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  1. SaintNicster

    external plug in

    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    IE so the only filter setting would be "worms and viruses please".
    It is the reCaptcha that is failing because you don't have javascript enabled. How you can get around without filling out them on other sites is beyond me.
  2. SaintNicster

    Help with Mid's

    Originally Posted by Crawls on Dungeon Floor View Post
    Hey, I have no idea where I should list this thread, but I figured this was a safe bet. I have recently replaced my old HP computer running windows XP with a new HP laptop and a Dell Desktop. Both of the new systems are running Windows 7, and neither of them can properly install Mid's Hero Designer. Once I begin installation, it gives me a warning message saying that a file could not be written properly, and gives me three options: Abort, Retry, and Ignore. I pressed retry about 20 times with no result, so I finally pressed ignore. Then it instantly brought up a second message saying another file could not be written. I pressed ignore, and did the same when about 70 similar windows opened. Basically, none of the files could be properly written. Ive had identical issues on both of my new systems, so could it be that Mid's is incompatible with Windows 7? please help

    * You need to save the installer file to your computer.
    * Go to the location that the file was saved.
    * Now, instead of double-clicking to open/execute the file, click with your right mouse button.
    * You should then see a menu pop up, with the option "Run as administrator" (possibly with a little blue and yellow shield).
    * Left click on that option.
    If done correctly, you should get some type of popup that says something like "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to your computer?". Click Yes in this box
    * Proceed with the install as you would normally.
  3. SaintNicster

    Lag question

    Originally Posted by AStormbringer View Post
    I'm back after about a year-long hiatus and have been playing Villain side. I notice a lot of lag that I didn't before and am wondering if this is consistent across all zones these days. I recall that Grandville used to be known for its lag but that's the only zone I used to have problems. Now I blink along in Cap like it's a power point show.

    I don't have any lag issues while on a mission map, even while teaming with multiple power effects going on. Just flying thru Cap, however, drops my FPS to 3-4.

    I understand that everyone's PC is different and that one person's lag isn't another's..just curious on the general findings over the past year or so.

    My graphics settings are fairly maxed out, with everything at least at medium performance and most things on high. Which settings should I reduce to see the most performance increase?

    What are your graphics settings at? Upon returning from your hiatus, did you enable the Ultra Mode graphics options?
  4. There's always your Tier 4 travel power...

    What? >.>
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    Yep, according to the documentation, the other services are not created for you until you actually use your Titan Key to log into those sites. I don't use the other services either..
    In their defense, our "documentation" (if it even exists) absolutely sucks.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Personally, I don't like the whole Titan Key thing, instantly signing me up for things I don't want/care about, like CoH Faces, or access to edit the Wiki. If there were an option during TK creation to check a box for the parts of the TN that I want my TK to work with, and the ability to check/uncheck them at a later date if I change my mind, I probably wouldn't care.

    Then, too, I've been using Badge-*****/Hunter since before Beef took over.
    Funny story, I just checked, and you don't have a faces profile unless you actually visit it. Even then, if you don't add pictures, I'm pretty sure the profile would disappear into obscurity fairly quickly.

    Also, access to the wiki is just a route for the login process. No profiles, nor really any emails unless you use it.

    But eh, you can't win them all. Thanks for at least explaining

    On a side note, I personally wish we could burn faces to the ground and sow salt into the ground it stands on. But then again *shrugs* some people like to use it, and therefore we keep it up in a low-priority mostly maintenance mode.
  7. I know that there are some people who absolutely refuse to use CIT/Titan. Granted, I don't know/remember why, but they do exist.

    I would also think that in this day and age of "internet privacy," if either of the sites were to just share user information, **** would hit the fan.

    I am curious as to reasons for using one site over the other. I figure part of it is a community aspect, but I still don't know. The forums over at Titan tend to be very quiet, and it's hard to gather feedback there.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
    Those arcs are terrible. I hope you've improved, or GR is going to suck.
    Exactly what about them sucks? Constructive criticism, remember?
  9. I'll probably end up buying this for my account, even though I already prepurchased GR.

    I'll just wait till we're closer to GR's launch. There really is no advantage for me to have to buy it RITE NAO
  10. Question:
    These Enhancements are only available to newly created characters. Each new character will receive one of each Enhancement. They cannot be sold, stacked, or traded. These Enhancements are equivalent to a Security Level 20 Dual Origin Enhancement.
    Bolding mine. Do you really mean a level 20 DO? Cause that isn't a good benchmark at all. Non-IOs are more/less effective depending on your relative level to the piece.

    Are you meaning a Level 20 Dual Set IO? Each aspect would enhance by 16% in that case. (ref).

    Also, for clarification: do these pieces expire? My guess would be no, but I just want to be clear.
  11. SaintNicster

    Mission Badges

    For finding the issue-specific stuff, it'd be better to look at the wiki. They're all categorical like that. Here's a link
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    You may be right, it's not like I've gone on some extensive search. What I said is just from my memory. I apologize saying it like it was 100% fact... most don't distinguish anyways.

    I've only heard 2 people ever be considered guest authored... Hickman and a now dev person...
    6 authors announced in two waves.

