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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    I'm wondering what "time to defeat" number the developers try to balance each enemy rank around, per enemy?

    Is it something like 10 seconds per minion, 15 seconds per lieutenant and 20 seconds per boss and additive for groups of them or what?
    I've never given it much thought before, but those numbers seem a little high to me, especially the 10 seconds per minions. I'm pretty sure it doesn't take most players an average of 10 seconds to defeat a typical minion unless they're using a very low damage character. 20 seconds per boss I think is closer to the mark.
  2. Red_Raccoon

    Freebie Friday

    My very first thought when I saw that they were giving something away for FREE was "oh, Paragon Studios, won't you ever learn?"
  3. In particular, I often find them on the roofs of the buildings next to the university campus (on the West side, three 2-3 story buildings I think)
  4. Because caltrops is also a slow, I've never found the scatter effect to be much of a problem. The enemies take so long to actually run out of the area of effect, they're usually dead before they can escape. Slotting slows makes it even better.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RogerWilco View Post
    We tried that, my blaster friend has stealth, but they just ended up following me, even if I sprinted away from them for a while. It's the trick I usually use, but couldn't get it to work here.
    Yeah, it's a lot easier to lose NPCs when you're trying to keep them following you.

    Let's admit it. Sometimes they just deserve to die.
  6. Red_Raccoon

    Event Fail

    Originally Posted by Dark_Tower View Post
    The fake Nemesis’s do count for the unveiler badge though, which make getting the FP accolade that much easier to get at an earlier level without the help of a high level friend
    Yes, but because those are "fake" fake Nemesises, the unveiler badge you get for defeating them is also fake. It just happens to be indistinguishable from a real one.
  7. Sometimes you can ditch the hostage--easy to do if you have stealth, but running away works too, especially if you can break line of sight quickly. Once they lose sight of you, hostages should stay put until you come back, giving you time to clear the map.

    Of course, if there's a patrol, or an ambush that happens to come past the hostage, then it may not work out so well.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Some items the devs have actually said would never happen are

    Total respecs out of Power sets and AT's
    Open world PvP
    Allowing players to send offline SG invites to characters on the same account
    I don't remember if this was something they said would absolutely "never happen," but I remember at one time the Devs were against the idea of merging the markets. A red name said they had run some projections on what would happen and didn't like the results. And then Going Rogue was introduced and suddenly the markets were merged and everything seemed fine. I still have no idea exactly what it was they were worried about.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    Second part is a problem with the game's code. You can see this by trying to talk to a hero player while you chose Loyalist. The game code treats the Loyalist alignment as "villain" or "rogue"(which is essentially villain for the game code as well).

    The developers just arbitrarily assigned Loyalists as villains, no matter how good they are or what they do in the story, probably because Emperor Cole is meant to be "the big bad villain" and they're "technically, on his side".
    Ah, I didn't realize this was a coding issue. That's too bad, it seems like the Devs went to a lot of effort with the four factions to keep Praetoria from being completely black and white, and then the coding and its implied bias undermines that.

    I bet Golden Girl is gloating over that one.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
    Isn't Resistance a Heroic alignment? Isn't Loyalist a Villainous alignment? I don't see how being from Primal Earth or Praetorian Earth even enters into it.
    Well, first of all, Longbow and Aranchnos are native to Primal Earth, so their vehicles would be out of place in a Praetorian setting, hence the need for an alternate version in Praetoria.

    Secondly, I don't know that I agree with your equating of Resistance with Heroes and Loyalists with Villains--each faction seems to have its own heroic and villainous subfaction. Would you really considers crusaders "heroic?"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Just an FYI if you or anyone else was not aware of this dev response. When last asked a few months ago during a UStream (Posi I believe) stated that IF they were ever to add a feature that allowed sending offline SG invites they would deliberately code it so you couldn't send invites to your own characters.

    They are dead set against adding anything that makes managing solo SG's easier.
    Did they say why?

    Okay, I get that they didn't design supergroups and bases with the idea in mind that they would be utilized by a single player. Therefore,I understand if the Devs wouldn't go out of their way to make it easier to manage a solo SG. But to go to the effort of adding code that insures solo groups can't benefit from a new QOL feature? I don't understand that.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrainBrillo View Post
    Might they be sympathetic to the inconvenience of having to run them once for every member of the team? Ouro was already there, and the task force mechanics aren't too onerous (anything but Dream Doctor's can be completed in under an hour), but if you and a friend are both on and want to do a DA arc you will be *penalized* for teaming, in that only one of you gets credit with Gabriel.
    That aspect of it kinda stinks. I actually find it hard to believe that they intended it to work that way, and think it may have been an unanticipated consequence of how it was set up. If so, we can hope it will be changed at some point (possibly even by making it repeatable sans Ouroboros like some want, but I suspect it would still use the taskforce mechanics like the signature story arcs).

