Reality Alteration Powerset
I... really don't like this as a Reality altering set. =-(
It seems too 'arcane' for me. If that makes any sense? Wall of Souls, Hands of Tethys, Horde of Tethys, Liquid Light and Viscous Shadow. These all seem very much like a 'Mage' is casting them, rather than powers a reality-bending device would create. Or a Mutant, or something.
I... really don't like this as a Reality altering set. =-(
It seems too 'arcane' for me. If that makes any sense? Wall of Souls, Hands of Tethys, Horde of Tethys, Liquid Light and Viscous Shadow. These all seem very much like a 'Mage' is casting them, rather than powers a reality-bending device would create. Or a Mutant, or something.
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I... really don't like this as a Reality altering set. =-(
It seems too 'arcane' for me. If that makes any sense? Wall of Souls, Hands of Tethys, Horde of Tethys, Liquid Light and Viscous Shadow. These all seem very much like a 'Mage' is casting them, rather than powers a reality-bending device would create. Or a Mutant, or something.
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You're right. No argument from me. My problem is really with Origins. I mean, how can a Natural Origin person fly? If he uses a Jetpack, wouldn't that be Technological? I hit that same wall here.
I was lazy with the names. I should have thought harder about it. I'll work on it and see what I can come up with, without swinging the other way and seeming too technological.
Well... a Natural Hero doesn't mean 'Normal Human' it means 'Natural to the race'. So Superman's flight is natural for a Kryptonian.
The Origins are also the Origin of the core powers of a character, or core abilities, or just the core ideal of the character.
So I'm a Martial Artist/Willpower scrapper with a Jetpack. The Jetpack is Tech, but I'm still natural.
Unless they come up with individual power origins, we'll just have to deal with the genericness.
Using a jetpack doesn't make you a tehc hero unless all your abilities are based around that jetpack.
Is this less magical?
Tarfoot - Minor Damage over time (fire), foe: Immobilize -Speed Recharge
Fastchain - Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time (Lethal), Foe hold)
Force Sphere - Ranged, Moderate Damage, Foe Knockback
Vortex - Summon Vortex: Knockback
Tarfeet - Targeted Area of Effect, Minor Damage over Time (Fire), foe: Immobilize -Speed -Recharge
Abominable Goo - Targeted Area of Effect, Foe Knockdown
Fastchains - Targeted Area of Effect, Moderate Damage over time (Lethal), Foe hold
Flash of Brilliance - Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe disorient -Perception Fear, special damage vs. undead
Living Paradox - Summon Paradox
Tarfoot: Materializes boiling tar under the feet of a single target, casing minor damage over time, and slowing his actions. Recharge: Fast
Fastchain: Animates an ordinary chain, which entangles and holds a single target, squeezing it for Moderate Lethat damage over time. Recharge: Moderate
Force Sphere: Hurls a forcefield at a target, knocking it down and causing moderate damage. Recharge: Moderate
Vortex: Summons a vortex on top of of the target, knocking it away. The vortex remains in place, knocking all away for 10 seconds or until another vortex is summoned. Recharge: Moderate
Tarfeet: Like Tarfoot, but over a wide area of effect., Recharge: Slow
Abominable Goo: Materializes a slippery pool of unmentionable green matter. All within the effect may slip and fall repeatedly until the pool evapoates. Recharge: Slow
Fastchains - Like fastchain, but it affects all opponents within a targeted area of effect. Recharge: Slow.
Flash of Brilliance: Creates a gigantic flash of brilliant light, blinding all within its radius and disorienting them as well. Some opponents might even flee in terror. Undead within the light take Extreme Damage. Recharge: Slow
Living Paradox: Summons a Living Paradox, a creature highly resistant to Energy and Negative Energy damage. Powers: Flash of Brilliance, Tarfoot, Force Sphere, Bone Smasher. When defeated, Living Paradox explodes outward, inflicting Extreme Energy damage. Recharge: Very Slow
This is much better! =-3
Though I think it would be better to make the Vortex a ground target AOE KB power rather than 'appears behind the enemy'. I'd also move it back in the set, above Fastchain and Force Sphere.
