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  1. Is it still too early on in the running of this trial to have an 'established' strategy for it yet? Is there a preferred way of running it that seems to work better than others? An AT set (or power) that tends to be a little more useful than another?

    This is awesome information by the way, Trickshooter. Thanks for stepping up and taking time out of your day to compile and compose all this! Mad props, sir.
  2. Riverdancer


    Dr Who Meets Heavy Metal

    This guy is amazing. There's also the Trollolo song, Lord of the Rings, Braveheart, and this one...

    Hey I just saw this, and I think it's crazy... so here's the linky, so watch it maybe.
  3. Riverdancer

    Did ya miss me?

    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    How's tricks? Is Badge around at all? Anyone? (I ask that because of the 'filming has started' message in the one global, which... well, that was a long time ago indeed.)
    Welcome back Zek! It's good to see you here again!

    I'm sorry to hear about all the bad things that have happened - life blows chunks our way sometimes. But, lemons, lemonade etc etc blah blah blah, right? It's good to have you back no matter how long you're here for

    Badge hasn't been on in quite some time. I am not sure what happened to him, and it kind of worries me. (As a side note: If anyone knows if he's ok, could you at least let us know, and pass on our 'BADGE!!!!!!!' message to him, please?)

    Anyhow, welcome back!!!!
  4. Riverdancer

    I23 Front Screen

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    She's also on the forum banner, has a new TF in I23, and stars in part one of SSA2 - Penny is everywehre
    Thanks, Captain Obvious.
  5. Riverdancer

    I23 Front Screen

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Yin is eternal - she can't be escaped that easily
    Wrong. She's gone off my login screen.

    Now if only there was a way to do that to players...
  6. Riverdancer

    I23 Front Screen

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    THANK you. I'd even rather have a blank screen with the login fields than the Yin screen.
  7. Riverdancer

    I23 Front Screen

    Wow, that's a really horrible splash screen. I mean, really bad. The costume is bad, the drawing is bad... everything about that screen is bad.

    Please tell me there's a way to change it so that I can pick my own. I'd prefer the shot of Statesman's groin to this new one.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    Oh! And that thrice damned crafting table! THAT should be account wide as well.
    Being able to access the Auction house using /ah while IN YOUR BASE.
  9. I would also really, really, REALLY like a way to block out the annoying [Admin] blah blah blah, blahdy I don't give a crap blah spam that happens during events.

    Or at least a way to make it NOT appear on every freakin channel.
  10. Am I the only one who would LOVE to see the AH be account based for sold items? I hate having to log in all the chars and see if anyone has something sold on the AH. Ergh.

    Also, I'd love to have a command that would allow me to see what zones are having an event on whatever server I am on. That way, I don't idle in a zone with an event (already died because of the Nemesis one!). Maybe /zoneevent ?

    Anything else nitpicking in your mind?
  11. Riverdancer

    iXP Underground

    We actually succeeded. We had several +3's helping out with their clarions, but I *think* the majority were 50s, or 50+1. I got Judgement and Interface unlocked on one of my toons, and got up to 14% open on Destiny.

    We died a LOT, but it was a good amount of fun too; at least I had a lot of fun, but that could have been the Tartan Ale talking. Good group of people, and overall we listened to the instructions. I suspect that had a lot to do with getting through it as well.

    Anyone have the actual count of what was on the trial in the way of 50/50+1, etc?
  12. Riverdancer

    iXP Underground

    I suspect this will be a great success and will be more than a one-time event. As such, I really don't have a problem bringing a +3 to this event to help with heals/debuff, because I know that someone else will swap out the next time and bring a +3 so I can bring a 50.

    Now... to get the WST so I can unlock +1 alpha on my plant/kin.
  13. Riverdancer

    Dear Protector.

    Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
    I usually have a decent memory, and in light of your recent post in Have Fun Here, I gotta say...

