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  1. If you gave Stalkers the same AOEs as Scrappers and Brutes wouldn't that just make the Stalker functionally better in nearly every circumstances with their guarenteed crits and higher crit percentages? I really don't see what Stalkers just can't be what they are. They solo great and team fine. If all three melee ATs were somehow balanced to be the same effectively, I think it'd just be more boring.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    It's not just fire/kins or an elite few builds. It's any controller that slots for damage. Well at least when it comes to single target damage.
    I'll agree that if you slot for damage instead of control, various controllers can do good single target damage. I don't consider having 2-3 single target attacks to be really great damage overall and if that's the goal, then a Scrapper will just have an easier time doing that. Well, that and I still feel the point of a controller is to primarily control.

    I still feel Kinetics and -regen debuffing are what gives certain controllers a big damage advanatge to the rest of the controllers and vs other ATs. Though I much prefer the variety of power overlap and capability overlap in CoH.

    If controllers could only control (and do crap damage), tankers only tank (and do crap damage), defenders only buff/debuff (and do crap damage), scrappers/blaster only do damage (and have no mitigation/mez/soft control), I think I'd be a much poorer game for it.

    I'm willing to have the ATs step on each others toes in order to have the variety of playstyle options.
  3. I think it depends entirely on the team. On AOE-centric teams, the minions & Lts will die so fast you will have to target the Bosses to target anything. If the team is into heavy use of toggle debuffs, it's probably best to toggle debuff the Boss and kill him last. Sometimes some minions and Lts are more dangerous than bosses and should be killed first (sappers, mezzers).
  4. SBeaudway

    Am I a healer?

    Also keep in mind you don't actually have a "job". CoH is just not that rigid. You can contol, heal, buff and do damage. You'll need to figure out what combination of that and when to do it is mots fun, effective and satisfying for you. If you see some asking for a "Healor" for a team, you might of might not want to do that. You certainly can, but don't feel limited by other MMO naming conventions. This game does not require (but can do) the tank, heal, DPS paradigm.

    It is most important to have fun and not worry about what names people use.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
    But I Exemplar Well!

    Apologies to those in this thread who still think of controllers as a low damage AT, but fire/kin is still one of the top DPS builds blueside, and will again reign supreme if and when elec/shield scrappers get nerfed.
    I should do the math, but the number of controller combos that are NOT fire/kin are staggering. A handful of those combos might be "top" DPS builds, and usually in very specific circumstances (Ill/Cold vs AVs for example). They range from low to moderate+ damage builds. I don't disagree that fire/kins do very good damage, but lets not infer that all controllers do very good damage.

    I am not opposed to some sort of buff for Defenders, preferably something to make them more unique. But you can't compare all defenders to one outlier controller for damage. You might was well suggest that no one should play any controller other an a fire/kin since it's clearly superior.
  6. I certainly don't mind posting builds. I'm too lazy to fire Mid's up (from it's flash drive) and do it that often. I rarely respond to the "I need a xx/xx (usually fire/kin) elite build naow!" posts. But if someone has specific questions and is willing to state what they want the character to do and how they intend to play it, I'm happy to try to work out a build for them.
  7. I like both but think both are optional. Bonfire is more situational. ID is annoying to keep casting, and thus also situational for me. I'd copy to Test Server (if it's up) and try a few missions with each. I have neither on my Fire/Kin. I do have bonfire on my Fire/Rad.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    I think if/when the day comes they will reduce containment to 50% rather than 100%. They already have in pvp...
    They are welcome to roll back their mez duration and recharge nerfs when they do as that was the trade off. Or they could deal with how fulcrum shift works as I really don't think anyone is worried about controller damage except possibly with fulcrum shift.
  9. I would slot char for acc, hold and recharge, not damage. I'd take hot feet early and slot for acc/damage and end and use that for damage. I'd slot RI for end, -tohit, -tohit, -tohit. Flashfire is your primary AOE control and ought to be earlier (usu 12), certainly before lingering rad. I like choking cloud, but I'd 6 slot it if you take it, and you might at least want to frankenslot some acc/ends in it (2xacc/end, end, 3xhold). 2 acc is good enough for Imps. Mutation only really needs one recharge. 2 end is enough for Enervating field. I'd at least 5 slot fireball and fireblast if I took them. I might not take cinders and EM pulse, but I'd take one at least for emergency use (probably em pulse).
  10. I think it's mostly a matter of playstyle. If you want to buff/debuff and blast, you pick a defender. If you want to buff/debuff and control, you pick a controller. Also, I feel that defenders are more fun to play at the lower levels, especially solo or in small teams. I feel at 50, both are great and very synergistic. As to damage, most controllers really don't do great damage, some do, but I think all defenders do pretty good damage. Certainly they can be slotted to.
  11. Thanks for the replies. I'm sold on it for my my Fire/Rad. Respec # bajillion coming up! I might even squeeze it in on my Illusion/Empath.
  12. Is the Soulbound: Chance for Build up proc any good these days? Specifically, I am considering using it in the Fire Imps. Does it work? Is it a minor damage buff? Major damage buff? Thanks!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaidin View Post
    I'm fairly sure the discrepancy would arise due to Rage affecting Scrapper's higher base damage numbers. Double-stacked Rage would create an even larger margin of damage performance.
    A fair point, but I'd suggest double stacking Rage is the issue though.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Candlestick View Post
    Just imagine if they ported SS to scrappers, unchanged. It would pretty much dominate all other sets.
    I never understand this. If Brutes can get super strength (and that's ok) and Brutes are at least statistically marginally better than Scrappers at peak performance, then how is super strength overpowered for Scrappers and not Brutes. It would seem that you are stating that super strength is overpowered compared to other power sets regardless of the archtype. It can't be because of crits as the scrapper/brute comparison already factors crits in vs fury.

