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  1. Bummed but going to miss ths week due to RL stuff going on. Have fun!
  2. PennyPA


    And add patience. My widow has 3 sets of 5 enhancements for purples. I placed bids and played the game. About 3 or so months later, checking my bids, I had 14 of them bought. Since I only paid <300 mill for those first 14, I just went ahead and spent about 150 mill for the last one.

    Another way to get some good inf Fista is to do A merit rolls for rares and craft them. Not sure why, but the crafted IO costs is usually way, way higher than the recipe costs on a number of IOs.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MallardDuck View Post
    Excellent and thoughtful post. Tying something like powerset respecs to the incarnate system is a very clever idea.
    I second this. Thanks Arcanaville.
  4. i do on all my toons that do!
  5. Just my 2 inf, but I liked the black hole IO suggestion from before (see sig).
  6. Oh I agree that the devs have, in their way, stated their position again. But I can also see posters taking the view that they didn't specifically say "no", and counter what Arcana said as still being on the table after reading that article.
  7. So Arcana, what do you say on the article here? The "last but not least" paragraph.

    I am not in favor of powerset/AT respecs, but could they still be thinking about it?

    Oh, welcome to boards mike1alpha. It has it's ups and downs, but more of the former!
  8. IMO, it should very limited how far a game should "insist" us to go out of our comfort zone. You should be free to play and have the fun of finding out what the the game offers. I think that is what keeps a player around longer - answering those "what haven't I uncovered yet?" questions. If the game insist or forces you to something, for me that takes the fun out and I wouldn't be around long.

    For example, trying out a new powerset and testing the limits. Maybe not best example. But right now I am leveling an /ele arm stalker. I already have a 50 /nin stalker and amazed at what I could do. My new stalker is much more different. My comfort zone on how I play is not with this new stalker. But I continue to level her because I am finding some new ways to play and finding out some new things about the game after nearly 7 years. If the game insisted I play this set earlier when I wasn't ready, I may have given up and not leveled a stalker.

    A more provocative comfort zone example are children. Preamble - I am aware of the threads that people want this, I do not and find it offensive. I won't answer or debate this here since it is my opinion and people have their opinions. Anyhow, forcing or insisting a player like me out my comfort zone that far would end the game right there for me. The devs need to make a balanced game for a very broad customer base. Making the game with all kinds of content that pushes many players out of their comfort zones would just push more players away. The devs can have it that the current tools allows close to what some people may want (like short toons that look very closely like children). The game won't force you to do something out of you comfort zone, but you can explore.
  9. Yuppers in for Tuesday but on late Wednesday. Teams should be a plenty. But there is only one Voodoo!
  10. Eh, not sure what to expect. Worried about it being the hot item 1 week, then the desolate wasteland the next. Sorta like the COP trial right now. I would like to try it a few times, but when it came out, RL had me elsewhere and missed the boat on it. Imagining trying to get 24 people together with WSTs and such going way.

    I am just a doomsayer for now without knowing the future incarnate stuff. I've said it before about the time when I played DAoC. When ToA came out, I just had my second kid and by the time I got playing again, I couldn't get anyone involve with those later trials and never could compete in RvR anymore. So I quit, and ended up here...yikes!
  11. I have decided to focus only on a few toons for incarnate stuff. I have unlocked the alpha for all of my 50's, but less than half are slotted. Even less above the first slot.

    I am still having fun with the rest of the content, trying out new toons and powersets I have not played. I will leave the new incarnate stuff to my few toons getting attention.
  12. Good run for Numi and IM.

    In for next week's TFs on Tuesday. Maybe a late on Wednesday, depending on when I get home.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    Remember what I said the other day? I don't make this stuff up

    Take me off ignore
    Thats not what it said!!!! It said Numina X2. I read it through and rechecked to make sure..runs and hides to cry...

    (but up for Mistral if you are running Tuesday...)
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    I don't even know what this is supposed to mean

    Wanted Ice Mistral Tuesday

    And if you get a 2nd Mistral up Wednesday, I should be on by then after the 1st.
  15. Welcome to the game.

