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  1. /signed and /doublesigned.

    There's no reason I can see why these powers aren't provided with some small bit of untouchable status. They're insufficient as combat revives - it's as simple as that.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    No. Posi also said this about power-set respecs in an ingame Q&A.

    "Positron - it's more that a complete overhaul invalidates a ton of work we've put into making the game alt-friendly."

    So while we may not like it, the devs haven't given us any reason to believe they've changed their minds. They want the game to be alt friendly and power-set respecs not only are too much work to bother doing, they also invalidate all the effort that has gone into making this game alt friendly.
    I appreciate the quote, Forbin, but do you recall the question that was posed to Positron? I'd like the context, if only because there's a hundred different concepts of "Powerset Respecs" floating around; keeping your levels while swapping ATs/Powersets would certainly harm the alt-friendly gameplay and would earn Positron's response. Essentially rerolling a character to level 1 with the same name and badges, but new and more appropriate powersets, not as much.

    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Calling this "Not exactly a powerset respec" is like calling water "not exactly wet." Not only is it a suggestion shot down by the devs, but the OP's dishonest about what it is.

    Poor show.
    That's being entirely too hostile on the OP. Normal respecs return you to your full level after completion, but the OP's suggestion does not; that'd be the difference implied in the title, I expect. But even if he had been wrong, lashing out at the OP as being dishonest rather than ignorant, then close with "Poor Show" is a poor reflection of the CoH community. You can be critical without the snark; the forum has enough snark as it is.

    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    No. You're twisting both the intent and outcome of what he's saying. They know we want it, and they are still saying that. They're not even saying we will look into putting it on the schedule, which is what they do when it is in the realm of possibility.

    As the other quote says, this is an alt friendly game, and even a paid for feature that depresses the need to make alts is antithetical to their main goal, which is to keep people paying and playing. When Posi says he doesn't know what they'd charge to make it worth it, he's thinking of all those hours and time people invest into a new alt when something new comes along.
    No. Positron said what he said; that it's not on the schedule, and that AT respecs are impossible. He also stated that Powerset respecs were possible, and a lot of hard work which may or may not be worth the effort. He did not say "No. Never."

    Whether rerolling characters to level 1 with badges intact would depress the desire for alts is speculation, and pointlessly nit-picking. Rerolling a character versus rolling an alt are essentially the same thing, barring the obvious badge retention and name preservation, which is the point of most Powerset Respec suggestions in the first place. The only other place where it might make a difference is in the purchasing of additional slots for a specific server: those who reroll may have less need for purchasing slots for alts, but would be providing an infusion of funds each time they do reroll.
  3. From the mentioned Q&A:

    Posi: "They are not on the schedule. They are a lot, A LOT of work. Some people in the office were asking about them. AT respecs seem impossible, and powerset respecs are easier, but still very very hard. I don't know what we'd have to price them at to make them worth the effort."
    So it's not that they can't or won't do it. It's just not on the schedule at the moment. Asking for these things and bringing it up with threads like these will certainly do a lot for putting it on the schedule where there's time.

    It's worthwhile and great for those who have main badge characters or a specific character they want to reroll without losing some of what they've accomplished. It's just a lot of work to impliment, and whether it prove worth the time and effort is still in question.
  4. Paladin


    I tried it just now and it's working fine for my character in his base. Is this a new problem for you over multiple gaming instances? Maybe it's just a temporary bug that will squash itself if you restart the game.
  5. Paladin

    Ghost Story

    Thanks for the thread, Doc! I only recently got into the Dresden files after my brother loaned me a few, but I'm hooked! I'll be picking a copy up tomorrow after work.

    Glad to hear it's not the end of the series either.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I just mean that a lot of this is subjective. Sure, there will be some trolls who deliberately grief, but a lot of what you've laid out comes down to personal preference and playstyle. Different people have different definitions of what does and does not constitute what you've identified.
    I don't think the definitions are very subjective, but anyone who's worried about crossing the line should attend at any rate, then ask if it's appropriate. There's a wide line between being sad that you're family was killed and being upset that your father, Lucifer von Dark Morningstar, doesn't love you.
  7. The server's up. Come on down and camp yourself a spot.

    Sounds like the party's in Cimerora, but you never know.
  8. I had a wonderful time with so many people in a Keyes. While it wasn't a PUG Hamidon raid, it was the next best thing. A lot of chaos, a lot of KOs, and a lot of enjoyment was had.

