491 -
Haha.. remember when the boombox emote first came out, and whole zones were crashing because EVERYONE was throwing dance parties? Fun times.
Woo! My little group just won the lottery! Free prestige!!! Free prestige!!!
(one month later)
*flipping through bills*
MY RENT IS HOW MUCH??!? Oh dear god! We'll never be able to cover that! Well, there's only one way out now...
(to see our Super Group base, ride the Yellow Line to Steel Canyon, get off the train and turn right. there's a brown multi-story building there... just wait a few moments and see what we had to do to cover our debt...)
[/ QUOTE ]
Working with Hellions now?! Shame on you! -
That would honestly tempt me back into playing a tank, if implimented correctly..
Nice. Will we be seeing a feature like this for tankers and possibly scrappers soon? Confront isn't really cutting it, PvP-wise.
I'm also curious if this will result in pets taking a longer time to summon in PvP during combat, since taking down henchmen will be a signficant part of taking down a mastermind now. -
I can tell that youre trying to suppress memories of getting the crap beaten out of you by blasters, smoggy. I suggest that you consult a defender because, judging on your obvious lack of mental capacity, the defender could kick your butt so fast that you will forget all about the blasters and decide to move on to another MMO. Maybe Brokeback Mountain Online?
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a cowboy MMO about Men being Men, doing Manly things.
[/ QUOTE ]
Those aren't cowboys!
...they're sheep herders! -
RP isn't entirely Virtue exclusive, though that's where you'll certainly find it. Thankfully the game's been out long enough that each server has a nice enough base of RPers to at least play to.
That said, Virtue's your best bet to start with. We're a friendly bunch, and even if you roleplay with funny dialogue like Paladin you're pretty much par for the course there; everyone might not RP, but everyone's pretty groovy with the idea.
Feel free to look me up sometime if you're in Steel Canyon or Siren's Call. -
Has anyone ever tried casting vengence on pet corpses?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I have. It doesn't work except when targetting player characters in your group. I guess that's a good balancing feature, though, since the buff it gives is pretty magnificent. -
*L* I've always called it Blyde Statue when referring to it, so I'm going to guess that the hero is Blyde, too. At least, that's the name I've taken to calling it IC.. since I spend most of my ingame time under the statue and all.
Might just be M1 with a larger statue, though. -
Thank you very, very much, Robotech Master. For some reason the PDF file Cryptic has available reads as corrupted whenever I try to download it. I'm glad there's an alternative.
I've been waiting eagerly for something like this to take place, as well. Though Paladin's more of an 'actions, not words' kind of RP character, I'd gladly sign him up for a server crossover. Thanks for taking this on, Halorin; it's quite a task.
Name: Paladin
Server: Virtue
Security Level: 43
Archetype: Scrapper
Despite my name on Virtue, I'll likely be Paladin1 on the test server. The name's apparently pretty popular. -
Aw but thenwe have the Paladin whos aparently a hobo as every time i see him shes sleeping by positron with a tin can and a cardboard sign that read "looking for positron tf"...
Wha wrong you old goat get thrown out ofthe Holy order of knights?
"Will Exemplar for food"
[/ QUOTE ]
*LOL* You've seen me, eh?
Nice ribbing. I do tend to AFK there rather than some out of the way place. I figure Paladin looks a bit like Valkyrie, so that was originally why I picked that spot. It's also a nice starting point to chase after any high level ambushes that might be running amok in the zone. -
I don't care to do it, but that's because deep down I've always wanted to be Superman. There's roleplaying, and then there's.. >_>
Been RPing in web-based chat rooms for several years now, though, and I still have yet to make a female character. It's partially because the times I've seen guys play females and gals play males they usually resort to bland or offensive stereotypes that turn me off to that style of play. I also don't really have much interest in playing female characters.
During time RPing, though, I've seen a lot of crazy silly stuff. The internet is a strange place.. Suffice to say that provided the player knows what they're doing and doesn't purposefully and deceitfully mislead other players I've got no problem with it. -
If you guys decide on a date, let me know. I'm still a rookie when it comes to RPing in an MMORPG but this isn't something I'd like to miss. We'd practically have the whole Test Server to ourselves, as well. Now there's your roleplaying server.
I agree with you, Venarr, on all counts. You make some very significant and valid points, something that the developers would be wise to listen to.
Geko, I want to thank you for replying to this thread. I'd like to offer that you take what Venarr and others have written here into consideration when pathing out future changes.
I've been a big fan of the medicine power pool, and I certainly enjoyed being able to buff my teammates against the long, drawn out fights with status affecting enemies. Sometimes it didn't work, others it did, but it certainly made the game more enjoyable and stategic. I realize that the change made to stimulant was a bug, but the doors opened through the change don't seem like something that should be closed; I believe it's an opportunity to examine what might become of some of the hitherto abandoned game content that you would be wise look into. As those here have mentioned, perhaps the mistake and the subsequent enjoyment/use for zones such as the Rikti crash sites and other areas are a sign that further examination of status affects and status affect protection abilities is warranted.
As one of your costumers who has been very pleased with your product, I'd like it if you would be kind enough to look into that possibility. Thank you. -
I roleplay in a few RPing sites along the internet, but I haven't really started roleplaying in CoH. ..namely because I can't quite pan down ye olde english accent for my character.
But I'd love to give it a shot, if any of you see me and happen to want to strike up a conversation. I play The Paladin, who looks much like his name would imply. Demons beware!