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  1. Rockinghorse

    Earth Assault

    Just wanted to throw this out there ...

    I'm hoping for some animation customization with the new Earth Assault we're getting.
    Specifically with Hurl Boulder.

    It would be pretty sweet if the animation for the Propel Boulder that the Legacy Chain use was made available as an option. Just feels more Dominator-ish to me.

    Any thoughts?
  2. Model: Female

    Legs: Monstrous

    Costume Option: Witch Bare

    Trouble: The option, which was there before i15 went live, is now missing.
  3. "Mom always says 'Don't play ball in the house!'"

    "Oooh, my nose!"
  4. "Save the Spiderlings" -
    Pro: I giggled. I chuckled. I laughed. I groaned. Loved the souvenir!
    Con: Watch out for Mu endurance drain.

    "City of Oz" Parts 1, 2, and 3.
    Pro: Insanely creative, story-driven fun!
    Con: Depending on your AT custon EBs can be challenging. Doable solo but probably more fun with a friend.

    "One Clown Short of a Circus" by Trickshooter.
    Pro: Wow. Just wow! Absolutely brilliant. Fun and challenging without being frustrating.
    Con: EB in final mission is a Thugs/Pain MM. My 50 fire/regen scrapper needed to use a Shivan while playing on Difficulty 4.
  5. The two vet attack powers will also continue to cause their usual amount of damage even during the rage crash.


    If they hit

    *edited typo*
  6. Use the search function for board member "Luminara" ...
    Mucho mucho information connected with her testings of archery.

    I have an Arch/NRG blaster, myself...

    1. Aimed Shot
    1. Power Thrust
    2. Fistful of Arrows
    4. Build Up
    6. Blazing Arrow
    8. Hasten
    10. Aim
    12. Hover
    14. Fly
    16. Swift
    18. Health
    20. Stamina
    22. Ranged Shot
    24. Explosive Arrow

    Planned for the future ...

    26. Stunning Shot
    32. Rain of Arrows
    35. Boost Range
    38. Total Focus
  7. Add me to the list of folks with problems...

    After i8 I experience FPS in teamed missions comparable to what used to only go on at a GM battle with 20+ heroes.
  8. Thanks for all your love and hard work, Cuppa!
  9. Thanks for the guide!!

    Jo'Lene and Goodbye Earl TA/A duo looking forward to kickin' bad guy butt!!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    This suggestion has been posted before, but as it seems the people are still unhappy with their archers...

    Why not remove the rooting on the TA/archery sets? Just a thought. Leave everything as is on test right now, but remove rooting. If the numbers are for whatever insane reason going to be so weak, that could be the "angle" of this set.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So agreed!!
  11. What I like about the set:
    * Henchmen have some nice damage.
    * Dual Pistols is awesome! I like the knockdown of also.

    What I don't like:
    * Henchmen run waaaaaaaaayyyyy to slooooooooooooowww, it seems like it takes them to follow me even withOUT using sprint.
    * It may just be me but they seem to be "dumber' than zombies.

    QOL issue:
    * Can we please have a way to choose which "look" we want for each thug? Having each thugs appearance being random makes nameing them a bit frustrating.

    All in all great job, Devs
  12. As long as we get more slots per server when the CoX-Box is realeased I'll be a happy pumpkin!

  13. Yay! Happy Year 2!

    Gratz, Positron!

    /em Starts saving for an Alienware computer in anticipation of the new COX-BOX
  14. Rockinghorse

    Badge Questions

    [ QUOTE ]
    I wouldn't mind if all Holiday event badges (including the accolades) were put under a new "Event" tab.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I like that idea!!!
  15. Very nice!
    Learned a few thing myself

    Thank you thank you.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Just remember W.U.S. when corresponding the location numbers

    1st coord is how far WEST you are. As this number increases, the position becomes more WEST. As this number decreases, the position becomes more EAST.

    2nd coord is how far UP you are. As this number increases, the position becomes more UP. As this number decreases, the position becomes more DOWN.

    3Rd coord is how far SOUTH you are. As this number increases, the position becomes more SOUTH. As this number decreases, the position becomes more NORTH.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you thank you thank you for this explanation!!!!
    Yegads! I couldn't figure it out at all...

    Blonde moment!

    (No offense to all you sexy blondes out there!)