2XP plans?!
Btw, what's the best TF bang for the buck - the most XP task force when you factor in mobs and XP? I'm curious.
The ITF would be next on my list: a slightly higher level range but you're fighting against an enemy group that likes to be in to melee.
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
My guess would be Citadel: you have many of your good powers available and it's against Council... what more could you ask for?
The ITF would be next on my list: a slightly higher level range but you're fighting against an enemy group that likes to be in to melee. |

I might want to work on my Scrapper as well. I suppose I should get one to at least to level 40 sometime.
Yup I would say biggest bang for the buck is the ITF. Though not sure how Synapse rates. I know there are a few defeat all missions in that TF. And if the group has time and doesn't 'ghost' the missions you could end up fairly well.
Was going to Aim Veat madness saturday @4.00 PM at all lowbie villains.
Starting with a DFB untill we could do a DIB, then Moving to a Tarikos.
1. it's against Clockwork and very few melee types resist energy damage well.
2. Clockwork are resistant to most damage types, but are susceptible to psionics which most toons won't be using.
3. At the lower levels the players won't have access to all of their attacks (AoEs especially), many armors won't be available to melee types, and enhancements and slots will be on the low end of the spectrum. Also buff and debuff powers either won't be as effective or won't be available at all.
The end result is that the battles will last longer and hurt more. This net effect lowers the efficiency of the XP gain.
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
Have to solo whilst I'm at work. Not fair to get on a TF then have to AFK for 30-45 minutes in the middle.
This evening though I'm probably going to be TF'ing my brains out.
Okay! Okay! I'm going to be TF'ing the solid bone between my ears out!
There! HAPPY!?!?!?
So far, I've gotten my dark troller from 20 this morning to 32 when I logged off. I wanted that pet!
So, what are people's plans for 2XP weekend?
Any particular toons you're going to be working on or rolling?
I would like to get some work done on my spines/wp scrapper that's been sitting at 42 forever, but will probably focus more on my dark/dark troller, and a new tank I rolled this morning.
Btw, what's the best TF bang for the buck - the most XP task force when you factor in mobs and XP? I'm curious.