Ruby's Rarely Updated Art Thread!




A guess this is a continuation of my previous thread. I can't promise to post frequently considering I don't draw that often anymore, but I recently found a little inspiration to start trying again.

I made this today for the character Simi'Kraz, whose VirtueVerse is here.

Thoughts are appreciated!



Nice looking portrait



Oh, and here's the images that were posted on my other thread.

Original drawing (with the messed up hand):

And the paint-over by Lousy Day! I modified it a little, but it's mostly his changes.

I love this version so much that it's currently the main picture on my VirtueVerse!



Really nice stuff.

My links: -My DeviantArt Page- -My Shop- -Tumblr- -Facebook Me!-
All things Ferreter: Ferreter's Masked Hour

CoH Virtue: Ferreter (Palladium Sentry), Mighty Mollie (ASTS), Charm Frost (GAH), Philomina (EoA), Sable Falcon (Inflitrators), Starlit Oracle (GotGA), Princess Lumina (Palladium Sentry), Doncella (Hero Dawn), Red Heron (Aerial Avengers)



Originally Posted by Ruby View Post
A guess this is a continuation of my previous thread. I can't promise to post frequently considering I don't draw that often anymore, but I recently found a little inspiration to start trying again.

I made this today for the character Simi'Kraz, whose VirtueVerse is here.

Thoughts are appreciated!
Nice work on the bust Ruby and I hope you stay inspired, you clearly have some talent there.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



What have I been doing with my time? Trolling my own art apparently. :P
I'll get around to making something new eventually. Troll face art from here.



Lol, Problem?

P.S. I'z not patient e-nuff fo' eventually... Moar Artz Nao!
Errrr yeah it has been awhile (yeah I know what the thread title says ) but you should do another bust.
How about one of LousyDay's animal themed characters? That way you'll get all motivated n' stuffz cuz it's like an art trade.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I'm leaving on a trip for two weeks this Saturday where I won't have access to a scanner, so if I'm given anything in particular to doodle while I'm away, I might have something ready by the time I return.

Where are Lousy Day's animal characters?



Here's my brute, Pyra'lis.



Originally Posted by Ruby View Post
A guess this is a continuation of my previous thread. I can't promise to post frequently considering I don't draw that often anymore, but I recently found a little inspiration to start trying again.

I made this today for the character Simi'Kraz, whose VirtueVerse is here.

Thoughts are appreciated!
I really really like this!! I'd pay to get some of my characters.



Another nice work Ruby, your brute looks great.

One question though... does your art ever smile back at you?
Simi and Pyra'lis seem to seem to be sharing the same frown.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by Ruby View Post
Here's my brute, Pyra'lis.

Shes so grumpy, i bet i can turn that frown upside down!

Very nice piece



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

Simi and Pyra'lis seem to seem to be sharing the same frown.
Haha! Very true, neither character is generally very happy. Pyra'lis is more likely to crack a smile than Simi, but both are stuck in a -_- more often than not.



Pyra'lis turned out looking very very kool! Nice job, Ruby!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by Ruby View Post
Haha! Very true, neither character is generally very happy. Pyra'lis is more likely to crack a smile than Simi, but both are stuck in a -_- more often than not.
Interesting. I like what you have done with her so far, would you mind if I try a little punch up on Pyra'lis?
I haven't worked on a good sour puss in a while.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Interesting. I like what you have done with her so far, would you mind if I try a little punch up on Pyra'lis?
I haven't worked on a good sour puss in a while.

Go for it!



Super Strength/Invulnerability. If it were up to me, I'd have no effects on either set, but I was only able to repress her secondary. For super strength, her strikes are accented with gold light, the same color as her eyes. Furthermore, her eyes are supposed to ignite into a golden glow when in combat or enraged.

Here's the rest of her costume if it helps: