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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

    Calling the lack any mez protection or mez resistance in the human form just so that the dwarf form will have meaning a "smart design" is an opinion and in my opinion not an even remotely accurate one. I'm not stating that it isn't the design, I just don't agree that it's a smart one.

    I agree on voids. I consider them extra XP.

    As far as the passives not carrying over, your statement in bold of "any other pool power" is false. Hasten carries over. Had you left it at pool passives don't carry over, then your statement would have been accurate.

    In any case, Castle responded to my PM on the topic at hand. With his permission I share with you his response: (cuz I keep PMs private unless otherwise agreed upon)

    So... he's way ahead of us.

    Oh... and this tidbit, too.

    So let it be written, so let it be done!
    Woot Awesome!
    (Hugs Bill Z Bubba and Castle *Dark Dwarf form to get the arms arround both of yah)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    I actually have suggested a modified version of that for quite a while now, as a compromise offer. No one really backed it from the "want the rewards now" crowd, however.

    I argued that, for a given year, you can choose your rewards within that yearly pool. Say you hit your 3 month badge. Instead of just getting trenchcoats and a costume token, you'd get those as possible choices mixed in with the greek alphabet emblems (6 month), respec/belly shirt/kilt (9 months), or the preorder sprints/sands of mu or ghost axe/base items (12 months). When you hit your 15th month reward, you get to choose from the next tier pool, and so forth.

    The idea here was to introduce some choice flexibility for up and coming players, while not throwing open the door to ALL the rewards all at once. In my opinion, I felt this was the most balanced compromise for holding to the vet system as designed, with the want from certain players for all the various rewards.

    I'm mentioning it again, because I'm wondering if there'd be any real consideration from the "must have now" crowd. I really think this is a "best option" choice for the system as a whole, but if previous track records are any indicator, it'll be ignored.
    I would pay MONEY to be able to remove the ruddy massive pile Greek Alphamess from cluttering up my options in that costume section. ;p
  3. RogueDemonhunter

    FF needs love

    I think anything that can actually get into force bubble (or if you can artfully wriggle foes into by absolute luck or skill) the Force fielder should see some merit other then knockdown/repel the hard/tough cookie that can actually get in there and ignore due to knockdown/repel protection (or the hapless fodder that can be herded into it) should have the absolute SNOT debuffed out of them.

    It aught to be like stepping to a reverse accelerate metab at least if not worse. Also reduce size to same or nearly same as dispersion.

    My two cents.
  4. Might try Kin/Sonic. I can vouch for that one. Been told Kin/Dark is good but don't have first hand experience or ice blast with it's extra slows and decent out of the box damage...

    I would think Kin/Pistols might be fun since the final blast happens pretty much where your standing and doesn't crash yah... and repeated siphon speeds still buff your own recharge right? right?

    I don't know...

    Kin/Sonic is fun.
  5. Congrats Redbone! Amazing. I'd never have thought of it.
  6. Astounding!. Your so going to have to hire a team just to check over those personalised missions and arcs though to keep out the unsuitable/unsound/inappropriate.

    Kewl beans though! Powersets and badge cool but expected. The mission creator in a game like this though... Very daring. There have been games that allow mission creation before... but not a MMOG. At least not that I know of. Very daring indeed. I hope it doesn't proove to be too much of a headache for you.
  7. I really liked the Video. Liked the credits too. Then again I almost aways stick around at the end o movies too watch them roll by there too. Hey! Sometimes there's extras. You never know... Besides clearly they took work and artistic choices are made and displayed.

    Also, Loved the Bab 5 vids. Oh such a fun series....

    Clearly have good taste.

  8. I was wonderin when the helmets were gonna pop. Was a long time coming, considering how soon the heroes preorder sprints popped. Very nice. Do the eyes glow yet? Or is that a level 30 aura option?

    As for 3rd of the 4 powers choice, that dang nice. All my rad emission and tactics characters will be thrilled. Especially the defenders... Most 'damaging' thing they can actually do is hit with those vet temps.

    Accentuating low damage values aside... hehe... Thanks Dev's.

    Would it be possible to remove the origin 'specificness' of the ranged temps... Not many of my mutants actually want the Wand. Thematic stuff... looks etc. You know how it is...
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Here's an idea I had to add debuffs and damage to FF without changing existing functionality: combos. Use combos, like those found in Dual Blades, to add abilities.

    Here's a few examples: The X -> Y -> Z notation means use powers X, Y, and Z, within the combo time to get the bonus. If you don't do it within the combo time, the powers work as they currently do with no bonus.

    Dispersion Bubble -> Personal Force Field
    Creates a PBAoE effect the size of Dispersion Bubble. Everyone within this effect is enclosed inside a Personal Force Field. Duration is 15 seconds.

    Repulsion Bomb -> Force Bolt -> Detention Field
    All baddies within the AoE of Repulsion Bomb are affected by a -Defense Debuff. The baddie in Detention Field suffers -Regen and minor DoT.

    Force Bolt -> Repulsion Bomb
    Doubles Repulsion Bomb's chance to Stun. Adds 40% chance of moderate damage to all affected by Repulsion Bomb.

    Repulsion Field -> Force Bubble
    Applies -Resistance and -Recharge to all baddies hit by both powers.

    Deflection Shield -> Insulation Shield
    Gives +Regen to target similar in power to Spirit Tree. Does not stack with self or Insulation Shield combo bonus.

    Insulation Shield -> Deflection Shield
    Gives +Recharge, +Recovery to target about 1/2 the strength of Speed Boost. Does not stack with self or Deflection Shield combo bonus.

    All powers would need to be used against the same target throughout the combo to get the bonus.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Haven't been on the forum in a couple of days. Took me a while to catch up.

    Heavens Maj! This is really clever... Inspired even!

    BTW I agree Defender's should not pay 100% for nukes and should be doing about 5% more damage overall... So as not to overpower Rad and Kin more then they already are. I love the ability to stack the big stuff to actually effect a GM or AV class foe. And the alternate buffs for the order in which Deflection and Insulation are applied. Really keen.

    This compliment coming from the old timer FF/Dark/"Sour Grapes cause nothing so far makes it awesome, as the Epics merely patch the outrageous holes", player.

    And everyone was bugging your for not contributing. Heh.

    I have no clue if this would be possible but I'd be all for it. The PFF thing though... I still would prefere one we can fight through as "Blasting" (not controlling or masterminding) Defenders.

    Nuff said from me. I'll keep looking in from time to time. Not that ya' all need me.
  10. This sounds neat. Can I hop in please Juggy... gang?
  11. Thank you for sharing those with us. Most inspiring.

    It's "head and shoulders" above what I could do.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I have no clue what you mean by no cottages.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Try actually READING the full original post. Then you'll know why there are no cottages.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I did Phil, but I also noticed your an old timer too and may have recalled the beta version of PFF. It's not changing a power into something it's not. My hope was to make it what it once was or something close at any rate.

    As for changing after "Release" being an apparent "No No." and just plain accepting that, you might want to ask (Castle) why it's jim dandy for Illusion's massive defence invisibility power to be tweaked into a "cottage" LONG... nay I think at least a year after game Release... Hell it got turned from a cottage into a condo... Just a leaky one to make up for being able to act outside of it. It's still a CONDO! I know I have 41 Illusion Storm who barely has to use Hurricane cause he can attack and PWN from Sup Invis alone usually... I still see no reason why PFF cannot be similarly changed for defenders only. (so clearly you don't wind up with Illusion/FF's stacking two high defence vs all protective fields they can effect the outside world from). If they re so worried about that then why the two faced double standard with the AT's? If they do not give FF a -res debuff then there is no way on this planet you can convince me an FF could ever be a tank mage... temp tank maybe with a sleep hole... (stupid hole... grumble) but never a tankmage. You need massive damage and defences/resistances for that... A lone Def just can't do that.

    Boy that's a run on sentence but I think the argument is sound.

    Hopefully not coming off as confrontational... I just think you guys are being too willing to take it up the tookus for perceived game balance when everyone else is already playing by different rules. Look at all the + Acc one can get for their toons just from set bonuses if you PVP. (me I go in for the shiv's and the badges that's about it) Look how often were clobbered thru our dispersions by AV's GM's very accurate mobs, splash AOE aimed at others even when were behaving and not drawing personal agro.... It's bloody shocking that is. Would it kill the set if PFF went to 15% defence and res all while were shooting stuff? I don't think so. I don't think so at all.

    Meh... take care eh.

    So in essence... cottage to condo for Illusionists long after release but none for FF defenders? I call shenanigans!
  13. I have no clue what you mean by no cottages.

    2nd... "Give and take" what the sam hill is there in Repulsion bomb to give up? (shrugs) It already does practicaly bugger all... with too long an animation too boot.

