what is the best server to find a team?




I am mostly on freedom but truthfully all I ever see are people farming for money and only once did I team up. It also seems the more people the more no one wants to team. So I am hoping it is just freedom server and not the whole community.



Welcome to the forums, Thany.

My suggestion is to try all of the servers. I primarily play on Protector and Justice, but being really similar communities with Justice being more populated.

Definitely hook up with the Global channels commonly used on either. Protector Vigilance and Jello Shooters on Prot, and JLA and Heretics on Justice. Global channels are not server specific, so you can chat in the regardless of what server you are currently on. There are also forums for each of the servers, head down there and introduce yourself.

If your forum join date is close to you CoH start date, then I'd recommend heading up to the top of the Player Questions forum and poking your head into the Mentor Project and joining the "N P C" global channel. /chan_join "N P C" (spaces and quotes are required.)



Originally Posted by Thany144 View Post
I am mostly on freedom but truthfully all I ever see are people farming for money and only once did I team up. It also seems the more people the more no one wants to team. So I am hoping it is just freedom server and not the whole community.
Hi, and welcome to the game!

Before you try other servers (although trying other servers is always good), you can also sub to the Freedom global channels -- look in the Freedom section of the forums to find the names. You should then be able to find people doing the types of content you're more interested in.

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Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Welcome to the forums, Thany.

My suggestion is to try all of the servers.

Definitely hook up with the Global channels commonly used on either.
Seconding this.

One item I will note from watching some new players join our globals is that they seem a little more active to say they willl join whatever is going on. I understand some players don't like to lead or shy in chatting, and most of us don't bite , but sitting there and expecting an invite to appear because you said LFT isn't the best way to go at it.



Freedom has an exceedingly visible nest of scum & villainy in Atlas Park, it is true. The trick is to get out of there as soon as possible!

Global channels are good, yes. Especially N P C (the spaces are important)

Also, when you find someone you like playing with use either /friend [so your specific character can keep track of their specific character] or /gfriend [no matter who you log in on, or they log in on, you can keep track of the account.] to put them on your friends or global friends list. There is a limit to how many people you can have on your global friends list, so don't take it personally if they don't accept your global friend invitation.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Thanks .....I am just hoping it isnt cause I am new. One of the main reasons I came here Is because I heard that sort of thinking wasn't prevalent here.



Originally Posted by Thany144 View Post
I am mostly on freedom but truthfully all I ever see are people farming for money
I'm guessing this was in Atlas Park. Freedom is a fine server and it's very active. However, the Atlas Park AE building is where the farmers congregate and they broadcast to the entire zone.

Go to the Freedom Server section of the forums and see what the good global channels are for teaming.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I'm guessing this was in Atlas Park. Freedom is a fine server and it's very active. However, the Atlas Park AE building is where the farmers congregate and they broadcast to the entire zone.

Go to the Freedom Server section of the forums and see what the good global channels are for teaming.