Plant Superteam




Stumbled across this thread and took an interest because I am a Plant control addict. I have no intention of joining because I'm busy levelling other toons, but I know that you guys are gonna wreck everything in your path come lvl26.

Good luck to you lot.



Looking forward to tomorrow's garden club meeting in Praetoria.

I've got my Plant/Sonic at 17 and a Plant/Rad at 16. I also have a level 11 Plant/Cold, but it looked like we already had /Cold covered pretty well last week.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



I am levelling up a plant/rad to meet you hero side



Another fun session of Plant domination in Praetoria!

I got Jungle Rott (Plant/Sonic) up to level 19 (I want to finish my Mother Mayhem storyarc to see how it turns out) and Fetid Compost (Plant/Rad) up to level 20.

See everyone next week in Talos Island!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Things are progressing swimmingly for our cadre of gardeners. The vast majority of us hit Level 20 this week, and we are now turning our sights to heroside. If you missed this week, please go on ahead and work to get your alts up to Level 20. Head over to heroside/Talos Island at your earliest opportunity.

As all of you travel to heroside, keep an eye out for a tell for me. I've created us a Supergroup--Garden State--and will be inviting you as I spot you online. I'm also editing the original post for this, just to flag our milestone travel over to Talos and the creation of our SG.

Happy gardening!



I'm rolling a Plant/Cold Controller named Snow.Pea

I'll get her up to 20 hopefully by Saturday, and I'll try and meet up with you guys

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



I'm a little late to the party. I'm working on a Plant/Rad on freedom. Hope to be running with yall soon. @Heavy Epsilon.



I've been on most evenings around 8pm eastern lately, so if anybody wants some help or just wants a mission buddy feel free to hit up El Arbusto. I don't mind exemping down or going back over to Praetoria or whatever. I might even have SG invite privileges, not sure.

I typically run a couple hero tips and then get bored and wander off to do something else. I just like teaming.



This sounds like fun! I'll roll an /emp or maybe a /kin. My global's @Tahliah, but as I'm late to the thread, what level is everyone now?



We're a little spread out, but I think mostly in the mid teens to low 20s. The plan was to try to hit 20 and go to the hero side for this week. So if I were creating a controller at this point I'd probably just make them a hero. That way you can go either way depending on where we are. I imagine we might end up heading back over to praetoria to help some people finish getting to 20, but it's easy enough to hop through pocket d to praetoria if you're blueside.



Thanks, Loupy, I wish I'd seen this thread earlier, it sounds like I'd drag down the super plant team by being so far behind. It sounds awesome, though, and I will look for updates to read about the team's amazing feats.



Two quick questions; First, is there another event in the works? And second, Is there anyone who I can contact to join the Garden State SG?



Wow, welcome all newcomers! I'll respond to each of you (and might overlap a bit with the esteemed Loupy; just want to make sure I cover everyone).

Bas: Up to 20 isn't mandatory or anything, especially if you run a controller and start heroside. As long as you are on that side, you can join us at any level. If you don't mind, put up your global name here and I'll add you. That way you can join us sporadically when a chunk of us happen to be on.

Sacred: I'll add your global next time I'm on---more than likely this Friday---and we'll get your alt added to the SG. I'm the guy you more than likely want to talk to for the invite, and I'll be sure to get you set up. If I'm late and Loupy already invited you (he might have invite privileges; not 100 percent sure), just disregard that. As for events, I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean gatherings where we try to get as many on as possible, we have a general set time of 2 PM Eastern on Saturdays. Other than that, we just play sporadically when people can get others to switch to their planters. If you mean events like task forces and the like, I'm tentatively planning on putting our team through at least Posi part 1 this Saturday.

Tahl: I'd say most of us are in the 19-24 zone, with more on the upper end of that range. If you run a controller and go blue side, which I'd recommend, level won't matter; you can join us at any level outside of some limitations for TFs. Either a kin or an emp would be welcome.

Whew, that was a bunch of responses. If I missed any questions, please let me know. Again, welcome to the Garden State.



I checked the permissions and I should be able to toss invites. I threw out a couple global friend requests but I think I might have missed people for the night.



You answered everything fantastically. I was referring specifically getting as many planters on and setting up super-teams. My global is @Heavy Epsilon. I currently have a Plant/Rad at about 7th level on freedom. I won't be on this Saturday. Other plans are in the works. However, I am on for at least a couple of hours every day.



We had another great week, fellow gardeners. Our SG, Garden State, is growing fast. This week, we took down the Midnighter arc (in anticipation of that ITF someday) and then undertook Positron Part I. Even exemped down to 15, and without our shiny new SO slotting, we sailed to the last mission, saved the trapped heroes, and fought our way through waves and waves of Circle of Thorns. After breaching City Hall, we spotted our duplicates guarding Azaria's kidnapper. With a desperate cry of "Vines!", all of our duplicates were seized simultaneously...and then quickly dispatched. Azaria's kidnappers soon followed.

