Plant Superteam




Hello fellow Freedom goers,

I am an admitted plant addict, and have formed an all plant heroside superteam alongside a number of other fellow plant addicts. All new players are welcome.

Some details.

Me: I've ran a few superteams in the past---one very old one modeled off a bunch of twin sets of Mind/* controllers. I've played on a few as well, and generally enjoy them. I'm a "vet"---been playing the game since it started. My global is @wtwall01, and my alt for this is Pelagea. If you decide you want to join, feel free to post here. Please post your own global so I can add you in game and we can connect to get your alt into the SG.

Powersets: The vast majority of us are Plant controllers or dominators. That said, we keep things open for the melee addicts out there. Spines/anything scrappers are welcome, and really any melee alt that could come up with a lawnmower/weed wacker type would work too.

Powers and Playstyle: The only mandatory powers, power pool wise, would be the leadership pool (Manuevers and Tactics, at the least). For the plant ATs, all of us will take Seeds of Confusion, Carrion Creepers, and Roots. Roots will keep the baddies away from us and deal a great deal of damage (especially for the controllers). Carrion Creepers does new justice to the word "buzzsaw." Seeds helps with mitigation. All dom/cont secondaries are welcome.

Server: Freedom

Playtime: We try to play regularly on Saturday afternoons, starting at 2 PM Eastern-ish. We have already progressed out of Praetoria. Impropmtu play is permitted, of course. Again, all are welcome to join us, you just have to make it to heroside.



Contact info? Id love to join, but see no way to find you beyond loggin into praetoria and screaming.



My bad, Weables. I'll be on my alt for this group, Pelagea. You can also get me on my global, @wtwall01. Glad to have you...and see you this Saturday.



I really don't care to remake a new plant, I love my plant/storm druid concept from the moment I made him and never looked back. Can I exemp down to play with you guys?

I'm @War-Druid



Absolutely Sun, exemps are always welcome. Happy to have you.



Originally Posted by Weables1 View Post
Contact info? Id love to join, but see no way to find you beyond loggin into praetoria and screaming.
Weables, can you toss up your global? I'm going to add it, along with War and the others, for the upcoming festivities.




Shocking, I know.



I'm slowly working up a Plant/Kin on Freedom, let me know when you get out of Praetoria? Photokinthesis is currently 26, but I have problem exemping down either. Be awesome to see a full team of Speed Boosted Plant/. Tentacles EVERYWHERE (post 26 of course) Viridicane is a 46 Plant/Storm also on Freedom, if we needed a bit more challenge, and Aggroactive is an 18/19 Plant/Rad that I could certainly get to 20 so he'd be ready when the group gets to Paragon. :-)


@Argentae amazingly enough.



Originally Posted by Argentae View Post
I'm slowly working up a Plant/Kin on Freedom, let me know when you get out of Praetoria? Photokinthesis is currently 26, but I have problem exemping down either. Be awesome to see a full team of Speed Boosted Plant/. Tentacles EVERYWHERE (post 26 of course) Viridicane is a 46 Plant/Storm also on Freedom, if we needed a bit more challenge, and Aggroactive is an 18/19 Plant/Rad that I could certainly get to 20 so he'd be ready when the group gets to Paragon. :-)


@Argentae amazingly enough.
Welcome aboard, Arg! You're welcome to hop one of those alts over to Praetoria this Saturday to join us for our inaugural run. The more planters we can get, the faster we'll get out of Praetoria. And if that won't work, we'll look forward to playing with you once we're out.



This sounds like fun--count me in. I've already played a Plant/Thorns and Plant/TA, so I think this time I'll try either a /Sonic, /Cold, or /Rad.

Anyway, I'll see you guys on Saturday at 2:00. Do you want to meet at the trainer in Nova?

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
This sounds like fun--count me in. I've already played a Plant/Thorns and Plant/TA, so I think this time I'll try either a /Sonic, /Cold, or /Rad.

Anyway, I'll see you guys on Saturday at 2:00. Do you want to meet at the trainer in Nova?
Welcome aboard, GGG! We'll see you at the trainer at 2 Eastern on Saturday. If you don't mind, toss me your global name. I'm keeping a roster together, and I'm going to add them sometime in the next few days. I don't want to miss anyone.

PS: All of those sound great. A friend ran a Plant/Rad and loved it, for what it's worth.



Think I'm looking at a plant/cold myself. I love cold.



Global is @KillDozer

I'm playing around with Mids, focusing on /Cold and /Sonic. I like the IDEA of Sonic, but the END issues look a little tough to deal with. I'll keep working at it, though.

