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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lorax View Post
    What about favorite drink recipes? It feels a bit off topic. Ok on your thread, or should I make my own?
    It says our favourite snacks... beer is sometimes called a barley sandwich! I say yes!

    To that end:

    1 Alexander Keith's IPA. Ice cold of course.
    Twist off cap, enjoy.

    2 shots rum, 5 ice cubes, tall water glass. Add. Top with Coke. Enjoy. Repeat. Repete. Reteap. Repeash.
  2. Riverdancer

    VIP Server?

    I have some toons over there. While I prefer to have my own SG for crafting and storing purposes, I can put a toon in your SG to help you gain prestige
  3. lag is making the game unplayable. Protector is super slow too. Moving is ok, but the powers and mobs are lagged.
  4. I would go INSANE if my screen were that filled with buff powers. Crazy, I tell you! I turn off the auto powers, and have the rest stack. Goodness, I'd go nuts! Just nuts!

    Congrats on the good time!
  5. Riverdancer

    VIP Server?

    I am going to transfer a few toons over to play. While Protector is my main server, I don't mind playing on another server at all. It's the friends, not the server name that makes a home. If all of my friends and I logged into a different server by accident I'd never know the difference!

    I'll help if I can.
  6. I saved up on my 2 high toons and kept Maria Jenkins' arc until the weekend.

    I got my ff/bubble defender from 48-50, and my plant/kin from 46-49.

    Thanks to everyone who came on the runs with me! It was a blast and we chewed through stuff like it was butter! (except for that mish... you know what mish, Ny!)
  7. That was awesome - I managed to find myself and Thirsty spamming confuses! Good times!
  8. Riverdancer

    Plant Superteam

    Originally Posted by wtwall01 View Post
    The good Doctor put up a valiant fight, but with two Plant/Rads painting him with debuffs, and two dominators (Plant/Fire and Plant/Elec) pelting him with attacks, Vahz didn't stand a chance.
    It was a plant/rad and a plant/storm, silly!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tigers_Rule View Post
    You KNOW this happened because River had the weekend off, right?
    I have a 4 day weekend. Meh, the games still going ot be here, but it does irk me that they don't test these things to oh... I dunno, make sure they work before they post that they're doing it.
  10. I had actually managed to get a 4 day weekend that fell on the original 2xp weekend. When I found out that it was on my extra long weekend, I was really excited. Now I am... less than happy. I didn't go out of my way to change my schedule around, but I know a lot of people did.

    It's great that you found a bug, and wonderful that you're going to fix it, but don't you think that maybe you should test these things before you announce them so stuff like this doesn't happen?

    You've upset (and from the posts I'd say inconvenienced) a lot of people with this, and it could have been avoided with testing it before you announced it.
  11. Here's what is going to happen:

    Statesman is going to go a little crazy old-school villain. He's going to tie a woman up and leave her on the train tracks... except it's Azuria on a rock in the Magi complex. Why? Because he's secretly in love with her, and found out that she's hiding a secret love triangle with a Rikti Monkey and a Nemesis sniper. Heartbroken, Statesman will attempt to lightning rod Azuria only to have his power bounced back at him through a magical protective spell cast upon her by a Circle of Thorns Death Mage. Statesman kill be killed instantly by his own overpowered power.
  12. I hope he gets killed by a huge mob with the initials E.D.
  13. Ahh, it just got better! I just found out I have a FOUR day weekend! YAY!
  14. Avatea wrote here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...17#post3744217

    Join us in game for a super weekend of Double-XP goodness starting July 28 at 9:00 a.m. PDT (12:00 p.m. EDT / 5:00 p.m. BST / 18:00 CEST) until July 31 at 11:59 p.m. PDT (2:59 a.m. EDT / 7:59 a.m. BST / 8:59 CEST)!

    This is your chance to level up those heroes or villains you couldn't find time for! Unless you're in serious need of Inf or Prestige for a bit of super shopping in game, in which case you'll be happy to learn that you'll also get double the Inf and double the Prestige over the Double XP Weekend!

    So start planning, start thinking up that dream build or get those characters back into the game! The Double XP Weekend is going to be upon us on July 28th!
    This is awesome, because I have a 3 day weekend starting that Friday! Finally, I'm off got 2xp! Woot!

    So, anyone cooking up any fiendish plans for 2xp weekend? Maybe a lowbie TF run through the ranks? Or a clear-all ITF?

