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  1. Riverdancer

    Moar Roar!

    I know it's been said that Beast Mastery is not performing up to the level it should be on the boards, but I gotta say:

    I don't care! I am having *fun* with this toon!

    I'll be running a little BM toon later this evening if anyone wants to join in with their BM toon- prob from 7EST - 9EST or so depending on when supper's done and I can log in.
  2. I got my dark/dark troller from around 26 ( I can't remember what I started at) to 43 through lots of AE and TFs. Got a great predominantly dark/dark troller ITF in with that toon, as well as a Numina. Got a Posi part 1 in on my elec/fire tank and got her up in levels too. Also, got a red-side WST in on my dominator so she's now 33. Woot.
  3. Blarg. I work every Saturday. <sad panda>
  4. Riverdancer

    2XP plans?!

    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    Task forces till I pass out.

    Make sure you take some excellent notes!
  5. Riverdancer

    2XP plans?!

    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    This evening though I'm probably going to be TF'ing my brains out.
    This will be me on Sunday.
  6. Riverdancer

    2XP plans?!

    Originally Posted by Major_T View Post
    My guess would be Citadel: you have many of your good powers available and it's against Council... what more could you ask for?

    The ITF would be next on my list: a slightly higher level range but you're fighting against an enemy group that likes to be in to melee.
    Sadly I work tonight til 9 my time, and am back in Saturday morning at 9am. Darn work for getting in the way of 2XP weekend! They should know better.
  7. Riverdancer

    2XP plans?!

    So, what are people's plans for 2XP weekend?

    Any particular toons you're going to be working on or rolling?

    I would like to get some work done on my spines/wp scrapper that's been sitting at 42 forever, but will probably focus more on my dark/dark troller, and a new tank I rolled this morning.

    Btw, what's the best TF bang for the buck - the most XP task force when you factor in mobs and XP? I'm curious.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trickshooter View Post
    Well... a buffing Defender. A Defender with a debuff or control heavy powerset will be subject to the level difference percentages I posted earlier.

    And also any AV debuff resistance, which is around 85-87% level in the Incarnate Trial range. And that's to slows, -recharge, -Acc/ToHit, EndDrain, -Defense, -Recovery, -Regen, and -Perception.

    And then if the AVs have any Damage Resistance, it will resist any Damage debuffs or Resistance debuffs of the same damage types.

    Yay unfairness!
    Shhhhh Tricky, you'll start a 'h34lz0r' is better revolution!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Major_T View Post
    She's been verbed!
    I actually lol'd at that comment!
  10. I have a question for Major T regarding this.

    Which of these is the bigger 'bad thing' in your eyes:

    1) Someone bringing their main character who hasn't been incarnated at all and is a flat 50 (but has alpha unlocked)
    2) Someone who has several incarnated 50+ characters but brings a flat 50 instead to work on that toon

    A flat 50 on a BAF or Lamda doesn't bother me too much as they can pretty much be done in a few minutes unless there's too many flat 50s Everyone was a flat 50 once... and BAF and Lamda are prety quick but it's when you venture into the other trials with flat 50s that it gets dicey.

    What I don't understand is why someone who has a level shifted character would bring a flat 50 toon to the trials when they could get them to 50+1 first. I collected threads on one of my other 50+ then did the Oro thing. I got my tank to 50+1 without setting foot in a trial with her.You can swap and move threads around through Oroboros, so you can play on your 50+ and STILL get work done on your other toons. Do Lamdas and BAFs and you collect threads pretty quick. Swap them over to shards, get them mailed to your account and redeem them on your toon you want to incarnate to +1. Shazaaam!

    I totally agree that there should be an incarnate level requirement for certain trials.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    I got an escort mission today and it took 15 minutes longer than it needed to.

    Why? The escort was walking. Not sprinting. Not doing "stop-and-go". Walking.

    Makes me want to find the person who checked the AI and beat them about the had and shoulders with a cattle prod.
    I don't want to post spoilers, but that rescue at sea mission made me want to do pretty much the same.