    That's like tellin' a street person... "Ok, I've got some food for you here, but were going to have to take your house." Kindly developer thinks a moment... realises. "Oh right things suck so bad you don't have a home. Right. Well toss us those rags your wearing then for the food. We have to take something away. apparently it's a rule."

    Sorry dude. Not buyin' it. Also my suggestions are not so much pie in the sky but rather...

    JUSTICE the defender set will never see...
  14. Boy... FF's been ripped off for years and you guys are so careful with your suggestions... hehe. It's just suggestions folks. Go bold! Have fun.

    Here's mine.

    1: I remember being able to shoot through my PFF in beta with reduced accuracy. This wouldn't be much of a penalty these days with all the + Acc bonuses one can get from Crafted Enhancers but... What if they made the Defender version of PFF act like the Illusionists Superior Invisibility.? A defender doesn't have the option of having pets or confused mobs do their work for them, which the other 2 AT's that have the set do have... in spades. What's a defender's method of bringing down mobs?... Shooting them.... with a weakened secondary... with no way to "personally" improve damage without the aid of AIM, Power build up and or Assault from leadership. FYI none of those actually do much to increase the damage (though next week i intend to retest the ols 50 FF/Dark with the Dark epic and I'll see first hand of that can improve anything without the IO bonuses I refuse to test builds with cause not everyone can afford them (not really a proper test of powers in my opinion) Already cheating with about 14
    hami-o's on that toon anyway... I still see no way you can make a TANK MAGE that does a ton of damage unless it's single target damage from Sonic blast.
    Regardless I don't see that there would be any harm in changing PFF for Defenders to be able to affect outside targets again (yes I SAY again...) just reduce the defence and res of it whilst the Defender is taking outside action.

    2: I want that damn sleep hole changed up for immobilise in dispersion. Moronic that it was EVER made the toggle dropper in the first place. And quite a shame once the 40-50 game came in and far too many things can sleep you. I mean this change for all versions. Not just defenders. It's a hole that can be fixed by a single power choice anyway vs one that cannot be fixed by ANYTHING short of a BF which means why bother with the Mez Proc anyway, just boost the defence to high heaven then... meh..

    2: Make Det bubble Purple of reddish.... You took the pink dots outta insulation why don't cha just toss them in there? Poof. More visible detained mob.

    3: Add that slow folks have mentioned into Force bubble. That's brilliance itself. Much better then my old suggestion of -res since I can see that be easily exploitable.

    4: Add -res and -regen to Dispersion bomb. Something to do while the GM or AV or Hero (vil side) is facing your team and you've already bubbled. (shrug... something to do anyway...)
    Keep it's stun Mag 2 but make it 100%. It should at least reliably disorient minions. It should be usable and reliable to stack with the various blast set stuns. Do this ONLY with the Defender and MM versions. But go ahead and give the Controllers the AV fighting capability I mentioned above.

    This stun should be at least as reliable as the "Clap" types from various sets that don't even require a target.

    5: Increase the pulse rate of repulsion field and give it a % chance to disorient. Or give it a slow debuff that lingers. You just got flung back several feet you aught to be woozy... Do this for the Kinetics version too. though that one pulses decent speed I think. Been a while since I had it...

    6: If none of this is to be done I like the idea of reversing the value of the wee bubbles placed on others with the Raw value of Dispersion. Much fairer to the poor slob of a bubbler anyway.

    These are my thought and views at this time.... Hope I don't come off as any more crazy then I usually do.


    RDH (old timer and retired bubbler... sorry bubbles Rad, Kin and Dark M are just so much more fun... and not gimped while facing the late game foes and AV's.)
  15. RogueDemonhunter

    Sprite in a jar

    Good work there! All the fairy alts.... sometimes you just wanna stick em in a jar. It's true.
  16. RogueDemonhunter

    WoW vs CoX RP

    Don't foreget that while under their effects, City of Confuse/decive powers make ones pets attack oneself and allies. Any buff's/debuffs those pets have work in favor of the Confuser not the owner and his/her allies. Bubbles and damage resistance buffs from spearate casters stack, and clear mind stacks off the same caster. Not to mention how many heroes and villians would be running tactics/manuvers/asualt, with vengence flying off for any fallen ally who would then be rezed with mostly uninteruptable rezes, 2 that can make the rezed a killing machine and one that can stun all nearby foes that don't have mag 2 mez resitance or better and tosses in a mighty slow and to hit debuff even if not effected. I do not think any rogue will actualy be allowed to be invisible for any length of time. Stalkers that do not have good AOE defence same boat du to all the WoW AoE. But they wil lbe healed and buffed to the 9's stalkers.

