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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MCG_Warface View Post
    You called it weapons mastery. What about Weapons of Opportunity

    Tankers/Brutes: Weapons of Opportunity

    35 - Sand in eye - Ranged, -Perception, Foe Disorient
    Dont you hate sand in your eye?

    35 - Rock shield - Click: Self +Def
    Same animation as Boulder throw, but modified to then take object and use as a shield.

    41 - Frag Grenade - Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate Damage (Lethal/Smashing), Foe KB
    Nothing wrong with a grenade you find on your enemys dead comrade and using it against his partner.

    41 - Lantern Assault - Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
    Throw your lantern on your enemy and watch him burst into wonderful flame.

    44 - Air Strike- (Ranged Targeted AOE), Superior Damage (Lethal/Smashing/Fire).
    You use that good old radio animation and call in an air strike as a last ditch effort.
    Nothing wrong with any of this (really like Sand In Eye), but the idea behind powerset proliferation is that it uses existing art and animation assets to reduce development time.
  2. The number of primary and secondary powersets available to players is growing faster than pretty much ever with the continuation of powerset proliferation and the addition of new powersets. While this is undoubtably a good thing for players, it has shown that epic power pools haven't really kept pace, thematically.

    Here are some suggestions for some new EPPs, using nothing but existing powers.

    Blasters: Shadow Mastery
    35 - Darkest Night - Toggle: Ranged AoE Foe -Damage, -To-Hit
    35 - Fearsome Stare - Ranged (Cone) Foe Fear, -To-Hit
    41 - Dark Embrace -Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Negative, Toxic)
    41 - Dark Regeneration - PBAoE, Minor DMG(Negative), Self Heal
    44 - Obsidian Shield - Self +Res (Psionic, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear)

    Notes: Goes thematically with the recently proliferated Dark Blast/Darkness Manipulation. Obsidian Shield goes from being a toggle in the Dark Armor set to being a click here.

    Controllers/Dominators: Electric Mastery
    35 - Jacob's Ladder - Melee (Cone), High DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep, -End
    35 - Grounded - Auto: Self +Res(Energy, Negative, Immobilize, Knockback, End Drain)
    41 - Charged Armor - Toggle: Self +Res(Smash, Lethal, Energy)
    41 - Chain Induction - Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Energy), Foe -End, +Special
    44 - Power Sink - Point Blank Area of Effect, Self +Endurance, Foe -Endurance

    Defenders/Corrupters/Masterminds: Kinetic Mastery
    35 - Repulsing Torrent - Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe Knockback
    35 - Power Siphon - Self: +To Hit, +Special
    41 - Kinetic Shield - Toggle: Self +DEF(Smash, Lethal, Energy)
    41 - Disrupt - PBAoE, Foe Disorient
    44 - Concentrated Strike - Melee, Extreme DMG(Energy/Smash), Foe -DMG Disorient

    Notes: Disrupt is an Energy Aura power for Stalkers. On Stalkers it's a toggle; this is make it a click so it's more of a reactive power.

    Stalkers/Scrappers: Nature Mastery
    35 - Entangle - Ranged, Moderate DoT(Smash/Lethal), Foe Immobilize
    35 - Strangler - Ranged, Moderate DoT(Smash), Foe Hold
    41 - Thorntrops - Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
    41 - Thorn Barrage - Close, High DMG(Lethal), DoT(Toxic), Foe -DEF(All), Knockback
    44 - Roots - Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DoT(Smash/Lethal), Foe Immobilize

    Tankers/Brutes: Weapons Mastery
    35 - Web Grenade - Ranged, Foe Immobilize, -Recharge, -SPD, -Jump, -Fly
    35 - Targetting Drone - Toggle: Self +Res(-To-Hit), +To-Hit, +Perception
    41 - Frag Grenade - Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate Damage (Lethal/Smashing), Foe KB
    41 - Caltrops - Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Lethal), Foe -SPD, -Jump
    44 - Stun Grenade - Ranged Targeted Area of Effect, Foe Disorient

    Note: All three grenades would use the throwing animation.

