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  1. So far, I like them. New mobs and ways of playing. The leadership has been awesome. Can't wait to see what the next challenges are.

    Now to the other items:
    1 - I believe a few minutes to wait would be the "polite" thing to do. But the speed at which these are moving, a few minutes could mean it is over if the DC is late. This is a touchy because people are getting good at keeping the teams filled. I could see frustration building up in players over time hitting LFG flag and never getting in a league. Not all are in the globals and there appears to be new players every so often. I just don't see an easy way to answer this currently. I guess having a few extra or extra team every so often would be a way to get more involved in our community.

    2 - I am concerned on the future trials. People have dissected these two already and they are practically routine now. I don't want to see people get bored running the same two things over and over. And will the devs have to add more extreme things so that we don't burn through them in the first week?

    Eh, I am jus rambling now. Need coffee. Glad to see such great teams on the runs I have been on. Has really forced to polish up my buffing and healin skills with my emp def. I wonder what it will be like on over toons.
  2. /shrug...they bring players to the team.

    I was on the new trials last night and had two PBs in nova form raining down blasts against mobs. Maybe you haven't seen any because people are doing their favorite toon(s) first. I am doing my emp def first, next is my widow. Scrapper after that. I bet people have their own list.

    Every AT can contribute. Khelds can bring things like nova or dwarf or just plain human. They could bring experience in leading the team.
  3. Ugh, I will be in. RL is hammering me with job stuff. Only done 1 Lambda and 1 BAF on 1 toon. At this rate I may (only) unlock one of the new slots by Easter, let alone slot it.
  4. Not sure how to implement, but I like the suggestion. I know the feeling too since last I was on a completed BAF and was doing exactly the same thing going back and forth figuring out my path for salvage.
  5. I vote you make a new thread "Your weekly dose of Voo".

    And just go from there on what the plans are for Tuesday/Wednesday that way you are a little more free what to plan.
  6. Very different S/TFs. Thx for setting up.
  7. Agreed that respecing should be simplified. But /unsigned to the OP's suggestion.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
    I would propose a point/ticket system. First vet reward you get 1 point and the cost is 1 point. Second you get 2 points and the cost is 2 points and so on. Maybe the vaues could be tweeked but you see where I am going. If you dont like a vet reward, you could skip it and save those points to get another vet reward a little earlier.

    Couple of question:
    1) What do the current players get out of this? Players that already picked their vet rewards loose out on getting points and no chance to recover them.
    2) Why? You are suggesting something like a 3 year player saving points so that they can get the 5 year reward. They weren't here 5 years, so why do they get the reward for the 5 year mark when there is a chance they could quit next week or any time before actually playing 5 years. Vet rewards are thank you's. People keep trying to make something out of them.
  9. Should be on for the blue and red TFs Tuesday. And for Wednesday, standard will be on after 9 for later runs.
  10. Well, will try again another time. Thx!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlyGuyMcFly View Post
    This game doesn't need firm, decisive leadership (unlike others). All it requires is someone to handle invites and set the next mission.

    Besides that, all it takes is saying "good job" at the end of each mission, "let's just head on" if someone afks and the team loiters and saying "split" or "regroup, folks" if the team splits and gets in trouble.
    This is my style also with the one addition of just picking what to do in a mission. One example is the ITF last mission, I prefer to start at the front, go left, and leave Rommy for last and I let the team know before we start it. If a player heads to Rommy, I just let them know to come back to the team.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    Welcome to the forums, Thany.

    My suggestion is to try all of the servers.

    Definitely hook up with the Global channels commonly used on either.
    Seconding this.

    One item I will note from watching some new players join our globals is that they seem a little more active to say they willl join whatever is going on. I understand some players don't like to lead or shy in chatting, and most of us don't bite , but sitting there and expecting an invite to appear because you said LFT isn't the best way to go at it.
  13. PennyPA

    Hello Victory!


    And remember to check GP's post on channels and teams.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Aett is right.
    'nuf said. Vet rewards are thank you's, nothing more.
  15. Great time on SF last night. Apart from a few DC's, excellent run with a def, corr, contr, blaster, and scrapper.

    Anyhow, going to try and get on as soon as I can for tonight if you need more for the LRSF. Just not sure how soon after 9.
  16. To confirm Grouchybeast, that is correct. Everything from a brass to purples are listed at one inf. For example, in the last 2 weeks, I have gotten 4 purple drops (and probably won't see a purple for the rest of the year now). I made close to a billion on the market. ALL four were listed at one inf.

    Having to go through each and every single item would be a nightmare for some players that are like me. It isn't hard, just bid what you are wiling to pay for and it will come over time.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    Okay, why? Also, I've had, on many an occasion, sold a piece of common salvage with five or six digits history, with plenty triple-digit supply and demand, for peanuts - but also subsequently unable to buy that selfsame item for less than the marked-up prices in the bidding history.
    Because it would change people like me who don't waste time on the market. I list every single item for 1 (yes, one) inf. I have 2 toons at the inf cap and a third approaching it for almost no effort or time wasted. Having more data will require me to search through every single item I post to confirm I am getting a profit. Every single item because I post every single item for 1 inf. Now I would have to waste time on the market instead actually playing the game because there are players who can't grasp the concept of placing a bid for what they are willing to play and being patient.
  18. Currently listening to Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri......

    Whooooops!!!! Got confused on which thread I was in after reading Voo's post.
  19. If-y for Manti. Maybe will look for the red side WST this week on Tuesday first. If no luck, could try for something in the second run.

    Would be up for Wednesday if later. Sadly won't be on before 9ish.
  20. /unsigned greatly, and agree with the reasons that the other posters said.

    First, learn to search OP if you really have been here this long. This gets brought up in this forum and the market forum. You are bringing nothing new to your gimmegimmegimme post.

    And second, word of advise. Learn patience and to plan ahead. Waiting to lvl47 and expecting stuff to be waiting there for you is all wrong. My last 50 was a brute that I started in Praet. A few months before GR came out, I planned a build out and put bids on the market. By the time GR came out, I had every single IO/set I wanted. Bit was just a matter of time for me to level the toon so I could use the IOs. I did not spend billions or thousands of merits. I was patient and didn't pay WANTITNOW prices. And I definitely would not have spent 8 hours in game time when I should be having fun.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    FYI, if I'm around for Friday, it'd be closer to or past 930. Penny usually waits till about 925 before starting her own
    Well duh, everyone knows 929...
  22. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin for Friday!!!!

    Did you miss me?
  23. Wholeheartedly signed.

    Providing the lower level is 25+, I don't see an issue with them teaming with higher level teams like we can outside of Oro. I guess the only item is that some badge missions could be more attainable (since you can repeat) at lower levels. But is that really that big an issue?