Putting My Claws Stalker On Ice (Again)
I'm not really sure about the worst... I never had the guts to play the lower burst damage/lethal stalker sets (or maybe I just got lucky). But from your description and how it looks on paper against the wrong enemies, claws does seem to be way down there. I'm curious though: don't DB and NS share that problem, to a smaller degree maybe? Both are all lethal damage with faster attacks that don't seem to hit so hard (compared to, say, BS).
For the best ones though, for ST damage (with a side dish of extra survivabilty) I'd say DM is at the top. MA does more damage on paper and kicks a**, coming a close second, but the mobs who resist dark noticeably are much rarer (though they do tend to resist it a lot) than those who resist smashing, and that's still not as bad as lethal. In the old days, people were crazy about EnM stalkers and they looked good playing them, but for whatever reason I hardly ever see them discussed nowadays... I never got around to playing one, but I wonder what happened to the set's rep.
Now, if we're talking AoE, ElM is hailed as the best set for Stalkers (better than spines): nice damage type, nice tricks and, thanks to AS's burst ST damage, it doesn't loose so much in the ST department as badly as it does for other ATs. My Electric stalker is still in his pre-DO baby steps, though, so I'm going by third party accounts and how it looks on paper.
Playing CoH with Gestures

I leveled up a Katana/Regen stalker back in the day (as in, back when Stalkers had similar damage to Tankers, with Defender level HP, and Hide that used endurance), and about half the enemies in the game were a nightmare to fight. Like you said, even BU + Assassinate would do pathetic damage vs oh so many different enemies. At the time, I didn't really realize how little damage I did, as that was my VERY first character (it was fairly obvious in comparison to Brutes... but it really hit me when I started encountering Scrappers).
Eventually, I rolled my much loved Energy Melee/Ninjitsu, as it was really considered to be one of the top sets at the time... and it was MUCH better, doing actually GOOD damage, and wouldn't just instantly go down the moment I drew a bit of attention (Regen with little HP = easily bursted). I had lots of fun with that one, but she's stalled out at 47, seeming to be left in the dust by the sexier, more AoEy sets (plus, it's not easy to soft cap, so it's not as survivable as a lot of other sets).
So, point being: Lethal damage sucks. And whatever is currently the new hotness will eventually be old hat.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Is the issue with the blend of Stalker mechanics & claws, with the lethal aspect of claws or a mixture of both?
I started a Claws/Nin stalker last night but I'm thinking of recreating the concept as a brute or scrapper based on the OP. I've done the slow pinging to death against robots & ghosts before with lethal weapons and have no interest in doing it again if Stalkers make it even worse.
Yeah claws is lacking at best for stalkers. When I look at a night widow I think to myself "that's what a claw stalker should perform like". Instead we get a low damage primary that is highly resisted to boot.
The only good thing about stalker's claws is that build up recharges faster (75 seconds base rech vs 90 seconds on other primaries), so on a high rech build you can have it up 50% of the time. Doesn't quite make up for the high resists of the npcs though. Paragon protectors, warwolves, anything with a resist T9, malta... villain side is truely villainous!
Sadly, it's even lackluster against carnies...
I play concepts more than effectiveness, I have a claw/nin I got to 50, and I am just happy playing it, but even I find it is a little week. Eviscerate should work just like the scrapper version, and even the eviscerate is on the week side!!! This set needs to be fixed.
I can conceptualize a scrapper/brute just as easily as a stalker. Part of my concept though is, you know, not doing sucky damage
I too feel lethal and smash only attack sets are lacking. Mostly because of the global defense and resistance to those two damage types....drives me crazy.
I always felt claws should do bleed attacks to make up for that fact...heck i felt all the lethal only attacks sets should do that...but go figure.
Your only saving grace with claws is the attacks speed....and thus technicaly....if you slot the attacks with enhancements that do say knock down and other damge types you can get a bit more out of it....but otherwise.....claws in particular is one of those sets that never got balanced the correct way.
