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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Thanks for some more awesome ideas!

    However, I think I have settled this little issue: I took the Nictus idea upthread and ran with it, letting it roll around in my head.

    What I came up with is "Void Spectrum," he's part Nictus, part living Shadow Cyst Crystal and part stolen body of Blue Spectrum from the tutorial! He's using the darkest colors I could get to look right for the Bio Armor, and the Mutant pack's sword for Broad Sword, I think he will be a ton of fun to play, here's what he looks like so far:

    Love it, a sweet idea. Hope you enjoy playing it.
  2. If you make it Broad Sword you can go for a "Failed" Warshade Concept*(**). Get the 'Nictus' Sword of Rommys form ITF or ParaMarket(still there?). I got a Warshade like look on one of my Beta Chars that's Spines/Bio.

    *Might work with Fire melee too.

    **Depending Hero or Villain.

    Hero: When Galaxy City was hit by the 'Coming Storm' you found yourself near deaths door when a Nictus offered you a second chance at life, but do too the fact this Nictus was in GC at the time he too was badly hurt and the fusion did not go normal as for other Warshades.

    Villain: A Nictus tried to force a fusion upon a hard working city employee during the chaos of Galaxy City. The resulting fusion has driving them both mad for power and kills Blue Spectrum to try and Absorb his powers.

    That's the best i got since i'm running on empty(needs me some pizza). Well if you like feel free to edit the back story till you see fit. Hope you enjoy Bio armor and what ever melee you end up picking.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
    That might change things

    I generally steer clear of high concept sets unless, well, I have a concept that goes well with it.
    I can see that. Here's hoping they get the Plans for the No Fx to work. I want a Right arm only option for a 2nd Concept Char i got.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
    Well... I won't be buying that.
    Why? There planing to make a "No/Min Fx" for the power set.
  5. Here's some basic Screen shots of Bio Armor. I won't post numbers yet since there subject to change. Sym Armor(my Beta Char) is a Spines/Bio Scrapper. Really Hoping for Spines for brutes for a Char that i been wanting for a long time.

    1st my Basic Look to show how it effects your costume.

    No Toggles.

    Toggle #1 Sorry for the change in Costumes but the Blue one had No FX Option for the right arm.

    Toggle #2

    Toggle #3

    Click Power #1

    So far I'm only Lv22ish so i don't have all the powers yet. I'm sure someone will get to that before i do, as i'm leveling a Demon/NA too atm.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    What were the costume pieces being used there? The female toon had this wild looking arm piece and the spines toon had something going on when powers activated? Was that bio-armor and some effect off it?
    Yep Sym(Bio) Armor have some odd looking FX but i like it, The Female toon(Staff) since was low level only had the 1st toggle (which covers the right arm) the 1st 3 or so Toggles will cover a diff part.

    1st Right Arm
    2nd Left Leg
    3rd Left Arm, Chest, Right Leg.

    Ever so often when you saw my Char "Sym Armor" where i turned into a "Blob" for about 1 or 2 secs thats the Click Regen/Absorption power.

    Edit: I made a post that has the Screens( of said powers above.
  7. Nature Affinity looks nice, Might go with Demon/NA.

    Note about part 2: That was me(Spines/Sym) and my bro you played with. Since you 'cut' the vid short of what i did, i'll say im sorry for the team wipe that happened, i was messing with bro and forgot about you till it was too late.

    What happened was that he rushed forward and i headed right later on in the mission, i got a good laugh out of Bro(Lv6 or so, Staff/Sym) when he panicked when i told him to have fun with his mob.
  8. OmniNogard

    Bio Armor!

    Originally Posted by Sam_Sneed View Post
    I looked there and under the "new" tab.....but it's not there for me.
    Never trust the New Tab, it don't work right on beta. Try just entering Bio in the search bar.
  9. OmniNogard

    Bio Armor!

    Originally Posted by Sam_Sneed View Post
    I'm on the VIP server and I see Water Blast.....but no Bio Armor. What am I missing?
    Did you "Buy" the set form the beta market its 0 points under Power > Power Sets > Melee
  10. I think they planed to have all three part up on the same week.!/teamfourstar

    "Scott Frerichs ‏@KaiserNeko
    For those asking: Ep. 30 Part 3 will go up as soon as it's 100% finished. Still have a bit of editing to do!
    Retweeted by Team Four Star"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
    Sonic is all about the -Res.
    Shockwave: KB
    Sirens Song: Sleep
    Screech: Stun
    Dreadful Wail: Stun
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Tankers were designed for a game that no longer exists.
    Bingo, As much as i love my Ice/Fire/Soul Tank. It's now one of my slowest Chars in terms of doing anything form Solo'ing Mobs or living without Hib. My Masterminds Scrappers Brutes all do what my tank can do and do it faster.

    My Bots/Dark Tanked Reichs in Cuda TF for a 4 man team (we won and beat the "ever lasting ambush") it was fun up to the point where it was just reichs, i put provoke on auto and eat at my desk to watch the show.
  13. The snipe buff is sweet for me. I'm the type to aim for Over kill ToHit buffs so mega snipe on my AR/Traps and what ever future blaster/Def/Corr i make.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    You can watch past episodes on Twitch. We'll provide a link.
    Well if i'm awake i'll try to watch just so i can make a small summery for the forums. I won't be able to do a VK'er and post tons of screens and a long list of well everything said. No guarantee i'll do good at it ether.
  15. OmniNogard

    Pets, just Pets.

    Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
    Nah, feel free... I am disappointed enough in myself to allow others to share in the free kicks while I'm down.
    Well it was not a 'bad' concept but a No Attacking type of play style feels ultra boring to me, since i'm a Offence Type. What you where going for was Support Type when your name "Blast Chamber"(Blaster Ele/Fire?) implies your'e a offence type too.

    Trying to change to a Passive Support is far harder for us then going Offence Support(Debuffing/Attacking the died cant fight back can they.).

    In short: Shut up BC!
  16. Hmm, better get back to work on my base, been kinda lazy about it for a few months now. >.>
  17. OmniNogard

    Pets, just Pets.

    Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
    Ok, took this theoretical character to beta and realized I have zero interest in playing this. After all the lvling to 23 I sat there thinking, "why the heck am I doing this? This is no fun..." Toon deleted.

    Thanks for the replies... You all could've just said "Shut up BC!" And I'd have been equally wiser for it. ;P
    Is it to late to say it now?
  18. Real: CW= Black Thorn
    Forum: ON= Devil's Magic
    Badger(#2): AP= Rancid Gods

    Edit to add...


    Real: Fallen Rage
    Forum: Frantic Soldier
    Badger(#2): Evil Empire
  19. Had that happen a few times. Had it happen to friends too. Been around for a long time. Both the Crashing one and "Non-Crashing" one(till clicked).
  20. I liked the episode but hate how it ends so suddenly.

    DBZA is a great series and to me far better.
  21. OmniNogard

    Ouro intro arc

    I'll sign this. I stopped doing the intro arc well over a year ago i think.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dreaming_Shadow View Post
    Okay, I have logged into both the Beta and Test server and Water Blast is not an option in any of the powersets for Blasters. Am I missing something?
    Did you "buy" it form the market?