/Rad is awesome. My Fire/Rad was my fastest to 50. I wanted to try out a couple of secondaries I've never played before, but we'll see.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Sounds like fun, I rolled a plant/earth dom but also playing with the idea of a plant troller. Either way i'll be ready saturday. Global @ARCTICKILL



Originally Posted by CruJones View Post
Sounds like fun, I rolled a plant/earth dom but also playing with the idea of a plant troller. Either way i'll be ready saturday. Global @ARCTICKILL
Welcome aboard, Cru! A dom or a troller is welcome...whatever you end up with will work fine. I'll be adding your global tonight. See you Saturday.



I love my Plants (Plant/Kin, Plant/Thorns and Plant/Fire) and this gives me a great excuse to roll a Plant/Storm.

My global is @Heisup

Will you be posting (weekly) the general team level? That way, anyone who misses a Saturday session can get caught up during the week.

Will be interesting to see how the resulting 50s will handle some TFs... I imagine some could be run extremely fast with the perma confused mobs and AVs. I've played on a variety of superteams before and one approach we took was to run all missions at +3-4 and do all regular TFs along the way so we'd arrive at 50 quickly with the TF commander badge.



Originally Posted by Dreadman View Post
I love my Plants (Plant/Kin, Plant/Thorns and Plant/Fire) and this gives me a great excuse to roll a Plant/Storm.

My global is @Heisup

Will you be posting (weekly) the general team level? That way, anyone who misses a Saturday session can get caught up during the week.

Will be interesting to see how the resulting 50s will handle some TFs... I imagine some could be run extremely fast with the perma confused mobs and AVs. I've played on a variety of superteams before and one approach we took was to run all missions at +3-4 and do all regular TFs along the way so we'd arrive at 50 quickly with the TF commander badge.
Welcome aboard, Dread. I'm planning on posting an update to at least one of the three threads---probably the busiest--every week, just to keep people abreast of what's going on. And yes, once we get Seeds, I'll start gingerly upping the difficulty. I know by the time we hit 20 and make it blue side, we'll most definitely be doing +2/+3 if not higher.

As for the TF plan, I am indeed onboard. Once we hit blue side, I'm hoping everyone is okay with us doing TFs here and there. They're a fun way of speeding us along.



Loyalist, Resistance.. or does it matter?



Originally Posted by Dreadman View Post
Loyalist, Resistance.. or does it matter?
Doesn't matter. Go with whichever you want. We'll be going blue side once we hit 20, and you can pick either L or R and still choose blue at 20.



It doesn't really matter. A friend and I started a duo, and didn't discuss it beforehand so he picked loyalist and I picked resistance. The only issue we had is when he went to talk to his contact in the loyalist base I could not enter, but I could do all the loyalist missions with him no problem.

I picked resistance for my plant/fire, just because it fit my concept of a planty freedom fighter. Viva la Revolucion!



<--- Tapio, Had a great time teaming all, the plant ST is already a ton of fun!! I look forward to teaming up again soon, global @ARCTICKILL



We had a fantastic first run, all! Fellow gardeners, you did a great job, and even at low levels our power synthesis was shining. We've already blasted through Nova Praetoria and are on to Imperial City, and I anticipate next week we will make it to Level 20 so we can get out of Praetoria and on to bigger, better, and bolder things on the blue side.

For everyone that played but had to leave a tad early, please feel free to get your alts to Level 13. If you can, go on ahead and take Maneuvers as you go, just to keep our defense up, too. If you don't have time to get up to 13, no worries.

Hope to see all of you next Saturday at 2 PM Eastern.



Jungle Rott here; we really blew through those enemies today, primarily from just Strangler, Roots, and Seeds (with a few Spirit Trees at the end). I can't wait to see how fast we go once our secondaries start to get slotted and used!

That was a lot of fun, and a couple of hours felt about right for the low-level stuff. Looking forward to next week!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



was a lot of fun folks. Frost Harvest here. Sorry I had to bail early, I had some mild digestive issues. I'll be there next week, and level 13 and ready



Imus here (which btw is Latin for Strangle, I believe).. I had a great time. Was very interesting to note the leap in synergies and effectiveness after some slotted DOs and we all started to get the pivotal powers. Can't wait till we all have Carrion Creepers. I'm 1/2 tempted to roll another Plant/Kin or exempt my existing to see what SB does the group steamrolling. The Sonic and Cold shields were very useful.
Looking forward to next 'carpeting' session.