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  1. I thought the Cavern Of Transendence, Eden, and Sewer "Trials" give out Pool C receipe drops?
  2. Could you even generate content for your SG that can be *gasp* run from the base Mission Computer/Oracle!?
  3. I would love to have this for real.

    Although I want to know what healing "sounds like".
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    But as somebody that sells services and tries to retain services, I think this "marketing attempt" is just about the worst thing you could actually do.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Actually, the worst thing they could do would be to not offer the service. Pretty sure that's not going to happen.

    I thought it was funny. Folks need to lighten up around here. It's a game!
  5. Hey, City Scoop got an actual scoop... more character slots!
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    (I'm still very irritated about the 10-20 content addition, of course.)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh, of course.

    No... wait... what? When is new content = bad? Especially levels 10-20, the most boring content in CoH?
  7. Thanks BaB, this was very informative.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    the Diaper Decimator is on a rampage of destruction now that he has figured out how to walk. Doesn't give me much free time

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Been there. Good luck, this phase will pass shortly. Hope you find your way back.
  9. Awesome thread.

    My 4-year-old is seriously into superheroes right now (thank you DVDs of Superfriends and Spider-Man '69), and watches me play on occassion. The other day I was playing villains.

    I was fighting Legacy Chain, and he asked what bad guys I was fighting. I said they're called Legacy Chain, but they're actually the good guys, and I'm playing the bad guy.

    My son get's a shocked look on his face and stammers out "How... how COULD you!?".
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    "Dear LiquidX,

    Why arn't there more children here in Paragon City? It's kind of lonely here in Founders Fall. I mean, there are lots of nice Heroes, but theres never anyone around to play with me...
    P. Preston"

    Dear Preston,

    Let's just say that having the highest amount of Radiation emitting beings per square inch of land then any other place (Other then the Rogue Isles) in the world doesen't exactly help people when it comes to reproducing.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Very nice!

    Well done all involved, keep it up!

    BTW, about that proofreading... what pieces are the "Piecebringers" bringing? (Horoscopes)
  11. Played Faultline missions last night. All I have to say is "well done".

    New Faultline gets two big thumbs-up from me!
  12. [ QUOTE ]

    Can I start a Deadlands rumor, just to see if they deny that one? I mean, we got Capt. Mako on the crew and Jack's bio's often list writing "deadlands supplements..."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow, that's a great rumor. If is DOES ever come to pass, it may actually make me switch from CoH. Deadlands rocks.
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    Woo hoo, now I can buy a teleporter AND a toilet!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pointless. Just crap on the teleporter, then teleport it to The Hollows. No one will notice and in time the Gulch will be refilled.
  14. Last night was my first time ever playing on the test server. I also am someone who typically shuns PvP zones.

    Recluse's Victory was a BLAST. I rolled an Illusion/Empathy Controller and put together a team very quickly. While the numbers were even, the battles were fun and very back-and-forth. After awhile, the numbers swung to I would estimate a 5-1 villain-to-hero ratio, so it became very difficult to be a good guy.

    I enjoyed the appearence of the signature heroes, the broadcast banter. Most of all, I just liked the fact that there was an "end", a winning side and a losing side, something that I don't get from any of the other PvP zones.

    I don't think I personally KO'd more than two villains, while getting killed myself more times than I can remember, but it was all good.

    The only thing I'd change is to make the Heavies move just a bit faster.

    On an unrealted note, I love the blinking power icons showing when a buff or power is about to expire.
  15. Name: House Of Emerald Strumpets (or HoES for short)

    Motto: "Kicking [censored] And Looking Good Doing It"

    Leader(s): Rosa Quartz, Adatrosia Jade, Glimmerbritches, Spikopacabra, Bellanca, Shadowsmite

    Player Type: Very Casual

    RolePlay?: Hell yeah... we are mostly scantily-clad women with a penchant for benign prostitution. We are mostly green-skinned, but we'll make exceptions for other skin colors on occassion and we have a few beefy men to pimp for us.

    Membership levels: 1-40

    SuperGroup Colours: Black and Green

    Normal time of Gameplay: Thursdays after 7:00 PM EST -- other times by appointment.

    Recruiting? Let us get to know you first... sign up at the Halls Of Hysteria!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You're wasting your time. Reason, fairness, and other silly things like that are foreign concepts to developers. Remember, such foes are the equivalents their characters, and they're not going to gimp their characters vs. the Enemy (players).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I trust you'll be happy to learn that I changed Ballista based on feedback in this thread.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This... made my day.
  17. My wife and I play. If you see Dr. and Mrs. Blud running around Pinnacle together, that's us. If you see Bubba Blud, that's my brother.

    We are also Dark Saint and Pale Devil on Protector.