    Most of wow's heals are interuptable to some degree even specing to not be.... All of City of's Tar patches, quicksands, to hit debuff toggles, CALTROPS up the whazoo all act as CONSTANT interrupts while activly thouching you.

    The device/traps guys will actualy get to do their massive bombing set up and effects here.) Endurance sapping effecting the WoW blue Bars, to be fair whilst Mana drains effect effect COHers. No WoW character having a Mez that lasts over 8 seconds while the most of the City of characters have 8 seconds as a very low base timer on theirs (oops I forgot to slot for hold ;p ). City of guys having BF's in their trays and mez resisting buffs and PbAoe Toggles from Bubbles and sonics. WoW guys all walking appart from special ruch attacks or blink and Sprint with their insanely long cool downs. Rad Defence debuffs nerfing what little +defence wow characters are allowed to spec for.

    Preist and Warlocks single and tops 3 target fears VS Dark Miasmas fear cone, Dark armors fear toggle, Dark armor, soon to exist Willpower's and other's nigh immunity to fear, Illusions' Fear AOE + single target terrify pet, Mind controls Sleep, Cone fear. Hmmm let me think...

    The WoW guys wont get to enjoy their Extra HP much since most can't regen dusing combat and must rely on heals which will be largely interrupted. If one can be spam AOE healed during a Hami raid by City of's largely and completely (outside of aid other which can be slotted to mostly account for it) Uninteruptable heals I don't think that even a destruction warlock could have much hope of bringing down anyone unless somebody... no a whole lot of somebodys made a collosal error.

    Boy talk about apples and oranges. I would try to avoid arguments that the WoW'er have more HP my friend cause heroes/villians have so many ways of neutering high HP when their teamed it's taken the Dev's needing to cheat for the AV/GM's and give then Massive HP regen that WoW chracter do not have to make those High HP NPC's last even a little while. You talk HP and I'll talk actual powers and the uninteruptability of most of the CoH ones. Can be a very deciding factor. As for balancing the sides I'd Reduce the WoW HP scale to city of comaptability and make moer of their stuff work while moving. Otherwise theyre sitting ducks.

    Dang now I'm immagining the FASTEST moving WoW characters will be the ones uner the effects of Mind control/defender epics TK, Kinetics and FF's Repel powers and OMG the pwnage of forcebolt alone coupled with energy blast?...

    I'll still cheer for my old Druids and hunters. Go underdogs! Peity your almost mostly Lethal/smashing damage though... good thing they throw a little variety. It's still not going to help. Elune be with you? Yer gonna need divine intervention.

    Can't wait to read more for the shere hialrity of it. Maybee the the WoW guys will pull in a Giant Monster to even the score? lol

    GJ OP for an original idea.
  17. Good work there. Hope to see more. Nice to follow a work as it goes from sketch to final.
  18. RogueDemonhunter

    Some sketchings

    Excellent work there! Professional even.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    I had thought Dual Blades would be more a Dagger set than another Sword set. And why sabers? Are we trying to reinforce the pirate theme going on in the Rogue Isles or something?

    As for Will Power. Um.. as many have said we were hoping for a more subtle, possibly even invisible power effects for our Natural origin melee heroes. What is with the canary yellow Sonic auras here guys? Is it really necessary to have a visual effect for every single defensive set in the game? Come on.

    That is all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed, tone them down please.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, I've figured out what was turning me off from Dual Blades. After blowing the pics up as big as I could, it's the picture of the female that was throwing me off of the actual size of the swords and their thickness. Seeing her hold them makes them look huge and skinny, but if you look at the 4th picture with the guy fighting Clockwork, they actually do look cool with the different hilt and curved blade. They've got a good thickness and length to them.

