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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
    Perhaps. But I think there are certainly cases where the devs got it right and cases where they didn't. I think there is a clear case of the former: the new Twinshot low-level story arc concerning The Shining Stars is fun, engaging, and full of classic superhero drama. And it is completely soloable. More like that I say!
    I wouldn't disagree with you, but I still hold that the Devs will be blasted for their next bit of writing by the usual suspects, no matter what they come up with. As someone who plays for the story and the fun of endgame content, I don't particularly find the storylines any less engaging than in the past (with the exception of the later parts of First Ward). Outside of characters outright belittling my character, nothing's been offensive or particularly stupid. Do note that I don't play to be offended, or to find something to complain about on the forums - this seems to be the rage these days.

    No one's saying players in general should be taken down a peg. But players that have such an ego that they'd take personal offense from something as indirect and benign as a foe from the past who's now been empowered by the Well provides a challenge in end-game content? Yes, those players SHOULD get some perspective.
  2. Almost entirely multiple team scaled events. After waiting 7 years for an end-game, I've been playing my heart out on Incarnate Trials, Rikti Raids, Hamidon, Cathedral of Pain, etc. They're fun, certainly City of Hero-spirited but requiring a tiny bit more coordination to find success.

    Solo-wise, I've only really been running the SSA - They've been very enjoyable, and a bit of a nice change from the finale of First Ward.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
    A staple of poorly written superhero stories perhaps. Not exactly the branch of the source material that I would advocate emulating.
    The charge of being poorly written is going to be tossed around at anything the Dev's come up with. It may not something you'd enjoy, but it's a trope I find fun. If it helps deal with the egos people have grown while playing their characters, so much the better.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    Could you tell me where in game this information is given to us? I'm not being snarky or having a go at you here, I'm honestly interested. I personally think it's a bit weird that Maelstrom is so hard in the TPN, but if there is an in-game explanation, then I've got no problem accepting it.

    I don't know about infusing power into Maelstrom, but I looked at it as a staple of the superhero experience. That point where that one mook you could never take seriously becomes a threat, and precisely because you'd never taken him seriously in the past his strength is enough to catch you off guard.

    I think of something like Star-Scream suddenly getting cosmic powers, etc. Then you smack him around anyway and strip him of whatever it was what made him a challenge, and he's back to being a schmuck.
  5. I'd say around 7:00pm PST to 10:00pm PST on weekdays is a good bet. During weekends, you can go from 1:00pm to 10:00pm and run into countless Underground trials. On Sunday I was fortunate enough to do three.

    There's usually enough interest to get a Keyes going without any significant delay - maybe about 10 minutes to form. Interest in Underground varies, but can take around 30 minutes to get pulled together. If you've got about 4 people with Clarions and a tank or someone who's familiar with how the Underground trial works and a team that's mostly filled with cooperative people you can have a successful run.

    The best way to get an Underground is to form one yourself - Waiting for one to form while you're online is a gamble, given how long the trial takes and the limited pool of incarnate players we have in the game at any one time.

    Edit: If you'd like to run some incarnate trials, please feel free to add me as a global friend. If I'm not in someone else's trial I'm forming one on my own, and I like to play through the more difficult content.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
    Well, people playing the Incarnate content shouldn't have to move their toons to Exhalted just to avoid this problem. Either a VIP-only zone for Incarnates to gather, as you suggest, or an adequate set of league management functions would take care of this. For example, a new command called Invite to Incarnate League would do the trick. It would simply fail if it was tried on a non-VIP player or on a VIP currently teamed with any non-VIPs. Problem solved.
    Another band-aid would be to disband every team in the league, then have the members all queue up for the incarnate trial together. You might lose a few people in the shuffle, but it's better than spending 30 minutes trying to figure out who it is who's holding everyone up.
  7. Thank you! I'm looking forward to getting a group of incarnates together tonight to join these trials and flail around together. If anyone's on Virtue around 6:00pm PST, swing by the RWZ for a chaotic mess of a time. We might fail, but it'll be a fun experience.

    Can't wait.
  8. Thanks for the head's up, Zombie! Doing so right now.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    We wanted to know, what have you liked most about Freedom? What haven’t you liked? What can we do to add even more value to our VIP subscription? Hearing your thoughtful insights truly helps us to shape the City of Heroes experience.
    Freedom itself was wonderful. You didn't short change VIPs, and you didn't lock out free players. If you wanted to add additional VIP perks, you can allow VIPs the opportunity to take free players and premiums on a "tour" of VIP only areas - perhaps a token, once per month that grants a character a week access to trials, etc.

    What's unfortunate is that, along with Freedom, the civility and entitlement on the forums that was rising has spiked to toxic levels. The amount of USELESS CAPS and petty complaints being touted as the most important issues ever and the lack of recognition to problems already addressed, communication, et. al. by the Dev team is seriously making reading these forums a chore. If there's one thing I'd ask for, it would be to find a way to discourage snarkattacks - Censorship of thought is bad, but censorship of how people get those thoughts across is important if you want to avoid driving away those constructive souls who may have something useful to contribute to your forums.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
    The unmitigated arrogance of many of the forum regulars on these boards is what needs 'maintenance' IMO.
    This deserves its own sticky.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    Now people are being "victimized"? By what, a hemline? Is feminism now a debate about clothes?
    Looks like we're taking a left turn away from costumes and starting down the path to politics. Let the mudslinging and ridiculing begin?
  12. BAFs usually represent the least amount of effort involved in a successful Incarnate Trial - You can stand around while someone else pulls, move 10 feet, attack until the next pull, and you're done. As a result, a fair amount of players queued probably won't be that concerned with meeting a badge requirement. As long as the trial proceeds to the end, it's enough.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forse View Post
    I'm pretty sure for a professional community manager that goes without saying.