Other than that I like it!
This is much better! =-3
Though I think it would be better to make the Vortex a ground target AOE KB power rather than 'appears behind the enemy'. I'd also move it back in the set, above Fastchain and Force Sphere.
Other than that I like it!
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Question for you: I created the Vortex power to "pull" someone back toward the hero/villain, and I didn't want to 'teleport' them. That's why I had it place itself on the other side of the mob and cause knockback. Can you think of another way, sans teleportation, that I could do that?
Really... There isn't. But I don't think there is a way to place a ground target area of effect 'behind' a target, either. A TP Foe with a decent stun magnitude might be good? Kinda leans on the Wormhole power, but with single-target it'd work and be an interesting power. Though I'd still suggest the single target hold come first.
OK. I moved the vortex, and had it summon on top of the target.
With the way this set sounds, it seems as if you could role play all of this using a Dark Miasma set, though personally I would prefer to use Illusion or maybe Gravity Control.
Powersets in this game are usually more ambiguous. This seems pretty hard-line Magic origin.
Try try again.
Oops. I forgot to edit my first entry pointing to the less magical revamp in a reply further down.
Oops. I forgot to edit my first entry pointing to the less magical revamp in a reply further down.
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Saw that one too. Again it sounds like it could be reasonably role played using a Gravity Control set. Remember just because it says Gravity Control doesn't mean you can't imagine it as something else. It can also work well thematically as Magnetic Control, Time Control, Molecule Control or Telekinesis.
Really... There isn't. But I don't think there is a way to place a ground target area of effect 'behind' a target, either.
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Actually you can, but the knockback is always based off of your character's location, not the location of the power placement. So, like you said, it would have be some sort of TP Foe.
If you can set up a power so that it targets right behind and enemy you could make a pet that uses a KB aura, pushing the foe to you.
With pet-placement KB is based on the power's point of Origin, rather than your player's location.
It sounds okay, but it honestly seems like a mix of existing power sets. I think Gravity/Mind/Illusion control are all pretty close to each other conceptually as it is.
God, I hate reality alteration as a power.
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Thanks for the constructive criticism. I'll use your well worded suggestions to flesh out the problems with the powerset... oh wait a sec, it ALL sucks?
God, I hate reality alteration as a power.
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Thanks for the constructive criticism. I'll use your well worded suggestions to flesh out the problems with the powerset... oh wait a sec, it ALL sucks?
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I think he meant that more as an in-general, the ability to alter reality as your specific power sucks. Probably because it's almost always either a deus ex machina or incredibly overpowered (at least in comic books).
The problem I see with a power set based on altering reality is that altering reality has too much that it can accomplish within its domain. Transform anything in anything. Bring new things into existence. Bring things back to life. Manipulate anything. It's simply too broad a power to really be put into the game or pigeon holed into such a small number of potential abilities that it no longer really seems like altering reality.
'Reality Alteration' is a power that can mean anything and therefore, means nothing. I'm not shooting arrows at you, I'm manipulating light photons to make it LOOK like I'm firing arrows at you! And then I'm making the gravity around you stronger so you can't run as fast! Blah blah blee blah.
With such an obvious and general power, how do you create powers that flavourfully appeal to everyone? It's nonsense.
If it was a power called 'Portals' which basically opened portals to create the effects listed, would that be more appropriate?
