46 -
As for the 'one-shot' problem -- have bosses always lead with their debuff, hold, or weakest damage attacks. Let them save their most powerful attack for the second or third in their queue. Yes, this may mean that controllers will have more chance to defang a boss before they get dangerous, but it'll decrease the one-shot problem. Just a suggestion.
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Speaking of debuffs and bosses, I am noticing an insane amount of aggro due to my controller's debuffs.
Previously, once a tank had engaged an enemy, I was pretty safe to throw an Enervating Field or Radiation Infection on them. Now, it seems as if my toggle debuffs going up near a boss equals an instant death sentence.
Or maybe I'm just noticing it more because I have more time to reflect once I've been turned in Controller Paste. -
Thank you for the explanation. Detailed posts like these go a long way towards easing your playerbase; players handle "changes done for X reason I disagree with" better than they handle "changes done for seemingly arbitrary or ill-defined reasons." And I'm glad you're looking into the one-shot deaths; for a few nights there, I felt like I was playing Space Invaders , because I kept getting blown up after one hit.
As to this portion of your post:
As for why we put Bosses in missions at all in other words, why isnt everything solo-able the answer is simple. We want gameplay that encourages the best part of the game: teaming up. Soloing is fine, but a MMP really shines when you meet other people and play alongside them.
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So your stated goal for the boss inclusion in missions is to "encourage teaming." I wish you would reconsider other means to encourage teaming instead. There are other methods that don't penalize soloing. Increasing XP, increasing enhancement drops, and adding in easily accessible team content would all encourage teaming, but they wouldn't prevent players from doing their own story arcs and badge missions.
Having a game that's viable for soloers has to mean more than "street sweep" and "scrounge for missions without bosses or AVs in them."*
*: And I'm aware many people can still solo, even against bosses. I can too... my regen scrapper is almost as strong as he was pre-nerf (which makes me think nerf #2 is coming soon). With my controller, it's possible, but it's just now tedium with very little reward. My illusion controller beat on a Sky Raider robot boss for nearly 10 minutes before killing it the other night. The remainder of the mission didn't take me that long. -
Here is the quote that I was answering directly in the OP:
Again this boss was two levels below me and actually conned white to me. I should have no more problems killing it as I would a minion of equal level.
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Now that we've verified that I was actually taking part in the conversation...
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Unless they've changed the conning system in the game, he still has a point. "White" means you SHOULD be able to handle the enemy. If you can't handle a white boss, there's a flaw somewhere.
As I just said in another post and am now repeating, many bosses are NOT integral to completing a mission (I think this was a change that was put in place in I2 because I don't remember any bosses that weren't integral to their missions before then, but my characters in general were lower level then so this may be an invalid conclusion).
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And many, many are. So how do you solve the problem for the tons of missions that are?
A boss killed two squishies? Stop the presses!
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Which would be a cutting retort if my statement was "A boss managed to kill me and another character during a fight."
The difference, however, is that the damn thing one-shotted us. Getting one shotted just isn't fun to me... I accept it on some rare occasions (like AVs), but not with a single regular enemy in a mission.
And he actually killed more than two, but I SAW the two (myself included) go down in one hit each.
Did you finish the TF successfully?
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Yes we did... after several players dropped due to the difficulty, the number of bosses scaled down significantly and it became playable again at that point.
Sadly, we had less deaths to the A/V (zero) than we did to that one boss. -
A good note for controllers not concerned about xp is that if you manage to Deceive/Confuse a boss, he'll kill 7 or 8 minions in flurry of 1-shot deaths.
Of course, then you have to deal with the boss and get one shotted yourself.
I have a blaster friend who died to bosses twice (to a Freak Tank) on the first day of issue 3, and 3 more times in the following day. That's... sucky.
The Freak TV respec will be hell... putting them down the first time (with their Dull Pain) is bad enough. Then they get up again... -
This has probably been said already, but I'm not going to read 15 pages to find out. Bosses have never been as easy as minions, because THEY'RE BOSSES! Nor should they ever be. A same-level boss has always been tougher than a same-level-lieutenant, which has always been tougher than a same-level minion. Bosses are two classes removed from minions.
