503 -
Funny thing; I was running a no-telepathist TPN trial the other day and wished I had my character with Incandescence--a lot of people kept dying in the halls on the way to the rooms, hospitaling, running back, and dying again on the way. It would have been useful to be able to yank everyone in all at once.
Quote:That's like saying that inflation would go away if people just stopped spending more money for things./unsigned
1. The market isn't forcing prices higher than 2 billion. Players are.
Quote:2. If players choose to exceed the price cap on the market that's their choice. If they get burned that's the price they pay for being greedy.
And those over-2-billion rates are often the only prices at which those things are available, because if they're sold for less than the going rate marketeers will buy them at those "low" prices and sell them at the >2 billion ones to make inf in arbitrage. -
There are a number of recipes and IOs that now sell for more than 2 billion Inf each. These transactions necessarily take place outside of the market (go to the Marketplace board, you'll probably see solicitations for several of them right now) because they involve more than one character sending money to more than one character.
When you've got market forces pushing prices up like that, it doesn't do anyone any good to force players to go outside the system to buy and sell. It means the auctionhouse can't take its 10% cut of the Inf, for one thing, and for another it means that people who want to buy or sell these recipes at "market value" have no choice but to risk the other party reneging on the agreement after they've handed their half over.
It would be simplest all around if you'd raise the cap, at least for VIP players. People probably would still go outside the market to trade, but at least they'd have the choice of selling within it. -
That's nice. Where in the costume editor do I find these new costume parts?
Before I came to work today, I bought all three new packs, then went to the tailor and couldn't find anything new in the Costume Sets menu. -
Where the hell do I find the Fire and Ice costume sets? I put the tokens in the slots and it said I can now access them at the tailorbut when I went to the tailor and looked through the list of costume sets, they weren't there. Celestial was, but no Fire or Ice.
I really wish they'd make them easier to find. Like set aside a separate section at the top of the list for costume sets you bought or otherwise unlocked. -
I don't really have the patience or desire to grind enough to save up enough to unlock something like a PvP IO. I tend to break them down into threads when I need the threads. (I didn't even know you could save them up for rare Incarnate salvage. May have to try that next time I'm waiting on a piece.)
Also bought all of Ascension Radiance and the Electrical Path aura because they looked cool. -
Really, leveling pacts aren't needed as much anymore thanks to super sidekicking. You don't have to worry about matching exemplars to mentors anymore, and even if you exemplar you get 2 or 3 more powers than you otherwise would have had at that level.
People with varying play rates don't have as many problems adventuring with each other anymore, which was the problem pacts were meant to fix. With that in mind, I wouldn't be surprised if they never came back. -
It's also worth pointing out, as I didn't have time to when I wrote the earlier message, that you don't necessarily want to slot out everything at 50. You get better numbers on the individual enhancements when you do that, yes. But on the other hand, a lot of IOs at level 30 have reasonably good numbers (especially when you consider the effects of all the set bonuses if you stack them), and at 50 may well be over the ED cap on some things (which is kind of a waste when you get right down to it).
Given that CoH isn't one of those MMOs where 99% of the content is in the end-game, there are plenty of reasons to exemplar down lower to take on lowbie content. Having all those set bonuses down to level 27 means you've got those benefits for that much more of the game.
(And if you really care about maxing out your stats at L50, well, you can put an all-50s build in your secondary slot.)
Now that being said, sometimes even as much as .39% of Defense can make a big difference when you're approaching the 45% Defense soft cap. Consider that if you're at 45%, bad guys only have a 1 in 20 chance of hitting you. That's 10 times out of 200. But if you're only at 44.5% Defense, then they'll hit you 11 times out of 200. That half a percentage of Defense means you'll be taking 10% more damage than you otherwise would have. -
A while back, the store offered an Attuned version of LotG, which acted like L50 IOs at L50 but L25 IOs at L22-25, and offered the fringe benefit of keeping bonuses intact all the way down. I snagged a set or two for characters who could benefit from all of it, and bought a bunch of Attuned recharge-rate IOs which I've been using on characters who want to squeeze every last bit of Defense bonus out but still keep the set bonuses all the way down. (I usually go with L30 IO sets on my toons, 'cuz I exemp a lot.)
