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  1. Yeah it was only available on SoAs I believe (omega and alpha), I hadn't tried it on a spider but I have costumes saved still that have the old alpha and omega on my NW.

    Best way to describe omega's look was it had the features of the smoldering aura, but also had a "splash" effect like the volcanic aura --> but the splash is semi-transparent. The splash also reacts to movement, so turning your character or running makes the second effect flare up somewhat. It's hard to explain really, but I do know that the dark purple color chosen by the person in the screens do not do the aura justice at all: red was IMO the most dynamic choice, as the splash effect was orange and yellow in color.

    Alpha on a NW was also crazy looking, it made the toon look like they were silouetted against a laser light show or something. Too bad the two were removed because they were interesting auras.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    Granted being able to use AS with no interupt and have superior damage does sound wonderful, but if that happens then what about the damage for AS while in hide? Will it get a buff then because what would be the point of using hide and AS when you can just do superior damage while unhidden and still have a chance to critical due to AF?
    There will be a difference between the two: in the normal attack chain AS will have a 1 sec cast and deal damage just short of Eagles Claw, where from hide it will maintain its longer (interruptable) cast time and do 2.5 times that damage. Also, an AS from hide will be the only way to apply the fear and -tohit debuffs.

    As for stalkers "not needing a buff", every other melee AT outshines them. They are listed as a "10" in the damage department, yet my night widow who is listed as a mere "7" kills faster + is more survivable. This inc buff is long overdue IMO.

    After that... just waiting on the TW port. TW/Ice will be a killer combo methinks.
  3. Person34

    Toxic Damage

    I didn't see it listed, but under "How can I protect myself from Toxic Damage?" you could add ice armor's T9 for stalkers as well: it adds +37.5% toxic resistance for 30 seconds unslotted.

    Slotted + hoarfrost's 15% + the pvp resist unique and stalkers can almost cap thier toxic resists for 30 seconds at a time at 74% (you might not even need the resist unique; I can't remember if hoarfrost can be slotted for resists as well).

    Good writeup BTW!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Protonic_Flux View Post
    Just keep those posts to yourself please, dont want to hear them.

    Clocks ticking. ToR's going live soon.
    ToR will be live in ten days, way before a solo incarnate option becomes available. But of course you know that...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zeh_Masteh View Post
    I dunno, guys... I've played around w/ TW for Tankers, and I feel a port to Stalkers, w/ all its KDs and AoE, will a little game-breaking.

    I mean this in the sense that once it is ported, you will see nothing but TW/Nin (like some have already said in this very thread), kinda like what Elec/Shield did to Scrappers (to a lesser extent after the nerf/fix).

    I dunno, we'll see... basically, as is, TW fixes everything wrong w/ Stalkers, as long as you stick to that powerset: we'll see what they do w/ the port
    Let folks have /nin, I'll be making a TW/Ice and yes it will be massively gamebreaking. Hell, Ice by itself is a gamebreaker for stalkers (+end/+def clickie, +400 hp clickie coming soon, -rech/-dmg aura and it's killer T9) so I look forward to seeing what TW brings to the table.
  6. I can't remember where it was posted but the devs just recently announced stalkers will be geting TWs and also mentioned that they were a little surprised at the outrage over stalkers not getting access to it... which is funny because all of TW screenshots posted hinted that stalkers -were- getting it.

    With all of that killer AE goodness (T9 arc of destruction!), follow through and the new Assassin's Focus changes coming up I se it being a monster of a set for stalkers.

    Edit: found the link ->

    "They're looking into porting Titan Weapons to stalkers down the line, as it would need new animations. They were surprised by the disappointment regarding it not being on stalkers."
  7. Looks like something may be changing with the SoA set. The Superior set's proc is still "-dmg and chance for terrorize", but the lesser set's text has changed to "chance of -dmg and toxic DoT".

    I hope it's the latter, as a toxic DoT would be much more useful for us, rather than a mag 2 terrorize who's recipient will most likely get one-shotted with the same attack that triggers it.

    Also, as of now both sets are unique and you can only have one of either slotted (either the lesser or superior, not both). Will be interested to see if that changes.
  8. I think I enjoy the game for reasons opposite of yours: it's a mind-numbingly easy game to play with little challenge where the top end "gear" (as in PvP and purple IOs) is all tradable and completely obtainable by anyone with the funds (or merits). You can then run a few iTrials and unlock T1 incarnate powers and be ungodly (or is that "godly") stupid powerful. Get in over my head? I have a full tray of insps and an host of temp/accolade powers to turn the tide. And with IOs and incarnates, even AVs are a bit of a joke now: I had a +1 Synapse arrive at the end of a PI mish a week ago, who was a bit of a pushover (and this was playing a NW, which is not the most durable of critters).

    Yeah, sounds a little like I'm ranting but seriously no other game I've played is like this... just log on and kill. And setup time is pretty much non existant, I can log in a toon and in 15-20 minutes complete multiple paper missions. Then I just log off and go on with my day's other activities. In the other game I play, Everquest, it sometimes takes 20 minutes just to get to a zone, and once I arrive trash mobs can kill you before you can blink... here I can be surrounded by mobs attacking me and go AFK without worry.

    It's the simplicity of the game that keeps me interested.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
    Hey all,

    Staff Fighting will be available for Stalkers, Brutes, Tankers, and Scrappers.

    We're testing three improvements to stalkers in i22:
    -Assassin's Strike: using Assassin's Strike outside of hide will be an uninterruptible attack with no windup time, dealing Superior damage. This will allow Stalkers to do very competitive dps.
    -All Stalker attacks that are not Assassin's Strike will build stacks of a buff called Assassin's Focus. Assassin's Focus increases your chance to critically strike with the out-of-hide Assassin's Strike.
    -Stalker Buffed Max HP will be increased by about 400. This should allow them to fully benefit from powers like dull pain, hoarfrost, etc.
    -These changes to Stalkers should make them very competitive top-end damage dealers, and help them with their early attack chain since they can use Assassin's Strike mid-combat.

    Not the buffs I was expecting, but looks good to me. Esp the new mechanic involving assassin's strike, it'll no longer be a one trick pony. Exciting stuff.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Combat View Post
    What I can remember:

    There will be AT IOs for the basic ATs, possibly the EATs but don't hold your breath.

    These IOs will come in two flavors. One is more powerful and rare, but is unique, while the other is more common and can be slotted multiple times. I believe the images we have are the unique ones.

    A large number of these have an 8.75% recharge bonus, but not all.
    I know EATs get them, the SoA sets are called "Dominion of Arachnos", but you listed that the lesser set can be slotted multiple times... is this true? Both the lesser and superior sets list all of the IOs as being unique.

    Personally I hope the lesser can be slotted multiple times, that will open up a lot of opportunities regarding slotting on my builds (since I could drop the LotG recharge IOs and free up 3-4 slots by replacing with the 8.75 recharge of these sets).

    Regardless, I'm excited.
  11. For those who haven't seen this yet. There are AT-specific IO sets in the database that have not gone live. In case you haven't seen the SoA sets (there are two, one "regular" and one "superior") it is called "Dominion of Arachnos". They can be slotted into any attack.

    The regular set's bonuses are +7% acc/health +1.88%/dmg 3%/+ 8.75% rech/ +toxic and psi resist +2.21%.

    The superior set has the same bonuses at a greater value: +15%/3%/4%/10%/2.52%.

    They also share the same proc, chance for -dmg and terrorize. The regular set is fixed at triggering roughly 4 times per minute, the superior set at 5 per minute. Both have a 10 second duration with the fear being mag 2 and the -dmg at 7.5%. Since these can be slotted into any attack it would be interesting to have both procs (if allowed) to be placed in something like spin maybe. I was hoping for a chance for toxic damage personally, since for me that is kind of the theme of the AT.

    BTW I think these will be only available through the marketplace, but not 100% on that.
  12. There were quite a few sets posted originally: tanker, blaster, brute, dominator, and corruptor that I can recall. The stalker set has a proc that activates hidden status supposedly, the brute's increases fury generation and the scrapper set increases crit %.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    Then please enlighten me? Psychic Blast was proliferated to blasters in i12 before the i13 pvp bust happened. Between i9 and i13 I played a rad/psy defender in pvp extensively so I know as well as you do that if blasters got defender psychic blast at that time it would break pvp (before they would break pvp a mere 1 issue later). The number of forum posts against blasters getting defender psy blast in its current state were rampant.
    This was because something even more significant happened that issue: VEATs went live and fortunatas were wrecking opponents with dominate. I don't think a lot of people recognized the mechanics behind the attack (that it wasn't a ranged attack, it was a psi attack and therefore no one had defense against it) and it just helped to reinforce the idea that "omg psi is overpowered!".

    My stalkers wouldn't have cared either way because psi doesn't do a dead blaster much good.
  14. Regardless of what new powersets come out or what gets ported over to other ATs, I always migrate back to my night widow. It just fits my playstyle: turn on its fullproof status protection + leadership toggles, hit mind link every 90 seconds and kill whatever is in your path... which is probably my attraction to the AT. It's just stupid easy to play and completely straight forward.
  15. The combo I'm using on my StJ/Ice is BU + AS + shin breaker (that has an -res proc in it plus builds to combo lvl 3), and then either placate + lvl 3 CU (if I need a massive burst) or one of the finnishing AEs. Yeah, having BU or placate adding +1 to the combo would have been nice, but I'm happy with it as is. Overall I think StJ is a pretty stellar set for stalkers, even with rib cracker missing from the picture.

    And yes, CU does crit after a placate, and it crits hard. I have mine slotted with the purple melee and hold procs, and when both fire on a lvl 3 combo crit it's not uncommon to see 1700+ damage. It out performs AS by a good bit, this is one of those sets where having controlled crits is nice as hell.

