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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
    Of course, NC could terminate or revise any aspect of their agreement. But you mentioned a "fix" in your previous post, allowing them to select "Yes, I am a Gold-Trading Site" on account creation, giving them access to an advertising channel. This allows other players to close that channel down and ignore it completely.

    So, no one is reading these messages. Why would the companies select "yes" on account creation? What is in place to prevent them from selecting "no", and continuing to spam broadcast/local/help? We are back to square one.
    This is the key that would keep this idea from being effective. If the companies lose their amplification by becoming an advertising account, they simply wouldn't use the advertisement accounts.

    Furthermore, I think this idea opens NCSoft to a lot of negative attention. If they're deliberately putting you in touch with these people and they end up stealing your identity and clearing out your bank account, it obviously reflects poorly on NCSoft.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
    How odd. You don't usually see the slippery slope fallacy in reverse. "You already have several holes in your head - it can't hurt you if I make several more."
    You make it sound like there's a head to begin with. NCSoft is a for-profit company. The only reason they've even opened up to free players is to compete with other free games and hopefully convert the new freebies into paid subscriptions. That's why the splash page is decked out in advertisements for VIP content that can be purchased. That's also why they leave the costume options, archetypes, and powersets open to be selected while you create a character: So you can see what you're missing as a free member. There are very aggressive marketing tactics being implemented here.

    I'm simply stating that the ideology that unpaid and paid members should be equal is one that is only shared by the blind. It sure as hell isn't a value held by NCSoft.

    This is common sense - The spammers exist because of supply and demand. As long is there is demand, they will find a way to produce a supply. Removing the demand is impossible. The only options are to ignore the problem until it escalates out of control or gain control of a more appealing supply to satisfy the demand.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Because you have dichotomy develop between those with real money to burn and those without.
    Sort of like the dichotomy between the group of paid members that can farm in AE and the ones that are forced to play the traditional way because they can't afford the AE license? Or hell, I'd even go so far as to say the dichotomy between the members that start at lvl 1 with three extra paragon rewards powers vs. the ones that only start with their primary and secondary powers? Whether we like it or not, paid members DO have it easier.

    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    There's a difference between "play for free with limits" and "This person paid MORE than you, so THEY "win", not you."

    I could (but wont') simply chuck thousands at this game.

    Maybe as a single-person I wouldn't affect the internal game market much. But if everyone does it, the auction house effectively dries up. Making it nearly for people trying to progress without spending real money to acquire anything other than common IOs. As recipe drops are utterly random.
    You don't think Incarnate Abilities give someone a higher likelihood of winning? Those are only available to VIP's, which is a $14.99/month investment (MORE than zero).

    If anything, the market could improve because you wouldn't have people buying 1BIL influence and then severely overpaying for items (causing inflation). Furthermore, there will still be a large amount of people that simply can't or won't make a financial investment in the game above the VIP subscription, thereby maintaining a valid need for the market. We can defend it 'til we're blue the face, but what it boils down is one thing: Enhancements, Salvage, and Recipes are ALREADY being purchased with real money via these spammers.

    What evidence do we even have that this would "break the market" anyway? Did this come from an economics expert? Has it happened in the past? Or is it a wide-spread opinion backed by all the same sheep that used to swear up and down that "customized power colors are impossible; it will never happen." Those people claimed to have intimate knowledge of the technological reasoning for this impossibility, but as of Issue 16... Well, I think we all know how that turned out.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    No, that isn't a solution and would be harmful to both the game and the players.
    How so?

    It'll break the market?
    A) There are already full sets of enhancements in the store and the prices for those enhancements aren't cheap in the marketplace. (Obliteration for example)
    B) What's currently happening is no different. The only change would be converting the spammer third party vendors into a legitimate source of additional revenue for NCSoft (less the spam).

    It'll give members with money advantage over those without money?
    A) Please observe the ENTIRE structure of the Freedom system. It gives free members a significant disadvantage compared to paid members.

    It's not fair to those that work super duper hard in the game to EARN their influence?
    A) You work super duper hard in-game to earn influence, they work super duper hard in real life to earn the money they're spending. Seems like a fair trade to me.
  5. I really can't believe the idea of prosecuting these people is even being considered. That would be a horrible waste of resources on our legal system. Furthermore, for the people that are saying "They're selling something that doesn't belong to them", there are MANY ways around this. For instance, they can simply state that they are selling the *service* of collecting influence on behalf of a player and not the influence itself.

    Furthermore, what crime is being committed here? Violating the terms of service agreement MIGHT be construed as breach of contract, but the likelihood of any debilitating legal ramification being executed is slim.