We'll be playing again next week--2:00 PM Eastern, Saturday July 23. Most of us are somewhere between Levels 24-26. Again, so long as you're blue side, you can join at any level. And we'll be playing sporadically in the interim, per usual.



Just an FYI, fellow gardeners: I won't be in attendance this Saturday due to work matters. Nearly everyone that's been playing semi-regularly/regularly with us is now in the SG, so it shouldn't be difficult to get an invite on Saturday without me there. If you aren't, though, @Loupy (El Arbusto) will be running things in my absence, so direct a note to him and you should be okay. Happy Hunting!

PS: Our ranks continue to swell, and one of our greenthumbs is working on a base for our group. More to come on that later.



I may not be able to make it today either. We have family coming into town this evening and I thought we'd have the house ready by now. My bad, I should know better! I think my wife will revolt if I tell her I'm going to stop cleaning to play CoH for a few hours.

Anyway, I'll do my best to make it, but if I'm not around, just randomly invite each other and let the plantiness fly!



Alrighty, planters, I've got two quick things to mention. First. I downloaded that new launcher and now I can't play the game on my laptop. Everything I've tried to fix the problems isn't working. This will end up limiting my playtime.

Two. Is there any way to move this thread to the Freedom Server page or the Player Events page. This thread seems to have a better fit on one of those pages.

The Base is coming along beautifully. I'm currently working on the workshop. We still need the teleporter beacons



Fantastic work on the base, Sacred. And there's an identical thread to this one on the Freedom server page. I tend to update that one and this thread, just to keep people from both apprised of what's going on.

To that end, I'm going to run a Posi Part II tonight, probably starting at around 6-7 PM Eastern. All those who would like to join are welcome. You must be Level 11 to join.



This sounds like fun! I'll bring Jungle Rott to the party -- she's lvl 28 now.

EDIT: Then again, I guess not.

Major thunderstorms in the area kept me off-line this evening. Every lightning strike = 1 mapserver.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Originally Posted by wtwall01 View Post
Fantastic work on the base, Sacred.
Thanks. Would you believe I'm learning as I go?

And there's an identical thread to this one on the Freedom server page. I tend to update that one and this thread, just to keep people from both apprised of what's going on.
Cool. I'll look into it.

To that end, I'm going to run a Posi Part II tonight, probably starting at around 6-7 PM Eastern. All those who would like to join are welcome. You must be Level 11 to join.

I'm sorry I had to drop out of this. The super teams have been a blast.



No worries, Sacred...things like that come up. We'll be seeing you next time.

Our horticultarists valiantly accepted the challenge of saving Paragon's dam. With just FOUR of us (our Spines scrapper had a nasty disconnect right before we faced off against Dr. Vahzilok, and Sacred had an emergency draw her away), we took down Dr. Vahzilok and his cronies. The good Doctor put up a valiant fight, but with two Plant/Rads painting him with debuffs, and two dominators (Plant/Fire and Plant/Elec) pelting him with attacks, Vahz didn't stand a chance. He vollied a few threatening shots at us, but our three spirit trees quickly replenished our strength.

As for next time, I'm going to lead a Synapse TF this coming Wednesday. We'll gather at 7:30 PM Eastern or so. Level 15 minimum required to join. As usual, all are welcome. If you indicate that you'll be joining here, I'll save you a spot until 8 PM Eastern or so; otherwise first come first serve!



Originally Posted by wtwall01 View Post
The good Doctor put up a valiant fight, but with two Plant/Rads painting him with debuffs, and two dominators (Plant/Fire and Plant/Elec) pelting him with attacks, Vahz didn't stand a chance.
It was a plant/rad and a plant/storm, silly!



This week, we had a full team of horticultarists hop on for our Saturday run (four doms and four controllers). We decided to run Synapse. After tearing apart many, many clockwork, we faced off against Babbage, who immediately ran away from our flourishing garden. He didn't make it far, and--after a chase--he was dispatched. We then took on the Clockwork King, and he fell far more quickly. We're not sure, but we think we may have punched through the purple triangles, as he spent the entire fight held. (We took a screenshot with Synapse after, but my file didn't come out. If anyone else has a good shot, please post it.)

Most of us are inching into the 30s. Our next run will be Saturday, August 6, at 2:00 PM Eastern. We're eager to take on Sister Psyche, as that TF will not exemp us below creeper use. The record number of Creepers we've seen together have been five, and it's quite pretty, if not deadly.

As always, newcomers are welcome, they just have to be blueside on Freedom.