Incarnates (again!)




Okay, before you scream at me for posting this while another Incarnate thread is open, please see below:

This post was inspired by an existing post (here).
However, I think that one got a little off topic, so I'm using this to refocus the idea.

Also, Memphis_Bill wrote a great post about EATs/VEATs/Incarnates (here) that discusses the known info and status of the Incarnate idea.

That aside, please don't confuse this as a post to suggest the build or even the existence of Incarnates. It's really just a "IF they do come out with it, here's an idea" thread. K? Sweet.

(Pre-ramble over! Suggestion starts here

In the first post linked above, I liked the idea of the Well of the Furies TF (since it ties into the storyline). Since we already have a "Get your toon to 50!" reward, I think unlocking an incarnate should take some serious thought.

Here's what I have in mind:

In order to unlock a single Incarnate, you would have to start by beating the Well of the Furies TF. At that point you could be introduced to a new mini-zone (like O-Zone) or maybe just a new contact in an existing zone that would enable you to conduct the ritual if you will.

This ritual would require you to SACRIFICE the toon that you beat the Well of the Furies TF with, as well as a combination of other toons. It could be similar to the way we have multiple recipes to create base items, but the ingredients would be your own hard-earned characters.

This would significantly reduce the number of Incarnates running around since you'd have to decide if it was worth it to delete characters you've worked so hard on to start over with a Level 1 Incarnate (especially since you'd have to redo the TF and sacrifice more toons to unlock a second.)

It makes sense to me that they would have sliiiiight advantages over your average AT, but at least this way you're making a substantial sacrifice to earn those advantages.

What do you think?



Sacrificing toons, to get a stronger one?
PvP ballance still looms out there, and realy
what lv of toons need be sacraficed. This
method of getting those incarnates is even
worse to the avearage player then the EATS
already are.

Even with the sacrifice if you make this a more
powerfull version of a lv 50 all will want it, and
all teams will want them. Even bigger is how
will a standard lv 50 SO'ed or none purples IOed
toon do vs them in PvP, if there is more power
in the Incarnates then you just put a HUGE road
block in the way of a fairer PvP system.

In short if we get incarnates some how, I hope
we don't have to do this. Lossing toons is never
a good option, one being replaced not so bad
but mulitple lost.... BAD. AkA /unsigned (but
nice try)



This sounds eerily close to the hologrind from SW:G. All that would happen is people would create several characters they don't care about for the sole perpose of sacrificing them to get the overpowered one that they do.



Agreed, if I'm a badge collector, and I am I would want to use my main for the run (I already have this theory that to qualify you need 95% of the badges on a single character both sides, and a level 50 or the epics on each side, and a level 50 of each archetype on each side (since you now have more slots :P), that would make it rare. I also think you should have to pass a lore test to get the damn thing but thats me.) and sacrificing and LOSING the badges (I'm sure we've heard in the past that you cna't transfer badges over..somewhere..right?) for a "roll" for incarnate?

I've been after Incarnate since somewhere in issue 6 or 5, and I'm RABID about it, but this isn't a viable solution, it penalizes the player in certain aspects and then you have that concept of what if the random roll roll stogether a Force Field / Invulv or something silly? :P

Though I like the direction your thinking...