    Maybe the solution to this is to embrace it. Make all the items from the market purchasable with cash in the in-game store. At least then the money is going into the pockets of NCSoft, which could help raise funds for greater improvements to the game. Plus, if they were going to pursue legal action, this would strengthen their argument. If the spammers are circumventing their ability to sell their own product, there are punitive damages to compensate for. Since influence and power leveling are not for sale by NCSoft, they aren't losing money as a result of the sale.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    It wasn't the argument of the mission being a farm or not being a farm that triggered me. It was the "I pay my subscription so the devs have to do it the way I want it." attitude.....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I completely agree. It would be impossible for the Devs to please everyone and I know there are some people that expect the world to revolve around them, which is unrealistic.

    That's why I said:
    "Not taking this specific situation into account"

    We aren't the owners of the game and even if we scream at the top of our lungs, we can't change anything ourselves. The common belief that we don't have a voice or shouldn't be able to express our concerns if it doesn't match the concerns of the devs/veterans/forum-goers/etc. is what bothers me. Especially when it's not even an angry thread to begin with. It definitely seems like the people here ENJOY being negative and condescending.

    I'm fine with agreeing and disagreeing, but tearing people apart is not that.

    When you look at the top of the screen, there's a big bold key word that I think is commonly overlooked.
  7. The number of textroverts on this forum is a little overwhelming. I can see how after a period of time, it gets annoying to repeat your opinion continually to people that aren't familiar with the forums. Maybe instead of being nasty to the person, you could perhaps ignore them? I know it sounds like a stretch, but I'm sure a lot of you have had the practice in real life! Let's face it, if you were this nasty in your personal and/or business life, you wouldn't have many friends or a job.

    A) Not taking this specific situation into account, I agree with his logic that we are paying customers. I hate the "You don't have any rights!" ideology (regardless of what the EULA says). I understand that there are rules for a reason, but to be OKAY with the idea of having no rights in a game that you pay for is ridiculous.

    B) The arc that's being referred to does NOT sound like it was intentionally farm-like. I agree that having "Farm" in the title was a bad idea, but to call it a farm just because it doesn't have 14 AV's in it is outrageous. There's more farm-like missions in the actual Dev-created content (Hello, Peregrine Island). It's a creative story. I enjoyed reading about it in the OP.

    There's no reason to be this bitter and hateful to someone. Especially over something like this.
    Who can blame the average player for NOT coming on here on a regular basis when a majority of the interactions with new forumites result in posts from obnoxious veterans??

    Edit: this was a quick response... Not directed toward Ironblade!
  8. PS: While on the subject of Khelds, how about opening up some Epic Powerpools. I mean, I already have a hard time cramming powers/slots into these builds, but at least then you have the option.
  9. I'd be really stoked if they added Luminous Blast, Luminous Aura, Umbral Blast, and Umbral Aura to the list of customizable powersets.

    How cool would it be to have a colored Nova/Dwarf???

    Also, I saw that Stone Armor will be customizable... Do you think that includes the color of Granite Armor for sure?
  10. I didn't read all 27 pages or do a search on this, so forgive me if it's been said already.

    Since there are so many people that say there are really low level people that "play it for the content", remove all other rewards until they hit a certain level. If it's really about the content, you shouldn't need another reason to go through it, right?

    Heck, make AE rewards a secondary unlockable to getting a 50 on each side. You get a 50 on blue side, you can AE farm to your heart's content on blue side. Get a 50 on red side, same affect. That way, at least they have to get the experience of leveling a toon the old fashion way before they can start blowing through builds every other day.

    Combine that with the removal of all AE buildings in < lvl 14 zones and I think we have a winner.
  11. I'm NOT going to hold my breath for this one, but I figured I'd throw it out there anyway!

    I recently downloaded a free program to play around with. It's called Google SketchUp. It's basically a user-friendly 3D rendering program.

    I think something similar to this program's functionality would be AMAZING to work with in bases. It would give us the ability to create shapes and textures from scratch instead of sticking to predesigned components.

    You can check it out here if you're interested.

    Perhaps for those that are not quite as into these types of programs we could have a "Basic" and "Advanced" base builder.
  12. Okay I didn't read all 12 pages, so don't shoot me if this is a repeat!!

    For the people that are saying that Necromancers are using the corpses of people's loved ones: What if YOU are the loved one and even after their death, your family/ancestors are trying to protect you from receiving the same fate?

    Especially if, say, the family was brutally killed by one of the CoV enemy groups. If that was me and I had the ability to come back and A) get some kind of revenge and B) make sure that my only remaining family member didn't get killed as well... I would do it without thinking twice.
  13. Okay, before you scream at me for posting this while another Incarnate thread is open, please see below:

    This post was inspired by an existing post (here).
    However, I think that one got a little off topic, so I'm using this to refocus the idea.

    Also, Memphis_Bill wrote a great post about EATs/VEATs/Incarnates (here) that discusses the known info and status of the Incarnate idea.