The problem with the LFG system is that people by and large would rather fill teams to the maximum, leaving no room for people to jump in. Which means the LFG people will be waiting a long, long time.
Which is kind of a shame, really, given that LFG queuers don't have to be in the same zone as everyone else. I took advantage of this during the Winter Lord trials a couple of times, keeping my character where she was but jumping in LFG, and letting the trial-runner know so he'd leave a few slots free. -
Quote:I'm not sure what your problem is, but the existence of a Cardiac should not affect whether you can build a second level Musculature. Are you sure you built a first level one?My August Sirs,
Having a problem here. I am trying to create a second lvl Alpha slot in Musculature. But I have two first lvl Alpha enhancements (I built Cardiac as well). The Create screen for Musculature does not recognize tht the first lvl Musculature enhacement exists. When I switch to the Cardiac Create screen it does recognize the first lvl enhancement.
I want to make a second lvl Musculature ( and then the third for lvl change).
Can I delete the first lvl Cardiac somehow?
Is this a bug? You should be able to have two different enhancements for the same incarnate power or the "Slot Power" function is, well, lame. -
You know, I could wish you'd chosen an acronym that didn't overlap with "PeaCEBRinger". (Or, for that matter, "iCEBReaker".) Means a lot of unrelated junk shows up in the AE search when you type it in.
Quote:You can buy specific recipes of whatever level you like with reward, Astral, or alignment merits, but the cheaper random rolls only happen at your character's current level.Hey,
I am as likely to level-lock a character as I am to suddenly start speaking Sumerian. Are there many/any feasible options for a L50 to generate such recipes?
Apparently the CEBR method will get a character to level 30 very rapidly, so it's not as if level locking it will represent that much of a sacrifice. I can't wait for the weekend so I have the time to try it out. -
CEBR = Claws/Electric BRute? Or Claws/Electric Brute R???
How's this better than fire farming? -
Quote:I've tried to marketeer, and though I pick up a few million Inf here and there, I never can seem to hit the big money. Maybe I don't have the patience for it. It seems like all the people who can marketeer have pushed the prices on everything so high I can't afford it. Just buying five Luck of the Gambler Defense IOs could clean me out, and leave me nothing for the rest of the sets. :/The easiest answer is to marketeer and earn enough inf to buy what ever you want when ever you want.
And that doesn't help with all the recipes that have 0 for sale. -
Quote:Did you check? Was it there? Does anybody else have it?I use Speed on Demand on all my toons. I believe I have the original install file - but as I'm at work , will need to check when I get home.
I know all the binds I normally use were originally set up with it. When I tried fiddling with CityBinder, the binds didn't end up working properly. :/ I'd really like to get ahold of SoD. It's all I need. -
I'm trying to slot out some characters with L30 IOs (my preferred slotting for keeping exemplar effectiveness while still being reasonably effective in themselves) and finding it hard going in some cases. Many of the ones I want don't show up very often on the market, or when they do they're priced too high for me to be able to afford them all with the Inf I have. My alternatives are buying them with Astral, Reward, or Alignment merits, all of which seems to take a lot of work (especially given the quantity of recipes I end up needing). Is there some easier way of doing this?
I know some people do a lot of Architect farming and keep their characters locked at level 30 and do a lot of random rolls on the AE reward tables to get level 30 recipes they can craft for use or sale. If I were to make such a character, what would the best character class and power sets for such a character be? -
Is there anywhere I can get the original Gnarly's Speed On Demand program? I'm starting to think CityBinder is a little overkill for me.
In this thread - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=234669 - someone posted some update files to add newer powers to CityBinder, but they're not there anymore.
Can anyone tell me where I might find them?
Also, can someone tell me where to find the option for keeping weapons drawn when the character moves? I know there used to be a way to choose not to have the weapon stashed on moves. I'd like to avoid having to keep redrawing it; even if the animation is the same length it just looks messy.