Attack speed is an interesting advantage since it allows you to be mobile. Probably nowhere near enough of an advantage, though. I'm thinking of leaning towards procs for some of the attacks. As fas as Eviserate, they should either make it more like a Stalker and give it higher crit chance or they should revert it back to a cone like other ATs. Intriguingly, the part of the set I like the most is Focus and Shockwave for the fact that the knockback is guaranteed but it's rater low mag plus they are ranged.
I am not sure why ninja blade, and dual blades would have the stigma of not having burst. Not only do both power sets offer burst, but better scrapping ability. I would hesitate to put energy melee ahead of ninja blade and dual blades, but an argument could be made. Electricity, KM, and Spines make up the upper tier, while Claws, energy melee, and MA make the lower tier for stalkers in my opinion. Dark Melee, Dual blades, and ninja blade are middle of the pack, but it could be argued Dark Melee should be at the very top due to the negative energy damage.
Claws is straight up scrapping though, and the attempt to give it more single target burst with eviscerate was a mistake.
Most experienced stalker players prefer AoE sets, while newcomers like stalker sets that are single target focused. Claws simple doesn't fall into either category.
It was a good run, but with 19% set bonuses for damage and a Musculature Alpha, Stalker Claws still disappoints me. So, Ms. Bush Ranger, one of my favorite characters, is getting put back in deep freeze due to insufficient capability. She's supposed to be dead anyway, so it kinda makes sense at any rate.
What precipitated this was in doing Villain Tip missions at 50, you end up fighting a lot of Crey. Stalker Claws is pretty miserable against Crey. You really have to see to believe how little damage is done by Buildup>Assassin's Claw on a Paragon Protector. It doesn't injure the Protector so much as tickle it. It loses only a tiny sliver of health, and that is discouraging. Taking on entire spawns of those Tanks, the story isn't much better. Shockwave also just tickles them and over the course of a single spawn fight it feels like I cast Shockwave one or two dozen times. And it really isn't just Crey. It's objects and any group that uses robots. It gets old throwing umpteen attacks to kill anything. I guess Claws is just a poor fit for Stalkers. A DPS set on an Archetype that specializes in Burst. You can hit things other Claws Archetypes can't because you've got Buildup, but that's just about it. I noticed the lack of damage leveling up, but I kept telling myself it would get better. It didn't. Being locked in eternal combat with Ms. Liberty was a living hell. Is Claws the worst Stalker primary? IMHO, it is. If you enjoy it, bless you and have fun. It sure isn't for me. *rolls Broadsword and crosses fingers* What Stalker primary would you put on the bottom of the pile? Which do you think is the overall best Stalker primary? |
I recently (FINALLY!!) completed my first perma-dom project and it's Gravity/Fiery/Ice. I cannot believe how high damage Dominator is. Fiery + Freeze Rain is unbelievable high damage for a squishy and she is not that squishy as she has mez protection, great controls and defense and all Range and Hovering. She attacks very fast and her damage puts any of my Stalker to shame, including Martial Arts.
I dare say my perma dom can out-damage any Stalker within 12s with Fiery Embrace.
My new MA/Will Stalker is lvl 45 now and he will be my 5th or 6th lvl 50 Stalker. After all the experience with many Stalkers, I can basically sum up this AT in a few words:
Stalker is ONLY good at ganking the weak.
That's it.
Why? Because:
1. Assassin Strike can't even take down many +2 lieuts. If you can't even kill a lieut with Build Up in one hit, you are a BAD assassin. Sorry.
2. Assassin Strike doesn't necessarily increase your dps against REAL tough targets like AVs.
3. Because of Assassin Strike, Stalker loses many important AoE and the +damage mechanism needs to be changed so there is no Follow-Up (stacking +damage) and because of Hide mechanism, Stalker doesn't get Shield set which can improve aoe damage. I blame this for the conflict of "theme reason" because you can't hide with a Shield there but some claimed it's because some powers in Shield don't work well with Stalker. I call that BS. They can try to modify for Stalker!