    Does anyone know if this also counts towards XP for your unlockable Incarnate stuff? Edit: Just read from a redname - no, incarnate XP doesn't count. Poop.

    (I saw Rasta posted in the MotD on Jello Shooters, but thought I'd post the post here in case someone missed it, or isn't on JS)
  15. I love my Protector friends, but I've taken to playing on other servers lately because there's simply more people there.

    And I readily admit while I might not be a min/maxer, I appreciate the sentiment. Some people want to get in, get it done, get out. That's fun for them, and they pay their 15 the same way I do. When I have limited time to play, that's what I like. Plus, I like the challenge of beating a time.

    But my friends are the best. It doesn't matter what they're playing because they're so good that they could play an unslotted mind/forcefield troller and STILL rock the house on it.
  16. Riverdancer

    Plant Superteam

    I am levelling up a plant/rad to meet you hero side
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    I prefer to use tornado as a DOT against hard targets like Bosses/EBs/AVs. They tend to have inherent knockback protection.

    If you use tornado on teams against minions and knock everything around, you will probably get 1-starred by a lot of people.

    Yes, I am aware of the knockback one-star club. I thought I had read somewhere that the -kb of roots was useful against tornado which is why I asked. I wouldn't use tornado against mobs when on a team unless we were about to get wiped.
  18. I just hit 35 on my plant/storm.

    I have roots slotted with 2 recharge, 1 acc, and 1 damage and 2 IO double-duty damage/end enhancements. I just got tornado, and I thought that since roots is up every 4 seconds for me and the -knockback/knockup lasts for 12 seconds that I could safely put tornado on an immob group and watch the damage hilarity ensue. Even applying roots every time it's up, tornado is still tossing mobs around like mad.

    Was I wrong about roots/tornado as a good combo or is there something I need to do to make this work?

    Thank in advance for any help!
  19. I was out for a walk this morning when I saw this...

    and before you ask, no jello is not on the menu!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldritch_Knight View Post
    As it is Canada Day, I want to do something special.

    Pick one of your toons, make a Canadian Themed Costume and..... what?

    Hami raid?
    Incarnate Trials?
    TF Marathon?

    I am open to suggestions, after all, we still have much of the day ahead of us.

    At this point, I'm leaning towards doing some Incarnate Trials, but a Hami raid would be nice, especially with the new AoE buffs...

    I always have a toon with a Canadian costume!

    I call it: Only in Canada, you say? Pity!

    I want to make one for Nova Scotia's flag, but I could only do it on a male toon...
  21. Riverdancer

    Lambda doodle

  22. So, if I am reading this correctly...

    A free player can use local and team, but not broadcast or any other channel.

    That right there means I don't really NEED to change my server to avoid the masses of lunatics and little kids that this will undoubtedly bring in. I just remove local from my chat tab and voila! A quiet server!

    While I may transfer one or two of my toons that are duplicated to the premium server just because, I see no reason to not keep making Protector my home.

    One question though, what is priority queuing? Are they expecting that much of an influx of people that we have to queue up a-la WoW to get in?
  23. Have they said what the VIP price is going to be? Hopefully the same as it is now.

    Also, I would love some info on the Time set. What is it? Defender, Scrapper? What!!!!?!

    Edit: Oh YAY! It's a defender set! Woot!
    *starts plotting a new character*
  24. I've been experimenting myself - got an electric/storm troller and a plant/storm troller. I read some good things about the damage output from a plant/storm so I am curious to see how it performs.

    Anyone run either of those combos before?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eldritch_Knight View Post

    I'm already using Basilisk's Gaze, with 2 Damage IOs. (Going to swap to the Dam/Mez Hami)

    Slotting Conductive Aura for healing is not something I've considered. I've been filling it with Efficacy Adaptor thus far.
    I slotted the Conducive Aura for heals only because if you're going to be going in close, you might need that extra healing boost to keep you up.

    You could swap the knockback set for a damage set easily enough, but I like the knockdown effect more

    If you're looking for more control than damage on the holds, I'd go for basilisk w the mag 2 proc - you can potentially get more stuff locked down faster.

    Glad you like it, and you're welcome - I wasnt sure if you wanted to take leadership or not, but I thought the extra defense boost for the Gremlins would be good, since I find they're quite squishy.