    I think I know what escort mission you're talking about (repeatable?) and if you speed up they usually follow faster unless you've got stealth on.

    All in all though, for this week the DA arc is working for me, as it allows me to still work on gathering incarnate stuff for my tank (albeit slowly) while everyone is at work.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ura Hero View Post
    The devs seem to think that everyone has an abundance of play time.
    I am noticing that the DA arc's missions are HUGE. I mean the maps are ginormous! I have mine set to 1x1 and it takes me longer than I like to get them done. I did 2 missions today that took me all of my play time for the morning and I was expecting to get more done. I totally get what you're saying - it can take a long time!
  13. I'd just like to point out that the reason it's super easy to do those itrials like BAF and Lambda today is that a LOT of people are bringing +2 and +3s, etc so they can get threads to deck out their other toons. Of course a trial is going to seem easy if there's a whack of +3 incarnates on a trial with you.

    I can totally get the irritation that T feels. I get it when I have to constantly rez the same person, or spend time and powers on that person because they keep dying because they're not incarnated up.

    That being said, everyone HAS to start somewhere, but the Dev's cleverly put the Oro thread trade off mail extravanganza in there so you'd only have to do it on one toon, then you can still do the trial on a shifted toon AND get loot for your other toons too. I don't mind if I have to help carry one of your toons to incarnated greatness, but what gets irritating is being expected to carry them all.
  14. Let me tell you a story about my experiences and ideas.

    I got my Empath slotted up to the top level shift through lots of trials. At one point she was a flat 50 with the unlocked slot but no work done on it. As it was said earlier - a support toon is a little more able to contribute to the team than say a flat 50 blaster. I was able to heal, fort, RAx2 and when needed rez people, because those powers didn't need a level shift. I mashed a lot of buttons. Once River was done, I was able to work on another 2 toons, my rad/dark and my dark/dark defender, as even though they weren't fully slotted up, they still brought some debuff (although not massive) to the party. I collected threads on my rad/dark as she was the one I brought to the party most often.

    I wanted to work on my tank so I could help more, and provide more characters I could change out, but I did not want to bring a (for all intents and purposes) useless toon and have them carry me. With I22, I was able to start working on decking my tank out without worrying about it. I admit, it was slow going when I started. REALLY slow. Then Major T told me the way to do it through Oro - get the threads changed over, then they get mailed to yourself, pick them on the toon you want, and you can get to tier 3 on your alpha without even DOING a trial.

    I agree that you have to start somewhere, and everyone was flat level 50 once. I don't mind if you bring a flat 50 to the party (ideally a support toon because they're always useful), but not ALL the time for ALL your characters. Pick one, get them levelled up, then start hoarding the threads on that toon so you can get another toon to tier 3 Alpha.

    It goes *really* fast once you do that. If I decide to take my scrapper through the incarnate trials, that's how I will do it (once that darn tank is completed!).

    I'm going to bring up another point, and this is just my opinion, but don't bring a theme toon where you've picked the powers based on a concept. Don't bring a deliberately gimped character. Don't bring a stone tank with no tier 9 power. Don't bring an empath with no AB. Don't bring a controller with no pets (unless it's a Mind troller). Some of the trials are hard(ish) and require the best of you and your team to complete, and that means your best build as well. Again, that's my opinion. I'd rather a flat 50 be on the team that knows how to use their powers, than someone playing a concept toon that skipped important powers.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Major_T View Post
    Unfortunately, due to the differences between trials and task forces, there is no reliable way to track time and number of deaths.

    Oh booo-urns!
  16. There you go, Kult. A Double D trial contest.

    Perhaps a Double D trial contest for the least amount of deaths? Or fastest time? Or a combo of both?

    I wouldn't put it out there as a no level shift trial though; I'm not entirely sure it can be beaten on flat 50s yet!
  17. Riverdancer

    Staying Alive

    Originally Posted by Thunderspark View Post
    I'm an Electric / Empathy Defender and one of the trickiest aspects of play so far is merely being able to live long enough to do my job properly.
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    It's usually down to timing.