    I know many see DA as "solo" incarnate content, but I don't think the Devs ever really want to discourage teaming.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    The ozone is great for what it is, but repeatable end game content needs to be easily repeatable, or it gets old even faster!
    I get the impression that the Devs consider empyrean merits to be pretty substantial rewards. I don't think they want it to ever be "easy" to get them, so they are probably not going to be sympathetic to complaints about the inconvenience of using Ouroboros to earn empyrean's repeatedly. Adding this reward to the DA arcs was an afterthought to begin with, which only came after players complained that the rewards were too meager. I have a feeling they think they've done enough to appease players on this issue.

    And as soon as you finish the arcs once it becomes the ONLY way.
    That is true of pretty much any arc you run--that's what Ouroborss is there for. The major exception I can think of is the signature story arcs, which are repeatable without Ouroboros and also come with a pretty nice timed reward. However, even the SSAs have the same limitations that you're concerned about--you are locked into the arc task-force style until you complete or drop it.

    Yes, I would prefer if none of this content (SSA, DA, or any Ouroboros missions) worked this way, but at least they're consistent. I think we're just going to have the accept that repeating missions--for whatever reason and whatever rewards--comes at the price of having to put up with the nuissance of being "locked into" an arc. This isn't something new, just something that some players didn't deal with a lot until it became a way to repeatedly earn empyrean merits solo.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    Taskmaster Gabriel is important because as I said above in this post (And a few other times...) he is the only NPC in the game that says "Repeat these missions". If you are going to be asked to repeat missions then they should use the standard repeatable mechanics.
    This is simply not accurate. At no point does he ever tell you to repeat missions. He never uses the word "repeat" whatsoever.

    You CAN repeat the missions to get the reward multiple times. Should you choose to do so, you will need to use Ouroboros. But the rewards offered by Taskmaster Gabriel are not exclusive to repeat runs--they are awarded the first time you run the arcs, normally, without Ouroboros. I'm not sure if you understand that or not yet.

    Here is what he actually says:
    To prove your strength, you must face the obstacles that this cursed city has created for you. They will hone your abilities and make you stronger than ever. I shall know when you have completed them, whether it be in your present time, or through the use of time travel. Shall we begin?
    And then it says:
    Complete all of the Dark Astoria arcs and speak with Taskmaster Gabriel again. You may complete them normally, or through Ouroboros.
    . Again, notice that while he tells you that you can use Ouroboros to claim the rewards, you are not neither required nor requested to do so. It is only ONE way to get the reward, not the ONLY way.
  15. Heh, it's just like Zwillinger to respond in a thread after someone has already pointed out that this isn't the correct section to get a redname's attention.

    Nice to see a redname that actually paying attention to and answering questions in the player questions section (even if it takes some getting used to!)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
    Impressive combat pose. And even in that position, her rear is pointing backwards the way it does on people with normal anatomy, instead of twisted around to display the boobs-and-butt effect beloved of bad comic artists.
    I believe Zombie posted this picture to demonstrate how it is possible to twist one's torso in relation to the lower body, rather than an example of the "boobs-and-butt" effect. Note that we are not looking at the woman in Zombie's picture from the same angle that we see Penny in the new login screen. In Zombie's picture, the woman's chest is pointed directly at the camera and her rear is pointed to the right side of the picture (notice her feet are planted perpendicular to the camera--it would take a truly great feat of flexibility if her rear were pointed directly away from us) . If you rotated her so that we are looking at her chest from an angle (as we see Penny) you would be able to see both her chest and her rear at the same time--just not a frontal view of either.

    Even with my not-terribly-flexible body, I can stand in front of the mirror and twist like Penny to see an angled view of both my chest and my rear at the same time. I think my anatomy is fairly normal.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by joshdex View Post
    You seem to be leaving out the possibility that there's still good stories being made, but not enough people are finding, playing and rating them. Even with advertising, there's only so much you can do if people aren't playing. And good arcs, sadly, aren't always properly advertised. Mine could probably use a little advertising.
    Well, as far as Dev Choice arcs go, which is what I was talking about, the problem is that the Devs aren't finding the good arcs. How did they find them before? Did they rely on player ratings?

    Regardless, I'm sure the Devs must have the same problem eveyone else does locating the good story arcs amid the mountain of farms, broken arcs, and just plain badly written stories. But not one Dev has come across a single story arc worthy of being nominated a Dev Choice in over a year and a half? I think it more likely they've just scrapped the whole Dev Choice idea altogether.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
    The real problem I have with running the DA arcs through Ouroboros is that it discourages teaming. For people who like to team, it's very rare that everyone you play with logs in at the same time and is ready to start a mission in Ouro.
    What you say makes sense, and yet taskforces work the same way. You HAVE to team to run a taskforce. But somehow, people manage to organize teams for taskforces all the time.

