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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by magicj View Post
    It's been settled long ago. Healers won. It's not even close. That's why you have groups like Green Machine and too many all-rad super groups to even count.
    rads =/= healers.

    Once you have more than 2 def buffers anything else is overkill (so far), so a full team of FFers is 6 too many, so bringing in other buffs/debuffs is a better option to round out the team.
  2. PumBumbler

    Apex SF sucks!

    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    "What's that, you were actually sent to a nursery in Paragon, not to Praetoria? I have no idea how that happened. Shoot. Let's try again."
    That would explain the lack of children in Paragon City.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Also, I'm not sure what's happening to make your bots misbehave, but when I played mine, they'd very rarely run into melee at all, and most of the time it would be just one errant drone. It's probably my fault for missing it, though, since if a few bots ran into melee, I'd usually run in with the whole group and keep them together.

    That's not to say I don't want henchman AI to be fixed, though I don't know how that would be done. But that IS to say that the pet AI changes un-broke melee henchmen from almost complete suck.
    Mine run in lots too, the drones being most common but Assbot sometimes decides he wants to club someone as well instead of staying put. Prot bots like to run in to die as well.

    Highly annoying on the Tin Mage TF because the War Walker AVs have such a huge stomp radius that the bots get constantly flattened because they are running in to have a peek.
  4. PumBumbler


    Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
    There have been run in's like this on the fan art boards too. Old threads brought to life for new discussion as new art or facts are revealed and the threads get locked. If a new post is irrelevent to the threads content then sure lock it up. If not let it live. People are always complaining about others not doing searches on topics but bringing up an old thread about a topic for new ideas and debate is liable to get it locked. Furthermore, we've, on one occasion, been told we are not allowed to discuss the forum rules. To see this thread has gone on for more than one page is a bit of a surprise to me. So, in before the lock.
    Well reasoned and thought out posts are not welcome in the face of dogma.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    No. Not unless Villains can get them.
    Is that such a big issue when Villains haven't been able to get them at all for the last 18 issues? It's not like they would be any better than Hamis, in fact the bonuses are less.

    Also they'd probably wind up on the BM anyhow so Villains can get them through the merged market.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    Hamidon Enhancements would still be stronger because Hamidon Enhancements provide larger bonuses anyway.
    Yes. Not asking to have the bonuses changed.
  7. PumBumbler

    Apex SF sucks!

    Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
    What we need is Westin Phipps (co-op) Strike force where everybody gets to team up and go to Praetoria to kick their puppies, paint crude pictures on their clockwork and grab anything not nailed down (with a "crowbar" temp power for the items that are nailed down). All to support the war effort of course.
    I would totally go for a Westin Phipps SF where heroes got to tag along and automatically got shifted to Vigilante by the time they got to the last mish. Just because the horror of what everyone had done finally becomes apparent then. Um...sorry about those Hero Merits you had stored up.

    That, or it devolves in to a PvP battle in the middle of the last TF. >.>
  8. Can they be changed from Single Origin Enhancement type to Invention Origin at least so they don't get out leveled? The level can remain the same but I don't know anyone who's ever bothered with them.

    Hamis will still be stronger in any event because of the level difference.

    Just a thought.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    Therefore, back to the original topic... is there any good reason to skip the small bubbles? Is there anyone (outside of Larker, who's said his piece), who it's this is really a viable power selection strategy to skip the individual shields?

    I guess anyone who has Vengeance should be a healer as well since it does have a green buff component.
  10. PumBumbler

    Apex SF sucks!

    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    I20 will bring us the re-revamped Positron Task Force. Your objective: clean up Blyde Square. It will of course involve many defeat alls to acquire cleaning supplies, and will culminate in a final epic mission where you go get Positron another cup of coffee.
    I reported you for breaking NDA.

    Can you fail the TF by bringing back black coffee?
  11. PumBumbler

    Apex SF sucks!

    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    When a villain goes to Paragon City, they are attacking Paragon City.

    Except in the Apex TF.
    Technically there's nothing left to attack in the zone since it is trashed during the Apex TF. Might as well fight the invaders I 'spose, although evil should have more options to reflect that they might prefer to join the Praetorian side instead of just fighting them.

    What I don't get is why the non-TF zones (live zones) aren't trashed to reflect the Apex/Tin Mage TFs.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    You ever see what a team of 8 forcefielders does? In complete safety no less?
    Yes. They are all in PFF standing around looking at each other blankly because they didn't take any shields.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McNum View Post
    Wow, and I thought my 120% record was good. You using Power Boost or similar? Of course, if it's just me doing the Defense Buff thing, I hit an even 48% buff now.
    I cheat. No Power Boost, just zone stacking. I think I've done higher but I can't remember what it was...usually I can't get everyone to that level since they tend to run in the door without regard to getting the 3rd stack or higher. I can usually get one teammate to 5-7 stacked bubbles though.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Oh, you went there.
    Quoth the man with the 'safe signature'...
  15. +1. I also want a rooting/self immob power on the pets when you tell them to move to a spot, instead of taking off down a hall to brawl some random mob, the pets will actually stay where you put them.
  16. I just wanted to say that this is my favorite thread since the Blue Centurion one here.

    Bubbling works well even for def capped allies since it mitigates the risk of cascading defense failure in certain situations, and you can pretty much ignore healing or resurrecting your pesky allies until the next round of buffage.

    For most teams bubbling may be unnecessary but once they are uber bubbled you can twist and contort them into doing your bidding...like this:

    The only situation I can think where an emp is better than a bubbler is during a hami raid.
  17. This thread should be proactively locked until the thread about being booted out spontaneously gets 3 week necro'd and locked.
  18. PumBumbler


    ...wonders if Mermoine is a Fallen Gunner or Damned.

    I miss the PDP.
  19. Also the lowbee base is now split between Praetoria and Rogue Isles/Paragon City.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cai_ View Post
    Happy V-day from Cai to you <3

  21. Hmmm...I don't know what to tell you.

    I could direct you to use the advanced search and put in Ice/storm in the search field. You'd also narrow it down by titles instead of the entire post, and only the controller section.

    The only problem you'll have is that it won't be of any use for you to post in those threads because someone will insta mod you by locking a thread because anything over some 3-4 week limit is somehow necroposting.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kalashnikow View Post
    wrong way to start a fight. fearsome stare + soul tentacles is better. its a simply fake AoE hold every 15-20 sec.
    I like to toggle them around a corner to a patch or position them close to a wall so the kb from the big bot is more effective once the incendiaries go off.

    fearsome stare just locks them in one spot as an opener and sometimes they aren't clumped up enough, or if you are trying to herd them up.
  23. Depends. Is there a +4 AV in it? On my mildly tweaked bots dark I can do about +2, depends on the AV. +4 on mobs would be slow but probably ok, but I'd wait for HT to recharge first.