Can we get a Fortunata/Field Trainer in the AE?




First off, if I missed one being there and am completely blind, tell me.

Otherwise, I'd really like if they added them, because testing my missions extensively for balance requires me to run them with multiple ATs at multiple levels with multiple difficulty settings.

Balance is really important, and logging in and out four characters is enough time spent without having to jog them across town to a Fortunata two or three times to see how a set of enemies stacks up against an AT or how they scale differently.

Maybe rename it as some kind of AE employee or something?



That would be nice. Even just playing arcs, it's pretty common to have to lower rep for a challenging arc, increase it for a normal arc, lower it again for a challenging arc, and so on.



This would be awesome!

Creepy - Claws/WP Clown - 50 - August 10, 2008
Juniper's Daughter - Fire/Regen Scrapper - 50 - April 12, 2009
Fae Leigh - Grav/Kin Troller - 50 - May 30, 2010



I would love to see this on the main floor, near the inspiration vendor.

I would also love to see a trainer, but maybe not quite that handy. A trainer might work better on the ground floor. Admittedly, its more of a need in the early levels before you get a travel power.



I'll also throw in a vote for a difficulty vendor in each MA building, but, for testing purposes, could we have a Challenge Level option on unpublished missions?

That way, we can change our difficulty on the fly, and not have it cost us anything. It wouldn't change our actual difficulty, just the difficulty for that unpublished mission we've set.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls