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Oh, and here's the images that were posted on my other thread.
Original drawing (with the messed up hand):
And the paint-over by Lousy Day! I modified it a little, but it's mostly his changes.
I love this version so much that it's currently the main picture on my VirtueVerse! -
A guess this is a continuation of my previous thread. I can't promise to post frequently considering I don't draw that often anymore, but I recently found a little inspiration to start trying again.
I made this today for the character Simi'Kraz, whose VirtueVerse is here.
Thoughts are appreciated! -
Aye. End/Rech is... really not in high demand to my knowledge.
1.8 bil? Ouch. Even if you know how to replace it, that's still a downer.
I am currently showcasing the image with a few more edits on my VirtueVerse! I am so in-love with how it came out, I feel like it could be used in a CoX playing card game.
Holy-! This is the most awesome I've ever seen my character look! Thank you so much for putting your effort into this, I love painterly styles and wish I could achieve this look on my own! I took the liberty of changing some aspects of her mask, though I kind've fudged it because I'm not very good at working with the style.
If you see any mistakes, feel free to let me know or refine it with your skillz! Like I said, I'm really not adept at digital painting. -
Quote:Hands are my complete and utter weakness. Half the time I just leave them as mittens, but figured I can't get away with it this time. I haven't really been active with drawing for a few years, so I could use some practice.Hey there Ruby, glad to see you taking a shot at drawing.
Not sure the above background suits the character that well... is GG known
for playing cards or is it just a resemblance to the joker card that is the tie-in? Also the scratch pattern is okay but
it's kind of obscuring stuff more than it's anchoring the figure and the composition could be a bit
better (i.e. why is their black space around the one hand but not the other?
why is the lower corner dark?) arranged as well.
I would ask does the character have any powers or auras?
That might be a better place to start and if you are going to go with cards maybe just the 2 joker cards artfully arranged would work better.
Or you could try some either complimentary or contrasting colors (depending if you want the figure to blend in or jump out).
Finally I would point out the drawing is pretty good overall except GG's right hand which could use a little touching up.
The finger/joints are a little jumbled and it sticks out kinda like...
wait for it...
a sore thumb.
I agree that the background isn't quite perfect yet, I'm just trying to throw ideas around that might stir up some inspiration. I'm also... uh... very horrible at making backgrounds from scratch. I always find existing images, textures, or patterns and alter them in some way with Photoshop in an attempt to hide my lack of ability.
The reason one hand is dark while the other is light... was not actually intentional.It just sort've happened. That's what I get for slapping it together and not paying attention to composition! I suppose I was just trying to convey insanity, really.
I appreciate the feedback you're giving me! Once I'm home tomorrow I'll see what else I can try. -
Her powers are purely telekinetic which she uses on her own body to perform extreme feats of agility and strength, as well as guide the aim of her throwing knives (claws). The aura is green and usually not visible unless she is in heavy combat. It's illustrated with a green firefly aura on the top right image of this picture.
I took an image of falling cards from Google based on the suggestion from Bubba and combined it with a "scratchy texture" I found. Thoughts? Suggestions?
I'm not usually an artist, but I decided to give my main character, Grinning Guillotine, a shot. I played around with my base image to get some interesting results, but the bottom line is that...
Introduce your character for me:
Grinning Guillotine (better known as just "Guil") is a faithful servant to Abyss Empire, a well-known group of predominately evil demons. This masked jester, however, is a mortal human with a soul and serves them freely with unquestioned loyalty. She is whacky, eccentric, and usually very fun to be around when she is on her free time, though can turn on her 'friends' in a moment if given the order. Because she is never seen without a mask, she behaves much like any anonymous internet user who knows there will be no consequences: She'll just say and do whatever she wants.
Show us a few in-game screenshots of your character(s):
Now, if you have any previous art of them, show us that too!:
My avatar picture and signature have adorable drawings made by Deebs!
Any final words?:
Guil mostly uses knives and throwing knives as her primary weapons, which are represented in-game by her claws. She holds three throwing knives in each hand, one between each of her fingers.
Thanks for the free art you've giving us the chance to receive, I love your style so much! -
Just downloaded a big patch (313MB I think it was?) and was wondering if anyone knows what it's all about yet?
Aw... I just got home from work, logged in 5 minutes, and got WTF KO'd off the server. Mrf!
I personally take forever to load into BAF (and Lambda), and then get to immediately sit through a cutscene. Considering I've got a few minutes to myself from the time I hit enter to the time the trial starts, I usually get something done. What I've done so far, once per BAF:
- Used bathroom
- Grabbed a snack
- Drank soda
- Used a lint brush on my shirt
- Cleaned room
- Listened to voicemails
- Responded to texts from people I don't like and have been putting off
I have the tier 1 [Void Judgement] power on my Claws/SR stalker and have been trying to recolor it in the tailor. I select the power, change it to 'color tintable,' choose my colors, and finalize my decisions. I then use my judgement power and... it's still the original void colors! When I try again in the tailor, all the judgement powers are reset to original. What the-?
I've tried this on costume slots 3 and 4. If I'm doing something wrong please help me out!
Edit: I noticed that when I change my power colors, it never charges me any inf, either. -
Feel free to give Grinning Guillotine a shot if you're still looking
My main is a claws stalker and I never have too much trouble with her. I proc'd the hell out of most her attacks and, because I attack so fast and frequently, things die just as fast as any other primary. I'll admit that, being my main toon, she's slotted to the teeth, but even leveling I never felt horribly gimped. *shrug*
Level 10 Glad Armor +def purchased, thanks for the smooth trade Delrune!