If you don't like that bosses are tougher, simply avoid them and go find another bossless group of mobs to kill...plain and simple. You might even find the exp faster if you do it right.
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Thank you for explaining that bosses are tougher than minions and lieuts. I think everybody knew that already, since that's always been the case. In case you'd like to participate in the conversation, the question is the new RELATIVE toughness of bosses as compared to other enemies, which you didn't really address.
And your solution (go find other mobs to kill) doesn't do much for people who have missions with bosses in them, does it? Not everybody street sweeps 100% of the time.
We tried the 1st Striga TF last night, and it was pretty fun: until a warwolf boss plowed through our team, one-shotting us left and right. I saw one teammate go down (a blaster), then he nailed me (a controller).
Being one shotted has never been fun. Being one shotted by something other than an AV or monster just sucks. -
If you don't consider what else is in the market, then how could you know whether or not you are really getting a deal?
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By judging whether I feel like I'm getting my money's worth out of my play experience?
I still feel that way, but I feel much less so now than I did 3 or 4 months ago. -
I also recall reading that many other MMOs charge the monthly fee, AND make you pay for upgrades of this size and caliber.
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I couldn't care less... I don't and won't play those other MMOs. I play this one, and I judge it on its own merits.
This one even throws in a comic book.
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Which I've gotten 3 of 6 or 7 issues. Yippee. -
Me, I'm 32, almost 33, and I remember the days before Pong. CoH, and it's free updates, seems pretty nifty to me.
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26 year old here: the "free updates" are anything but... not only are we paying customers, but they're usually bundled with a healthy dose of nerfs and changes.
The devs aren't offering "free" updates out of the kindness of their hearts. They're doing it to retain paying customers. Stop paying and see how many updates you get.
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Why don't the people complaining like it's the end of the world put their money where their mouths are and just leave. Obviously if it is so horrible, then you don't want to play anymore, right?
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"Like it or leave it" is a crappy argument to attack somebody's political beliefs, and it's a crappy rebuttal to any sort of criticism. There are ample reasons why people stay, despite not liking things about the game:
1) Subscriptions/Investment: I paid for a year long subscription before the scrapper/tanker/upcoming controller nerfs hit. I have almost 8 months left on that subscription. I'm not leaving until then. That's aside from the fact that jumping ship now abandons $100 in software (regular + dvd editions).
2) Just because you see something you like declining doesn't mean you should keep quiet about it. If anything, you should speak up while it's still salvageable. -
Me, I'm 32, almost 33, and I remember the days before Pong. CoH, and it's free updates, seems pretty nifty to me.
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26 year old here: the "free updates" are anything but... not only are we paying customers, but they're usually bundled with a healthy dose of nerfs and changes.
The devs aren't offering "free" updates out of the kindness of their hearts. They're doing it to retain paying customers. Stop paying and see how many updates you get. -
For all of those complainng about the devs "not doing their jobs"...
How many of you are reading and posting here when you are at work and should be "doing your jobs?"
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If my boss or my paying customers want to complain about me "not doing my job", I'd better take it seriously.
So what's your point? -
Odds are you don't need to defeat that Boss either.
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Bzzzzt! Wrong! Try to pay attention. There are many, many missions that end up being undocumented "kill all on map" mssions, kill all including those 1 or 2 bosses. It's starting to look like Statesman doesn't play this game much.
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Bzzzt! Wrong!
"Starting"? Did you just now start paying attention? -
It also leaves us in the hitherto unusual position of needing to get help *during* a mission, since we have no way of knowing beforehand whether or not there's going to be a boss in there. That will be awkward in timed missions.
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Actually, if a boss will appear in a mission, the mission briefing mentions it. Check the text.
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We're actually talking about the game as it exists, where in reality it quite frequently does NOT do that. Not your ideal game (where the Atlas plaque has been fixed as well apparently). -
There have been a few threads about the Kheldian crash bug still persisting, even though it was reported on test as well.
You may be happy. Many of your players are not.
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Many players who were used to the broken tanker sets are not happy. And , frankly, no one cares. No one cries for whiners.
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So now Invuln. was not just "overpowered," it was "broken"? That's about one hyperbolic step away from saying it was "god mode"... care to give that a shot? -
Thanx Devs, Thanx for screwing Regeneration!!!
