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  1. Revised to this. Should be a bit higher dps with a bit better end management.

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  2. I currently have 3 slots unplaced. Can't really decide what to do with them, which is a new problem for me. If my math is right it should do a JB, Clobber, Shatter chain as it stands. A bit off perma hasten, but I don't think that is a huge deal. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.

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  3. Prime313

    Street Justice!

    I would go with Dark, Electric, Energy, Fiery, Invuln, Regen, Super Reflexes or willpower. SD is fine too, but I'd prefer to make that on a scrapper.

    Stone is a travesty of game design.

    The point I am trying to make is all armors are good. Some are cheaper to get to a good performance level than others, so more information is required to make a good recommendation.

    Your budget, your play-style, how active or passive you like sets, etc.
  4. There are a lot of things wrong with this build.

    If you're looking for tanking, you may be better off rolling a tank so you can spare more slots for your attacks. As it is right now you are kind of missing the brute part of being a brute.

    You can probably spare some slots in endurance recovery for the sake of making your attacks more hard hitting.

    5 slotting rage for a 5% recharge bonus is kind of weird when you don't have hasten and don't have your attacks slotted well for recharge anyway.

    Hand clap is a poor choice, even for the AA set. You seem to be after tank stats, so why not save the money on AA and Armageddon to get the Glad 3%? There are far cheaper sets that still offer nice bonuses. In addition, the force feedback proc in foot stomp offers a significant increase in AOE dps. I highly recommend it.

    I'm not that big of a fan of 3 slotting combat jumping on a brute. It just doesn't offer enough defense to justify the slot when you have far better places for it.

    Fast healing slotting is kind of bizarre. I would 3-4 slot this with numina heal, heal/rec and heal/end.

    Even with the glad IO, you aren't at S/L soft cap.

    Consider finding a lot of slots. (I see 2 in fast healing, one in stam, one in superior conditioning, 1-2 in physical perfection depending on how long you expect fights to be, 2 in rage, 1 in combat jumping, and possible one in quick recovery again depending on how long you expect fights to be [if you do drop the 4th perf shifter, you are better off using the pef proc and 2 end mod IO's (or the end mod perf shifter if you want the 5% speed bonus)]) These slots should be used to 6 slot taunt with mocking beratement. There are nice set bonuses in there for you. The rest should be used to beef up your attacks.

    There's probably more to fix, but this should at least get you started on the right track.

    Post the data chunk next time and you will probably get more help.
  5. I'll post a couple of my SS/FA builds to maybe give you some ideas.

    This is my live build at the moment.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    This is a barrier/cardiac reliant build I am thinking about if we ever get those extra 3 slots they talked about (I'm a little too much in love with damage to do this one right now). This one will soft cap E/N with 1 purple while maintaining S/L, but only with barrier. The plus side is, with cardiac and barrier running it sits at 66.1% S/L resist and 46.5% E/N resist, which is quite a large survivability gain. (I built this after failing on nictused rommy on +4x8, but I think I could do it with my first build with proper tactics... just haven't had time to try again).

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    Yes, both builds are extremely expensive. The purple sets are an easy place to save some cash, though.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post

    I am sorry to say it, but everything you have read is wrong.

    Fiery aura is best on a tank. This has been true since launch, and is more true now than ever.

    Brute fiery aura has gotten a lot (ridiculous, overblown, silly amount) of attention lately, due to the way AE could be exploited for brutes.

    Now that AE has been (rightly) fixed to bring that more into parity, all the SS/fire brutes are slowly realizing that fiery armor is DAMN SQUISHY with scrapper-level numbers.

    Roll a fire tank.

    Old-School, yo!

    This post is incorrect.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draeth Darkstar View Post
    Something to think about I guess, though I'm going to have to work on my inf generation if I'm gonna be able to consider it.

    How much can you rely on Healing Flames for survival? Is stacking recharge with a moderate amount of defense viable?

    I soloed ITF on x8 with lucks to fill the gap with 32.5% defense. It was respectable.

    My new build with the 45% s/l is 50% faster, though. I solo MOed that on x8 with FA so I'd say the survivability is good enough, but I am likely dropping the large groups far faster on a SS/FA. I can't say exactly how it would translate into a StJ/FA.