    If/when you sign up for a full account, make sure you join your server's global channels. It will let you know about events like task forces forming or people looking for teams (or for people to join teams). Also, visit your server's subforum and get to know the community!
  16. Boooo!!!!

    Although I can be a maybe Wednesday 2nd run.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DocArcus View Post
    For whatever reason NCSoft feels it should be there. It has been there from the day this game launched. If they felt that it needed to be removed, it wouldn't be there. It's their game.
    /this. The company is not some evil organization that gets its laughs out of making us click once. It was discussed and added for a reason they deemed necessary, otherwise, they would have not gone through the expense in time, people, and money to change the set up when they have so much else to work on.

    Seriously, one-click means what again to all the times you click during the game? You have to click glowies and doors, or activate powers if not bound to the key board. The new launcher is far better than the old one IMO, nothing to be changed.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atilla_The_Pun View Post
    I curse the market because EVERY MMO I've seen sets the thing up as a mini game rather than a tool that should be beneficial to ALL players instead of a toy for just a few.
    I think you forgot the word "equally" somewhere.

    If any player puts no effort into the market, he/she are not going to make the same as players that "toy" with it. Everything can be listed at 1 inf and you could make many times over the return (I put a purple up one day for 1 inf and got 500mill as an example - thanks to whoever bought it! ). You can sell the inspirations from the tutorial and make a decent amount for a starting toon. And so forth. You can make lots of inf with little or no effort and stick wiht the TO/DO/SO's throughout the game.

    Now, if you choose to not use regular enhancements, but what those shiney sets, well, you have to put the effort in and/or be patient. You have alternate sources for everything - you can farm for drops, you can collect merits (regular or alignment), you can get AE tickets. You don't have to touch the market once. But if you want it NOW!!! and don't want to put in the effort, well, there maybe a price involved. Just depends on what you are willing to pay.

    Every player benefits from this market.
  19. I could go for this, /signed.

    Agreed that there are tech issues like the clipping you mentioned, but hopefully not to complicated that they can't be overcome.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    a very valid question, there are 2 options for consideration;

    1: only the main damage type affects your res, EX: an energy blaster would only be resistant to energy damage even though he can deal smashing and KB.

    2: Percent based sharing, 20% res gets split between the damage types and effects you deal based on their already present values. in which case the 20% boost is split apart. EX: energy blast might be; 10% energy res, 5% Smashing res, 5% KB res.
    Appreciate the answers. But agreeing with Sharker that this might not be the best for CoX at this time. If they come out with a sequel, it could be integrated and balanced right the bat.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
    Please wear glasses when reading my posts, using your brains would be helpful too.
    Don't wear glasses. And you don't make sense. Oh well, apparently back to having fun.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    I'm personally going to be running as many LGTFs as I can on Virtue to screw with the wimpy Heroes trying to do Numina :3.
    Wonders if you have a stockpile of Halloween salvage to turn in too, eeeeevil.

    For the OP, IME, what said about splitting up and calling zones is most efficient way to get through those hunt missions. Some of the guides probably have order of zones that you can call out early and get people moving to them sooner.
  23. Will be in for Tuesday next week for redside. Might skip blueside for now. And Wednesdays look like they will be out for me for some while.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    Balance, you keep asking for balance.

    the balance is already in place, this is just an optional freebie, optional freebies aren't required to survive the game, so they don't require any balance.

    you are what you are; your powersets would give you an optional choice to be naturally resistant to the damage type you deal.

    it's optional, it's extra, it doesn't require that everybody has equal stats for balance because it is extra.

    it might make the game easier for some, but it wont make the game any harder for others.
    But the devs have to make the content challenging that keep us playing, otherwise it will become boring fast and players leave. How will they program the appropriate challenge for all toons, all powersets and ATs?

    And between powersets, they have damage types and secondary effects. Rad on a def does energy damage and -def. Energy blast does energy/smash and KB. So who gets the better resistance? The same? Does energy blast get both energy and smash? Where does that leave sonic which is smash/energy and -res? You have to balance this or people will just max out resists/def to the most common types and use IOs to fill in the holes.
  25. WB Murphy.

    Remember to check out the thread on finding teams (link)