Regeneration/Integration now offers some increased Regeneration, and can accept Healing Enhancements.
FOR WHAT? Thats What IH is for.
Regeneration/Instant Healing Max Regeneration buff was slightly reduced. Additionally, it gains less of a boost from each added Enhancement.
!Now IC weaking IH cause Intergration now has regeneration bonus.
Also ingame description claims that Intergration & IH can no longer be used togeather.
Ok this is my point, IH will become usless. Why you ask?, becasue as soon as an enemy uses Hold, Sleep, or other status hits IH will simply turn itself off. With Intergration now having Regeneration and not stackable with IH, IH one the great powers for Regeneration Powers used by higher levels will become nothing more than a respec drop.
If this was done to help out the amazing amount of endurance it cost to run Interation & IH then let me tell you that wasn't a problem, by the time you get IH level 28 you should have Quick Recovery and Stanima with both of those sloted the right way running Interation & IH should be no problem.
If it was done because of thought the combo of Intergration/IH was to strong well agiain not true, from time to time it was still possible to get killed soloing and even in groups.
And now with the new Enhanced Enemys/Bosses there is no way a regeneration scrapper could go toe to toe with a boss or the new elite boss.
I give the regeneration changes,
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Relax. The description is wrong. You can use Integration and Instant Healing together.
They originally changed it to the way you described, and it sucked hard for nearly everybody for precisely the reasons you described, although Ambigula was able to kill every monster in every zone in one shot without any problems whatsoever. In a brief lapse in their traditional routine, they actually listened to the players and changed it so that both powers work together again.
It's just laziness, however, not to fix the descriptions and power names before releasing I3. I'm sure somebody can come up with a "poor devs" excuse to justify that, if you'd like. -
Oh dear lord! How can we live with such a thing!?
Stop doom saying, the Issue hasn't been on live for even 2 hours.
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Which is what percentage of the time it's been on the Test server without being fixed? -
See why I said that it shouldn't be released today?
Welcome to Issue 2 - Redux.
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If only somebody... ANYBODY... had bothered to use Test Server to report these bugs before they went live. So sad...
I say.. [censored]! If you want powerslide, shell out the $35. It's only $35. How the hell do you afford the $15/month if you cannot afford to shell out $35. Talk about shoe string budget for life.
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Not to interrupt a good rant, but the DVD version was originally $50 (like back when I bought it... wonder if I can get a price match?). They just lowered the price down to $35 recently. -
Regen Scrappers haven't realized that it's quite possible MoG is made useful again.... omg what a nerf that would be!!!
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While I would be happy if that was the case, I don't think given the context of the statement that it sounded at all like a strengthening "tweak." -
Concern = small tweak.
Don't worry Regen Scrappers!
[/ QUOTE ]
Just wait, folks.
"Small tweak" will equal such "minor" changes such as:
1) You can use instant healing, but it will drain endurance on a 1:1 ratio for damage healed. You heal 100 damage, and you lost 100 endurance. Make sure to only take on blues and greens, kiddies.
2) Instant Healing and Integration now toggle each other. If you've got one on, you can't use the other. Woohoo! Pick or choose, folks. Status effect protection but damage death or damage protection but status effect death.
3) Integration will no longer accept endurance reducers. You can run it, but you'll basically be a big, impervious totem pole, able to take infinite damage, but not able to attack.
4) Really, anything... it takes so much to get the set to work that any significant tweak could ruin the power, and why make a non-significant tweak? -
Concern = small tweak.
Don't worry Regen Scrappers!
[/ QUOTE ]
Oh bloody freaking hell.
How about this... I just stop playing until you get a set right. You pick it. Controller, tanker, etc... I don't care. You just get your little group of Devs together, tweak and twiddle away, and come up with something you think is "right." Then let me know. I'll play that character. It may not be an archetype I like, but that sure as hell beats you guys coming in and yanking the floor out from under me.
I jumped back to my Regen scrapper after another toon got nerfed. Now your great big sledgehammer of "tweak" is coming for my Regen. Spectacular.
It's particularly bitter for Regen, since we have to go through 27 suck-[censored] levels just to get to a decent spot. Then we have a brief moment of feeling like, I dunno, a hero. Now that's gonna get ganked.