    You're a controller, you're mean't to control mobs, you should be able to use AoEs, you should be able to attack, mobs should be either controlled by you or someone in the team should have their attention.

    The single biggest common mistake is where Controllers are using AoEs on spread mobs. Tankers, Brutes and Scrappers have taunt auras that are in the region of 8 to 10ft radius usually not the 30ft radius needed to have any effect on all the aoe immobilised mobs. All those mobs know is some controller has hit them, that's all they know. The controller is number one on their threat table and that's who they will be out to kill. You need to be number two+ all of the time, able to use any power and still be number two+.

    You can fort other players, between 3 and 6 depending on slotting and incarnates and they can afford to get aggro before you mitigate the damage being dealt on them.

    AoEs and Conductive Aura. Lets say you are allowing for aggro control, AoEs may be used on the Tanker, Brute or Scrapper purely because there is another target near them. That could be an Electric Controller looking to drain and gain endurance. No point doing that where the damage is high enough to even so much as stack with any single target attacks coming your way and kill you.
    This advice would be great for the OP if she was actually a controller.

    Since she said shes a defender, I would suggest that everyone else on the thread has given great advice on how to avoid aggro. Stealth helps a lot. If you're not willing to give up a pool power slot for stealth, you could always just get a stealth run speed IO and slot it into sprint. That would give you stealthiness and avoid using a pool power. The plusside to using the pool power is that you can slot some defense IOs into it for extra defense help.

    My favourite use of the nuke on my defenders is to nuke, pop a blue and powersink; but only use it once the brute/tank has gotten a good handle on the aggro!

    Good luck and happy arresting!
  18. Riverdancer

    Issue 22

    Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    This thread made me consider making a tanker... I've wanted an X/Inv even since back to the last time I returned and saw the 'no FX' option, but never got around to it and with the whole 'generation' if you will of controllers and MM's running up to 50 I think this is the time to do one.
    With all the new toons running around, I'm sure some teams will need a tanker!
  19. Dark/Dark for me.

    Looking at the powers, I think it's going to be very busy and a lot of fun!
  20. Riverdancer

    Issue 22

    Originally Posted by VKhaun View Post
    Trying to narrow myself to just a few characters until I get caught up with all the end game stuff. My spider, my blaster, and lastly I've wanted a Kinetics character for some time but couldn't pick a pair for it. It's a busy set with lots of powers I like and I always like to include leadership. With everything being targetted I would definitely take even tactics.

    I could easily ignore my other set on any AT so I was looking for pets/toggles. Dark Control happens to have two neat pet powers, it's AE hold is ranged, and I can take a standard and useful lv1 power (the single hold).

    Going to start a Dark/Kin troller and see how it goes.
    Dark/kin would be good for meshing the 2 powersets together. And the good thing about kin is that it doesn't take a lot of enhancements to make itself useful.
  21. Riverdancer

    Issue 22

    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    I think the Beast Master will be my first. Not sure about the secondary - dark is easy... I dunno.

    And definitely a dark troller.
    How could it be anything BUT Beast Mastery for you?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Malk_ View Post
    It is, and it has a spiffy new graphic for that set.
    Oooh shiny!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Malk_ View Post
    Fade replaced Fearsome Stare, because that power was ported over to Darkness Control. Petrifying Gaze was replaced with Soul Absorption.
    So Fearsome stare is still available, but not as the secondary but as part of the primary? That's cool.
  24. Riverdancer

    Issue 22

    So what's the first toon everyone's going to roll with the new patch?

    I am very excited about the dark/dark troller. It sounds really cool, and I can't wait to try it out, though once I get a handle on the powers, I may change toons to try out different primary/secondaries with it to see what meshes best with my playstyle.

    I made a rough levelling plan w the dark/dark, so we'll see if I like it. If not, I can always do mind/dark. THAT would be really cool! I can already see that meshing quite well.

    So, what's your alt poison for the new issue?