4. Because of the lack of AoE damage and the setup time of Assassin Strike/Hide, the only time I feel my Stalker is doing ok is during soloing or on a small team. The larger the team gets, the more useless I feel. I really don't bring anything good to the team besides damage and even in that damage department I am inferior when comparing to Dominator, Blaster and Scrapper and high fury Brute.
This perma Dom makes me feel like a frog living in a well (Chinese phrase), thinking that I've seen all the sky but in reality I haven't seen nothing yet! And my highest level Brute is still lvl 47. (Dark/Energy)
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Yeah I would have to come to the same conclusion Jibikao.
It is actually a lot simpler than that. If you have a weeker defence and hitpoints than a scrapper and still have a scrapper out-damage you that is just wrong. Stalkers are the melee equivolent to a blaster with NO AoE!!!
So your a blaster.
You can not do ranged attacks or next to no AoE blaster damage.
However you have a slightly higher defence, it doesn't compensate for the surprising lack of damage you deal.
In the end, stalkers with their lack of range, AoE, hitpoints, and defences should be the HUGEST damage dealing class in the game.
Attack speed is an interesting advantage since it allows you to be mobile. Probably nowhere near enough of an advantage, though.
Even for bursty fights, like lieuts, the fast attacks can drop them plenty fast, sometimes fitting 1.5 attacks into the same animation time of a slower set's 1, thereby doing the killing blow functionally at the same time.
Faster is really a huge advantage. But I think the changes to claws for stalkers to make it the weakest choice out of the melee ATs who have access to the set.
Also, if you're proccing your attacks, DON'T use touch of death. Lame proc only has 15% chance to fire not 20. Use Lady Grey instead. =) Same damage, 1/5 the price on the market, and bonus 5% chance to fire. (Note: unless you really need that 6th set bonus obviously)
I'm thinking of leaning towards procs for some of the attacks. <SNIP> Intriguingly, the part of the set I like the most is Focus and Shockwave for the fact that the knockback is guaranteed but it's rater low mag plus they are ranged. |
But I don't think it is enough. Lethal has too many drawbacks.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Yeah I would have to come to the same conclusion Jibikao.
It is actually a lot simpler than that. If you have a weeker defence and hitpoints than a scrapper and still have a scrapper out-damage you that is just wrong. Stalkers are the melee equivolent to a blaster with NO AoE!!! So your a blaster. You can not do ranged attacks or next to no AoE blaster damage. However you have a slightly higher defence, it doesn't compensate for the surprising lack of damage you deal. In the end, stalkers with their lack of range, AoE, hitpoints, and defences should be the HUGEST damage dealing class in the game. |
Stalker's problem, IMO, is not just about damage. The very high burst damage has too many restrictions to be effective on a large team and the burst damage period is only during 10s (or less if you miss your AS). I want to emphasize on "large" team because Stalker does alright alone or on a small team when you have time to pick your target and hit BU + AS.
My MA Stalker is now lvl 47. I've done 3 ITFs this week so far. And I can count how many time I've used Assassin Strike = 5 times.
One time the setting is a bit high and I was fighting +4. I used BU + AS on a Surgeon and I couldn't even kill him. lol He got healed back immediately and I just said "F!@# it" and moved on.
Assassin Strike NEEDS to come out faster or needs much higher "scaling" damage. Assassin Strike is terrible when the content gets harder, when the fights has many AVs, when the situation requires you run around with lots of ambush (Apex for example) and when there are just way too many s!@#$ to kill (Barracuda TF) with no down time. Assassin Strike alone doesn't bring any real benefit to the team.
Now the argument, like I've always said, is that "nobody told you to use Assassin Strike" all the time. Well, that's fine but give me back those AoE that were taken away!! Assassin Strike isn't "FREE" you know. There are "penalties" for having it and those penalties are not justified (yet).