    At any rate if the "Brute is better than scrappers at all times why would you play a scrapper" crowd would like to get a consensus on how much better they are, say 5%-20%, they could then just ask he Devs for a comparable nerf and then be done with it. Just an idea...
  15. As others have said I think Scrapper-only powersets and playstyle preferneces will always keep plenty of Scrappers around. I don't like chasing Fury and vastly prefer have better instantaneous damage with a scrapper. By that I mean, if I step away from the keyboard to do something else I know I can come back and do full damage to the next mob, or take my time going from mob to mob with no loss in damage, or stealth a mission to a boss with no loss in damage. If I want to go all scrapper-lock kill frenzy mode, then I accept I will be slightly less effective than a brute doing that. It's a trade-off I am happy to make.

    Same reason why there will always be both brutes and tanks. Some people just prefer one over the other, even though they can do similar functions.
  16. My problem with Time Bomb is that there is always something more effective I could be doing during the time it takes to set and detonate Time Bomb. Using powers and slots I already have. The opportunity cost of another power and 5 more slots is just too high for what you get. Since you have trip mine, if nothing else you can just plant a couple more trip mines and pull the mob too them. If I could set Time Bomb and then remotely detonate it when I want, I'd be interested, because that at least would give a useful, situational, functionality. But as is, no.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I guess devils are ok since I've been running around blueside for years.
    No, you're definitely NOT ok. We've been chasing you for years now. It's just no one can hit you. Darn super reflexes.
  18. Perhaps the Mastermind is role-playing knowing that it aggravates other villains. It's not like villains have a whole lot of ways to express their inner villainy in Rogue Isles. Pissing off the shoppers at BM might one way to let your inner evil shine....
  19. My Fire/Rad Controller, Ms Chernobyl, is and most likely, will always be my favorite. She is good for nearly everything (though the ITF is not ideal) and is the only character I have spent any serious influence on. Fire/Rad exemplars down well and usually has a useful power for every situation.

    That said I have finally found a "damage dealer" I really like in my now level 45 Fire/Shield Scrapper. She might be a good alternative when I want to focus more on doing my thing than be all team control/support-y.
  20. I like Illusion more than Gravity only in that it is far better for AV/GM fights. Take that functionality away and I think Illusion would be considered inferior by many. Oh and Illusion looks cooler.
  21. Fire/Kin farmers slot for defense so they don't need to use their controls. As you can cap smash/lethal defense and fight foes that only deal that type of damage, you won't need to use flashfire or cinders on the mobs. Perhaps char the bosses is about it...
  22. Statistically, I think there are relatively few Stalkers in game. Or they're all in the PvP zones. It's hard to form an opinion about the AT, let alone a favorable one, when you don't get exposed to them as much. Though I don't play villain side these days anymore so I haven't even had the opportunity (other than an ITF/RWZ) to team up with one. That also just might be my bias to generally play with my friends and less often on PUGs.

    I did run into several of the "scout out the map and click glowie" Stalkers back in the day. It didn't help their rep in my eyes. I am looking forward to Going Rogue and getting more mixed Hero/Villain teams. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
    I also think Kins do well with just SOs, a fair number of their powers don't even take IO sets, and they have powers that boost recharge, damage, endurance etc. so don't need IO sets as much for that. Their powers also tend to be on short enough timers that they don't need much +recharge (if you get bored playing a kin on a team, you are in the wrong game .
    Fire/Kins have been the, or one of the, farmers of choice since the old SO only days. So, yes, I fully endorse this quote. /Kin or Kin/ brings so much +recharge and +damage and +end the only think you have to worry about slotting for is +accuracy. But it's not so hot at low levels...
  24. Psi Tornado also has a larger area of effect, though the others are usually large enough for a normal spawn. I tend to base my Epic choice on the other powers or for the sfx. I think between Psi Tornado, Fissure and Fireball, they are all equivalent enough and certainly they all get the job done.
  25. Spines has, compared to other primaries, poor single target damage. I'd not pick that. I'm also not sure you'd like /DA for AVs. It's best damage "mitigation" is it's heal, which must roll to hit and ideally needs to hit 3+ foes to full heal. I found /DA to be poor in AV and EB situations compared to other secondaries. /DA shines vs large packs of easier targets. Also vs psi damage and end drains. I'm not saying it can't work, just that I think other options are better.