    The tweaks you mentioned would be nice, but again I'm happy with how the set turned out for stalkers.
  16. Thanks Robo_Knight, and yes I agree Gavin: chance of hidden status would rock, while chance of stealth would say to me "I guess the devs agree that this is suppost to be a hit and run AT...".
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
    With electric armor you should be hitting energy cap as well. Resist cap for stalkers is kindof low though, so you d be better off trying to get defense softcap.
    Yeah, grab shadowmeld on that beast and you should be one tough stalker.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Errant View Post
    [Hide] - 8 Seconds of not hitting or not being hit... How about just changing it to 8 seconds of not attacking? This way the non-Defense sets aren't as hampered and forced to scrap?
    Are you talking about having to "hit and run" or something and then get back into hide so you can "hit and run" again? Because if so you're doing it wrong, and if not then no clue what you are asking about. And being forced to scrap is a good thing BTW ---> I'd rather be in the mix killing stuff than waiting eight seconds to re-hide again.

    About the hide being an inherent, that has been asked for before (along with hide being changed to act like energy cloak from /EA), but doesn't look like it will ever happen. Would be nice though.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    In his defense, that is NOT his actual opinion... he was speaking as if for one of the Devs.
    Ah wasn't aware of that, noted.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
    It also has a combo mechanic, and staffs just aren't thematic stealth weapons.
    Then why the hell are you making such a big deal about stalkers not getting Titan Weapons? How many stealthy "ninjas" carried around 7' tall swords weighing in at 150 lbs?

    Personally I don't care that stalkers didn't get TWs, although they should have IMO substituted another set in its place. As for staff fighting, there should be no reason for stalkers not to get that set. And with the jewel that StJ ended out becoming, I don't see a whole lot of room for complaining here.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
    Then comes icy bastion, the jewel of the set, delivering significant chunks of resistance to all damage but psy, and increasing your regen and recovery significantly. All the varied forms of mitigation can combine to make one seriously tough character.
    Best thing about Icy Bastion is it recharges so fast and has zero penalties. This is the first stalker armor set I've played that allows me to scrapperlock ("stalkerlock" just sounds dumb). The only thing about the set I find annoying is the graphic, I wish they had a zero FX option on all armor sets.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
    I'm thinking about making a Nin/? Stalker. But I am wondering what that character would bring to teams. I have very little experience with the AT, but from what I know it seems like a Scrapper is better on almost every front. The strength of Stalkers seems to be taking down hard targets quickly, but what's the "Stalker experience" like? I want to get some thoughts on being a Stalker and joining up with TF and trial teams before actually making the character.
    Stacking AS's AE tohit debuff with blinding powder's would work well for teams, caltrops could create a designated "safe area" for squishies, etc. For teaming /nin would work great I think.

    Regardless of solo or teaming, I just play a stalker the same either way: BU/ AS/ placate/ heavy hitter, then start scrapping. With StJ, the "heavy hitter" (CU) does @ 1400-1500 damage, so yeah the "burst" mentality still exists I think.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    Second, a single target focused Crab does around 250dps which is very, very impressive. That is taken before the achilles heel proc, reactive proc and pet damage is taken into account
    So, according to your testimony a "single target crab" (which is a bit of an oxymoron isn't it?) can deliver on its own, outside of pets, incarnates or debuff procs, DPS that falls just a hair short of a top tiered night widow? Is there video of this somewhere, because I'm not sure I can believe this without seeing it firsthand.

    I have done a 6 minute pylon kill on my widow, and this is pre-incarnate and I know that my melee crab just can't compete with that, but I could be doing it wrong too. But again, if a crab can dish out high end NW damage -without- pets/procs, plus run 2100 hps and killer resistance/defenses ---> I'd like to see this.
  24. I just got my DP/Poison to 50, and there is a lot of synergy between the sets. I think it is mostly due to both the T9's being up close and personal though: lead off with weaken, waltz in and have venomous gas further debuff the mob's tohit and damage. Envenom, soul drain and HoB, move onto the next spawn.

    So for DP anyway, poison works fine. I think in order for the set to be at its maximum potential venomous gas needs to be used offensively, which may not be something folks consider doing with BR's ranged T9.

    Overall, I'm liking /poison but again it probably meshes a lot more with the primary I picked over BR: if you are not wading into melee range to put the T9 debuff to use then half the set is wasted I think.
  25. I'm not sure how it plays on the other ATs, but it is a great set for stalkers. The cone + AE give it a little more flexibility than the other stalker sets, and a combo 3 CU crit hits like a dinosaur-killing meteorite: we're talking harder-hitting than assassin's strike.

    It's a solid set with nice animations, my only gripe is that all the attacks are so spammable that if you aren't careful your endurance bar literally evaporates. I'm enjoying it while I can, as I'm sure it will be shelved soon as Titan Weapons and Staff Fighting are released...