    Special thanks to Avatea and Freitag for coming out and joining us for some crazy mischief. We'll have to run it again to completion during the second phase of this event.
  9. I'll be attending!

    If there's enough interest, I'd love to run a heroside Hamidon Raid with the Devs taking part. It would be a lot of fun!
  10. I approve of this film being made on the sole condition that every other sentence involves groan inducing puns. If the theater's screen is not pelted with popcorn at least five times due to terrible word play.. it is unworthy.
  11. I've "threatened" to kick people if they cutscene bomb, but that was me being entirely not-serious. Said fans of cutscene bombings then became serious and thought I was being serious, and..

    Entirely too much serious business going on everywhere.

    But seriously. Force me to watch your offensively ugly costume during a cutscene? That's a kick.
  12. Just think back to that scene in Batman Begins, Big Boss. "Why do we fall?"

    You led the team to the end, earning them experience, influence/infamy, prestige, recipes, and incarnate shards. You took it upon yourself to form the team from nothing which, looking at the amount of people who are content to sit and broadcast "LFT" endlessly, is a significant accomplishment itself. And you didn't start blaming others when things went south. That's excellent.

    Failures happen - in this case, it was a lack of level 50 characters that affected your run. You've learned from it; you can either start denying lower level characters, or maybe pick up a few Vanguard Heavies/Shivan Shards on the off chance that a team make-up like this occurs in the future.

    While it can be tempting to go over in your mind what could have been done differently, the best way to put this minor failure in perspective is to just run the trial again and show yourself that this was a fluke. Preferably with chatty, fun loving teammates.

    If you're on Virtue, send me an invite and I'll be happy to join you.
  13. Paladin would look mighty fine as a Broadsword Brute.

    With trials and other content no longer stressing alternate characters as an end-game, is there any thought given to reexamining the "No" to archtype/powerset rerolling for existing characters?

  14. Well, it's nearing the end of the day and I don't see any threads put up yet.

    Happy Birthday, America!
  15. Hey Oz,

    I was there under Paladin with you last night. I just want to let you know that (with the exception of myself towards the end) everyone was very supportive of you and your disability. I have to admit, I thought you were engaging in some epic trolling towards the end, but you have to admit yourself that asking someone to stay with you while you were KOed on the ground in a previously completed section was a little extreme, right?

    We also tried to explain how to find us - how to leave the hospital, then to click on the team members name to locate someone who was part of the big group that you could follow. I understand that while you were under a lot of stress that even basic things can be difficult to do, but there's only so much we as other players can do. I would have come and caught you up if I weren't busy drawing Anti-Matter around. But - I have to say, the entire raid was extremely gracious and concerned with your safety, stressing that if you were having health issues to please take care of yourself, and that we wouldn't hold it against you if you had to stay either in the Hospital or leave the raid entirely due to stress.

    I provided the detailed instructions to you in tells because I didn't want you going in blind, and I hope that at least giving you an idea of what was going to happen alleviated some of it. From your comments while our team leader got the raid together, it seemed like you were concerned, so I took it upon myself to at least try to help.

    No one on the team was really motivated by putting himself above others, but rather coming together to accomplish something great and fun, as a team. And as a team, I again have to stress that everyone was very gracious, even when you made it clear that you would most likely not enjoy yourself.

    From your comments before the raid it was clear that you weren't entirely thrilled to be there, but I'll commend you for giving something a shot at least once. However, if you do have a medical issue it's a good thing to let your teams know that before a raid is under way or before you start to exhibit symptoms like you said you did. But as the raid went on, and without any notice that you had these issues during the 20 minutes+ while the team was ready and waiting to start, it honestly seemed like you were trying to troll up a horror story.

    It crossed my mind that maybe you had waited until we were sincerely engaged to tell us about your medical condition, and begin asking people to stop what they were doing to stand by you in order to evoke a hostile response - one which I was pleasantly surprised did not come. Everyone was considerate, and with the exception of one comment from me ("..epic troll is epic") there was nothing even remotely negative that went on in league or team chat. I do apologize for thinking you a troll, but I'm confused where the idea that people were off focused on winning comes from, when everyone did all they could to accommodate you, short of either stopping the raid entirely or removing you from the league in order to free you from the stress.