    That aside, please don't confuse this as a post to suggest the build or even the existence of Incarnates. It's really just a "IF they do come out with it, here's an idea" thread. K? Sweet.

    (Pre-ramble over! Suggestion starts here

    In the first post linked above, I liked the idea of the Well of the Furies TF (since it ties into the storyline). Since we already have a "Get your toon to 50!" reward, I think unlocking an incarnate should take some serious thought.

    Here's what I have in mind:

    In order to unlock a single Incarnate, you would have to start by beating the Well of the Furies TF. At that point you could be introduced to a new mini-zone (like O-Zone) or maybe just a new contact in an existing zone that would enable you to conduct the ritual if you will.

    This ritual would require you to SACRIFICE the toon that you beat the Well of the Furies TF with, as well as a combination of other toons. It could be similar to the way we have multiple recipes to create base items, but the ingredients would be your own hard-earned characters.

    This would significantly reduce the number of Incarnates running around since you'd have to decide if it was worth it to delete characters you've worked so hard on to start over with a Level 1 Incarnate (especially since you'd have to redo the TF and sacrifice more toons to unlock a second.)

    It makes sense to me that they would have sliiiiight advantages over your average AT, but at least this way you're making a substantial sacrifice to earn those advantages.

    What do you think?
  14. It's more of a question related to a response that I see on here daily.

    *in an ominous voice*
    "Use the search function!"

    I thought I read somewhere that reviving dead topics was against the rules as well. Also, considering how rapidly many aspects of the game and the world around us are evolving, wouldn't it be valid to address a topic again after a certain time period?

    I mean, a year ago, how many people would have thought that something like the mission architect was a realistic idea on CoH?

    Just some food for thought...
    (I'll take my forum beatings now, thanks!)
  15. Agree 100%!

    Could they disable capes without disabling wings, though?
  16. The way I see it, mind control doesn't really *get* a color because it's not really a tangible power...

    With fire, ice, earth control, they're actually manipulating the elements, so you get that effect.

    With mind control, it's all happening in the target's head. Therefore, I'm happy with the white but not opposed pink/purple.

    Does that make sense?
  17. It sounds okay, but it honestly seems like a mix of existing power sets. I think Gravity/Mind/Illusion control are all pretty close to each other conceptually as it is.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Thats a 100% stupid idea.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Under what logic??

    We have the ability to leave offline messages for people as it is and 99.999999999999999% of the time the in-game e-mail is used by spammers! In fact on the RARE occasion that I do get an e-mail, I typically hit the spam button by accident because it's lost in a sea of RMTer messages.
  19. I promise I searched for this one, so don't chop off my head if it's come up already!

    I don't know exactly what mission(s) this room shows up in, but it's the last giant room in some warehouse type missions with Carnival of Shadows.

    It has the giant masks hanging from the pillars with all the moving lights and carnie-type decorations in the room.

    If we could get a room in our SG bases to look anything like that, I would die happy. Or even if we just get the giant Carnie Mask as a wall decoration!
  20. I love that people talk about the market as if it's the American economy!

    "If we can attach influence to an e-mail and send it an alt, we'll end up foreclosing on our SG bases and then the poor heroes of Paragon City will be jobless! It'll be like the great depression!!!"

    I agree with DocFantasy... We should just get rid of e-mail altogether.

    IF this was to be considered in the future, I also agree with the poster that mentioned fees per transfer. That seems fair since there are also fees associated with using Wentworths.
  21. Honestly I was watching my brother play MK vs. DC Universe when I suggested it, but I didn't want to mention the Catwoman word because I figured it would get that type of response. I do agree that there are far more clone-prone powersets out there (like the aforementioned claws) but I also agree that it is definitely an issue that the Devs would keep in mind before publishing a powerset.

    Oh well... It was fun to think about
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    The primary issue with a whips set (or chains or wrestling moves), is that there's no real way to have it wrap around the target in anything remotely resembling a believable way. Aside from the fact that the collision geometry is a cylinder, what happens when you use the same attack on a Clockwork underling, on a minimum-sized player in PvP, on a Hellion, on a War Wolf, or on a GM?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It could use a similar animation as the 5 Golden Rings Christmas Event Temp. Granted it doesn't really fit into the "realistic" category, but uh... if you're teamed with people that can summon fire demons and fly, what's considered realistic??

    I'm thinking more along the lines of the snaps and cracks of the whip rather than a hold set.
  23. Oops I forgot the search defaults to Newer Than One Week!

    Sorry for the redundancy.
  24. I was just thinking it would be really cool to have a whip as a weapon. I'm not sure if it would be a melee toon or a maybe a blasting set. It would look weird at melee range, but I think it's more a melee type attacking method.

    Would this even be doable?