    And looking at the poses again makes me giddy to think of what a giant, chain of attacks will look like

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The female model's hands suffer bad scaling with dual pistols as well. Even tried monsterous ones for a Female MM... just wasn't cutting it for me visualy. Theyre fantastic with the two male models though. Perhaps the gals could use a tweek in hand size/finger length all around?
  21. RogueDemonhunter

    The Alt Alphabet

    You guys are a wealth of knowledge. Thank you very much.
  22. RogueDemonhunter

    The Alt Alphabet

    Yah i use print screen all th time, but unlike in game screenies the darn things from the character selection screen dont seem to wind up in the screenshot file in the CoH folder itself for me. Am i just cursed or should I be seeking them elsewhere?
  23. RogueDemonhunter

    The Alt Alphabet

    Cool Beans! But guys how do you get sceenshots from the character window? I swear when I try I draw blanks....
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    The only down side I can forsee is market manipulation... A group of people get together and corner the market on 1 item... They go out and buy up all they can. Then they turn around and sell them at a profit... And before you know it, a group of people HAVE cornered the market and then people get upset...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wellllllll... I dont know what games you're used to playing but in this one most peeps find it difficult to get a group of 8 to function properly in a team. I cant see scores of players acting in unison like this toward a common cause.

    Besides, it always comes back to the time-honored #1 Rule of Retail: YOU CAN NEVER PRICE SOMETHING HIGHER THAN THE MARKET WILL BEAR If the buyers are going to pay the price, the sellers are going to mark it up as high as they can.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think it's a combination of both. If you look at the hot sellers perhaps there's some manipulation there but you'd have to have a load of cash to do that on those ones in the first place. Maybe... what is certain is that right now your not gonna convince anyone to pay millions for the stuff that's in recipes few AT's need or bother to make while the stuff in the hot recipes ... The MUST HAVES... well you can set whatever price you want almost.

    Particularly hero side where the gobs of "years of unused cash" has been stored on characters just waiting to be spent... Of folks who weren't rampant Alt-aholics or stupidly generous... like me. I'm such a dope... Around since City Of Beta... and when I think of the in game cash I could have had on my main or just a few toons if I'd stuck by them and not tossed around so much... Oh well (shrugs) can't be helped now.

    Ok granted I did get Enchanted Impervium 3 times on my current scrapper main and that has helped boost me up about 10 mil overall heroside... but he's the only current toon I have that CAN solo CoT missions on Invince without wetting his (role playing) pants... So not really a fair comparison for my other alt's luck/performance the getting awesome selling salvage. I mean to say it's all well and good for high damage mez resiting alts to farm whatever you want... but what if your most loved current alt is say an Emp/PSI Defender... your on a nigh forced to team alt which means sharing the salvage % drops with all whereas one's scrapper alt say like I've personally experienced can pop into almost any of his missions or right into the middle of a big outdoor mob and come out not only victorious but typically with some decent selling stuff and get every drop.

    Anyway... enough outta me. Invention System/Auction stuff mostly good... Needs some thoughtful tweaking. That's all.

    Perhaps allowing certain under-performers to substitute for the must haves? Like any recipe... I don't have lime... hmm maybe lemon will do? Or hmm... I don't have Vodka for my Molotov cocktail... What else is Flammable in a bottle I can stuff a rag into? Hmmm...
  25. Everything seems fine. Some hiccups though... but it's new so it's forgivable.

    Problems I see are that you need to make certain the next sets make use of under-performing Salvage on the markets, particularly Rares and to some degree uncommon. One should be excited to see orange or Yellow text show up when Salvage found lights up your screen... not dreading that it may more likely prove to be worth less then many of the more needed and therefore more popular commons do.

    More craft-able Temp powers please. Honestly expected more of these then costume pieces. Please put costume Pieces and Temp powers on some sort of drop scale separate from the IO's.

    I would prefer a standard visible bids plus buyout system for the market as opposed to the 'silent auction' which I personally believe serves no proper purpose outside a charity auction. Just personal Opinion.

    That's about it. Smashingly easy tutorial for learning the system.

    Hmmm... one suggestion. Likely crazy... I wonder if VS bosses and up if now and then they might just plain drop a actual IO as opposed to a recipe... I mean after all if we are to immerse ourselves in this little wold you've made for us I have to assume that some of the foes we fight may have made an IO or two in their time... or even a pre-crafted temp power. Anyway, just a thought.

    Oh and be sure to put the under-performers in any COOL new stuff. Magic salvage and Impervium (for non magic) doesn't need anymore 'must have' recipes.

    Take care and thanks!

    Heather (AKA Rogue Demonhunter and Alts )

    PS: I love you to death for the permanent Coo-oop Zone. All other game subscriptions have now been cancelled! Mostly because of that feature. Thanks for making that choice easy!

    Between that and the Brilliant SK/Exemp system I have no idea why this game isn't number one... Well now I'm just gushing. But really nice choice to go Coo-oop there. Freakin' Fabulous.