    Healing flames is probably the best self heal in the game. 10-11 second cooldown for 850 hp is very nice.

    I should note as the posted above me said, FA is already somewhat of an end hog, and StJ I hear also is rough on the blue bar. Consume is nice, but you're either going to have to slot for end reduction in your attacks or rely on ageless (I chose this method).
  8. To do this on FA, without making large sacrifices [actually it may be the only way, but I haven't tried all possible methods], you will need a Glad's 3%. I highly recommend it.

    I know it can break the bank, but I have my SS/FA at 45% S/L and ~31% E/N and it performs very nicely. If you aren't willing to pay for the Glad's, I would personally stick with 32.5%, gain some e/n and recharge with the lost S/L and get used to carrying lucks.
  9. Prime313

    Build help?

    Okay here is my take on the build without doing a more thorough rework.

    Some things to note. Lotg 7.5's were over the rule of 5 cap. The defense from Phalanx Fighting is not enhanceable.

    I would really try to work in Grant Cover as it provides you a substantial amount of defense debuff resistance [this power is fine as one slot]. I put membranes into Active Defense since that boosts the amount of defense debuff is gives as opposed to just pure recharge. You would benefit from another slot here.

    You are still going to have some endurance issues. If you are willing to spend the money, I would consider enzymes in weave and maneuvers. This might also free up some slotting since the defense bonus is higher from enzymes. I don't like the slotting I got for taunt, but I felt like the slots could be used better other places since Mocking is typed defense primarily.

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  10. Prime313

    Build help?

    Originally Posted by BasketballJosh1289 View Post
    Bluntness is definitley necessary when telling me something.
    I still see KC being better because it requires six slots for Touch of death to get the same def as 4 KC. And the only extra perk I get out of it is 2.5% damage buff and 2.75% res(held).

    Kinetic combat provides 3.75% SMASHING AND LETHAL and 1.88% Melee.

    Touch of death provides 3.75% MELEE and 1.88% Smashing and lethal.

    S/L defense is meaningless to you. You are a positional defense armor. As such you are 45% capping Melee, AOE and Ranged. Melee defense is the number that matters.

    This is the thread I was referring to with my first post in the thread.

    There are builds that are good enough for farming in there. If you want to make a good build yourself you have to look at each slot and think what you can gain or lose from changing something. Iterate this until you have a build where you don't think you can make a change for the better.

    This requires you to set goals. As a fire farmer your goals are 90% fire resist, recharge, some fire defense and as many aoe attacks as possible. Smashing lethal, as Energy even told you, is not what you should be aiming for, but you did not really avoid it.

    Fire farms do NO smashing lethal damage. They do NO energy negative damage. Defense in these two areas is 100% wasted. Slot accordingly. Take a look at 3 piece Aegis for your armor sets. Save you some slots and then you can put a higher recharge set in burn to maximize the amount you can cast it.

    Drop another slot from combat jumping. Drop at least 3 slots from Weave. 2 slot health with numina and miracle procs. Drop jab. Move powers down accordingly until you can place consume. Maximize what you want to do. AOE damage is king. If you are willing (this is almost non-optional as a brute in my mind) go villain and unlock the patron powers. Take MU and you gain another AOE.

    Drop rise of the phoenix. You don't need it for fire farming, unless you want to slot stupefy in it. I'd prefer a 1 slot wonder like the Concealment pool to cram 7.5 lotg recharges in.

    Fire resist. Fire Defense. Recharge. Chase those.
  12. Prime313

    Build help?

    Originally Posted by BasketballJosh1289 View Post
    I do not have a problem with influence lol. I think right now I have 2 bil in my email twice >.< Plus another 600mil on one toon and 200 mil on my blaster... Ill spend my money for the best

    Okay... let me put it a little more bluntly then. Kinetic combats is a stupid choice for positional defense. You want to maximize your gain from every slot and KC is FAR from doing that as a Shield Defense character.

    Spending a lot of money because you have (a lot???) it does not mean you are spending it in the optimal fashion. You could easily hit the soft caps while getting more recharge out of the build at the same time by using proper slotting.
  13. Prime313

    Build help?