    However there are very clear opportunities to please a much larger group of people than they are pleasing, whilst not upsetting anyone extra/new.

    No-one's saying do things to the detriment of the existing sets. They want additional options, and changes that allow more options.
    I'd be upset if female characters got the male options and female only options, while males only got "neutral." There's already items that should be ported over to males, in addition to the things to be added to female characters. Something that's worth keeping in mind, Zwill.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    ...Moving forward, where possible, we will be making more gender neutral/male pieces created for females so as to more accurately reflect the Communities requests. ..
    I'm glad that you're listening to feedback, but can you pass along the request not to neglect male options for gender neutral pieces, as well? There's nothing so frustrating as seeing things like the steampunk clockface belt or the waistcap bustle (that can be used with the current medieval armor to create a nice belt) that could be used for males get locked onto female characters only. Shoulder-cats/pandas/etc. come to mind.
  15. As far as I can tell, the art department is providing people the opportunity to buy things that most people are buying. The name's misleading, and I hope that the income from these products lead to more diverse, niche costume sets, but I'm not in a position to tell the marketing department to handicap themselves by not delivering what so many people are buying.

    In regards to the Medieval pack hypothetical discussion above, I truly and sincerely hope that both armor and "court" outfits would be available for both sexes. My main's been praying for BOTH of those things. A prince outfit complete with crown, without the silly Fabio-hair would be incredible.
  16. Pal's got all T4s, and Ion's the best all-purpose damage Judgement of the bunch. The forgiving nature of it's chaining makes it easy to fire and hit everything nearby, which means you can use it on Incarnate leagues with /shield users/AoE heavy players who run ahead of the group and scatter the spawn.

    Void's great for the -damage, but outside of AV or tough fights it's not as reliably useful as straight damage on a league of mostly +3s. I've only found Cryo to be useful if you want to do damage to fires in Steel Canyon. Pyronic's great, but the damage is similar to Ion but requires you to be the first one to the spawn in order to get the most out of the judgement.

    Ion also seems to fit a lot more character concepts that aren't straight elemental. Lightning from the heavens works well with magical characters or those doing the gods' work.
  17. I'm thankful for active forum moderation.. please?

    I'll attend. It's an interesting theme, and open enough that anyone can exercise some creativity and come up with unique results.
  18. Paladin

    City of Sewers

    Hey Coyote Seven, wanna go down to the amusement park and try out the new bumper car ride? I hear there's cars shaped like those little clown fire engines.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    In a recent UGT, I kept an eye on Hit Rolls during the War Walker fights. After popping several purple inspirations (unfortunately this character did not have Barrier), Lethal Force consistently had a 95% chance to hit, whereas Crowd Dispersal and Arrest Mode had a much lower chance to hit and actually missed completely quite a few times. Ironically it seems like the best way to avoid the mez attacks, aside from avoiding targeted players, is to have a high defense, as the magnitude of the hold and the fear are far too high to mitigate via Clarions.

    That said, I'm curious, has anyone seen Lethal Force's chance to hit dip below 95%? I haven't been able to see the results with capped defense yet.
    I've seen it regularly miss when using MoG and Barrier, but I wasn't monitoring the last hit chance. I'll monitor it and report back when things aren't so crazy. Shouldn't be hard getting recruits now that there's a sure rare/very rare at the end of the trial.
  20. I don't believe you can dodge the Targeted status. In all the times I've run it I get hit by it, no matter how many Amazing Lucks I've popped during a fight. Could just be terrible RNG luck though!
  21. As said, it's not being Targeted that's KOing you, it's that you're not vulnerable to [Lethal Force Authorized], an AoE centered on targets who have the [Targeted] status effect. Contrary to what's listed here, [Lethal Force Authorized] IS resistible and CAN miss, so if you have [Barrier] or [Moment of Glory], you should be watching for the big red letters announcing [Lethal Force Authorized] is coming.

    You should also try to be aware of other people who may be targeted. There's not a good way to tell if someone else is targeted, but the effects are cumulative and stack, so if you have 2 people who are targeted standing near one another you'll get a double dose of the insanity that is the War Walkers' attacks.

    To increase your chances of avoiding being targeted in the first place, fight behind the Walker while a few competent tanks keep the critter's attention. The actual targeting is a cone in front of the walker.
  22. Don't know if it will help or not, but PvP IOs are like purples - their set bonuses and procs exemplar down with a character.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    If there's anything more specific than that, I will shave my beard.
    The internets will remember your casual vow, Samuel Tow.

    Edit: Wish I had something clever or insightful to add. I'm thoroughly enjoying the endgame, and understand the reasoning behind needing 50 heroes to wage war against Praetoria. Some things might not make complete sense story-wise, but you're going to get that with any game, let alone an MMORPG.