    What are you talking about? I don't remember you doing anything that would cause a huge amount of fallout.
    It was from a thread in 2010.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    However, to answer your question, if you have 50+3s running trials, it's extremely easy to get that first level shift. Run the Ramiel arc**, and/or buy an Alpha unlock with your 50+3. 40 astrals (not hard to accumulate if you're running your 50+3) converted in the mail to 40 shards, plus one WST gets a tier 3 alpha.

    Just like that, you're not a flat 50 anymore.

    **people, most definitely including myself, are always willing to help run that arc if you need help on a less survivable toon.
    Which reminds me, I need the WST and my dark controller will be +1.
  15. Working together is great. I've seen trials that have been superawesomefantastic because of the good levels of teamwork. Everyone is helping everyone else, there's synergy, and there's cohesion. Those teams are awesome.

    When there are too many non-level shifted toons on a trial, I (and other buffers) end up having to take single target buffs, most specifically AB and fort away from level shifted toons and put them on the flat 50s to help them can stay up. There are times when the main tank(s) has faceplanted because I wasn't able to heal him fast enough because my power hadn't recharged from keeping the flat 50 up.

    It's not fair to the rest of the team to potentially let the tank go down and possibly cause a team wipe because a non level shifted toon is taking the bulk of my attention and buffs.

    Think of it as a giant tug of war. Sure, that 98 lb weakling on the team is helping, but everyone else on the team is getting more rope burn on their hands than necessary because they have to pull harder to make up for the lack of strength. A better scenario would be the 98 lb weakling realizesthis, and allows his 200 lb weight lifting cousin to substitute in on the team. The war goes more smoothly and there's less rope burn.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
    I've brought non-shifted characters to the TPN and never had the issues you're describing.
    That could have been because other players noticed you weren't level shifted and made sure you were buffed/healed constantly too.
  17. I use it as a set mule for a cheap set of purples. I hardly ever use it though.
  18. Riverdancer


    Originally Posted by Charnage View Post
    Lack of Aggro Cap: I used to love seeing a single tank haul over half a map of wolves. That was a herd. And if you were lucky, you got to see the entire street of skulls and hellions running at you in Perez. That..was epic. Now..16. really. Meh!
    I used to love the herding for the sake of herding. I remember SWA herded the Drek map once to see 'how many freaks is too many freaks.' His status protection got broken through at 200, and he faceplanted. Good times!

    Monster Island Come On Down: I used to love seeing the huge herd of Monsters get dragged over by the Rad toggles used by the toon that was actually under the PI map. Now they have ways to keep the Monsters out. I miss that. If they took the war walls down..it would be fun to drag them to the AE building in Atlas Park...
    Or dragging the monkeys to Portal Court...
  19. Riverdancer


    Saw this on another forum and thought it'd be something cool to have here; a thread to post the names of players we miss in game.

    I'll start.

    I miss:
    Thirsty (who became my best friend irl)
    SWA (the Dutchy and all-around bad-a tank)
    Badge (never saw anyone die so much or have so much fun doing it! Monster Mashup!)
    Ish (the purple menace and Hami Cuddler)
    Ice9 (he likes to pee in your cereal!)

    Who are you missing, Protector?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    got the shirt for my birthday

    now I'm tempted to wear it to work with sweatpants and see who notices
    Make sure they're grey.

    And, don't forget to touch all the cheese. ALL. THE. CHEESE.
  21. I'm at home, so I can't really check numbers, but isn't the resistance in shadow fall for negative, energy and psi and maybe fear, but the defense is to all? That might give you some extra slots to move around in the build.
  22. Riverdancer

    Moar Roar!

    I've heard lots of good things about Time as a set in general be it as a secondary or a primary. I have a time toon but it's not that high. I may have to work on one and see how it goes.
  23. Riverdancer

    Moar Roar!

    Dark. You can do anything with dark!

    I also have a /time as well - which ever one I like more will stay on Protector and the other will get transferred to another server.