    Any other ideas?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    I started on the series back in the 90s when it was 'just another' piece of nerdy fantasy literature that nobody wanted to hear about. No angst on my account though, I'd rather have the books good than fast. So please, GRRM, take as much time as you need.
    I generally agree, although I hope he can still achieve "good" in under four years. Hopefully the structural issues he was having to write around in Feast/Dance are behind him now.
  4. RosaQuartz

    SSA2.1 choices

    Ran it with my MA/WP scrapper. Took Citadel, because he never gets to do much of anything.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperFerret View Post
    Can we at least get some bullet points on what was discussed? Why is this such a hard bit of info to get?
    The main themes seemed to be guiding new players to game content outside of DFBs, developing and becoming better leaders, and having more events beyond raids.

    Like Arm says, Omega indicated that he'd post the whole transcript for those who couldn't make it or didn't hear about it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
    Not entirely sure it was worth the time investment; yet again Guardian proved that voicing an opinion is disliked. Why go to a discussion forum, then tell someone who voices an opinion that they aren't entitled to it?! We were there to discuss the slant of the server and you don't want to hear what people prefer?
    I'm kind of stunned that this is what you got out of it, Capa. When Omega posts the logs, I'll have to look for when someone told someone else they weren't entitled to an opinion. Maybe I missed it, the discussion was going by pretty fast.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    So you're saying the new Justice League movie should have Wendy, Marvin & Wonderdog, and The Wondertwins?
    Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
  8. If you haven't seen it yet, here is a very interesting interview with Bryan Cogman, story editor for the show. He goes into pretty good detail on why they made some changes from the books.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    Wasn't that kind of plot where the bad guys capture the Justice League and then have to release them to defeat an even greater foe like, every other episode of Superfriends?
    And as dated as they seem now, the Superfriends cartoons were wildly successful. The Avengers movie doesn't have a particularly complicated plot, it succeeds on the basis of good characterization, fun dialogue, and HULK SMASH.
  10. IIRC, the devs have indicated that they wanted make the Mayhems/Safeguards available for Flashback, but there are technical reasons why they can't.

    I suspect it's not just for story reasons that Ouroboros may crash into the sea.
  11. Yuck! Avengers: EMH has been the only Marvel animation I've really liked. I loved how much it adhears to the comic books, but twists them in fun ways.
  12. "Welcome to the Blue Parrot. Can I interest you in a letter of transit?"
  13. Act One: En media res, Superman puts the finishing touches on defeating a Lex Luthor scheme (one that doesn't involve real estate). The film follows Luthor being sent to prison, watching from afar as Superman is feted on national television. In prison, Luthor meets some other folks: let's go with the Bane, Veronica Cale, Black Hand, Captain Cold, and Black Manta. All villains that are decidedly not insane, so wouldn't be in Arkham or someplace like that. Luthor is invited to a prison breakout, which succeeds.

    Act Two: Luthor convinces the lot of them to stick together to try to pick off their adversaries one-by-one. We see them succeed.

    Act Three: Starro the Star Conquerer shows up and the villians, facing the annihilation of the world, do the heroic thing and set the heroes free. The heroes defeat Starro, but the villians get away to fight in another movie.

    OK, I admit that I want Starro to be part of the formation of the Justice League in some way, as it was in the comics. I think the movies could do a great Starro, as a mind-controlling Elder God moving through the cosmos.
  14. RosaQuartz

    I24 hopes?

    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I24 hopes?
    1. More jetpacks.
    2. New power pools.
    3. Kings Row revamp.
    4. New level 30-35 strikeforce.
  15. Not picking it up, don't care to revisit the Watchmen world. Nothing against any of the creators involved or DC Comics, it just doesn't hold interest for me.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Listening to Kevin Smith talk, I sometimes wonder, "Just how much does the writer actually write the movie?"

    A writer can write the best script ever, and then have it ruined by the directors and actors.
    There's at least some evidence that this happened to Green Lantern. If I recall as well, Goldenburg was only one of several writers that took at pass at the script.

    I'd kill for a great Wonder Woman movie, so I hope this works. That said, WB hasn't shown much in the way of competance when it comes to managing their DC IPs onscreen, so I'm not holding my breath.
  17. I think the audience gets what's going on with Arya. I think her storyline was served pretty well.

