328 -
It was good stuff. I had my doubts about this season but each episode just makes me feel like a fool for ever doubting Futurama. Really hope Comedy Central renews the show if The cast and crew want to.
I'm surprised Afro-Samurai made it. The power of SLJ commands you!
Pushing Daisies
Better of Ted
The Unusuals
Dead Like Me
The Tick
HitchHiker's Guide
Freaks and Geeks -
1. Trigun
2. Invader Zim (voting against my own pick but I can not deny the goodness that is Zim)
3. Neon Genisis Evangelion
4. Freakazoid
5. Baccano!
6. Inhumanoids
7. The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot
8. The Spectacular Spiderman. -
I hope you meant Red Heavy!
And then there will be the voice of someone screaming at you everytime you lose.
Taunting would be pretty cool. I think having the "you can only fight this guy" would be a good idea but should be limited.
If not maybe it can also be done by acting as a tohit debuff against everyone besides the taunter? You can still attack but the taunter is being a distraction to you making you less focused. -
The set looks pretty sweet. For a name might I suggest Indomitability?
And for Adrenline maybe tireless, indefatigable, or unwearying? Or (the one I like the most) relentlessness. -
Quote:No but I wouldn't be calling them valiant heroes who did the right thing either.Except that in principle, it wasn't a bad idea. Were there some legitimate concerns that needed to be addressed? Yes. But the idea itself wasn't a bad idea. And even if it WAS a truly bad idea, would you have prefer they just told their fanbase "[censored] it, quit your crying, and deal with it"? Or would you have prefered they listen, like they did?
If you had asked someone to not touch something and then they decided "screw you I'm going to pick it up and run around with it." You probably wouldn't be happy. If they put it back after you and everyone else yelled at them it wouldn't be forgiven because the original disrespect is still there.
To put it simply bad feelings don't go away simply because someone decided to take their hand out of the cookie jar after being caught. -
It was more of analogy. My point being that this being a catch 22 is like there being an honest con man. They are getting flak both ways because it was a bad choice to begin with.
Kowtowing to pressure, a good person does not make. Especially if you were in the wrong from the getgo. -
Quote:Only if you put yourself in the situation.Sooo... If they go through with this, then they are a horrible company for not listening to their playerbase and instituting a change that nobody likes.
If they don't, then they are a horrible company for "caving to their playerbase".
Damned if you do, damned if you dont.
Like if you rob a bank you are still the bad guy if you return the money after the cops surround your house and the news crews come out. Especially if your original intention was to keep the money. -
Quote:Because in weapon sets all the other ones would be swords an axe would be.... well an axe? Why don't claws have the -def too then? Or Maces? I'm sure there are maces with pointy sides out there. Or Arrows for that matter?I didn't say change. I said add. Not even to all the attacks, just one.
*shrug* Not that big of a deal. I don't even have an axe user. I just started to wonder why Axe was the only blade weapon set to lack it after I was discussing the Axe set with a friend who has one. -
I had a similar problem. I was doing a trial run last weekend and when playing i couldn't see my character in the creator(or in game for my brief amounts of time) and when I booted up the game it was horribly laggy on the recommended settings. Last night when I logged in everything was perfectly fine and it was running just like it did in the good ole days.
It is by my calender.... but then again my calender also has funday as a federal holiday.....
Quote:I would assume so.
Are all grapes colored? -
*feels his small heart grow three sizes*
Thanks y'all..... though the thanks is a little late.....
*cuts rotting cake and passes it out to everyone* -
I'm horribly disappointed that this thread has no been nuked into oblivion and all of its inhabitants banned for all eternity.......
Thats all I got! Play me off Johnny!
*walks in*
*stands on a podium*
Excuse me. Everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9-11. Thank you for your time and good night.
*walks away* -
Quote:Sorry my perception checked.
Sneak form: Engage!