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
My main is a claws stalker and I never have too much trouble with her. I proc'd the hell out of most her attacks and, because I attack so fast and frequently, things die just as fast as any other primary. I'll admit that, being my main toon, she's slotted to the teeth, but even leveling I never felt horribly gimped. *shrug*
Assassin Strike NEEDS to come out faster or needs much higher "scaling" damage. Assassin Strike is terrible when the content gets harder, when the fights has many AVs, when the situation requires you run around with lots of ambush (Apex for example) and when there are just way too many s!@#$ to kill (Barracuda TF) with no down time. Assassin Strike alone doesn't bring any real benefit to the team.
On the ambushes, I was focusing on taking down the surgeons fast, and for them rather than AS, I would use MG or SL plus smite (if not hidden, or just MG if hidden).
My main is a claws stalker and I never have too much trouble with her. I proc'd the hell out of most her attacks and, because I attack so fast and frequently, things die just as fast as any other primary. I'll admit that, being my main toon, she's slotted to the teeth, but even leveling I never felt horribly gimped. *shrug*
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
One thing I've noticed about AS and long fights like GMs and AVs is that they don't move a lot. One of our key strengths is that we don't usually have aggro. I just ran the IFT with my dark/dark and the way I got the best use of AS was to move forward of our tank, and as enemies ran past me to get to him, trigger AS. It would go off as they passed and hit them while they were meleeing the tank. Then I could placate move up and MG with the benefit of a crit and bruising from his attacks. Worked really well. The best was when we could team up to take down a cyclops before it triggered his tier-9.
On the ambushes, I was focusing on taking down the surgeons fast, and for them rather than AS, I would use MG or SL plus smite (if not hidden, or just MG if hidden). |
If it's an AV that doesn't move, you probably get better dps without using AS. However, Spine may need it to increase its ST damage since other attacks have low dpa.
If it's ITF, the team usually kills so fast that AS is really not needed. Out of 5 times that I use AS, 3 of them are at the beginning of 3rd mission when we kill Computer first. And during the last fight, there are auto-hit soul drain and so much going on that I don't even bother with AS.
Here is the thing, I don't think AS is useless but I also don't think it's a clear winner. It has its moments and the utility of it drops when the team gets larger (and better) and when the content gets harder. Other ATs can kill just as well.
I just wish AS could be better.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
It was a good run, but with 19% set bonuses for damage and a Musculature Alpha, Stalker Claws still disappoints me. So, Ms. Bush Ranger, one of my favorite characters, is getting put back in deep freeze due to insufficient capability. She's supposed to be dead anyway, so it kinda makes sense at any rate.
What precipitated this was in doing Villain Tip missions at 50, you end up fighting a lot of Crey. Stalker Claws is pretty miserable against Crey. You really have to see to believe how little damage is done by Buildup>Assassin's Claw on a Paragon Protector. It doesn't injure the Protector so much as tickle it. It loses only a tiny sliver of health, and that is discouraging.
Taking on entire spawns of those Tanks, the story isn't much better. Shockwave also just tickles them and over the course of a single spawn fight it feels like I cast Shockwave one or two dozen times.
And it really isn't just Crey. It's objects and any group that uses robots. It gets old throwing umpteen attacks to kill anything.
I guess Claws is just a poor fit for Stalkers. A DPS set on an Archetype that specializes in Burst. You can hit things other Claws Archetypes can't because you've got Buildup, but that's just about it.
I noticed the lack of damage leveling up, but I kept telling myself it would get better. It didn't. Being locked in eternal combat with Ms. Liberty was a living hell.
Is Claws the worst Stalker primary? IMHO, it is. If you enjoy it, bless you and have fun. It sure isn't for me.
*rolls Broadsword and crosses fingers*
What Stalker primary would you put on the bottom of the pile? Which do you think is the overall best Stalker primary?
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