correctly and finding your posts. To make it output only the posts with rep, set $allposts to 0 in rep_comments.ini
    Dude, I wish I could right half as much code as you seem to be able to churn out
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CharybdisClan View Post
    Interesting. I thought it was a known issue as it was mocked in the City of Heroes: Golden Age April Fool's joke in 2009.
    That was a joke relating to the initial release. The terminals were around, but weren't made functional until Issue 2.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
    Here is a tip for you Masterminds out there.

    If you have a Patron Paower such as Mu Mastery like I have. Here is what I did to make the fight easy.

    I popped Demonic, (if you don't have Demonic, pop a few purples) then gathered all the Clones and their Pets at a corner, I used my Electric Fences and immobilized more than half of them. After that I ran to another corner and the remaining Pets and Clones ran to me even though their pets were immobilized, this allowed me to take only half of them at once, and it was pretty easy doing it that way.

    I found immobilizing the Mastermind Clone's Pets and pull only the Mastermind Clones to a different part of the map, left them out of bodyguard mode and allowed me to kill them quite easily

    Hope this helps!
    I'm not sure how this would have worked, seeing as how running the arc in Ouro exemplars you to 29. You should only have access to two additional powers (@ 30 and 32) with the SSK rules.

    On another note, this was amusing on my SS/Stone Brute 8 copies of Mud Pots stacked on me had me immobilized through Rooted. I did somewhat cheat to finish, though, since I had the diff set on -1 >.>

    I am curious what 8 copies of my AR/TA Corrupter would be like
  10. SaintNicster

    Mids' for I17

    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Okay one dumb question. Where exactly do you toggle on Ninja Run?
    It only appears on builds created after Ninja Run was added to the program, so there's a possible reason for not seeing it.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
    Comparison: a city gym starts a promotional program where those who can do 100 pushups get a "Master of Pushups" shirt. Two people decide to try it.

    One goes because he wants to stay healthy, and knows that it takes time to build up strength and flexibility. He knows he can do the pushups if he follows the program; does proper warmup and core work. For the first couple of weeks it's hard, then suddenly he can do 50 in a row, then after a month, yay! He can do 100 pushups! "Master of Pushups" badge. Not only that, but because he knows what he's doing now, getting the "Master of Situps" and the "Master of Pullups" badges are easier. He's so proud of the achievement, he asks his friends and girlfriend to exercise together, because now that he's gone through it, he knows everybody can! He cheers them on, encourages them when they reach their point of failure over and over, makes no big deal if they tumble. His entire "team" will get the "Master" badges eventually, even those who never touched a gym before, and he's going to make sure they feel good about the whole process.

    The other person goes to the gym because damn, it's only two weeks before summer starts! He doesn't want to look awful at the beach, but he doesn't really want to get in shape, so he just wants the shirt to look good. He "doesn't have time" for warming up, so he jumps straight into the pushups. They're hard, all his joints are complaining because they're not ready for this, so he curses and complains all the time. He takes longer rests between sets, which he uses to complain at how difficult pushups are. Other people in the gym (like our friend above) tells him that it's not so hard with the right technique and warm up, but he goes, "I shouldn't have to switch my technique or take time doing core work! All I want is the 100 pushups badge!" Fed up, he says, "screw Master of Pushups, I'll do Situps instead", and again without warming, they're even harder. He tries Pullups, and his entire body aches. So he quits the gym and goes around telling everybody that exercise is a waste of time and that the people telling him to warm up and work his core are elitist snobs.

    The problem here is not that the gym created a "Master of Pushups" shirt. The second person had the wrong mindset: he put the reward before the journey. We see the same thing with the Master badges here; people want the badge now, and when their run fails, they get angry and rant at the universe. Of course an unexperienced character who's not done the TF enough times is probably going to have a hard time completing it; that's precisely why he needs encouragement! Just like warm up is vital to good exercise, a lot of failed runs pave the way to a good Masters run. You won't see a single coach in the world get angry at someone because they can't lift 200 pounds in their first week of exercise; if you get angry at someone because they died on a Masters run, you're a bad team leader, and need to leave the spot to someone who can motivate the team.