    At least in Ouroboros you CAN solo if you can't or don't want to find a team.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    As it is they really need to make the missions repeatable (Or move that guy to the ozone if they must) otherwise it makes no sense.
    The missions are repeatable. All missions are repeatable. You just have to go to Ourobors to do it. A bit of an inconvenience? Sure. But it's nice to have the option. I don't understand the logic of not wanting the option, especially when you can just ignore any option you don't like.

    And I don't understand why the missions would need to be repeatable at all for Taskmaster Gabriel to make sense, as you do not have to repeat anything to get the rewards. You can run the missions once, through normal contracts, and get the reward. They just didn't restrict the reward to first run only.

    Frankly, I don't know why Ouroboros uses the task force mechanics. I'm sure there's a reason, but I don't know what it is. Sure, I'd prefer Ouroboros didn't work that way. But if that's a problem, it's a problem with Ouroboros, not Taskmaster Gabriel. Ouroboros isn't suddenly "broken" because you can now use it to get incarnate merits. For some of us, the benefits of using Ouroboros have long outweighed the restrictions, and now that is even more true. But if you don't agree, feel free to take a pass.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    It doesn't matter when they added him, because either do something properly or not at all. Don't half *** a job.
    The mechanic that you are complaining about has been a part of Ouroboros and task forces alike since they were introducted. The Devs obviously don't think there's anything improper or half*** about it. Since I don't often hear players who run task forces complaining about it, I'm guessing most of the player base doesn't either.

    I don't care about repeating any missions, but if they are going to stick a contact in to say "repeat this mission" then the mission should be repeatable properly (And having high level repeatable arcs is a good idea as seen in lots of other games). No other place in the game does someone give you a mission that asks you to run a completely seperate flashback.
    He doesn't ask you to repeat any missions. He offers you a reward for completing missions. If you've already run the missions normally but want the reward again (or missed it because you ran them before he came along) you have the additional option of using Ouroboros to repeat the missions and still get the reward. I think that was pretty nice of the Devs to add that. But maybe they should remove the option of repeating the mission for multiple rewards--would that make you happy?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kurrent View Post
    When you get to Romulus, now, it's going to be a fight; I've not yet succeeded in pulling any of his personal mob away without bringing them all, but by the time you reach that point, you know you can beat him.
    When I was fighting Romulus and his gang, I had them down to Keres, one nearly dead cyclopse, and Romulus himself when I had to bail because my Unstoppable was about to crash. I ran until they stopped chasing me and after I rested and returned, only Keres had gone back up to the top of the bridge (I assume because she could fly). Romulus was waiting down at the base of the bridge and the wounded cyclopse was stuck on a ledge or something halfway up to the bridge. At that point it was fairly easy to finish them off. So that's one way to divide and conquer them.
  22. I was able to solo this arc with my level 50 tanker. She only had her tier 1 alpha slot at the time. After 3 years I am not a novice, but I still consider myself a casual player. So it defintely can be done solo, and not just by hardcore players with advanced incarnate characters.

    Yes, it is TOUGH. I died once. I'm sure it helped that I was playing a very survivable AT. None of the NCP allies made it to the last fight with Romulus, but most of them made it pretty far. The NPCs benefited from the fact thaqt I could draw most of the aggro, and in truth most of them were lost the one time I died.

    Like any tough fight, I relied heavilly on large inspirations to get me through, especially the last fight where i was alone. I stocked up on more when I died and had to come back. That's all I can suggest you do to get through it (plus all the other usual suggestions, such as Shivans and Nukes, which I didn't use but would have also been very helpful).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    Wait, there are actually supposed to be ambushes associated with those? I've never seen one any time I've had a patrol mission
    No, I never knew there were supposed to be ambushes on those patrol missions either. I've run a fair number of them but never been ambushed. I used to attack whatever spawn was nearest each patrol marker just to feel like I was doing something useful....and so that the whole thing didn't feel like a 0 xp waste of time.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
    I don't even know if they're still giving out Devs Choice awards.
    Yesterday I visited the AE for the first time in months and decided to look for a good story arc. I checked out the Devs Choice arcs first because I figured that was the best way to avoid stumbling into a farm by accident. I was surprised that I recognized and remembered running almost every arc on the fist page. Scrolling through them all, I could not find an arc dated past 2010--and most were from 2009.

    So yeah, either the Devs have largely forgotten about AE, or nobody's creating good AE content anymore. Or both.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
    This thread is beginning to put Andy Kaufman to shame. I can't tell who is being fully serious versus wry satire in several of the posts above.
    Okay, it's not just me then.