    Bill Willingham, Rooster Teeth, and Scott Kurtz

    Mercedes Lackey, Troy Hickman, and Austin Grossman
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    I think you missed the point of Guest Authors. The whole point is to promote known and unknown talent within the community. Not Known talent outside of the community.
    Actually, I was under the assumption that bringing in outside people was exactly the purpose of the Guest Author program (hence the "GUEST" in the title). The Dev's Choice system was to directly promote people/arcs that are made by current players. Also, Mercedes Lackey plays the game, and is a part of a big RP supergroup.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    I'd love some mobile friendly versions of the community websites though, SuckerPunch works in my browser just fine on an Android phone but it's obviously not designed for it.
    SuckerPunch's planner is a beast. He's the only one that can figure out how to get it working, but keeps disappearing from the game :/

    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    I'd also love the devs to provide raw streaming data from the game (say a series of XML feeds of market activity) and let third parties use those streams to develop sites and feeds (and Apps if you like) from.

    I mean they don't even seem to stream the site news as an RSS feed, which is a bit useless.
    but they do... You can also get RSS versions of the Dev and Community Digests.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Beef_Cake View Post
    Just to let you all know...

    Master Of Lady Grey Task Force

    It was completed today at 12:30am - 05-17-10

    So it can be done, best wishes to all who attmept it.
    Thanks for posting this, BC
  16. Update:
    • Demon Summoning added to City of Data
    • Other data brought up-to-date with Issue 17 (1800.201003300904.10T4r)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    I fixed the bug which made their power not shut off when held. However, I ALSO fixed the bug which made them perma-hold themselves, so the LGTF will be harder than you remember. Too hard? Perhaps -- the Green Mitos have 50 points of hold protection (as opposed to -50...) now.

    EDIT: The design intent for Green Mitos is you essentially HAVE to hold them or they are nigh unkillable.
    Are they supposed to be killable?

    50 points reminds me of the PToD, and I can't remember the last time that I was in a group that was able to hold an AV while the PToD were active. Those at least have the advantage of going down every few minutes.

    Might it be possible to tone this down a bit? Maybe try giving them the standard AV purple triangles (complete with crash/cool down)?

    Edit: and he replies as I do. fun times
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
    Probably because, as stated earlier, it conflicts with another west-coast con.
    And as we all know, it is completely impossible for a company/group to split up its resources and go to two different cons that happen on the same weekend /sarcasm
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    Heh, I'm not sure "DC-mmo" is the best URL they could have used for. I mean, I know that the DC is referring to Dragon*Con, but still...
    They used to have, but a few years ago something screwy happened with their host and renewing, and it ended up being squatted
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Got a question about Phalanx Fighting.

    If you haven't placed the power into a build, looking at the Effects tab, it shows Melee, Ranged, and AoE at 6% for Scrappers and Brutes, and 8% for Tankers. As soon as you place it, it changes to 3.75% (6) (or 3.75% (8) for Tankers). Is it supposed to do that?

    I'm showing 5% (8) on a Tanker.

    It looks as though the default setting for the power is assuming that there is at least 1 teammate in range, but when you select, starts at 0. It's a little confusing and seems counter intuitive.

    You can adjust the "Allies" slider on the Info tab to manually correct this for now. Its position should be saved whenever you save the build.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sunstormer View Post
    Changing graphics doesnt fix the client unless its lag your suffering from :P
  22. SaintNicster

    Windowed CoX

    Originally Posted by Deceivius View Post
    Thanks, SaintNicster.... I'll try that... but will doing that allow me to run more than one instance of CoX? Do I just start up a new updater window while in windowed mode?
    Yep. The important part is that you are past the updater (into the game itself) when you start the second instance.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Guen View Post
    I had a pre-order of City of Heroes. As in, when this game first came out. And I got to see the very first Rikti invasion over my husband's shoulder, because from the start there were problems.

    Got into the game, finally, by making another account, because my pre-order account didn't exist, according to whatever computer my computer was talking to. Yet, when I made a working paid account, there was my original account! I actually was watching my credit card bill to see if I was being billed for an extra account, but nothing. And yet, I never got the pre-order bonus, one of the "prestige sprints" that came as vet rewards later, until I got it as a vet reward.

    Naturally, I petitioned. And got an e-mail, telling me I should post on these boards for help. Except that I still didn't exist, not in any form, my original pre-order or my new paying account. I could play, but I couldn't access the forums. So all communication was via e-mail. And this issue has not been addressed for six years.

    But hey, who needs to forum troll. I went on, enjoying the game. Until now, when the automated e-mail robot started bouncing my e-mails back to me, insisting that I reply between two lines. Except I can't reply between two lines, because my reply button gives me a nice blank e-mail body to type in, sans whatever I'm replying to. Yeah, I'm computer illiterate, so I was pretty stuck.

    Meanwhile, I'd e-mailed myself all the influence (8 figures worth) and the rare salvage I had on one character, just before deleting that character. And it all predictably vanished. I got an e-mail saying there was a hiccup in the server or something and that it should be there, but it's not.

    So, SDragon showed me how to get in here, six years later. Any idea what happened with that influence and salvage? Should I mourn it and move on? I gave up on ever getting my account fixed about five years ago.
    Here's a tip 6 years too late: Go to, and select the "My Stuff" tab. Create an account here (no game account required), and then click the "Ask a question" tab.

    You can now ask and reply to questions without having to reply between the lines. Just make sure that you are logged in (via the My Stuff tab) when asking a question. If you have this account tied to your in-game account, you can even see the results of petitions (within a certain timeperiod).

    I would recommend asking this question there.

    EDIT: never mind, didn't scroll down far enough in the thread to see this already suggested