    I think highly of Elio and the work incredible amount of work he's pored into ASoIaF, but like someone said, he and Linda are just too close to the source material to be objective about the adaptation. There's some hits and misses with the TV show, but in the end it is excellent television, one of the best out there right now.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
    I can see how the new continuity is a publicity stunt to generate interest and then Alan Scott being gay now as just a by-product of that. I dont get though how him being gay would be anymore interesting than him being straight.

    If you like the character and it shows him at home with his gf in a couple of panels...ok.
    If you like the character and it shows him at home with his bf in a couple of panels...ok.

    I dont really get what everyone is saying about his sexual preference being a it going to have an impact on sales?
    A plotline that you don't like = publicity stunt.

    I mean, any corporation makes decisions that they hope will increase sales. Every story DC (or Marvel, or IDC, or Image...) puts out is done with the ultimate decision of "will people want to buy this".

    Like it or not (and I'm about 50/50), the "New 52" has been overall very successful as far as number of books sold. Is new-continuity Alan Scott being written as homosexual a "publicity stunt"? I don't know. In the end it doesn't matter. It will be good or it won't on it's own merits.

    As for "there wasn't going to be Jade and Obsidian"... that's James Robinson. It means he has no plans for them, which makes sense given that he's writing the origins of the new Justice Society. It doesn't mean there could never be Jade and Obsidian, and I can already think of several ways that could introduce them down the line.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    I don't remember exactly from the books but were the Stark kids brought up under the Seven (I know they had a sept in Winterfell for Cat) or the old gods? Or was last nights wedding ceramony a mistake by the production team? I'm not getting all purist-y about it, just something I found weird, unless I missed that about the children. Even so, wouldn't the King in the North do it for the old gods regardless?

    (The only one I know for sure was Jon Snow worshipping the old gods)
    I assumed that Talisia is a Septist and Robb goes both ways religiously. I think they were wedded under a heart-tree as well, though it wasn't very clear.

    I arched my purist's eyebrow at Rickard Karstark's invocation of the Seven in episode 18, but I got over it.

    And yeah, it doesn't seem like it's a big deal that people can follow both the old and new gods, and there's acknowledgement in the books that the Seven "have no power north of the Wall", and that the old gods have faded from the south because of the destruction of the weirwoods by the First Men.

    Only the Lord of Light seems to be a jealous god.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
    I'm the same, too.

    Let's put it another way; Anyone buy comics one issue at a time?
    I'd say I'm 75% TPB, 25% floppies. The ones I buy floppies for are the stuff that I worry won't make it to TPB.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    A publicity stunt is a publicity stunt. People have a right and a reason to be aggrivated by it. They can have all the room they want, that doesn't mean people can't be annoyed.

    Also, I think you probably want to wait before saying this particular iteration is your favorite Green Lantern. You haven't particularly had enough time to determine that or not, and saying so now kinda makes it sound like you are just trying to defend the decision to change his character.
    Nothing yet has made me change my mind. If I end up hating New-52 Alan Scott? It doesn't change for one minute what I liked about the old continuity Alan Scott. It's not like those stories never existed anymore.

    And certainly people have a right to be aggrevated by the publicity stunt. What I was saying was that it was premature to complain that Jade and Obsidian don't exist in the new continuity, when it's definitely not clear that is the case.
  22. Yeah, I figured all of the prophecy stuff would be left out, for that exact reason. If we get it at all, I suspect it will be from Quaithe later on.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    So he just doesn't have his kids then? Poor Jade and Obsidian never to be born just so DC can have it's publicity stunt.
    It's Earth-2. There's a whole new continuity to be written. Maybe everyone should let them have some room to write it?

    There's still room for Jade and Obsidian. Even in the old continuity, Alan didn't even learn of their existance until they were teenagers, and it was very difficult for him to accept them at first.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    My favourite Green Lantern. Ah, well.
    Mine too. And still is.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Seeing how large scale the group of Others and Wights were, I kind of wonder if we'll still get the mutiny or if the Mormont will just perish in the fight on the Fist. If I remember correctly it wasn't that overwhelming of a group. (But I'm not complaining because it was an awesome final image for the season.)
    I suspect it will still happen, just be more impromptu when they get to Craster's.

    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Also, yay! for Jason Mamoa getting to reprise Khal Drogo although briefly. I know he was happy to be back.
    They still had all that eyeliner left over...