    However, now that I see there's a post on the forums about this I don't know what to think. It doesn't really match up with what I saw, though.
  16. I can appreciate a good rant, and it can be frustrating to get knocked down often. But the only real threat that surrounds these trials is cascading morale failure - when one person complains that it's too hard due to a hiccup, then someone else thinks it's doomed so they stop playing, etc., etc. Like with nearly all content in this game, you can fall and pick yourself up like nothing happened - and only be out of a minute and a half of your time.

    Given how the game's favored buffs/debuffs for so long, I can't say I'm surprised or unpleased to see an encounter that favors healing for a change. Mixing things up isn't a bad thing as long as it doesn't invalidate other content.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dyne_ View Post
    Speaking of this, can we get Primal Clockwork in the next round? The pets no longer seem to be limited to Praetorian groups (e.g., Carnival of Shadows, Rikti, Arachnos). Don't particularly care what they do, as long as they are proper clockwork and have the nifty summon effect that Assembler Princes and such use for their minions.
    I'm right there with you, Dyne. With luck we can pry open Black Scorpion's armor so his heart can grow three sizes before the next update, and he can sneak in a few Primal Clockwork for those of us who love the little creatures. They'll go nicely with the Veteran Pets, and the Gears temporary power (which is still obtainable by Flashback).

    What do you say, Black Scorpion? Is there anything we can do to convince you that Primal Clockwork Lore Pets are worth some time invested in them?

    Originally Posted by Citizen_Razor View Post
    Oh, great. The day before my wedding! It's gonna be a while before I can play i20.5. Hopefully by then players will have developed a good strategy for Keyes Reactor.
    Congratulations! May you have a lifetime of happiness, through the sweet times and the aggavating!
  18. Paladin

    Virtue Or VIP

    Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
    Virtue. But I'm getting my names on VIP (as many as I can) just in case.
    The same. I only hope we'll have some advance warning on when to set up camp for fine names; being PST-centered, I'll probably be at work when they bring the server up. I doubt they'll have a 3-day head start, name reservation period this time.
  19. What's the command string to post in font size 9,000 again?

  20. Paladin


    Welcome back, Xanatos!

    It's strange to think that CoH now has a post 50 game, isn't it? Only took 7 years. Ah well. Enjoy the incarnate abilities!
  21. It can get nauseating if you go overboard; if you know that there's other content and options on the way, why not pace yourself and take your time? You don't have to rush through and cram as many trials in as you can, or get the powers right away - that's the Well talking!

    That said, do you lead the runs yourself, Mr. Grey? If you're looking for ways to make these trials more interesting you can start leading them yourself, and put together unorthodox teams. It wasn't until I started managing the league formation that the trials really became an engaging experience - and once you see how easy it is to form them it's much easier to dial it back and run other content as the want strikes.

    I've been pining for any sort of endgame for CoH outside of Hamidon for about 3 years now. What we've got is excellent, and very casual on its own. I can see why players who go overboard by needing a T4 right now can be pulling their hair out over the repetition, but playing 20 trials in a sitting is their choice - it's not inherent in the system, but found in player's choices.
  22. Thanks for getting these up and running, Ransim. It was a lot of fun, and you deserve kudos for getting things started again.

    Schedule permitting I'll be around next weekend at the same time to go it again.
  23. I'm assuming you'll all join me in personally kicking the stuffing out of anyone who pirates this wonderful piece of animation. Am I right? We've got to support this enough to warrant a few more movies. And I can't wait!

    Also, welcome back, ShoNuff.
  24. All these puns are making me see rad.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brickbat View Post
    Well, I kinda have taken a break. I know that's pretty vague, but let me try adding details. I like scrappers pretty well. They're my favorite class.

    So, in everyone's experience, what is your favorite scrapper that looks the flashiest, is fairly complex gameplay, and is just overall fun?
    My main is a broadsword/regeneration scrapper, and I have the most fun, engaging time playing him. His build is based on the name, so he's set up to tank and support as well as scrap. It's a reactive set that requires situational awareness to play by itself, and you'll want to watch your teammate's health bars/status bars to swap roles accordingly.

    It's not necessarily powerful, and the flash is in what -you- know you can do, if it comes to it. But it's enough that I've stuck with it for the last 7 years, even after playing other scrappers, defenders, controllers, etc. The challenge of making a scrapper that's purposed for team use can make for some very dynamic encounters in the game.