Amoebic Muck - Minor Damage over time (poison), foe: Immobilize -Speed -Recharge
Taste of the Abyss - Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time (NE), Foe hold)
Slamhand - Ranged, Moderate Damage (Smashing), Foe Knockback
Vortex - Summon Vortex: Knockback
Amoebic Plague - Targeted Area of Effect, Minor Damage over Time (Poison), foe: Immobilize -Speed -Recharge
Abominable Goo - Targeted Area of Effect, Foe Knockdown
The Abyss - Targeted Area of Effect, Moderate Damage over time (NE), Foe hold
Star Portal - Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe disorient -Perception Fear, special damage vs. undead
Dimensional Warden - Summon Warden
Amoebic Muck: Summons billions of otherworldly amoeba underneath the feet of a single target, casing minor damage over time, and slowing his actions. Recharge: Fast
Taste of the Abyss: Opens a portal to a dimension of horrors, which reach through and hold fast a single target, squeezing it for Moderate Lethal damage over time. Recharge: Moderate
Slamhand: A giant hand from another dimension knocks a target down and causes moderate smashing damage. Recharge: Moderate
Vortex: Summons a vortex on top of of the target, knocking it away. The vortex remains in place, knocking all away for 10 seconds or until another vortex is summoned. Recharge: Moderate
Amoebic Plague: Like Amoebic Muck, but over a wide area of effect., Recharge: Slow
Abominable Goo: Materializes a slippery pool of unmentionable green matter. All within the effect may slip and fall repeatedly until the pool evaporates. Recharge: Slow
The Abyss - Like Taste of the Abyss, but it affects all opponents within a targeted area of effect. Recharge: Slow.
Star Portal: Very briefly opens a portal near a star, releasing a brilliant light, blinding all within its radius and disorienting them as well. Some opponents might even flee in terror. Undead within the light take Extreme Damage. Recharge: Slow
Dimensional Warden: Summons a Dimensional Warden, a creature highly resistant to Energy, Smashing, Lethal, and Negative Energy damage. Powers: Bone Smasher, Star Portal, Amoebic Muck, Slamhand. When defeated, Dimensional Warden explodes outward, inflicting Extreme Energy damage. Recharge: Very Slow
Further down on this page is the revamp of this powerset to look 'less magical' as per other forum members' suggestions.
I was thinking of a Controller powerset revolving around the alteration of reality.
Tarfoot - Minor Damage over time (fire), foe: Immobilize -Speed Recharge
Wall of Souls - Summon Wall of Souls: Knockback
Hands of Tethys - Ranged, Moderate Damage over Time (Lethal), Foe hold)
Force Sphere - Ranged, Moderate Damage, Foe Knockback
Tarfeet - Targeted Area of Effect, Minor Damage over Time (Fire), foe: Immobilize -Speed -Recharge
Viscous Shadow - Targeted Area of Effect, Foe Knockdown
Horde Of Tethys - Targeted Area of Effect, Moderate Damage over time (Lethal), Foe hold
Liquid Light - Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe disorient -Perception Fear, special damage vs. undead
Living Paradox - Summon Paradox
Tarfoot: Materializes boiling tar under the feet of a single target, casing minor damage over time, and slowing his actions. Recharge: Fast
Wall of Souls: Summons a wall of life force on the opposite side of the target, knocking it in your direction. This wall remains in place, knocking all away for 10 seconds or until another wall is summoned. Recharge: Moderate
Hands of Tethys: Opens a portal to another dimension underneath one target, who is held fast by many grasping hands emerging from it. Recharge: Moderate
Force Sphere: Hurls a forcefield at a target, knocking it down and causing moderate damage. Recharge: Moderate
Tarfeet: Like Tarfoot, but over a wide area of effect., Recharge: Slow
Viscous Shadow: Coalesces the shadows in a dark and slippery pool. All within the effect may slip and fall repeatedly until the pool dissipates. Recharge: Slow
Liquid Light: Surrounds the caster with liquid light for a brief moment, blinding all within its radius and disorienting them as well. Some opponents might even flee in terror. Undead within the light take Extreme Damage. Recharge: Slow
Living Paradox: Summons a Living Paradox, a creature highly resistant to Energy and Negative Energy damage. Powers: Liquid Light, Tarfoot, Force Sphere, Bone Smasher. When defeated, Living Paradox explodes outward, inflicting Extreme Energy damage. Recharge: Very Slow