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  1. Kat got her emeralds back.
  2. Peterbilt

    *PING* Dings 27!

    HBD and Many More. Will we get a new breakdance video this year?
  3. That's some Awesomesauce for you.
  4. Peterbilt was a hero brick under the pen and paper Champions game from when it first started. My group role played A LOT and the character eventually got tired and "retired" because of what happened to him during multiple games.

    I started playing City with CoV and the concept of Peterbilt actually turned villanous appealed to me. He was my first character and since the global wasn't taken, I thought I would take them both.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by iBuds View Post
    Reason bein' is that Red Side Hami Raids have been lackin' bodies these past coupler runs.
    If we schedule the Blue Side Raid before Red Side's (or afterwards), we could advertise durin' the Monster hunt or some other time.

    We've got the Blue Side down to a very, very fast time and it would be nice if the Red Side's Raid didn't take an hour to 2 hours, when it is a success.

    Saturdays aren't good for me but I do like the idea of helping out the red side raids with a blue side raid as advertising.
  6. (without reading the other 34 replies)

    1. Yes

    2. Yes (but I don't have a mic for vent so would have to type replies if required.)

    *goes and reads thread now*
  7. Way late but no less felt. Hope your birthday was wonderful. What did the kids get for you?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Ok, Doom:
    Like their other major projects for the game (pvp, CoV, AE, O-Zone), this is a good idea that will be horribly implemented.

    Now this is doom.

    Now I'm depressed.

    (Of course we can hope against type and maybe they'll get this right straight out of the box.

    And pigs will fly and I'll own a pretty pink pony!)
  9. Doubt that I can make it but I will try (very hard.) I'll bring either a blaster or PB (with a very decent regen, but probably not enough to tank hami but could be on yellow taunt.)

    Stelios, there isn't any problem with forming inside the hive as you won't get randomly attacked by the GMs unless someone goes out and drags one back. But you want to wait on the attack phase because they will drop Essence of the Earth which are the only defense against Hami's attacks. Everyone will probably need at least 3 and will want to have more so the GM spawning phase is critical to get those drops. Might I also suggest BFs for those who stun easily as it isn't difficult to get caught in an errant yellow mito blast that will stun most squishies. (And after you clear you insp tray for the EoE, don't forget to clear your salvage tray too.)
  10. well I don't think red looks good on you so you should go back and check your rep again. (Still 1 red dot but no longer 2)
  11. ..... but don't tell my heart
    My Achy Breaky Heart
    For it might just blow up and kill this man.


    good times

    good times
  12. And I was shopping for cloths.

    Good think I had a coupon.
  13. Nice. Two more 'fity on the server.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CyberTaz View Post
    I shall not play on Champion, tis a silly place!

    Oops, too late.
  15. Good job everyone. After only 6 hours he seems to have fled for other parts. (That, or he didn't listen to the Pingu warnings.)
  16. 60% more drama for 25% less playtime.

    While some say its an "East Coast" server it plays much more like a west coast server with a good late night crowd most nights.

    - bacon

    - pie

    - (can't say this enough) beware the Pingus

    - English not required to have fun here. Just look as some of the postings.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Theme and concept is the biggest draw for Isolators. Cat-names and cat-costumes generally get you first booking.

    If anyone needs some names, here are a couple I just thought of:

    Litter Box
    Hairball Man/Girl

    I have a special one for Voo but I think it might be too long.
    IlickmyprivatesbecauseIcan Boy
  18. I've never tanked Hami either but, if I remember correctly, 2 or 3 Regen Auras will last the first 90 seconds and then a couple Adrenalin Boosts whenever the defenders recharge/remember should keep you sitting pretty. If there are 5 or more defenders, no one will need EoE's until the Regen Auras wear off, which is a nice way to save those enhancements.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
    Have we really been here that long , To the lovely Sisters of the Sisterhood, A heart felt Happy Anniversary on these 6 years. It has been an Honor to fight at your sides time and again. The Sisters are Heroes that heroes can look up too.

    I look foward to see you all this weekend. and Owe you all a dance routine, Hmm what not to wear.

    American Valor
    Sentinel Of Liberty

    Is this where we shout, "Put it on! Put it on!"?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
    Now that's the spirit you can even take another one if you want, we won't tell

    Sure, one or two of the good stuff until the taste buds are dull. Then off to Labatt.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
    P.S. If you see me or Liz online at any time during the weekend, say "Happy Anniversary, Sisterhood!" in broadcast or local to receive a random gift!

    As in a random gift of a paper clip or box of tissues? Or a gift at random? Just want to make certain before I go about yelling the obvious.

    Oh, and

    Hippy, Happy Anny, Sisterhood!
  22. Thank you! Thank you!

    *looks at thread title again*

    Canada Day! I thought it said California Day!

    Oh well. Have a great day you Canuks. In your honor I'm drinking a Moloson and listening to Rush.
  23. I'm thinking there was something else to this also. Everyone was very laggy last night even at Ouro where I have never lagged before.