    And I just know that someone is going to reply saying "What about someone who's lost an arm? Or is paralyzed? They can't ever get that shirt! Your entire comparison is flawed and you suck!" Well, none of the characters in City of Heroes have that problem. In this game, the character ("body") is perfectly capable to achieving the goal, it all depends on the player ("mind") to approach the task the right way.
    I really like this analogy too. Though it probably explains why I haven't ever bothered trying for the master badges
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hazzard_County View Post
    Yeah that's what I'm wondering, does it have set bonuses and such that you have from crafted enhancements?
    It's effectively a MA clone, probably at Hard, if not Extreme, of the character. My ss/stone brute's clones had Minerals active, even though I didn't have access to it at 29(+5)
  13. Have there been people that have tried to get the badge since i17 came out? Just curious. >.>
  14. I'm mildly amused that they used Ouro as an example of "Real Time Shadows".
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    So... you bumped a thread that was stickied? Awesome!
    Eh, I forgot to check that. Plus, who actually reads the stickies in the boards?
  16. I just found/bumped two of my old favorites:

    "In the beginning" by Jock_Tamson
    Did you know... The unofficial history thread

    EDIT: via search, had forgotten that Jock's was stickied.
  17. Here's another classic people should be reminded of, in spirit of the 6 year anniversary

    EDIT: oh hey, this was stickied... >.> Pay me no mind
  18. In honor of the 6th anniversary, says Arise, chicken, arise!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Dude... Please... Rotate those screenshots!
    Bah, just turn your monitors on their sides.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psara View Post
    Suckerpunch is based on java, no? IIRC, the ipod can display java. If not, make an HTML5 version!
    Javascript. Not the same thing as Java by a long shot.

    SP's planner is already a web application. I'm guessing this is what you mean by HTML5 version, but I've got no actual clue.

    It does run in the Mobile Safari browser. It, however, doesn't have the same level of functionality as Mids' planner does, and you can't open your MDH files in the SP planner. There are also little quirks, such as double tapping to add enhancement slots to powers (since you don't really have hover events in these browsers).

    Also, as mentioned in my earlier post, SuckerPunch has been absent lately due to real life commitments, and that planner was all his doing.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
    Yes! That's genius. Make something with HTML5 up the wazoo. That's how Google have managed to get their unapproved apps on the iPhone, you just go to the web site in question and add the bookmark to your home screen. No developer license, no approval from Apple, no cost.

    SuckerPunch's planner definitely seems more appropriate than a port of Mid's. The possibilities intrigue me.

    This should also work on competing handsets, depending on what resolutions the UI supported.
    I've always thought that if apps weren't charged for, then it would be OK to put them on the App store. I think that Microsoft put this policy in place for apps that were going to pull information about XBox Live. Of course, I'm not a lawyer

    Unfortunately, SuckerPunch has been absent again as of late. He's had a bunch of exciting stuff happen in real life, so the planner kinda stalled again. I agree that a mobile version of the planner would be nice, it's just a lot of work to get something like that going, especially when your

    As for working on competing handsets, I think that with the exception of the older browsers (like AT&T's browser on my old RAZR), most are near-standards compliant and have CSS & JavaScript support. At that point, I would assume it is as difficult as developing for two different desktop browsers.

    I've been tossing an idea around for a "touch" (mobile browser) version of CIT, but my biggest issue so far is that I'm nowhere near the guru of CSS that SuckerPunch is.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
    lol. You win this round, Golden Girl. Wish we were still publishing a COH comic so we could give all the ladies out there some equal opportunity eye candy.

    But before I throw in the towel completely, you might to check the last couple pages of Issue 8, where Back Alley Brawler suits up in his new uniform, or the first half of Issue 9, where he opens up a big can of butt-kickery on some goons. You have to admit that there's a certain beefcake factor to the proceedings.
    But Beef Cake was in Issue 19...
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post
    But he's crazy.

    And evil!
    He's only as evil as the writer in charge of that arc.

    Besides, I'm pretty sure the last story time we saw him was in Top Cow Issue 17, and he was technically a hero then.
  24. Hey guys, an update from the folks at the Titan Network.

    RedTomax's site had been hosted on his own server for all of this time, and he was the only one with access to it. A few weeks ago, he decided to come back long enough to give us a copy of the site to do with as we please.

    We've set up a version on the Titan Server and even managed to update City of Data to match the live servers (1600.20100114.8T). The updated site is now available at