    I'm not really sure why kinetic combat is being used with a positional armor set. This is an extremely expensive way to get melee defense. You'd be better of finding a slot somewhere and using a touch of death set to get more melee defense. One touch of death is the roughly the same melee defense as two sets of kinetic combat for way less influence.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by overlordblitz View Post
    Thanks guys for the advice. I appreciate you taking the time to offer your comments. However I would be grateful if I could get a little better guidance than "both builds are awful." Energy Blaze offered great guidance that made sense to me, so thanks Energy Blaze for that help.

    I know there are several SS/FA builds listed for farming already. I have overlooked some of them, not all, but a few. As far as I can tell my build seems fairly in line with the ones I have seen. As far as Ultrawatt's SS/FA build, it seems that I cannot find the build he uses, if it is posted please point me to the post.

    Again, thank you for your time.
    Really? All the ones you found took jab and punch. And then they skipped the 6th slot bonus in the mocking beratement.

    And used a 5 slot bonus in reactive armor? (Or even used reactive armor at all)

    6 slotted healing flames and only achieved 50% healing bonus?

    6 slotted weave with lotg of all sets?

    Put a membrane exposure??????? in char, thus neatly avoiding the opportunity 4 piece basilisks bonuses?

    Took two travel powers as opposed to more lotg recharges (you did say farming, right?)

    Three slotting health with regular IO's and not even getting a set bonus out of it.

    Sorry if this comes across as harsh, but it's not that hard to find the info you are looking for given how much the topic is posted. You have some weird mangled pve and farming build that's awful at both right now.
  15. I was messing around and made a fire/regen build in mids the other day. It relies on barrier to hit the S/L soft cap, but I think it can run incinerate, GFS, cremate chain without a gap. I didn't double check but just eyeballed it.

    S/L resist is decent too. It could use some changes, I think, and working a 3% shield wall in would be nice. With barrier that would be ~40% s/l resist and 100 hp/sec regen. Might be able to relax the end too, I didn't really do the math on it [especially if you aren't planning on soloing av's or whatnot].

    All of this is assuming t4 spiritual alpha.

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  16. Not only are there a million posts on this, but there is one still on the first page with a bunch of builds in it.
  17. This is what I would do with your build for fire farming. Note, this is probably still nothing like I would do for myself; I just tried to keep mostly to how your build was.

    Added a substantial amount of fire defense and capped the fire resist.

    If you were looking for non-fire farming, I would go a completely different direction.

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  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by macskull View Post
    In most cases of high-priced items on the market, demand is just as much to blame as supply for the price, but in the case of most PvP IO pieces it's more the supply side than the demand. There's probably a very small demand for the proc among the playerbase as a whole (higher among the PvP population but I doubt that's significant enough to have a large impact) but supply is extremely low.

    You'd have to be pretty dumb to pay this price as a PVE player, given that there are perfect substitutes from a pve perspective. The low supply impacts the price for pvp players yes, but there has to be a significant demand. Just because it has low supply does not mean it commands a high price... there are plenty of examples out there. [unless we accept the conspicuous consumption hypothesis]

    If you had only one of a good but no one wanted it, the price would not be high.

    Incidentally, the price has dropped about 300 million since I posted this. 33 for sale, which isn't much worse than a lot of other IO's, although still too much given all the pve substitutes.
  19. SS/FA...

    No seriously, I'd back what Silas says. Can't go wrong with rad if she doesn't mind playing a debuffer.

    Kinetics would also be nice with the brute damage cap, although this is somewhat late blooming.
  20. Thanks for the help all, just didn't expect PVP demand to be high enough to command those prices, so I was curious if there was a pve reason driving demand.
  21. I'm trying to account for the price difference between a Gladiator's Strike damage proc and other melee ones.

    As I understand it, not too many people pvp in this game, so I didn't see how the huge price difference could be explained by pvp demand alone. (I admit I could be very wrong here)

    What I'm wondering is if the pve and pvp procs function the same in pve content or if they work differently. I searched the forums but I could only find general information on damage procs.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master_Templar View Post
    Curious to see this. What APP and alpha did you choose?

    I posted my build in this thread.